![]() lost in the jungle(pilot)A Screenplay by Flame909![]() An estranged quadruple sharing a dream of spending a glorious summer on the elegant beach of Cape Town.Encounter a horrid accident that renders their anglic dream to drops of grim nightmares![]()
INT.PETROL STATION.DAY. Akim,Thabo and Lisa are standing in a queue. Lisa carries a shopping basket , Thabo carries three pies in one hand and Akim carries a can of pespi and a packet of chips,the tiny store is busy, (Stan) leaks from the store's twitters and Lisa slowly bobs her head. A fat twenty three year old cashier stands behind a glass and smiling at customers like she is under a curse CASHIER (Smiling ) Thank you for shopping with us,have a safe trip. LISA (Returns the smile) Thank you. THABO ( Rolls his eyes) Thabo neighs at Lisa's perfect body and hair as she exits the store. EXT. PARKING LOT. DAY Joe and Mpumelelo are sitting in Mpumelelo's 2004 well preserved BMW M5,they are arguing about about Nike and Puma. MPUMELELO Nike is the best dude like everything they make is awesome,did you see the new airmax? JOE Man that s**t is trash,it ain't got no style man!did you see Mike's new puma sneakers man that's style am getting myself one. MPUMELELO That s**t (luaghs) JOE What are you laughing at? MPUMELELO Pum....... (Taps Joe on the shoulder) hey look at her. JOE What...what?,where? MPUMELELO Right there man, (points to Lisa passing by their windowscreen) JOE Wow!!,she is beautiful! MPUMELELO She's perfect,everything about her is in order. JOE Yeah,the perfect slender. Thabo slides in the backseat,and hands Mpumelelo and Joe their pies . ( CLOSE UP TO;we hear a sound as Joe opens his pie, we see him look at it,).He heaves THABO Quiet gaping boys some crack -head is probably tired of her arse and here you're drooling over someone else's trash. MPUMELELO one man's trash is another man's come up,little brother, (bites into his pie) JOE (Shouting) I said chicken pie,moron! THABO They have beef only,sorry. JOE (Reluctantly bites his pie) Why didn't you oder something else? THABO I thought you were a pie guy? JOE I am but not beef. THABO Are you allergic to beef? JOE NO THABO (Smiles)well that kind of settle things don't it now? Mpumelelo thrusts his small head out the window shouting,and hooting at Lisa whose fumbling for something in her handbag before a black SUV. MPUMELELO (Shouting ) Hey baby,you look beautiful! Lisa looks back at him,her eyes scan Joe's face and Thabo's face a look of contempt takes a hold of her LISA (Muttering under her breath and getting into the car) Idiots get a life. Mpumelelo pushes his small back in,smiling like a crazy man. THABO We are clearly not going to reach the beach on time by parking here looking like complete dogs drooling over a chewed up bone. They drive off,Mpumelelo quickly hits the breaks,the car squeaks. Akim jumps a few steps back and apologetically raises his hand. Mpumelelo thrusts his small head out the windows. MPUMELELO (Shouting) Sorry man,my bad AKIM No problem,we all should have been more careful. Mpumelelo ducks back in the car,Akim smiles and walks on. MPUMELELO Nice guy if it was some hothead,we would be having a raw right now I tell you man. THABO Why didn't you run him over,he seems well dressed for death. JOE P. There's something seriously wrong with your little brother. MPUMELELO Virgins are always cranky,Joe!roll up the kush. We need to find him a girl.When we get to the beach it's our priority. THABO Unbelievable....is sex the remedy to all your... JOE (Disrupts him) What? Mpumelelo shakes his heads and slowly drives off. (FADE OUT.) (FADE IN) EXT.FREEWAY.SOMETIME LATER. The quadruple's cars negotiate traffic on the freeway that is not at its capacity. Lisa ops to drive behind a timber truck. (CLOSE UP TO ; Lisa stares at her bodyguard in the rear- view mirror.) LISA What,a bloody suite it's a holiday for f**k's sake?;Why can't dad just leave me alone for a second am not a bloody teenager anymore Ahrr! She furious connects her phone to the car radio and (The way I am) by eminem leaks out the car speaks,he exhales loudly, (CUT TO;Akim is drinking his peps while his sister eats and drive simultaneous. She is pregnant.) SISTER ( Shouting ) You know ever since i got pregnant, Sam's been avoiding me, Like what the f**k,it's his sperm yet he's acting up. I don't want his f*****g money,all want is for him to f*****g man up. Like that is a f*****g lot to ask? AKIM Mind your language she hears everything,don't worry he will come around. SISTER This is Sam we are talking about,if only he could just stop,drinking For once to see his f*****g responsibility,and if my baby can hear every word i want her to know that her dady is a jerk a*s. AKIM ( Frightened) Hey,watch your speed,calm down okay..,before you kill us. Akim's car weavers past Thabo's car forcing them to loss control for a while. MPUMELELO (Shouting ) Are you trying to kills us,some people a just too crazy to drive I tell you man. (CUT TO THE TRUCK; one of the timber has a splinter and it's flapping about),Lisa is oblivious to the imminent danger as she harps on about her over protective father. She notices Akim's car wavering around cars in the rear-view mirror. LISA Bloody hell, does he have a death wish? (CUT TO; the truck driver increases his speed,which aids the splinter to break loos and missiles straight to Lisa's left front wheel, it pierces the tyre and the wheel burst Simulation with the passing of Akim's car)(BEAT). Lisa's car squeaks and rolls (CLOSE UP TO;Lisa is held in place by the seat belt and airbags). The left front wheel breaks free and flies straight into Akim's rear windows screen derailing them,their car squeaks it struggles for controll. It finally crushes into a bulwark,cars begin to pile up. (CUT TO; THABO IN THE CAR) JOE I can't believe this,you're 21 and you haven't had sex,like who does that man? Mpumelelo turns to add to Joe said ,(CLOSE UP TO; he crushes into a taxi,Mpumelelo flings foward simultaneously with Thabo, but Mpumelelo his held in place by the seat belt . Thabo hits his head hard on the edge of the driver's seat he bounces back another car crushes into them causing Thabo to fly out the left window(BEAT),he lands hard on the road,there's broken glass and oil on the road,a car comes swaying and it's right front wheel stops inches from Thabo's gushing head. Few minutes later Sirens,fire trucks and helicopter drones are heard from the distance. ( FADE OUT) (FADE IN) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. A multitude of bodies lie on a patch of land,with bite marks on their necks and holes in their chests,there are flies,Thabo,Lisa,Joe and Akim are among the lot. A small girl wakes up,moans and gets up when she sees the dead bodies she screams,waking the alive lot some twin her scream. LISA Bloody hell? The live lot looks around in surprise,murmuring questions,a woman whose barely out of her twenties kneels and crys as she sees her boyfriend dead,she lifts his head,caresses it. WOMAN (Crying) Benny,no,no,no! JOE What is this? THABO I don't know,(he kneels and probes a body) This is a feeding ground for something, (Beat). He notices a sword handle peering underneath a body,he reaches for it,rolls the body over and takes the sword,then he pulls it out of its holster swings it, nods and puts it back into its holster and ties it to his west.(CLOSE UP TO; PEERING EYES UNDERNEATH THE BODIES,a pair of eyes glow bright red underneath the bodies. It notices the sword hung from Thabo's left hip.) THABO (LOOKING AROUND) I think it's best we leave now, before.... (searching for the word) whatever killed these people decides to come back for dessert. LISA (CONFUSED ) And go where..................? She is disrupted by a monster that springs up from the bodies to THABO,It pushes Thabo ;how flies to a tree,his back breaks as soon as it hits the tree trunk.The tree shakes to this impact, Joe jumps at the monster but it flings him away .The monster zooms to Thabo's inanimate body. It lifts him by the neck, as it prepares it's left hand to rip out his heart,a claw pierces the monster's chest forcing it forward,it collides with Thabo. Thabo v gasps and a stream of the monster's blood flies into his mouth,he Swallows some of it. The monster is airlifted by a giant gry eagle which flies off with it. Leaving Thabo prone on the ground. (CUT TO THE HORRIFIED LOT) AKIM What was that?.What's going on here,where are we? JOE (Getting up) I have no idea. Thabo!. (He runs to aid his friend ) (CUT TO; THABO,Thabo's bones start to crack as they begin the healing process,the cut on his cheek slowly closes,he regain consciousness. He blinks four time to the light,Joe's blur figure heaves into sight. Joe helps him to his feet. He stands, does a quick check on himself.So as Joe JOE Are you okay? THABO Yes,am okay,stop touching me,I said am okay. JOE Damn man,are you made out of steel or something,you've no scratches on you (CUT TO THE LOT ) LISA He seems rather fine,for someone who was flung to a tree,like a cat. AKIM Come let's go The lot begins toward Thabo and Joe,half way in their journey,Akim glacés back and sees that the woman is still cradling her dead boyfriend,he rushes back for her,Lisa stops shakes her head and continues. WOMAN (CRYING) O'Benny am sorry,yes I will marry you. Please wake up,plea....... AKIM (CROUCHING) Am so sorry to what happened to your boyfriend but we have to go now. WOMAN (LOOKING AT AKIM) I can't leave ,I can't just walk away from him. No....i ca... (she breaks into tears) AKIM I know what you're feeling,but we have to go,you saw what happened to that guy if we stay here we'll surely die. Am sure Ben would want you to live and tell his his story. WOMAN (CRY OF JOY) He would love that,he always loved stories but i can't leave him here alone again,he needs me. Akim hears the eagle's cry,he grabs the woman's hand and hauls her. AKIM We don't have time for this,we have to go. The woman repels him (CLOSE UP TO THE EAGLE;it notes them and begin it's descend)(beat),Akim takes hold of her wrist and fastens his grip this time,he hauls herThe woman reluctantly runs,she falls,Akim pulls her up,the eagle closes on them fast. It readys to snatch them and the eagle that flew off with the monster butts in (beat),the two birds fight. Akim and the woman join the lot and they run into the trees,they see a cave they all enter. INT.IN THE CAVE. The lot is hidden,out of sight yet the cries of the two birds locked in gladiatorial combat pierce their hearts,one of the eagles thrust it's head into the cave trying to snatch one of the lot but it's pulled out by its antagonist. Before the lot's fear settles a man dressed in 80's finery appears.(Beat) LISA Bloody hell? THE MAN Hello lot,I see you have made it this far quite impressive. I go by the name of Guardian and I welcome you lot to my home,i hope my friends have been more than Hospitable. Now,in this jungle is where your very souls will engage in a battle for survival of your mortal bodies which are in a coma,if you die here well, you die forever. Think of this as a second chance at life. Here(He points out and a small bag appears), in this bag there's a map and campus which you will use to find your way out of this place,oh I feel the need to tell you that if any of you see me again That mean you're dead. Bye. The man dissappears,and Joe pinches himself. JOE Okay am alive. Thabo pushes past Joe,takes the bag opens it and begins to roll out the map. THEBO The man is not only a weird magician,he's a joker. The lot joins Thabo,they all examine the blank scroll,some the campus.They place the items at the centre and the map catches light causing the lot to draw out of fear,then they draw back in again. Their names appear in the scroll,along side land marks,the campus flies atop the map,(CLOSE UP TO THE CUMPAS) the hands of the campus spins about. JOE Deric,Lisa Nobles,Thabo Khumalo and Akim Wani their names change to red leaving the other names glowing gold. THABO (SLY SMIlE) Quite the magician! JOE What is the meaning of this? LISA I don't know but whatever it means,I sense danger. MAN I know what is this means,my father,once spoke of it to me ......It was just a few minutes after he woke up from his coma He was mumbling something about a prophecy, four will save the world,four will save the world. He spoke of monsters that feed on hearts and blood,werewolves,giant birds and this map and campus He spent half of his life searching for these people ,he said some king. needs them to bring to a curse that will end the world,Imortality was his reward if he were to find these people. THABO Let's keep ghost tales to ourselves shall we,hmm? AKIM What if he's speaking the truth,did your father say something to you about leaving this place? MAN Yes he said the door will reveal it's self to one. THABO Ah!,riddles,like adding weight to an empty present.(raises his brows) (CUT TO OUT SIDE ;A monster who has been watching them,zooms out when she sees the map glow red and gold). (CUT TO THE CAVE; the man looks about and snatches the items and runs,Lisa tails him,she jumps at him,they fall.And begin to fight for the items.)Thabo withdraws his sword. THABO Am afraid,am beginning to believe the man. (Fade out) (FADE IN) INT:SOUTHEND CASTLE.DAY King Lorre the first is facing the wall with his hands on his back,his talking to an old man in the bedroom mirror who appears to be as old as Abraham,his clothing is of a wizard. KING LORRE So,what you're telling is that your minions failed to kill the sword barrier? MAN IN THE MIRROR My king,Ledious interceded, KING LORRE (Turning furiously) Ledious that bloody bird is beginning to bore me. MAN IN THE MIRROR My king we have eyes on the lot,soon my army will put an end to....... The man in the mirror is disrupted by the monster whose been watch the lot,she zooms in breathing hard,she speaks and barely glances at the mirror. MONSTER (Catching his breath often) They have...the...(breath) the campus and the.. (breath)map MAN IN THE MIRROR Still yourself, (he lays a hand on her shoulder) (CUT TO;KING LORRE) KING LORRE (Shouting) Ah! Pure incompetence,Jabu I thought you where at your peek,all creatures from man to animal and beast tremble at your voice. How's it that you're failing to forestall this prophecy. Or you fiddled with the prophecy? He turns to leave but stops at the door and looks back. KING LORRE I ......?I needn't not to tell you what will befall us if this prophecy is fulfilled. He walks out and Jabu remains staring where the king was,thinking of what the king said, the mirror slowly turns black (FADE OUT) (FADE IN) INT.CAVE.DAY Thabo walks out the cave toward the squabbling doublet,he grabs the man by his neck and flings him backward the man lands on his back,Thabo takes a few steps toward the man whose scrambling to his feet. He lays his sword to his neck THABO No riddles this time,speak MAN You're what they call the sword barrier father of freedom and her (points to the terrified Lisa)the mother of freedom,they are coming for you two and your friends the helpers,you will all die. Thabo decapitates him, his head flies,land and rolls a few inches from his headless body,the crowd screams and some faint. Akim notices Thabo turn to Lisa whose scrambling back in horror. Thabo's eyes eyes are wintry,he scuttles to Lisa.Akim and Joe break rank. JOE AND AKIM (shouting simultaneous) NO! Thabo turns to stare at the two men and miraculous the same bird that saved him from the monster appears and snatches Thabo and Lisa.Dead leaves fly,trees furiously wave Akim,Joe and the lot are blown back by the bird's haste arrival and departure.The campus falls from the sky,Akim ups and grabs it and looks at it then the sky. The crowd and Joe join him and gaze at the sky,mumbling questions. AKIM what's going on here (O.C) WOLF There are leverage in a grim power grab game,and if you do not come with me,you share their fate. A dark werewolf double the size of a normal horse with eyes red as the hell fire it's self,walks out the bush. The crowd cringe. And the werewolf turns into a man,the crowd gapes at it fear shodden. WEREWOLF (STRETCHING HIS HAND) Come with me if you have any wish of survival and finding your mates. A ripple of wind blows,the werewolf sniffs,his face turns serious,he let's out a wolf cry and five werewolves appear behind him. WEREWOLF (ADRESSING THE WEREWOLVES) There are here,hinder them, (Then to the crowd),Come The crowd reluctantly moves. (O.C) MONSTER Well,well,well, it would appear as though we're two short,my,my,my withal did the two dissappear to,a rather accurate kick in the gut tells me that Leo out smarted thee,wolf. Your incompetence is beyond pathetic wolf,Okay nonetheless you can keep the rest for sticks to pick your teeth with. WEREWOLF Quite an offer but i fear ...i will willfully turn it down, you can keep them though,there are rather too skinny for toothpicks.Oh speaking of men Short and incompetence it seems as though you're catching on fast. MONSTER Ah,cut the chat and give me what came for! WEREWOLF WOO! Go through them first The monsters and werewolves begin to circle each other, the crowd hastily tails the were into the trees,The parts engage in batle. (MONTAGUE ) We see Thabo and Lisa get dropped off in a circle of men in fine robes,the bird changes into a man,we see the crowd follow the werewolf as Thabo speaks on (V.O) THABO (V.O) Life is unpredictable,a minute ago i was just another human fighting for what I don't have,now here in this vile piece of land a new war unfold it's self,one of complex nature. Am yet to learn my purpose in it, but a greater task lies before me. Home,will this stranger tied to my fate be my ticket there?that am yet to learn(BEAT) Thabo and Lisa stare at each other. (FADE IN) INT.HALLWAY.WINGS CASTLE.NIGHT. Lisa,Thabo and Ledious are walking in the hallway. THABO You need me to get you your magic stick © 2016 Flame909Author's Note
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