Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Minyonka

            “You sure this is the way to that mummy guy,” Joey asked.


“Yeah, every hallway looks the same,” Tristan yelled.

Suddenly, Yugi and I both collapsed to the ground. I could tell that Asenath had fallen as well. Yugi wrapped his arms around himself, as if in pain, and I clutched at my heart as I tried to sit up straight.


“Hey, what’s wrong, Yuge,” Joey asked.


“Ebony, are you okay,” Tristan asked at the same time.


“It’s weird. Suddenly I feel really weak, guys,” Yugi answered.


“It’s because as the pharaoh’s life is drained, so is yours. And because Asenath is his sister, she and I are weakened as well,” I explained.


“Check it out. It’s some kind of energy stream,” Tristan said, pointing out the stream passing by, just under the floor level.


“Maybe if we follow this thing, it’ll lead us to Anubis,” Yugi suggested.


“That’s exactly what it’ll do,” I answered, using the wall to help me stand up.


“Sounds like a plan. Come on, pal,” Joey answered and helped Yugi up.


Tristan came to my side and put me on his back before running after Joey. We finally got to the door and Tristan let me off his back.


“Looks like this is it,” Joey said.

“Yeah,” Yugi answered.


We walked into the room and could see all of the energy going into the sarcophagus.


“Foolish mortals. There is nothing you can do to stop my rebirth. I have infiltrated the realm of the pharaoh and his life force now feeds mine,” Anubis said darkly.


“We won’t stand here while you suck the life from others to save yourself,” Yugi answered.


“We’re gonna take you down, Anubis,” I yelled.


“I’d stay in that casket if I were you,” Joey added.


“Yeah, because in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got you outnumbered,” Tristan said, taking a step forward.


The mummies from before came out again.


“This place is crawling with stiffs,” Tristan said.


I glared that Anubis’ sarcophagus.


“You don’t scare me! In my life, I’ve learned to not only stare death in the eye, but to flip him the bird,” I yelled and did just that.


“Ebony, what are you doing?!”


Anubis just chuckled evilly.


“What do you want anyway,” Yugi asked.


“Behold the future, since you won’t live to see it for yourself,” Anubis answered.


We could see the image of monsters destroying cities.


“Soon, my bests of destruction shall annihilate all traces of life on earth and I will finally completely that which I started millennia ago. It is by your hand that this devastation will occur, mortal. For when you released the pharaoh, you released me as well,” the god of death explained.


“What,” Joey asked.


“What’s he mean,” Tristan demanded.


“This is between me and him. Listen, you guys need to find a way out of this place and save yourselves. I’m gonna stay and figure this out,” Yugi answered.


I shook my head. I was already determined to say; this was personal. Not only had he messed with Asenath’s brother, but he was slowly destroying Seto as well.


“Figure what out,” Joey asked.


“There was a prophecy my grandpa to me in the museum. I think it may have something to do with this, I just don’t know what.”


“Yuge, that’s crazy talk!”


“Just go, guys.”


“I’m not leaving. This involves me, as the keeper of the Millennium Bracelet, as much as it does you,” I answered.


“And there’s no way we’re leaving you. We’re a team,” Joey added. “We’ve been through everything together and there’s no chance we’re turning our backs now, pal.”


“That’s right,” Tristan yelled.


“But… the last thing I wanna do is put my best friends in danger,” Yugi answered.


“And there’s no way in hell I’m letting this guy get away with what he’s done. He’s killing the pharaoh and he’s the one who’s been destroying Seto from the inside out. Messing with my friends doesn’t go unpunished. You’re not getting rid of me, Yugi,” I answered.


Just then, we could see Téa come from out of nowhere. She was shining, like she was in astral form and not bound to the plane the rest of us were on.


“Téa,” Yugi exclaimed.


“How’d you find us,” Joey asked.


“Are you kidding me? Remember the friendship symbol we drew,” she asked, holding up her hand.


Gold markings appeared on it.


“Of course we do,” Tristan answered, holding his hand up as well. Similar markings adorned it.


The same went for Yugi and Joey.


“The ink may have faded, but our bond never will,” Joey said.


“Right,” They both said.


“We’re all with you and we’ll always be with you,” Téa said.


“I don’t have your little friendship smiley-face, but know I’ve got your back here,” I finished.


“Thanks, guys,” Yugi said. “Friends to the end!”


“Yeah,” they all answered and put their hands together in the center of them.


The smiley-face on their hands began to glow brighter. I had to admit, it was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen.


“You see? There’s nothing out there that’s more powerful than our friendship,” Téa said.


“Téa’s right. I can feel it. All we have to do is stick together,” Yugi added.


“Hey, sticking together is what we do best,” Joey answered.


“We’ll never leave your side,” Téa finished.


She was then jerked away, into mid-air.


“Téa,” the boys yelled.


“Your pathetic little bond is nothing against my power. Soon my soul will be fully restored, and your world shrouded in darkness! Yet you fools prattle on about togetherness? Then so be it,” Anubis yelled.


A beam shot Téa and she stopped moving, her eyes wide.


“Téa,” the boys yelled again.


The girl began falling, now bound to this plane, and the mummies poised to attack her.

© 2008 Minyonka

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Added on November 11, 2008



About myself: I'm an nineteen-year-old college student with the intention of becoming a high school math teacher. Why math teacher, you wonder. I want to become a teacher because I have learned that I.. more..

Sunburn Sunburn

A Story by Minyonka