![]() Quxuro ArcanaA Story by FirePanther![]() This is a example of a roleplay i did for a game that i feel i can make into a story,![]() It has been a long day for Quxuro.
Having roamed the frozen forest of Frostvale, Quxuro came across a pack of
Direwolves. These creatures stared at Quxuro with a thirst for blood, ferocity in
their eyes and blood dripping from their fangs from the rabbit that laid torn
to pieces in the center of the pack. It would seem that the little rabbit wasn’t
enough to feed the hunger of the wolves, and Quxuro was to be their main
course. Quxuro studied the Direwolves. He
could feel the bloodlust coursing through their veins, and it created a sense
of satisfaction in his mind. Quxuro knew that, given the circumstances, he
would be free to slaughter this pack and feel no remorse. He would only be
defending himself after all. With his blood rushing through his
veins from the excitement, Quxuro takes out his sword and points it at the pack,
saying, “Come at me beasts. Let us see how much rage I can unleash.” In a
matter of seconds, the Direwolves charged at Quxuro. Each one that lunged at
him were immediately cut down and left lying in a puddle of their own blood and
guts. In no time, the pact was completely annihilated, leaving Quxuro standing
there with blood dripping from the blade of his sword, feeling dissatisfied.
even a challenge,” He sighed, sheathing his sword as he walked away from the
carnage he had left behind. Having slaughtered the pack of Direwolves, Quxuro continued
traveling through the Frostvale Forest, looking to become stronger. He knew he was not yet ready for the challenges
that awaited him in the distant future, however, he was determined to become
more powerful. He was determined to unlock his true power, and unlock his
dragon form for the first time in his life. As he pondered the thought, Quxuro became completely unaware
of where he was standing at that moment as he looked around him to see four dark,
winged creatures flying around him, their gaze fixed upon him. They were just
slightly bigger than he was, with eyes as red as the blood they have spilled.
Their claws as sharp as a dragon’s teeth. Much like the Direwolves, their eyes were filled with a lust
for blood, but Quxuro felt something more sinister coming from their eyes other
than just pure animal instinct. There was darkness and evil within their eyes,
much like what was in his own eyes. However, Quxuro knew these creatures were
not ones to control themselves from the temptations of evil. Before Quxuro had a chance to unsheathe his sword, the
creatures attacked, striking him with their sharp claws. Quxuro managed to
dodge a majority of their attacks, but still got struck on his right arm by one
of the creatures claws, slicing him open from his shoulder down to his elbow.
Using his left hand, he managed to grab his sword and strike the creature right
down the middle, slicing him in half. “That was a pretty
good hit,” Quxuro said to corpse laying in front of him, “This might very well
be an amazing battle.”
Quxuro gets into his fighting stance, his right arm dangling
at his side as he looks at the other three and screams, “now then, come at me!” © 2016 FirePantherAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on January 26, 2016 Last Updated on January 27, 2016 Author