![]() The Future That Lies AheadA Poem by Jovie![]() The thoughts and worries of a fifteen year old girl just trying to figure out her life and her future.![]() I cannot remember exactly how many years it has been since I started writing short stories. It started with just reading fanfictions and leaving reviews, but then it grew into wanting to write them too. Add my own ideas and show my imagination. Of course my first story was a flop and I was devastated, I wanted to give up thinking I was no good. However with encouragement from my father I rewrote the story and was given reviews and helpful criticism, with the occasional insult, from there I kept writing. Back then I wanted to do creative writing and become an author and have a book published. As I grew older though I realized there was more to it than that and researched online 'how to get a book published'. Seeing all of the work that would need to be done I closed the link and proceeded to continue reading short stories with the thought 'I have a few years before I have to worry about that'. Now, at the age of fifteen, I realize that maybe I should go into Journalism. I had looked into the major and looked at colleges that had the major in Journalism. Recently I have looked up the salary of a journalist from entry-level up to mid-range. The numbers made me nervous, more so the entry-level, and looked up some jobs only to see an article to say that Journalism is dying. My immediate reaction was shocked and concerned, clicking on the link and reading a few parts of the article I became concerned. Should I actually pursue a career in Journalism? It seems that many newspapers are dying out and modern technology is taking over Journalism. Would I be able to get a job after graduating from university? Or would I have to move back into my parent's home like most graduates today? With this thought in my head I decided to write this out, still not really sure why I wrote this but so far it is helping so I will continue. Looking back online there are a mix of people saying different ideas about Journalism. Some are saying that it is dying while others say that it is simply changing and that journalists need to change to. In my opinion, everything is changing too much and I, myself, am not fully comfortable with it. Soon I will be entering my junior year in high school and I will have to really begin worrying even more about my future. I will have to join in the mess that we call politics and the infinite amount of problems in the world that we see on the television. With that thought I back track. Do I really want to pursue in a career that will most likely force me to write about the horrific events that occur in our world today? All with ISIS and pollution, the possibility of war, all of the death and destruction, people being robbed, murdered, raped. The shoot out and the fires that happen too often for comfort. It seems the world is descending into darkness and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Maybe the world has always been like this and I am just now noticing, of course I knew people were dying every day. That there were bad people in this world that hurt other people for no real reason. But I feel as though recently it has been dumped onto my generation and the thought that we will have to face these problems in our lives scares me. I do not know how we are supposed to fix these damages when older generations cannot fix them and even, to an extent, seem to cause them. Some blame us for the problems but I can only wonder, who was the one that raised us? Your teachings, or there lack of, helped create us into what we are today and it appears that we are not moving any better in the right direction. Too be honest I am terrified of what will appear in my future, in the future of my generation and the future generations. Because right now the future is not looking very bright and I can honestly say that I am not that excited to face it. Not at all. Maybe I am just whining but I don't care these are my thoughts, I just felt they should be shared. Something's may not be right, I may not have all facts but I believe I have a general idea of what is to come. © 2015 Jovie |
StatsAuthor![]() JovieNYAboutHey guys! I'm Jovie and this is my profile :) Nicknames: Jo, Jojo, Jovie, and Gigi. Favorite colors: Every color except pink I live in New York I love to listen to music! Any kind except.. more..Writing