A Turn Down The Wrong Road

A Turn Down The Wrong Road

A Story by Cassie Bayne

A Turn Down the Wrong Road

Chapter 1

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her but Harry was still sitting in his room, wondering how to tell her. Should he invite Tania to the smoothie shop or not? They had been best friends since he could remember, ever since kindergarten.

Tania didn’t know this but, Harry has liked her since 5th grade. She can’t see this because she only see’s Harry as a friend. She seems to always look past him and go after all the jocks. Harry was trying to get up the gumption to ask her to the smoothie shop. 

Tania sits in her bed reading, thinking about some guy. As she’s looking out the window, she hears her cell ring. She picks it up hoping it’s that one guy, but it’s not, it’s Harry. She picks up and sighs, “Hey Harry, what’s up?” 

“Nothing much. I was just wondering about something.” said Harry.

Tania say’s, “Yeah? Is something wrong?” Then Harry replied, “No, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the smoothie shop.”  Tania says, “Oh, yeah sure. I don’t have anything better to do.” Harry feels hurt by the comment but says, “Great! Well how about tomorrow at one?” Tania answered, “That’s fine.” Then they got off the phone with each other.

That same day Teri was talking to her mother. She asked if she could go to mall with some friends. Her mother said no because she thought she would get lost and wasn’t responsible enough. She also thought she wasn’t old enough. Teri told her, “But mom, I promise I’ll stick with my friends and won’t wander off. You can trust me.” Her mother told her, “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just, oh never mind. You can go.” Teri said, “Oh thank you mom! You’re the best.” But her mother still had one last question. She asked her, “When is this by the way?” Teri told her, “It’s tomorrow around twelve. Is that fine?” She told her, “Yeah that’s fine.”

Later on the same day Kaitlyn is sitting in the bushes watching Sophie through her bedroom window. Sophie has this feeling that someone is watching her but looks out the window and never finds anyone there. So, while Sophie is singing and dancing in her room, Kaitlyn is just watching her. When Sophie gets a call, she answers it. Kaitlyn has to get closer to hear what she is saying. When Sophie hangs up Kaitlyn goes back to her bush and starts thinking to herself. She finds out she will be at the smoothie shop tomorrow. Kaitlyn knows she wants to be there before she does, but how is she going to go to the smoothie shop? She has to go to lunch with her mom tomorrow. 

As she was thinking to herself, her phone rings which scares her to death. It’s her mother. What does she want? Kaitlyn was thinking. She answers her phone, “Hello?” Her mother says, “Where are you?” Kaitlyn answers, “I’m out.” Her mother says, “Well tomorrow I can’t make it to lunch. Is that ok?” Kaitlyn says, “That’s fine.” Kaitlyn is thinking this is perfect! I can go to the smoothie shop instead and figure out where Sophie’s gonna be later on. Her mother say’s, “I’m sorry. I’ve just got an important business meeting.” Kaitlyn say’s, “Really it’s fine mom.” Her mom say’s “Well if you need anything just call me.” Kaitlyn replies, “Ok mom. Bye.”

Chapter 2

The very next day Kaitlyn makes sure to arrive at the smoothie shop five minutes early and sit by herself. She arrives at 12:55 p.m. Kaitlyn thinks by sitting by herself, Sophie will think she’s lonely. It’s one o’clock and Tania and Harry show up. She’s not surprised, they’re always hanging out together. Sophie comes in just a little bit after them. Laughing and talking to her friend. Sophie say’s, “Hey that girl over there looks lonely. Should we invite her over here with us?” Her friend says, “No, she doesn’t look cool enough to hang out with.” Sophie says, “Well, I think we should. So I’m going to.” Her friend says, “But you're not supposed to talk to strangers, it’s dangerous. Who knows maybe she’s psychotic.” Sophie says, “Really? A fourteen year old girl? Are you serious?” Her friend replies, “Yeah. You never know.” Sophie responds, “Whatever! I’m inviting her over.”

Teri is out at the mall with her friends. They’re all looking around for a new dress for the dance. Teri finds this beautiful dress that is neon green and has flowers on it. She thinks it’s perfect and decides to get it. Teri decides she wants to stop by the smoothie shop. It’s in the mall, just on the opposite side of where they are. So they walk in and take a seat. They all laugh, talk, and joke around. They see that it’s starting to get busy, but they don’t leave. 

Sophie walks over to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn see’s her coming out of the corner of her eye and thinks ha-ha my plan is working. Sophie say’s, “I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed kind of lonely. Would you like to come over here with my friend and I?” Kaitlyn replies but also lies, “That would be nice. I was supposed to meet someone here but they never showed up. If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like to come over there with you.” Sophie say’s, “Oh no, it’s definitely not too much trouble. We’d love to have you come over.” Kaitlyn said, “Well thank-you.” Sophie replied, “No problem!.” Kaitlyn is thinking my plan is going great, but what she doesn’t know is soon enough Tania and Harry will be coming over. 

Tania and Harry are talking to Sophie, her friend, and Kaitlyn. Then they all start to argue over something stupid. Teri decides to come over and see what all the ruckus is. She finds out what they are fighting over and settles it. Teri tells them, “There’s no use in fighting over something so pathetic.” They all tell her, “Yeah I guess she’s right.” Then Sophie’s friend stands up and says, “Well I have to go. My mom just called and said it’s time to go. I guess I’ll see you later Sophie.” Sophie replied, “Yeah see you later.” That’s when Tania, Harry, Sophie, Kaitlyn, and Teri talk together and learn more about each other. 

Chapter 3

All of the friends meet up again on Friday to talk about having a trip a week from now. They figure out that they want to spend two nights and three days out there. They will need enough food and water. They talk about what to bring and what they are going to do. They decide the first day when they hike up, they’ll set up their camp and then go swimming in the lake. Later that night they will have a cookout and eat s'mores. The next few days they will explore and sit around asking questions and getting to know each other better. Their last night there would be more fun than ever.

It’s the day before and all the girls are packing and well, Harry. All of them are very excited and can’t wait till tomorrow. They all call each other and call off any plans they would’ve had. They really want to become really good friends, but what they don’t know is Kaitlyn is psychotic. She’s even been  checked in and out of a mental facility a few times. They definitely aren’t expecting anything bad to happen.

Chapter 4

The day they leave, everyone is rushing around, pushing, and tripping over things. They know they have to leave before 8:00 a.m., so they get up at six. They meet at the smoothie shop and all pile into the truck. As Kaitlyn is driving they sing, talk, and get to know each other better.  All laughing and giggling, they finally get there. They jump out of the truck, happy to finally be there. “It was such a long drive! Two and a half hours!” exclaimed Teri. Sophie says, “Wait this is called the Unusual Scattered Woods. I thought we were going to Noble Bear Forest?” Tania replies, “We were, I guess Kaitlyn took a wrong turn. Oh well.” Kaitlyn had intentionally brought them to the wrong woods. She knew it was hidden a lot more than where they were going to go.

As they unpack their stuff and figure out who is carrying what, they look around. They all think it is very peaceful and quiet, but not for long. All of them together make a lot of ruckus they have found out. So, they start heading for the woods. They all laugh and joke around. About half way up, Harry says, “Wait! We forgot the tent!” Then everyone makes a big sigh. Tania decides she will go back down and get it, but Harry refuses to let her go by herself. So, as Harry and Tania are getting the tent, the rest are heading up to set everything else up. On the way up, Kaitlyn trips Sophie. Kaitlyn makes sure that they are by roots or something sticking up out of the ground, so Sophie doesn’t suspect it’s her. Sophie, Teri, and Kaitlyn finally reach the top and take a little rest. Five minutes into unpacking and setting up, Harry and tania come up and say, “We got the tent!” They all say hooray and help them set up the tent. 

The first few days they are there, they explore the woods and play around in the lake there. One of the nights they are there, they throw some sort of celebration. They say that it’s a little party for becoming such good friends. All of them agree that nothing will come between them. Not even jealousy. One time they explore the woods, they find a little cave. Turns out to be where Kaitlyn’s liked to hide, so she leads them away and tells them it’s probably nothing. She doesn’t want to share her hide out. Later that night when everyone is sleeping, Kaitlyn goes to her cave and moves everything. She moves farther away. She knows it will take her longer but doesn’t care. As she would rather have to travel farther than get caught.

As they are singing around the campfire and roasting s'mores, they hear something in the woods. They all go to find out who or what it is. They think Kaitlyn is in the tent, but she isn’t. It’s her making the noises trying to scare all of them. As soon as she saw them coming towards where the noise was, she ran back to the tent, just in case they came to get her. Sophie, Tania, Teri, and Harry discover there’s no one there, so they go find Kaitlyn and tell her. So, to lead them into being more scared she says, “ Yeah I heard it too! It was so scary. I was going to come get you guys, but I was too scared. I think I even saw someone run in front of the tent.” Sophie says, “It’s a good thing you stayed in the tent.” The rest of them all agree with Sophie. They all talk about if they should leave early or not. They decide they’ll stay but keep an eye out.

One of the last days they are there, they swim mostly. They’re all having a good time. While they swim, they splash each other and laugh so hard that they cry. They get out of the water and decide to eat lunch. They roast hot dogs and hamburgers. As they sit around the campfire eating and drinking pop, they decide what they should do next. They end up just going swimming again, but first they let the food settle in their stomach. None of them wanted to end up throwing up. When they are back in the water Tania and Harry hang out. Tania realizes that it’s always been Harry she likes. No one else.

Chapter 5

It’s two in the afternoon and Sophie says, “I’m going to go to the bathroom you guys. I’ll be right back.” “Ok but hurry back. You’ll miss out on all the fun,” they tell her. Sophie just laughs and walks away. Kaitlyn is already out of the water before Sophie takes off. No one notices that Kaitlyn took off. 

Over by where they go to the bathroom, Kaitlyn is hiding. Just as Sophie is opening the door to the bathroom, Kaitlyn snatches her and puts a bag over her head. Sophie can’t see and is trying so hard to get away or see who it is. After a couple of minutes struggling, Sophie gives up. She let’s Kaitlyn drag her off to wherever. Sophie tries to count how many steps they take, but after 100 steps, she quits counting. Kaitlyn takes her to some kind of cave on the side of the hill. When Kaitlyn had snatched Sophie, she screamed. The rest of there friends that were in the water, heard her and came running out of the water. They search for the noise but can’t find out where it came from. By the time the rest of them start looking for Kaitlyn too, she ends up sneaking up behind them and pretended to be there the whole time. 

Sitting by the fire warming up, Tania, Kaitlyn, Teri, and Harry, are all shaken up. They heard that scream and knew it had to be Sophie. They thought that maybe Sophie was joking around, but she wouldn’t answer. Tania even shouted, “Sophie this isn’t funny! Come out now and quit hiding. Your really starting to scare us!” There was no answer ever. They were deciding whether to tell her parents or not, because they were afraid they would be mad and not let them hang out anymore. No one knew what to do because no one has ever been in this kind of situation before. 

They all pack up and leave, and on the way home everyone is quiet. When they finally get back to their home town, they all call their parents. When they get home, they relax a little, but they can’t relax much because of what happened. No one has told anyone’s parents yet and are wondering if they should. 

Tania decides after about an hour being home, that she can’t take it anymore. She’s going to talk her mother. So, she walks down stairs and her mother asks her, “How was the trip?” Tania replies, “That’s what I was coming to talk to you about actually.” Her mother says, “Oh no what happened? Did something not go right?” Then Tania bursts out crying, “No it was at first but then it went down hill. It’s all my fault.” Then she explains what happens. Her mother is too shocked to say anything, so she just comforts her. She tells Tania it will be all right and it wasn’t her fault. 

Chapter 6

As Tania explains to her mother, Sophie is tied up and just waking up. She looks around trying to figure out where she is or if she recognizes where she is. She doesn’t see anything familiar it’s pitch black. She wiggles around and tries to get the rope off her hands. Sophie figures out there’s a bag on her head and decides to try and take that off first. She looks around again but still doesn’t see anything familiar. 

The very next day Tania meets up with everyone else and tells them that they need to tell Sophie’s parents or the cops, and that it’s the right thing to do. She tells them its probably easier to tell the cops. It doesn’t matter if we think the cops are gonna get mad or not. If we don’t tell them then no will ever know she’s missing. Tania finally talks them into telling the cops.

Later on around noon, they meet up outside the police station. All of them taking a deep breath, walk in, ready to tell their story. The police interview each one of them separately. Each of the kids saying the same thing like they had rehearsed. Except they didn’t need to because they all knew what had happened, or so they thought. Well, at least Kaitlyn knew the truth. It was her idea to make them rehearse. She knew she needed to have the same story as them, so she made them practice over and over. 

After going to the police and telling them what had happened, it was like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. They all finally got some sleep in. They work on making things to help support the finding of Sophie. The next day they meet up and talk about forming a search group and what else they can do to help the cops find Sophie. They make T-shirts, posters, and other things to sell to earn money to help her parents. They make flyers that say there’s a meeting. It will be about the group.

Chapter 7

The day of the meeting, they have a lot of people show up. More people care about Sophie then they thought. So, to get the meeting started they state their names and tell them what the group is for. Also what they are selling the T-shirts for and everything else. They tell them that they will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at the site that she went missing. On Fridays, they will meet up at the church and talk about their findings and any news they’ve heard, or if they’ve seen anything strange. 

Later on after the meeting Kaitlyn sits in her room thinking to herself. She has some spare time and thinks about how she’s going to go about this kidnapping. Kaitlyn has to be at the meetings but she also needs to go over where she has Sophie captive and make sure to feed her, but she can’t let anyone notice her. If anyone does she will just simply tell them that she’s going to look for Sophie. She won’t see Sophie on Tuesdays and Thursdays. At least not while everyone is there. She could go later on in the day. Any of the times she can’t go she knows she will be taken care of. She’ll have some company.

After a few days of hiding Sophie, Kaitlyn decides she better start the ransom notes and things. Maybe some clues to. She starts by writing a note saying, “I have your daughter. If you want her back you need to listen to what I say. Do what I tell you and she won’t get harmed.” Kaitlyn, making sure no one is watching, takes the note to Sophie’s house. She slips in Sophie’s house, and looks around. Kaitlyn goes to Sophie’s room and takes a couple things she could use to prove she has her just in case. She leaves the note in Sophie’s parents’ room. Kaitlyn looks out the window making sure no one is watching, and comes back out the door.

While Kaitlyn is standing in the bush outside their home, Sophie’s parents get home. They look like they hadn’t got any sleep. As her parents were sitting on the couch, Kaitlyn watched them. They just sat there staring into space. Sophie’s mother tells her husband, “I’m going to bed. I can’t handle the stress and maybe when I wake up she’ll be back in her bed.” Her father then tells her mother, “Honey she’s not going to be there. She’s gone, but we’ll find her. I know we will. I know you're stressed but aren’t we all. This is taking a toll on all of us.” She just walks away. As she walks away she whispers to herself, “It’s all my fault. I should’ve never let her go. I knew it was a bad idea.” Then she lays down staring at the mirror. Hoping they find her daughter soon.

When Sophie’s mom wakes up, she realizes there’s a paper on her dresser. She doesn’t remember putting a paper there though. She asks her husband if he put it there, but he says he didn’t. She goes over and opens it. She starts to read it. Her husband walks in and see’s her almost fall to the ground but catches her. He say’s, “What is it honey? What is that in your hand?” She says, “It’s a-a-a-a note. Saying they have our daughter.” They both sit there, Sophie’s dad holding her crying mother.

Kaitlyn is outside watching this and is sort of starting to feel guilty, but let’s it wash over her. She stays there for a little while longer. Then decides to head home.

Chapter 8

Back on the side of the hill, Sophie sits there bored with nothing to do. She has about a 5 ft. x 10ft. space that she is locked in. Kaitlyn made sure she had some room to walk around a little bit. Sophie has food and water on one side of the space. She has figured out by now that she has to spare it. As she does not get food on Tuesday, Friday, or Sunday. She studies the inside of where she is. She tries to see the peoples face that took her, but she can’t it’s too dark.

As Sophie sits there, she tries to think of a way out. Next time her kidnapper’s come in, she’ll pay closer attention to them and see if they have something on them. Like a pocket knife or a key for this gate. If they do have a key or pocket knife she’ll tell them she’s hungry and when they turn away she will grab it without them knowing. If they don’t have anything, she’ll have to pick the lock. She will ask for a stick because she wants to draw in the dirt. Then when they leave she’ll fix the stick to where she can pick the lock. Then she will run and run and not stop. She won’t look back and she’ll try to find the highway.

Meanwhile everyone is keeping their eye out. The first few days they don’t notice anything. Then the next week Teri, Sophie’s neighbor,  finally notices Kaitlyn leaving town. Teri wonders why she is leaving town because she never does. At least not that anyone has seen. If she has, it was with her parents. So Teri reported it, but they don’t think it’s anything they should be worried about.

The next day Teri does an investigation of her own. She disagrees with everyone else and thinks there’s something fishy going on. If there is, she’s going to find out.

Chapter 9

Kaitlyn leaves her house and heads for the spot she has hidden Sophie. About half way there she notices Teri is following her. She pretends that she doesn’t notice Teri following her and just keeps going. Kaitlyn still goes to the hiding spot. She parks and waits for Teri to pull in. Kaitlyn has decided that she’ll make up a story. When Teri gets out of her car, Kaitlyn tells her, “So whats up? I want to know why you followed me.” Teri told her, “I followed you because you never leave town and I thought it was kind of weird.” 

“Do you live with me? I don’t think so. So how would you know if I leave or not? You think I took her don’t you? I came here to look for her not hide her.” said Kaitlyn.

“No! I don’t think you did it. You're right I don’t live with you so I wouldn’t know if you leave or not.” said Teri. That’s when Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and walked off. Then she looked back and said sarcastically, “Are you coming to see if I’m telling the truth?” Teri told her, “No I believe you.” 

“Okay good. Well I’ll see you later then.” said Kaitlyn. 

“Okay, see you.” said Teri. Even though Teri just talked to her, she still doesn’t believe her. So, she pretends to drive off but really pulls off somewhere else and waits about ten minutes. Then she goes back and hikes up the hill. She tries to find her but there’s no sign of her, but her car is still down there. She wonders where she could’ve gone. Teri starts looking through the woods. That’s when she see’s her. Teri thinks it’s weird that Kaitlyn is going into a cave.

Kaitlyn hears a branch snap and looks behind her. It’s Teri again. Kaitlyn knew she would probably follow her, that’s why she didn’t go in the right direction. Kaitlyn turns around and shouts, “So I see you didn’t trust me after all. I knew you would come back and watch where I go.” That’s when Teri hears a scream. Teri asks what that was but Kaitlyn tries to pretend she didn’t hear it.

“Was that Sophie? So you have been hiding her!” exclaimed Teri. Then Teri hears a guy and asks who’s helping her.

“Oh hush up. No one is helping me. I always knew you would end up ruining my plans. The quiet and innocent little Teri. Never does anything wrong. That’s why I’ve prepared for this moment.” said Kaitlyn. Teri looked terrified but said, “Wait what are you going to do to me? Why did you take Sophie? Why didn’t you take someone else?” 

“Sophie was the perfect one. She always had all the friends and everyone always liked her. Everyone cares about her. As for you I’ve got something special planned you little brat.” said Kaitlyn. Teri told her, “Yeah well good luck because you won’t catch me and I’ll go to the police first.” Kaitlyn said, “Ha-ha yeah ok.” Then Kaitlyn nods to someone behind Teri and they put a bag over Teri’s head.

Chapter 10

On the Monday meeting they announce that Teri had saw something strange, but told them that they didn’t believe it. Tania told them what Teri had seen and told them not to worry. That Kaitlyn could never do something like that. She was so innocent and harmless. They also discuss that they need to search harder and that the most important business is that now Teri has gone missing. He’s been missing since yesterday. 

Now they are looking for two of their friends. They think they might be looking in the wrong place, but still want to continue looking where they went camping, but only for a little while longer.

Kaitlyn finally makes a ransom note. She sneaks into Sophie’s house again and puts it on the refrigerator. She leaves the house but makes sure no one is watching this time. She doesn’t want anyone seeing her come out of Sophie’s house because when her parents got the note they would connect the dots.

The very next day she gets the call from Sophie’s parents saying they will pay. Kaitlyn makes sure to use a voice synthesizer so her parents don’t know who it is. Even though they’ve never heard her before. She can’t be too careful.  After the call she throws the phone out so they can’t track her. Which leads the police to a boathouse along the river in the next state below them.

The cops are going round and round trying to figure this mystery out. They’ve never had someone so smart before. All these cases have only taken about a week. This one has lasted almost two weeks already and still don’t have a lead. 

Kaitlyn is trying to figure out how she will collect the money because she can’t be seen. If she has them leave it somewhere she knows there will be cops around. Maybe she will pay someone. She knows someone that owes her a favor and would do it. Kaitlyn decides that’s what she will do. She can have them leave the money on the park bench. Then she will have her friend pick it up. If the cops stop her, she’ll have her tell the cops that if they don’t let her go, they’ll kill her and she is just the messenger. 

Chapter 11

Kaitlyn will have her friend, Crystal, meet her with the money in a dark alley that leads to the woods. When they meet up she takes the money. Crystal asks her why she needs the money.

“Is it really any of your business? Why does it matter?” Kaitlyn said. Crystal replied, “No I just wanted to know. Instead of you kidnapping these poor peoples daughter, I probably could’ve helped. Do you know how devastated these people were? They couldn’t sleep or even eat. They both lost at least thirty pounds.” Kaitlyn told her, “Yeah well I didn’t think they would be that upset you know? They have everything they want. They’ve got jobs and money. Sophie even has everyone caring about her. You really want to know why?”

“Yes I do want to know why you did it. I’m sure there could be a good enough reason but I don’t know if you have one. You could’ve just come to me.” said Crystal. Kaitlyn replies, “Fine I needed the money because my parents lost their job and couldn’t afford to keep the house. I   thought that if I kidnapped her I could help pay for the house.”

“See that’s what I mean. I could’ve helped with that. I don’t know why you didn’t just come to me in the first place. Unless you were just embarrassed.” Crystal said. Kaitlyn said, “No I was not embarrassed. I just didn’t want to ask you for help. I don’t like asking for help.” Then Crystal told her, “You  can always ask me for anything. You know that I care about you and would do anything for you.” 

“Yeah I know that but I just don’t like it-” said Kaitlyn just as her phone cut her off. She looks down to see who it is. It’s Tania, she’s with Harry. Tania said, “Hey where are you?” Tania was wondering what was up with her because she hasn’t been to any of their recent meetings. Kaitlyn told her, “I’m visiting a relative across the country. I’m sorry I haven’t been there. I really miss Teri and Sophie terribly.” 

Tania relied, “Okay, well I was just curious. Everyone has been wondering where you’ve been.” Then Kaitlyn hears harry in the background tell her I said, “Hey and bats are flying.” Tania tells her and also says, “Whatever that is supposed to mean. Ha-ha-ha.” Kaitlyn replies, “Ha-ha I know what it means. I’ll be back tomorrow around noon. You want to hang out? Harry can come to.” Tania tells her, “I’d love to but while you were away me and Harry planned a wedding.”

“A wedding? You can’t be serious. I thought you liked someone else.” exclaimed Kaitlyn. Tania replied, “Well yeah I did, but ever since we went on that trip I realized it’s always been him. I told him how I felt and he felt the same way. We wanted to get married as soon as possible, so we are getting married tomorrow.” Kaitlyn told her, “Well congratulations! I’ll be coming to your guy’s wedding then.” Tania told her, “Hey! How about you be my bridesmaid?”

“Sure! I think it would be fun and it would get my mind off some things to.” Tania tells her, “Okay, well you need to be there before two.” Kaitlyn replies, “I should be able to make it then. Okay? Bye!” Tania told her, “See you there! Bye.”

Kaitlyn tells Crystal, “Sorry but I had to take that call. It was important.” Then Crystal tells her, “It’s fine but how long can you go on lying to your friends like this? They’re going to catch you in a lie sooner or later.” 

“I know! I just need to get through what’s happening now. I have to figure out how I’m going to give back Sophie without being seen and it has to be done before the wedding.” said Kaitlyn. They stood there for a little bit before saying anything else. Then Kaitlyn tells her she has to go, her mom is calling. They say good bye to each other. Kaitlyn walking with her gym bag full of money one way and Crystal the other way. Going about their own lives.

Chapter 12

Just as Kaitlyn walks in the door her mother yells at her. Her mother asks, “Where have you been! I’ve been trying to call you and you never told me where you were going.” 

“I’ve been out! What is it with you and me having to tell you everywhere I go? Why are you just now caring? You’ve never cared before if I’ve left without telling you or not.” said Kaitlyn. Her mother said, “You know what? I’m tired of your attitude! I’m caring because there was just two kids your age that were taken! You're just going all over the place, not even telling anyone.” Kaitlyn yells at her mother, “Yeah well if I want to go somewhere I will. I don’t have to tell you where i’m going! Ugh I hate my life!” 

“I got a call from one of your friends today.” her mother told her. Then Kaitlyn was interested and turned around. She asked, “What did they have to say?” Her mother said, “They asked me where you’ve been. They told me that you told them you were visiting a relative. Now I know that isn’t the truth! You tell me where you have been right this instance! ” Kaitlyn said, “I told them that so they would get off my case! I do have other things to do besides being part of a search group you know.” Her mother exclaimed, “Yeah well where have you been? That was my original question and you keep avoiding it!”

“I’m not avoiding it! You want to know where I was? Fine! I was at a daycare helping out. Trying to help with the bills to pay for the house! I thought it would be a nice surprise.” Kaitlyn said as she tossed the gym bag over. Then her mother just looked at her. Her mother whispered to herself, “Maybe I should’ve trusted you.” Then Kaitlyn replied angered, “Yeah maybe you should’ve!” Then Kaitlyn ran to her room.

Sitting in her room thinking to herself, how is she going to get Sophie back? Did she see my face? No. She couldn’t have, she always had something over her face. Did she see anything else? All those questions were going through her mind.

Chapter 13

Kaitlyn woke up about three in the morning. She was ready to set Sophie free. She put some clothes on and grabbed her keys. On the way over there she keeps freaking out just a little bit. She thinks that this might not work. When she gets there she parks where no one will see her car. Then she walks up and goes through where she has hidden Sophie and Teri. Then that’s when she knows she has a problem. Teri saw her face. She can’t let him free. At least she was smart enough to not put them in the same cave. Teri would’ve told Sophie it was Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn knew she would have to keep Teri longer. Maybe even release him in another state. Kaitlyn walks over to Sophie. She asks if she wants to go home and Sophie replies, “Yes I do! Why would you even ask me that?” Kaitlyn tells her, “Well todays your lucky day! You get to go home.” Sophie asks her, “What’s the catch?” Kaitlyn tells her, “There is no catch. It’s as simple as that.” Kaitlyn exclaims, “Then get me out of here!” Kaitlyn tells her the rules then unlocks it. She grabs Sophie’s arm before she can do anything.

“When I let you go, you run.” Kaitlyn told Sophie. Sophie sarcastically replies, “What are you going to do? Shoot me when I run?” Kaitlyn responds, “No I’m not going to shoot you. Just run and hurry before I change my mind.” Kaitlyn lets go of her arm and Sophie takes off. Kaitlyn takes it she didn’t want to be kept any longer.

Before Sophie makes it to the bottom of the mountain, Kaitlyn does. Kaitlyn hurries up and gets in her car. She takes off making sure Sophie doesn’t see her.

Sophie finds the bottom of the mountain and heads for the highway. If she can find a ride, she can get back to town. Kaitlyn starts walking along the highway while trying to flag someone down. Before she flags anyone down, she has been walking for about two hours now. Not including the time it took her to get down the hill. Just as Sophie was about to give up someone stops for her. It happens to be Harry. She’s thankful it’s someone she knows.

Chapter 14

When kaitlyn gets home it’s already seven. Her mom is already awake drinking coffee, and Kaitlyn goes straight to her room. Her mom comes up to her room and asks finally, “Where did you go this morning?” Kaitlyn can tell she’d been crying the night before. Kaitlyn rolls her eyes and answers, “Really?  You still don’t trust me? Whatever I was taking a run to get things off my mind. Are you happy now?” Her mom told her, “I do trust you but I told you I needed to know where you were at all times.” 

“Fine whatever you say!” said Kaitlyn. Just as Kaitlyn goes to leave her room she gets a call. She wonders who its from. She takes her cell out and see’s it’s Tania. Kaitlyn picks it up, “Hello?” Tania answers, “Hey! I’ve got such wonderful news! It’s like a miracle has happened.” Kaitlyn replies, “What is it?” 

“We found Sophie! Well, she found us, but she managed to escape. She told us that whoever it was let her go and told her to run before they changed their mind.” exclaimed Tania. Kaitlyn told her, “Well that’s great news! I thought we lost her for ever. I was so worried that we wouldn’t find her and she would end up the same way everyone else always did.”

“Yeah but there’s still some bad news.” Tania said.

“Wait there’s bad news to? How bad is it?” Kaitlyn asked. Now Kaitlyn was starting to get worried. What if they found out it was her? What if they were trying her and she was just now hearing if this? So many questions were going through her mind right then. 

“Well it’s bad but it’s nothing like the world is going to end tomorrow. Anyways they found out that Teri was taken by the same person that kidnapped Sophie. They let Sophie go but not Teri.” said Tania. Kaitlyn is much calmer now and not having to worry about if someone found out it was her. Kaitlyn told her, “Well that’s really sad. I mean I’m happy Sophie is back but why didn’t they let Teri go to?” Tania told her, “I don’t know but it’s all to much to take in. I’ve got a wedding later and don’t need to be worrying about anything.”

“I understand where your coming from. Well I’ll let you go and get ready for your wedding.” came the reply. “Bye!”

“Okay. Wait you need to be here in an hour or so, so you can get ready to with all the other bridesmaids.” Tania said. “Okay?”

“Yeah that’s fine I’ll come over as soon as I get done here.” Kaitlyn told Tania.

“Okay. See you later then!” exclaimed Tania.

Chapter 15

Off somewhere on the side of the mountain, Teri is trapped and is trying frantically to get free. He doesn’t see anything that can get him out. Teri has to warn everyone about Kaitlyn before she gets anyone else. Just then Teri notices that the cage is made of wood and sticks. He could easily bash this down with a few kicks. Then Teri starts kicking at the wood but figures out it’s a lot stronger then he thought.

Kaitlyn just finished doing her chores and checking up on Teri. She see’s what time it is and knows it’s time to leave for the wedding. She hops in her car and heads over to Tania’s.

Tania is getting ready for the wedding when she hears someone pull in. It must be Kaitlyn she thought. Tania was thinking to herself, I don’t know what’s been up with her lately but she’s acting strange. Then Tania goes down stairs to answer the door.

“Hey Tania!” exclaimed Kaitlyn. “Ha-ha what’s up! You excited for your big day?” 

“More ready then I’ll ever be.” They both laugh and  giggle while waiting for the other bridesmaids to get here. Tania figures she better finish getting ready before they get here. So Tania and Kaitlyn go up to her room and get ready.

The rest of the bridesmaids show up. They all were talking about how they are excited for Tania and Harry’s wedding. They couldn’t believe that Tania was getting married. They always thought she would wait or she would marry one of the jocks, not “him.”

While they are getting ready for the wedding, Teri finally kicks the gate open. That’s when he makes sure there’s no one around and takes off running. He takes off running straight for the highway and tries to hitch a ride. He has to get back.

It’s time for the wedding. They all walk down the aisle and now it’s time for the bride. As she walks down the aisle they all gasp. Then they start whispering and smiling. Tania heard things like, “Oh my! She looks so beautiful!” and “Who knew she could be more beautiful then she was. I thought she couldn’t get any more beautiful!” Tania felt special and like everyone loved her at that moment.

All is going well at the wedding. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. Harry and Tania finally got married which was a surprise for everyone.

It’s Kaitlyn’s turn to dance with Harry. While they are out in the middle dancing, they talk. Kaitlyn whispers, “I don’t know how much longer I can take this.” 

“Well you have to hold on a little longer. Not much, just until we get out of the country.” said Harry. “Is that okay? I’ve already got you a ticket in first class to come with us. Of course you’ll be in another country but for now you can sit with us on the plane. Just tell Tania that your riding with us until the second stop.”

“Okay but I hope I can wait till then, because i’m about to just bust out crying int he middle of the wedding. I don’t want to ruin your wedding either. You’ve always wanted to marry Tania.” said Kaitlyn.

“Yeah well the cops can’t do anything if we are in another country. You’ll be fine. Okay?” Harry told Kaitlyn.

“Ok well I hope your right.” just as Kaitlyn said that, the song ended. It was time for the father-daughter dance. Out in the middle was Tania and her father. Tania looked so happy, and Kaitlyn felt bad for her. Kaitlyn couldn’t take it any more, she was going to break.

Just then Kaitlyn starts crying and Tania looks confused. Tania was thinking to her self did Kaitlyn like Harry? No she couldn’t have. She always talked about some other guy that they never knew. I guess I’ll go over and see what is wrong. As all this is going on, Teri, has finally got back into town. He doesn’t know that Tania and Harry are getting married, so he doesn’t know where to find them at. He has to warn them about Kaitlyn. If he doesn’t who knows what will happen.

Chapter 16

Teri went around to everyone that he could see and asked if they’ve seen Tania, Harry, or Kaitlyn around. None of them knew where they were. Then Teri found Tania’s mom. 

Teri walks up to Tania’s mom who is out side the church. “Hey! Umm do you know where I could find Tania or the rest of them are? I need to find them and tell them something very important.” Her mom replies, “Actually yes they’re in that church right now. Tania and Harry are getting married.”

“Okay thanks.” Teri said. 

Her mom said, “No problem.”

While Teri was trying to find them, there was chaos in the church. When Tania went over to Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn blurted out loud enough for the whole church to hear, “I did it. It was all my fault. I don’t what I was thinking.” Kaitlyn sat their crying. Harry gave her a warning look. She couldn’t do this to him. She promised she would not say anything. Now she was dragging me down with her. I knew she couldn’t be trusted. I knew better.

“What are you doing? You can’t say anything! You promised.” exclaimed Harry. 

“Wait what are you talking about? Would either one of you like to explain this to me?” asked Tania.

“I’m so sorry Tania! It wasn’t Harry’s fault. I dragged him into this. Don’t blame him.” Kaitlyn hysterically replied.

“I still have no clue what your talking about! Explain it to me please.” Tania begged.

“I can’t you won’t understand. I’ll just go to the cops. Don’t worry Harry, I won’t mention you.” Kaitlyn said.

“Just tell me! I’d like to know what is going on. Harry will you at least explain it to me?” Tania asked. Just then tania started getting a little worried. Had Harry not been loyal or did Kaitlyn do something so bad she can’t even tell her best friend.

“Honey, you know I love you right?” Harry asked.

“What did you do?” Tania was absolutely terrified. What was he talking about of I course I do. “What are you saying? You know I do. Why would you even ask that? Can you just tell me what is going on?”

“I will as long as you don’t get mad.” Harry said. Now Tania was getting angry. She just wanted to know the truth.

“I’m not going to get angry. I just want to know.” Tania said.

“Kaitlyn you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her?” Harry asked Kaitlyn.

“Go ahead and tell her. I don’t think I can tell her without crying. All I have to say is I’m so sorry Sophie and Tania.” Kaitlyn told all of them while she was in tears.

Chapter 17

“Okay well I don’t know where to start. It all started before we even met at the smoothie shop. Kaitlyn had run into me a month before that as I was walking out of the hardware store. She said she was sorry and that’s when I asked her if she wanted to be friends. Then we met at the park and talked. That’s when we started talking about how Sophie was perfect. How she always had the friends. She was never grateful for what she had. She asked if she could tell me something and I said sure-” then Tania interrupted Harry.

“Wait I thought you said you didn’t know Kaitlyn?” Tania said confused. Harry replied, “Yeah well I didn’t want to tell you.” 

“Why?” Tania asked.

“I don’t know. I just didn’t want to. Anyways can I continue on with my story now?” Harry asked. Tania said, “Alright carry on but I’m not done questioning you.”

“Whatever, anyways, Kaitlyn told me that I couldn’t tell anyone at all, even if it was really really bad. I told her I would keep it a secret no matter what. That’s when she told me she had been stalking Sophie. I asked her why and that that was creepy. Kaitlyn told me that she had planned on kidnapping-” Said harry.

“Wait you knew she kidnaped Sophie the whole time? I should’ve known. You always acted so strange and-” Sophie exclaimed.

“Yes I did and I’m sorry Tania. I couldn’t tell you because I liked you to much and thought it would ruin my chance with you. Anyways to continue with explaining, that’s when I asked why. I also told her that it was a stupid choice, but it was kind of a good idea.” Harry told her.

“So you helped her with the kidnapping?” Tania asked.

“Well not exactly. I sort of just stayed behind and made sure they didn’t escape or make any noise.” Harry said. Tania looked like she was going to pass out. “While Sophie was at home I would sneak in her room and we would talk over the plans. There was a couple times that her mom almost caught us talking.”

“You know what? Your lies just keep going deeper and deeper. I’m so tired of your lies already. I don’t care if you want to or not, your going to turn yourself into the police!” Tania yelled.

“Yeah well I don’t think so. I’m fleeing the country later. I’m sorry but if you want to come you can, but nobody is stopping me. I didn’t mean for it to go this way. Kaitlyn just had to ruin it!” Harry rambled on and on.

“Yeah well I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to tell someone or I was going to go insane. I don’t care if you don’t go down with me or not, but I’m talking to the police.” Kaitlyn hysterically said.

Then everyone was quiet. No one knew what to say. Harry told them he was done explaining to everyone. He was taking off right now. He asked Tania if she was coming. She told him, “I’m not. I’m not going anywhere with a criminal. Especially one who won’t even come forward.” Then Harry ran out of the wedding.

Just then Teri burst in and rambles on and on about how it was Kaitlyn. How he thinks there’s another person behind all this. Then he suddenly stopped. He saw everyone was crying and Harry was gone. Had Tania and Harry not gotten married? Had Harry bailed on Tania?

“Yeah we all know. Kaitlyn just came forward and so did Harry. Kaitlyn is going to the cops later.” Exclaimed Tania. Then she started crying again. How could Harry do this to her?

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know that. I would’ve told you sooner but I couldn’t find you guys.” Teri said.

“It’s fine. We already have it sorted out. Thank you anyways.” Tania tried to smile, but she couldn’t do it.

Chapter 18

Turned out that Kaitlyn did go to the cops. She told them the whole story. What she didn’t tell them was that Harry helped her. Because she came forward she didn’t get as long as a sentence as she would’ve had if the cops had found out before. All she had was three years in Juvenile Detention Center.

After Kaitlyn got out of the Juvenile Detention Center, she had five weeks of probation. She had learned from her mistake. She would never do anything like that again.

Kaitlyn turned out to be a kindergarten teacher. She found that she really loved kids. She has never thought about kidnapping anyone again. Sophie and Kaitlyn actually turned out to be really good friends. They put their past behind them and didn’t let that stop them. Tania found some guy and married him. She never thought about Harry again.

The truth about Harry eventually came out. The country he was in turned him back over to the police. Harry was sentenced to life because he was now old enough.

© 2014 Cassie Bayne

Author's Note

Cassie Bayne
I'd like to try and publish this so I need some advice on what needs to be fixed.

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You're only fourteen and you wrote this? Wow, very well-written at such a young age. Keep practicing, especially with formatting; like, where to end a paragraph. I noticed that you combine quotations from more than one character in a single paragraph, but mainly at the beginning of the story. In some chapters, like chapter 17, you gave each speech quote its own paragraph. Looks neater and less confusing. But overall, very excellent! I'd definitely read more of your stories if you post any others!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cassie Bayne

10 Years Ago

Thank you! That's very helpful and I'm glad you liked it.


I really liked this, it's really nicely written and also it's well structured.

Posted 9 Years Ago

You're only fourteen and you wrote this? Wow, very well-written at such a young age. Keep practicing, especially with formatting; like, where to end a paragraph. I noticed that you combine quotations from more than one character in a single paragraph, but mainly at the beginning of the story. In some chapters, like chapter 17, you gave each speech quote its own paragraph. Looks neater and less confusing. But overall, very excellent! I'd definitely read more of your stories if you post any others!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cassie Bayne

10 Years Ago

Thank you! That's very helpful and I'm glad you liked it.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 3, 2014
Last Updated on December 3, 2014


Cassie Bayne
Cassie Bayne

Garnavillo, IA

Hey! I'm 14 and I love to write. I also like to ride horses, read, hangout with friends, and cheer. I like to read about anything really. I don't care what people have to say about me. So if you don't.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Cassie Bayne