Being a child and not being happy and feeling numb and lose is wicked and bad, to say the least. Due to whatever reasons has made said child feel that way. Ie Mental, physical, sexual abuse whatever. The poor child is broken and instead of being nurtured and loved it is taunted and used and abused. So shuts down and closes off inside to the world and its self. Like a protective shield is put up to stop more suffering come into to hurt them more. The spirit has been broken and so has the soul out with the mind and heart and body.
This is so beautiful. You wouldn't think that being numb would have a feeling, you know, since numbness is typically described by the absence of feeling. But that's not the case. You illustrated this feeling perfectly in my opinion. Great job.
Being a child and not being happy and feeling numb and lose is wicked and bad, to say the least. Due to whatever reasons has made said child feel that way. Ie Mental, physical, sexual abuse whatever. The poor child is broken and instead of being nurtured and loved it is taunted and used and abused. So shuts down and closes off inside to the world and its self. Like a protective shield is put up to stop more suffering come into to hurt them more. The spirit has been broken and so has the soul out with the mind and heart and body.
I'm an English Literature major looking to share some of my work with the world and gain a bit of experience. I enjoy poetry, fiction, horror, drama, tragedy, essays, and many other genres. I'm hoping.. more..