Dip Your Feather Wisely

Dip Your Feather Wisely

A Poem by Von Alis

Dip your feather wisely
For the ink it spills
Might just seal your fate
The trail it leaves is forever

Dip your feather wisely
For the paper it stains
Might just bring the world to war
The name written is forever

Dip your feather wisely
For the ink well
Might just be filled with blood
The killer's eyes are forever

Dip your feather wisely
For the quill has been used before
It is worn and dull
From the lives it has taken

Dip your feather wisely
For the pattern of your poem
Might just be your final words
The feather is ragged and torn

Dip your feather wisely
The bird long since dead
Bones bleached and cleaned
It serves as a reminder

Dip your feather wisely
Of wars begun long ago
And never quite won
Lives wasted as quill meets paper

Dip your feather wisely
Fires free the madmen
Ink sentences the innocent
To deaths by the pen

Dip your feather wisely
The machine gun rests no more
Its rattling is incessant
The machine obeys no man

Dip your feather wisely
Just as man follows only himself
So choose your pen or your sword
But remember

Dip your feather wisely
You can have both
Watch as the bombs kill them
The innocent and the hungry

Dip your feather wisely
Watch them shredded by bullets
Sliced by sabers, blood runs like rivers
Down the cobbles, drowned by ink

Dip your feather wisely
May this be your final warning
Cut by the quill, buried by words
There is no asylum in your mind

Dip your feather wisely
Or drown in ink
And the blood
Of your victims

© 2012 Von Alis

Author's Note

Von Alis
It started out with a pattern but kinda got away from me... I don't really mind mostly because I'm too tired right now.... Anyway, I was listening to Alter Bruder by WIZO the entire time I was writing this so it got really dark near the end. Any feedbackcriticism is greatly appreciated!

My Review

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This poem has so much thought and truth in it. The repetition might get annoying to some, but I think that it further pounds your point home. Honestly, I just really like this poem. So true, and put very eloquently.

Posted 12 Years Ago

'Dip your feather wisely
For each thing you write lasts forever
Dip your feather wisely
For all of the pain you endevure
Dip your feather wisely
For there is no war in your mind
Dip your feather wisely
For nothing can truely last....never, never.'
XD ya, it sucked, but you inspired it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 16, 2012
Last Updated on January 16, 2012


Von Alis
Von Alis

I wish I lived, in, Germany

Personal project for high school. So for the past couple months I have been writing a novella for my high school personal project. It is to spread the word on severe mental disorders. Thank you very m.. more..

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