![]() AbilitiesA Chapter by Wrapped In Plastic![]() What Dark Willow can do.![]() Genius level intellect " quick minded, good at strategy Expert in computer hacking and robotics " can easily work with technology Able to perform all manner of spells, rituals and transmogrifications independently or with the aid of others Project and perform incredible magical feats such as flight, telekinesis, telepathy, force field generation, portal-creation, photokinesis, electrokinesis, astral projection and regeneration by sheer force of will " all to a highly advanced level Storm-based flight and lightening generation Teleportation Voice manipulation " can use voice to surround a room (even without being present), can use sonic manipulation to kill/harm, make her voice demonic, cause ground tremors, make windows shatter, etc Sleep induction Pyrokinesis Advanced telekinesis Regeneration Weather manipulation " wind rises around her when irritated, Mind control and manipulation " can control people's minds with ease, can render people to do exactly what she wants and have no free will Simple gestures to control " E.G: with a snap of her fingers someone can fly into the air, with another snap, they can combust Can mask scents/presence " E.G: can mask a vampire's scent unbeknownst to others Can change clothes with a simple gesture, slide hands down body, etc Expert at potions Freeze people/time just by saying 'freeze' and looking at them Feelings control things if she chooses " E.G.: when angry, things shatter Can enhance strength of herself/others Make objects appear/disappear Turn others evil Can induce fear and doubt magically Can feel others presence and feelings Enhanced senses © 2014 Wrapped In Plastic |
Added on March 24, 2014 Last Updated on May 18, 2014 Author