Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Fnaf fan

It was now Sunday. Kate had made cloaks and pins for 'WAW' the day before. She had been informed that she had to have them all finished before she brought them any of them over. They were to call that afternoon to discuss the plan. They would meet up at the alleyway next to Grace's house be for heading off to find a clearing in the woods. When they did so, Sylvia passed on some ingredients that they may need for rituals and Grace enquired whether Kate had remembered to bring the cloaks and pins, which all had different designs to them.
Grace's cloak had baggier sleeves than the rest and each sleeve had a crystal tree. The Crystal Kate had used was amazonite. It was a shade of turquoise blue that complimented the white of the cloak. Kate had made her cloak the inverse of Grace's. She had less baggy sleeves on her cloak, which was and azure blue, and she used quartz for the Crystal trees. Sylvia on the other hand, had a pastel yellow cloak with rubies on the Crystal tHowever, ss. The pin colours matches the cloaks of each 'WAW' member. 
They found a large clearing near the beginning of the woods. Grace demanded that Kate and Sylvia go to take the blood of five animals each. Kate finished her hunt quite quickly. However, Sylvia was having some trouble. They got into contact with each other and Kate helped her find the rest . Once they came back, they began the sacrifice.
Once they had finished the sacrifice, it was time for them to leave and to back to their homes.
This was only the group
 very first      

© 2023 Fnaf fan

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Added on July 2, 2023
Last Updated on July 2, 2023
Tags: Witches, kids, teen, witch, children, children's, teens, kid, fun, sad, sister, family


Fnaf fan
Fnaf fan

Birkenhead, Woodside, United Kingdom

I enjoy creepy things and art and have amazing friends. I am only young but I am very creative. more..


A Chapter by Fnaf fan