Kaya a Tale of Elvan Part 2

Kaya a Tale of Elvan Part 2

A Story by Kitty M

Part II
Meanwhile Kaya watched as the home she had known all her life get smaller and soon she was able to see the planet, from space.
“Beautiful!” She gasped and she heard a small quiet laugh from beside her.  “Hey, you know this is the first time for me in space.  Do not make fun of me.” She whined after Sir laughed.
“No, I was not making fun of you.  I was just remembering how many times I said that to myself, and it would not even be my own planet.” He explained.
“You had mentioned learning rules that you had to live by.  How many of these rules do I have to learn?”
“Not many, not really, there are just a few minor changes.  Now that you are so willing to trust me perhaps, I should return the favor.”
“Are you sure this is not just another one of your lessons being put to use?” She asked teasingly.
“Hey, that is no way to talk to me after I agreed to let you come along.” He teased back.
“More like I forced you to let me join you.” She teased again.
“Yeah, I know.  No, it is not a lesson, besides, they told us to never give away our first name.  Mine is Caleb.”
“Caleb Joseph Starvast is my full name.  Many of the commanding officers believed that if a person knew your full name, then they could have complete control over you.  Thus, by those standards giving you my name is a leap of faith and trust.  That is one of the lessons I was taught.”
“Oh, I see now.  The more you trust me the more you let me know about you.” She was pleased by her discovery.
He laughed again, “Not quite, you forced me to tell you about the information on the planet.  In this case I am letting you know willingly.  But I suppose over time you will get to know me much more if you are sure, you really want to.” Caleb could not understand why this girl whose parents he had killed wanted to know and be with him.  Despite what she had said to make him stay, he had no idea where or how she could be so trusting of him.
“Well, that is good I suppose.  Okay, so where are we going now?” She asked.
“Back to my place, just remember you are going to tell me about the history of Elvan.”
“Well, really, it is all minor things but there are a few major details.  Like the arrival of the first Earthens.” Kaya explained.
“What!?” He never thought that it would be admitted so easily he thought that was supposed to be a secret.  He only knew because he knew parts of history most people tried to cover up and even then, it was only a guess as to the planet that tribe had fled to.
“I know it sounds surprising, but it really is not.  My father’s side had to come from somewhere.  Hey!  Are we going to crash into those rocks?”
“It is an asteroid field and do not worry, it is entirely a façade for this ship but real to all other ships. It protects my house.”  Caleb told her but that only confused her more.
They went easily through and what Kaya saw before her looked more like a station, in the pictures she had seen, with big round metal areas and multiple docking ports for multiple spaceships, rather than a house with walls and a yard.  Caleb gave her the grand tour once they landed.  He gave her a guest room to use that was next to his own room.  Her bedroom had a full bathroom, telling her that he felt more comfortable having her close by in case she tried to roll of her bed again.
“What are you talking about?” Kaya was bewildered once again “I’ve never fallen out of my bed.”
“Of course, not because I caught you before you hit the floor.” Caleb replied as though it was natural.
“When was this?” Kaya could feel her cheeks getting warmer.
“It was the final night we spent at Prance Brook Inn.”
“Oh,” then it hit her with sudden realization, “that is why I saw you leaving my room!  How did you know I was going to fall off my bed?”
“That’s a secret,” he said with a wink, “let’s just say I have good hearing and leave it at that; now on with the tour.”  When he winked at her she had to blush a little after all nobody had ever winked at her like that before.  Not even her own parents would wink at her for a joke or a secret.  He looked mischievous and playful at the same time.  It was obvious that her time with him was going to be fun.
Continuing; the next section of the house/station he showed were five rooms that were dedicated to reconstructing the artifacts he scanned, one for rock, one for paintings, one for metal, one for wood and another for ceramics.  The third section had other guest rooms that he used for buyers who wanted to rest before continuing these were on the opposite side of the living space separate from the two rooms they were staying in.  Three maids with their own individual bedrooms in a fourth section above the daily living areas, the daily living portion contained a commercial size kitchen with an at home feeling, a parlor, a fancy dining room and to top it all off a regular dining area just off of the kitchen for all the meals when there were no customers.  As well as a custom gym that took up almost an entire section all on its own.  The maids’ names were Bell, Andrea, and Hanna.  They all made sure Kaya knew she could call on them for anything.  After all, their boss had never brought anyone to live here with them as a companion for himself before.  They were very thrilled to see him start to live his life after always devoting himself to work.
“So, you see,” said Caleb at the end of the tour and introductions, “it will not be so bad having you here.  After all, I am sure these young ladies would enjoy a new female companion.” That got him glares from all four women.
“I am sure I will enjoy talking to them as well, but I want to join you when you go after your artifacts.” Kaya replied then said to the maids “No offense to you gals.”
“Not a problem, we understand.” All three maids replied.
“Why?  It will be boring nothing ever really happens.” Caleb asked.
“Well,” she went right into his face, “I happened on one of those ‘boring’ trips.  Not to mention I can get you to tell me a lot more things on these excursions.” She informed him.
“Oh, I get the ulterior motive now.”  He smiled as she turned around to look more at her new surroundings, that woman never ceased to amaze him.  Kaya on the other hand was completely amazed by how regal the place looked; it reminded her of mansions she had seen in catalogs.  But those were always about houses in space stations not a space station that was a house!  Over the next two weeks Caleb worked on his new findings and even taught Kaya how to help him recreate the artifacts.  During the cave drawings she told him the important things about Elvan’s history.
* * *
It took the tribe 30 years to reach a planet off the charts.  They landed on a plateau that they later learned was called NeoCrom.  To the people of this would it was a strange creature.  This thing produced people who were strange not having the markings that all the people of this world had.  Although the natives also looked strange in eyes of the newcomers who once they noticed the difference in how the eyes of these people were, was very strange.  The King of Elvan approached and asked for the leader of these strangers, a tall man stepped forward and said, ‘I am the chief of my tribe and all we ask is if we can stay here and not be harmed.’
This confused the King, so he replied, ‘Why have you come here?  What evil do you expect to get away from that you ask such a favor?’
The Chief replied ‘The people on our home world keep stealing our children and we have had enough so we left.  This is my entire people who have traveled looking for a place to call our new home.  A place where our children can be raised without fearing people for the rest of our lives.’
"Wait how could they talk to each other?" Caleb inquired.
"Not sure, it is possible that the planet changed things.  I know that according to my father the languages learned were not that different from each other." Kaya tried to explain.
"Sure, just the way things were called was changed." Caleb sighed, "Maybe they had a translation device, or something else that they must have used."
"Maybe," Kaya did not sound convinced on that theory, "why did you say things were called differently?"
"Because of what you called that boar that first night in the forest.  You called it a bellsac someone from Earth would call it a boar like I did; and from Southern America probably even different from that." Caleb explained.
"Oh, well if you don't mind, I will get back to the history?"
"Please." Caleb motioned for her to continue.
“Thank you," Kaya continued
‘Noble words,’ said the King, ‘you all may stay here and with us your family shall live on.  But I also must ask what you can offer the planet?’
'What do you mean?' asked the Chief.
'Elvan, our planet has allowed you to land your strange device that has brought you here.  So, we are willing to accept you, but you must have something to offer the planet in return.' The King went further to explain, 'for example my people live with the land cultivating it to thrive as it desires and tending to the animals.  We are one with the planet, what can you bring to it?'
'We have only knowledge of modernization to add, and perhaps farming ideas.' the Chief replied after a few moments, 'Other than that I am not sure what we could add.  My people also lived off the land, we incorporated technology only to adjust to the changing universe around us and to keep our people safe.  But not even all our technology was enough to protect our children.'
At this point, the captain stepped forward, 'You are forgetting Chief, that we also have a religion with which we can share.  You are not obligated to learn it, but for majority of these people this faith is a part of who they are.'
'You are right Father, I had forgotten about that, I had thought they would not wish to hear it.'
'You thought wrong Chief, we do not know a religion nor what that word means.  However, it may be welcomed as Elvan seems to be approving of it.' King replied.
'You keep speaking of your planet like it is alive,' said the priest captain, 'but planets are not alive.  Why do you speak as though this one is?'
'You will learn,' replied the King, 'all planets are alive.'
So, with that the new family to the Elvan world was called the Jericho’s so named after the creature they arrived on.  The origin of these new members was Earth in an area of space called the Milky Way Galaxy or so they claimed but this was their home now."  Kaya continued talking about things that seemed minor to him but her details about the paintings were amazing.  She understood even what seemed completely random.  They, like before would stop for sleep and food in between.
“Here it tells of the Jericho’s embracing and working with the Elvanians as they were soon called to become a part of the planet as well.  Together they populated the planet, and some even went into space.  In the last four decades alone, more people came to Elvan to get away from their own lives.  Originally many thought that this planet was uninhabited but now they have learned, and many have joined us.  During this time some members of the Jericho family were now allowed to join with the Elvanians in matrimony for before the Jericho’s were thought as not understanding enough to appreciate the true Elvan way of life.  Now as they obviously were more part of the planet now, especially more so than the newcomers to the world, the children that had both running through their veins were allowed to participate in all the sacred customs that were a natural part of Elvan life.
“Unfortunately, when this union of the two races began most of the Jericho blood had left and been deluded so much and many had left, especially those who no longer possessed the uncommon beauty.  But there was three left who were of the pure Jericho blood line.  Linda Shakes, Kate Shakes, and Luke Mendellaze each one married an Elvanian.  Linda married Archie Culver, Kate married Jake Aero and Luke married Sarah Hubert.  When their children were of around age six a plague took most all the children on the planet.  Culver’s and Aero’s family died.  Luke and Sarah manage to survive but their child was stolen by…”
“Hey what is it?” Caleb asked when stopped after three days of her talking while he was working it was odd to hear her stop suddenly without the interruption of one of the girls.  Although considering the wall was now talking about the Mendellaze’s so it was hitting home, if he understood her last statement, it was about her directly.  At least he was quite sure about that, he never did ask her parent's names.
“Well, it says that she was stolen by the planet to protect her, but her parents and she did not know.”  Kaya was flabbergasted, why was just she stolen and not the others?  But that was not the most shocking thing.  Caleb could see that she was still bothered by it.
“Okay, so you were protected by the planet to stay safe for whatever reason.  Why is that bugging you? You know now.” He asked.
“You don’t understand!” she snapped, “Sorry,” she said more calmly after a couple of deep breaths, “I have no memory of being kidnapped and it says here that I was missing for eight months and was returned on my seventh birthday.  It is just disturbing that for the reason my father’s family left Earth is the exact way in which Elvan decided to keep me safe.  During those eight months I was missing a group of raiders came into my hometown and destroyed it.  Though they took no one, mom and dad always said to me it was lucky they left right before otherwise those raiders might have reconsidered.  I always accepted that my parents had drugged me, so I would not be worried about the journey to another town but what really happened was my parents traveled around from place to place had left only two days prior to the raiders and a week after the plague to go in search of me.  They had no idea about the raiders until they were told a month later.  The plague had not yet reached our house but had already infected the others.”  Kaya was on the verge of tears.
“Perhaps we should stop for today.”  He suggested, perhaps the rest would be better left alone, especially if it was going to make her cry.
“Alright, though just recently it looks like they added your coming.”  She had calmed down a little upon seeing that.
“What?” That got Caleb’s attention as he whipped around to the holograms, why would he be important enough to be added?  He had to see this for himself, even though she did say they wrote down everything.
“Right here, this last part that will be done in two days’ time says ‘a man from Jericho’s home world had come and he will show the universe the tribe’s history.  This man will protect the important daughter and everywhere he goes peace will soon follow.’”
“Well, then that would certainly not be me, guess you are not staying with me for very long Kaya.”  Caleb replied with a slight chuckle these guys had to be joking now.
“Why do you say that?” She was slightly bewildered.
“Because trouble comes after me now and there is never any peace when I leave.” Caleb informed her.
“But it will soon follow.” She persisted.
“Maybe we won’t do that part, it’s not important.”
“But what if your clients find out about that piece of information that you had, and then left out?  Might they get mad and come after you for that?”
“No, we are leaving this just the way it is I doubt that they will be able to truly understand it.”
“Well, if, you are sure.” She looked at him questionably.
“I am.  Just one last thing” he grabbed another device from his work bench, “there we go, we take this device here and put the head to anywhere on the article press the button and presto instantly preserved for twenty years just as it is.  After that time has passed, it should start to decay and within two years be completely gone that way whoever ends up with it cannot claim it as the genuine thing and it can never be restored like the real artifacts can be.”
“That is very clever, and your clients know this already?” Kaya had been slowly learning his process.
“I don’t sell anything without making sure they understand it is not directly from the planet and is only a copy; saves my skin from the legal trouble that intergalactic law or clients could get me in.”
“Sir, Miss? Supper is on the table.” Called one of the maids.
“Thank you, Andrea.” Replied Caleb and the two of them went down the hall to the regular dining room.  Kaya had been learning so much but one thing she noticed was Caleb was different at home.  He was much more relaxed, for starters he would wear jeans and a t-shirt but never his cape.  The only weapon that was out was a handgun he carried on a hip holster.  He told her it was his own at home security and that gun was called a 9 mm, but he had hinted at more someplace else in the house he did not show her.  The maids all knew his first and last name but still only called him ‘Sir’ and he called everyone by their first name.  He would smile at jokes and occasionally laugh but while he worked, he was always serious, Kaya was amazed at how quickly he worked in the five weeks they had been there.  Caleb had completed all the recreations from the Elvan Church and up to the point where they stopped for the History Cave.  Kaya was also getting curious about these ‘clients’ he talked about and would soon find out a little more about them.
The following day someone came to the house, the man was in his forties with a graying hair and goatee.  He was dressed in a deep navy-blue three-piece suit.  Accompanied by three male servants, Caleb explained they were bodyguards, all of whom were dressed in varying shades of two-piece suits.  Hanna greeted all with a warm smile and introduced him to Kaya as Mr. Narkra who was vastly interested in history long forgotten.  Caleb came to meet them dressed in a pair of black slacks, and a white oxford.  His hair was brushed back smooth, compared to its normal wild mess, now Kaya understood why he asked for her to be in a dress and have her hair put up when they learned of the men’s arrival.  Thankfully, she had packed a dress that was street length green with spaghetti straps.  She had put most of her hair up with curls dancing around her neck.  Even though this man was Caleb’s first customer and could be more at ease, Caleb still he always wanted to convey a business feel and appearance.  Mr. Narkra took Kaya’s hand when they were first introduced by Hanna as she went to greet the guest first with her and gave it a slight kiss; Caleb came walking in just as Mr. Narkra was pulling away.
“Ah, you have yourself a rare beauty here my friend, Caleb.” Mr. Narkra said for a greeting to Caleb.
“What?  Why does he call you by your first name?” Kaya immediately turned and asked him bewildered by this fact.
“Hey, hold on, one person at a time please!  I can only answer one person at a time.” Caleb felt overwhelmed just coming into the room, “First Mr. Narkra is the only client with permission to call me by my first name because he helped me get started with the tomb raider business.  As for Kaya she is here because she wishes to learn and see space, other than that she is my friend.  Now, you came here for the things you asked for from planet 35SAWQ right?”
“That would be correct, I suppose as usual you want to check the money first, right?” Mr. Narkra confirmed himself.
“Yes, please follow Hanna into the parlor.” He said politely and the guest did as suggest but as he went to follow Kaya grabbed Caleb’s arm. “Yes,” he said before she could ask any questions, “he gave me the coordinates to your home world and those numbers and letters are what Elvan was assigned over three decades ago.” He turned to face her; “are you angry or mad now?”
She looked into his eyes gave him a huge, kissed the cheek without the scar and whispered ‘neither’ but thanked him for explaining it to her.  Then together walking side by side they went into the parlor.  Caleb then proceeded to do pleasantries while counting the money then allowed all of them to go into one of the waiting rooms meant for deliveries which Kaya had not yet been a real visitor of until that day.  Mr. Narkra inspected all items, surveying each as Caleb reminded him, of how they were neither restored nor the true articles.  As usual to Caleb, Mr. Narkra made the comment that he wanted the real thing not a copy; to which Caleb smiled but Kaya got angry.
“YOU IMBECILE!” Kaya was mad now.
“Hey, why did you have to yell?” asked Caleb he understood her reason though, still it hurt his ears to suddenly hear it.
“For your information, Mr. Narkra,” she continued as though nothing had interrupted her, “if he were to take the real things Elvan would have destroyed him!  That would really have helped your quest for these sacred items!  You knew the location and somehow you may have known what all was there but how could you have not realized that the planet they were on protected it all?  You are a big fat trehug!” Kaya did not know how to curse him out but knew she wanted to, “You will never understand what an honor it is to even be in the first Church how precious it is to all the people on Elvan.  That even to enter the sacred grounds…” but a hand was suddenly over her mouth.
“He was only joking, my dear Kaya,” Caleb was standing in front of her remarkably close his arm around her head, “he did not mean it one bit.  Now if you will please settle down everything is fine.  Mr. Narkra didn’t really mean what he said, he knows perfectly well I would never actually remove something from its resting place.”  Turning his head to face the guest, he put the hand that was on her mouth to her waist and moved to stand next to her.  “Now, if they meet with your approval the money meets my expectations so it is all there. I believe our business is done here.”
“Why, Caleb, are you being so protective?  In the time that I have known you, never have I seen you put your arm around any girl!  Then, to call her ‘dear’ you must really enjoy this girl’s company.  I guess it just took the young pretty type to finally get you to come around.  Tell me if she is that good what the price is?” said Mr. Narkra; he believed that all things were merchandise including people. That was part of the problem and how Caleb ended up meeting Mr. Narkra in the first place, because of some almost illegal things that happen to be legal on the planet he was on when found.
“YOU FOOL!” bellowed Caleb now he was mad Mr. Narkra knew his policy, but he took a breath and continued calmly, “She is not for SALE, nor have I slept with her and if you insist on this you will not receive anything from me ever again and I will not take your money again either.  She is my guest, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her.  Also, I was entrusted to protect her.  As for the use of my term ‘dear’ it is a common phrase for a man to say to a young lady.  Now if that is all please leave.” Caleb insisted with a sharp edge to his voice, Mr. Narkra simply said he understood, made the trade, and left that same day.  Though to Caleb, he also made the remark of never seeing Caleb get so angry before.  Caleb just glared as a reply and never said a word more.
That night was spent in silence, nobody said anything not even the maids.  Kaya had no idea what exactly had happened just that afternoon, it was difficult for her to understand.  Caleb had gently placed his hand over her mouth then when it was on her waist it was protective and caring.  Never had anyone save for her parents and godparents been that protective of her, but this was different somehow.  Normally she would be horrified at the thought of someone she still felt she barely knew touching her; much less than defend her like that.  She felt calm, confident, protected and nothing could possibly come near her without his approval.  So unusual and yet normal at the same time; going to sleep was easy and she was happy that Caleb was on the other side of an adjoining wall.
For Caleb things were much different, he could not understand what had washed over him.  He had seen that look from Narkra before and had to keep his maids safe plus any other women who might be in the vicinity.  Never had Caleb called a woman ‘dear’ before much less put an arm around a woman like that, even though he claimed it was all perfectly normal, he never even did that when he was a young teen.  Well, more accurately he never dated anyone, so it was easy to not do such things.  It did not make sense why would Kaya be so different; why should it have felt so natural?  This strange desire to make sure she felt safe from that perverted old man who desired all women into his bed no matter what their age.  Yet, there was something more that he could not explain that had stirred deep inside him to act as he did.  Yes, he had covered her mouth to stop her from talking and letting the old man get angry or any more interested in her words as well as her body.  But that strange feeling had not left, it seem to have been building up for the past few weeks since he met her.  It did not seem to leave with the night either he wanted even more to hear her breathing and know she was safe, he had no clue and could not even explain the feeling.  If it would ever go away but he did not know if he wanted this feeling to ever leave him.
The next morning Caleb was awake before everyone got breakfast and started plotting for a new planet to head out to.  When all the girls woke up the maids told Kaya where Caleb could probably be found and what he was probably doing plus that he left evidence of already having eaten something.  Bell said it was normal for him to do this after a buyer left.  So, Kaya found him in one of the other rooms she had not seen yet, doing exactly what she was told he was doing.  Plotting a new planet to copy artifacts from.  She walked up next to him and slightly touched his arm.
“I’m sorry about last night,” he said without looking, “it’s just that he happens to be a bit of a lecher, I was just trying to protect you from him.  I did not mean to act as I did, it just happened please understand.”  He couldn’t bring himself to look at her.
“I do understand and for some reason I did not mind, I still do not.  So, where are we going?” She asked.
“To a planet called Kappraki, it is in the Shapo Galaxy on it are some fabled treasures of gold that I know of a few people would love to buy.  By the way would you mind if I taught you some of the basics that I know so you can protect yourself from time to time as well?” He asked.
“Yes, that would be just fine by me.” Replied Kaya, truth was she was glad to be treated as an equal as well as to be protected.
Over the next three months Kaya learned all the basics of the guns he owned, fencing and poisons.  Before they even left for Kappraki; Caleb taught her how to hold a hunting knife in different defensive and offensive positions.  On their way to that first planet Caleb explained that while in public she was to refer to him as ‘Sir’ in private it could be Mr. Starvast, and only on the ship or at home was she to call him Caleb.  Once they arrived on Kappraki Caleb took her to a shooting range and got her not only comfortable but also accurate with a .22 pistol first.  Caleb did not have a particularly good shooting range at his house, since he hardly needed more practice.  He also bought a hip holster to hold her .22 mm.  After they started on their way for the artifacts, Kaya was bit by spider and was forced to rest for three hours.  Mister Starvast wanted to give her an antidote, but Kaya refused strongly.
“This is how I am tested as being a Half.” She told him.
“What is that even supposed to mean?” He was very confused.
“It means I am half pure Jericho and half pure Elvanian.  The planets communicate with me as they do with Elvanians, but first they must test me.  I was told of this years ago, mother also said that while they looked for a different place she too would be tested.” Kaya informed him.
“I do not get it, what is special about the people of Elvan that they have to be tested?” Mister Starvast questioned, “I thought you said they did not have a religion?”
“They did not, at first, Catholicism became their religion but that does not mean they had customs.  One of such customs is talking to the planet, it is difficult to describe.  Please just trust me on this, I will always get over any planet made illness, just not illnesses not done by the planet.  Once, the test is over then I am done for that planet and will not be forcefully harmed again.  I promise.” Kaya tried her hardest to convince him after all her life was on the line.
“What if I give you medication anyways?” Caleb asked.
Kaya took a deep breath in before replying, “I die.”
“Okay,” Caleb stopped asking questions and let her rest.  Surprised that she was good as new when the three hours were up. “Will it always be this quick?” He finally asked as she stretched.
“No, it will vary from planet to planet.” Kaya told him.
“I will take that into account from now on then.” Caleb got up and proceeded with more lessons.
Thankfully, Kaya was a quick study.  Adapting easily how to protect herself with martial arts, fencing, knives, and guns.  Learning the customs of some planets, even teaching her how to fly the ship.  She even learned more about how his business worked.  Caleb had several buyers, and on every planet, they went to they made detailed scans of every artifact that they could find and remade them.  The clients would sometimes meet them about their request or purchases on the planets, other times it would be a space station or Caleb’s house.  He always maintained as much a business atmosphere as possible with his clients.  He charged a lot depending on the amount of danger and resources that were used.  Kaya got to the point where she knew what supplies to buy for raiding trips, and even at what point in their journeys they needed those supplies.  Caleb for his part adjusted how to react each time Kaya was tested and always made sure they arrived at new planets a day ahead of schedule for her to do the tests.
Even though they spent a fair amount of time on other planets and different galaxies Kaya got to know the maids very well.  They all had encountered Sir during his previous occupation, they all owed him something.  Two of them their lives, though none of them are weak each girl had her own area of expertise.  Hanna was an excellent cook and sharpshooter; Bell was able to notice the slightest thing as well as an excellent mechanic; Andrea was good at cleaning as she was a maid previously too, but her other talent was being able to read people and obtain materials needed for the reconstruction processes.  Kaya was sometimes left at was now always called ‘home’ due to her never being allowed to meet Mr. Narkra again; she learned multiple things from all three of the maids.  Always learning new things kept her vastly entertained.  When she was able to spend time with Caleb usually, they talked about business and Kaya’s life before she met him.  He really did barely mention anything about himself no matter how hard she tried to get him to talk more.
They spent nearly two years together when they happened to be on the planet Kleeva when Caleb had Kaya go ahead to buy the supplies necessary for the trip back home.  This became perfectly acceptable and happened a lot now.  So, she went in to get more food and they had run out of .38 and .22 bullets on this trip but most everything she had placed an order for beforehand so as not to take her as long.  Once he saw her walk into the store, Caleb left for an alley not far from the store, waiting for him was a man much like himself in appearance except age and wisdom in years was obvious with his gray hair and wrinkles, not as tall as Caleb and without a scar on his cheek.
“So, do you, have it?” asked Caleb
“Of course, I have it, but you could try something a little nicer.” The old man replied a little grouchily.
“You are right.  My apologies, how are you doing this fine evening?” The sarcastic young man asked.
“Fine, thank you.  Now more seriously who was that young lady?  Is she the one who will be receiving this?”
“First I would like the package please.” Caleb was slightly amused that usually he was the grouchy one giving a package.
“Fine” And the old man tossed Caleb the package.
“Thank you” Caleb put the package away; he was determined not to answer those questions, to avoid twenty more he tried to leave.
“Now who is she?” The old man did not want to give up and so he would not allow Caleb to leave.  Despite his age he still got hold of the young man's arm in a very tight grip.
“Who is who?  Could not be talking about me now could you, Sir?” Came the female voice both looked to see Kaya standing there smiling; apparently buying the supplies went quicker than Caleb had first expected.  “Well, who is the mysterious man another buyer or an informant?” Kaya asked Caleb.
“Informant, this man is Jacob Starvast.” Replied Caleb trying to avoid her stubbornness once again.
“Oh?  Any relation to you, Sir?”  At that point both men replied with a “perhaps” “I think the answer would be a ‘yes’ not a ‘perhaps’.”  She told them both, after all it did seem like a really rehearsed answer.
“We shall discuss this later.”  Caleb told her hoping to change the subject of who was who and to whom.
“Hold on, you need to tell me her name now.” The elder Starvast complained.
“Right, you are this is Miss Kaya Mendellaze she is my help.  Now if you would please…”
“I get it now, he is your father!  When will you begin to tell me about your family?” Kaya interrupted Caleb.
“You have told her nothing about yourself?  Really Caleb how do you…”
Caleb simply said good-bye took some of the bags and led her away to the ship, holding her hand to make sure she did not go back to ask more questions.  Neither said a word for a long time.
Finally, Caleb broke the silence, “Would you like to see your godparents for your birthday?  You were complaining about not saying goodbye.”
“Yes, that would be great!  I would love to see my godparents on Elvan for my 22nd birthday.”  Kaya replied excitedly.
They decided to change course for Elvan, her birthday was coming up quick and he wanted her there beforehand.  Plus, they both knew Caleb was meeting with Mr. Narkra so it was either Elvan or back home for Kaya to keep her away from him.  She told him where to land and packed a few things getting ready to go.  As she left the ship Caleb called her name and tossed her a package.
“Happy Birthday Miss Mendellaze.” Caleb said, before she knew it, she had rushed to him and kissed him on the scared cheek, the same scar that reminded them both of her parent’s deaths, then on the lips, both for the first time.
“Thank you for everything especially for today!” Kaya told him meaning the visit and present.
Then she rushed off to let him get to his meeting, they had arranged for them to meet after a week, if Sir got done early Kaya had insisted on him meeting her godparents.  As the ship left the port Kaya realized what she had done and watched the ship leave the planet wondering if what she did would be alright by him.  But no time to spare thinking about it she was going to see her beloved godparents.  She began to walk along the beach taking off her shoes holding them in her hand, her bag hanging by one shoulder.  She passed at least ten houses until that is she came upon a simple two-story house, that was blue with white trim.  On the wraparound porch were two tables each having four chairs around them both, sitting at one of the tables was a husband and wife having a cup of tea.  The woman was about Kaya’s height white skinned her blonde hair was going white; the man was a good foot taller white skinned, and his hair was black with a good portion of grey flecked in.  Kaya walked right up to them.
“It is a fine day for the outdoors my dear godparents.  How do you do today?  It seems as if I have found you both well.” Kaya greeted them as she walked up.
“Well, if it is not our precious little Kaya.” Replied the woman.
“Kaya!” said the man “So it is, though maybe not so little more.  Please dear join us for some tea and tell us about your adventure with this stranger, Sir.”
“How do you know of him, George?  Did someone go blabbing about me?” She asked her godfather as she sat down.
“Relax of course we heard about him.  Everyone was speaking about the strange man and when you left for space with him, we got a call from your boss.  She said you told her you were leaving with him, and you didn’t know how long you would be.  So, we have been keeping you in our prayers every day.” George responded, “When Samantha told me how your boss had described the young man, I knew immediately that you were in the best hands possible.  After all, Starvast was one of my star pupils.”  At that both women looked at him in total surprise.
“What on Elvan are you talking about?” Asked Kaya; no one here knew Sir’s first or last name but her except maybe Elvan, the planet itself.
“Who are you jabbering about now, dear?” asked Samantha right after Kaya.
“Caleb Starvast is the name of the young man who has been taking care of our sweet angel all this time.  When I was still working as a teacher, he was one of my pupils and was in the last class I ever taught.”
“Oh, that explains quite a bit dear, thank you.” Samantha said.
As Kaya blurted out, “Wait!  Since when were you a teacher for the GDF?  How come I never knew you were a teacher?  I thought Sam was the only professor.”
“Oh, that’s right I forgot we had yet to tell you.”  Said Sam, “Sweetie, I am so sorry, but not even your parents knew that George was a professional teacher at fencing.  We meant to tell you but once we were allowed to your parents were dead and we never thought it was appropriate timing.  Or even necessary at that point.”
“Well, I guess it was better that you two waited till now.  After all, now I do not need to bug George about what he did teach because I know the basics of most of it.  It feels kind of nice to not have to hide who I have been with this whole time.”  Kaya told George.
She told them all about what she had been taught and shared nothing of what she had learned about Caleb’s life while not in the GDF; just to be on the safe side she still only referred to him as ‘Sir.’  George congratulated her on continuing to use ‘Sir’ in reference to Mr. Starvast and told her to continue to do so, but George continued to refer to him by his last name.  George also began to have Kaya join him on his boat like before, but also sparring with him in swordsmanship.  On Kaya’s birthday three days later, however he insisted that she not do a single thing around the house, as she was normally also helping Samantha with the meals.  Since it was eventually two against one, Kaya decided to just lay on the beach and soak up the sun as she was falling asleep in the early morning light that was warming her when water suddenly splashed all over her.  Sitting up she saw her best friend standing before her.
“Well, look what space brought back to us.  So where is he, I need to thank him for taking such diligent care of you while I was not around?” Ellie said.
“He is working.  Did you come all this way just to splash water on me?” Kaya asked with a hint of sarcasm.
“Of course, not I was in the area and I came for your birthday as well.” At that, the two laughed.
They spent the rest of the day together shopping and talking.  Kaya was absorbed in all that had happened in the two years she had been gone.  Really only small things had happened life had continued as if she had never left, as was expected she was just one person.  According to Ellie, John was most affected by her leaving because he kept trying to find her by searching the news and every new traveler was being questioned by him and shown a picture of her to see if anyone had seen her.  Somehow John had managed to sneak a recent picture of her.  However, he was constantly disappointed.
“But he will surely come here once he finds out you are back on Elvan.” Ellie told her.
“It doesn’t really matter,” Kaya replied, “Sir will be back soon to pick me up so I’m not too worried about what John may want or try to do.”
"You know I think we are having a good time, but it seems as though something is bothering you.  Is it about the testing or something else?"  Ellie inquired.
"Something else, the testing I've gotten used to, we both have for the most part anyway.  It's, well, I think I did something unforgiveable."  This really had been starting to bug her more and more as of late.
"Tell me what is going on perhaps I can help."
"Promise not to tell anyone including my godparents?"
"Promise, unless your life is at stake, I swear it."
"Sir and I do have something that makes for a painful connection.  All this time I have been trying to avoid all of that but before he left, I kissed the most constant reminder of what has happened.  I am afraid that he may hate me for it.  It caused him so much pain and changed his path so much that I have tried to avoid doing anything much less looking at the reminder of what has happened."
"What if what you are doing to avoid things are hurting him worse?  Have you forgiven him for the tragedy that brought you two together?"
"Yes!  Of course, I have or else I would not be traveling with him now." Kaya insisted, she hesitated then added “or gave him my first kiss before I left the ship.”
"Then there should be no problem." Ellie told her casually after a beat, “You gave him your first kiss before you left?  I guess you are fonder of this guy then I thought would happen.”
  “I didn’t mean to do that either, it kind of just happened.” Kaya confessed shyly.
“You are blushing strongly; it will be alright should things progress further I will test to make sure he is not after a bloodline like John.” Ellie comforted her, “So, for now let us just enjoy the day and do not stress over things until you talk to him.”  Kaya realized Ellie was right, understanding what Sir was thinking about was difficult and other than while they were on Elvan.  The two of them never talked about the accident again.  She needed to speak with him more on this subject and also, about the kiss she gave him.
That night her godparents and Ellie gave her a wonderful meal with an ice cream cake with all 22 candles to boot; the first gift she opened was from Samantha and George, they had given her a photo album that had been years in the making, it was a recording of her entire life that they had pictures for.  Ellie’s gift was a beautiful gardening kit that contained not only all the tools necessary but all the plants and medicinal herbs the two of them had grown up with.
“So, you can always have a piece of Elvan, no matter where your travels take you.” Ellie told her.
Finally, at everyone’s insistence she opened Caleb’s gift: a white gold chain that had hanging from it a stone that was shaped like a star, the stone was smooth but also seemed as if it was made by nature like that.  George immediately recognized the stone as a milky opal, a type of Earth stone made by fossilized water.  Kaya’s breath was just taken away from her and she immediately put it on.  She stared at it, wondering when he picked it out after all it just seemed so perfect, but she also had never seen anything like it before.  The many colors that shone in the stone reminded her of a nebula Sir had shown her once; beautiful and always changing.
Late that night after everyone had gone to bed, Kaya was having troubles sleeping as she still felt slightly troubled, so she decided to take a bit of a walk.  She could not stop thinking about the necklace and how long it seems to be taking Sir to meet with Mr. Narkra, but mostly she thought about his present to her, and the kisses she had given him.  What had possessed him to give her such a beautiful gift?  Why had she kissed him like that?  What this feeling meant, Ellie had said she was fond of him, maybe Kaya was.  She was so wrapped in thought that when a hand appeared and closed over her mouth and nose with a cloth that had an odd smell to it, suddenly she could not stay awake anymore.  She knew that this was not a test and that she would be fine if Elvan was allowing this.  Still her final thought was how careless she had been and what Sir would say to her when he found out.  As that thought was completed, everything around her went dark.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Caleb was really getting tired of Mr. Narkra by the end of the third day dealing with him.  He just would not stop talking about Kaya in fact it seemed to distract him from the real important business which was the buying of the artifacts Caleb had recreated, Mr. Narkra also seemed a little more interested in the secrets of the GDF.  Even though Caleb told him nothing something just did not feel right.  Narkra usually dropped or even avoided the subject of Kaya and the GDF especially since Caleb’s looks were meant to be threatening, but not even the silence was getting through this time.  When the transaction was finally done Caleb left for Elvan, he would have to find Kaya’s godparents wherever they lived and whoever they were as Kaya only ever referred to them as Samantha and George. 
What caused Caleb even more concern was that on his way to Elvan he received an encrypted message from Andrea.  It read that the house was attacked and although they all got out fine most everything was destroyed.  Some things were saved mostly the most important secretive items and information were saved.  He sent a reply saying that in three months have it sent to Jacob Starvast on Earth.  Caleb also asked for the details of the attack sent to him as soon as possible as well as any clue as to who it could have been.  He hoped it was not Mr. Narkra although he had his suspicion as to who else might be behind it.  Caleb just hoped he was wrong on both accounts.  Hoping rather, that this was some raiders who thought they could get lucky, because they managed to navigate the security system.
Caleb dropped out of hyperspace and landed his ship on Elvan he moved to a permanent landing area, instead of the drop off area Kaya had him land in previously.  With any luck he would be here two days meeting these godparents of hers, but he had a bad feeling.  Kaya usually sent him crypted messages as well whenever she thought he was running late, so he prayed she was just having fun.  The real problem now was finding them; Kaya had mentioned something about them living on the water.  So, Caleb started walking the beach hoping that Kaya would be watching for him and call out even if she was playing.  If he knew the last name of these people, he might have had a chance of tracking them down rather than guessing.  About ten houses down the beach, he was called out to, but it was not by the person he thought it would be.
“Hey, Starvast what are you doing here?” An elderly man called out.
Turning Caleb saw his old fencing master, “Well, Master Persecta, who would have guessed you would be on this type of a planet.” He teased but maintained respect in his voice.
“Now, what is that supposed to mean young man?  Is this not an acceptable place to retire to?” George Persecta teased back with a laugh.
“I supposed it could be, you would not happen to know the godparents to…Hi Miss Ellie guess I must be in the right place.”  Caleb remarked when Ellie appeared from behind his old teacher.
“If it is Kaya, you are looking for, you are nowhere near the right area.”  Ellie stated calmly.
“What do you mean by that?” Caleb asked puzzled but especially worried.
“Hey why don’t you come have a seat and let us explain?” asked George.
“Sure, I would guess that may not be too bad, I suppose.” Caleb responded and followed his old teacher to a porch.
“Alright then,” George started once they all sat down, “on Kaya’s birthday she had a fairly good time, but she went for a walk late that night.  She never came back in by morning, and we waited for a good half a day.  Then a note appeared on our door addressed to you I hope you do not mind we read it.” George paused to see Caleb shake his head no and reach out for it.  George took the note out of his pocket and handed it to him. “It reads ‘If you wish to see your dear again you will do exactly as N dictates.’  As to what exactly that means is completely unknown to me.  The handwriting is John’s, you probably met him when you first came here; he used to always follow Kaya around desiring to be near her.  Now what will you do?”  George already knew the answer, but he still wanted to hear it.
“I know who this ‘N’ character is supposed to be, in fact I just left him not too long ago.  John would be trying to make sure this guy does not do anything to harm her.  Knowing him, she is probably safer in John’s company.  I better get going I know where to look.  One more thing, I will be taking her back to my planet at least for a short while, so if you would please pack and give me whatever of her belongings that are still here.”  Caleb’s voice was harsh and grating at first but normal in the end.
“Why are you taking her there?  Tell me, there must be a reason to your madness.” George questioned.
“I need to rest for a while, I have some other things that need attending and I do not want her to be in any danger.  Besides on my planet no one knows her or even remember her tribe so she will be safe as well as unknown.” He explained.
“One thing you must know first,” Ellie piped up, “no matter where you take her, as she told you already.  Kaya will be tested by the planet and even though they have been small test in the past, going back to her other original home planet.  The test will be even harsher; in fact, it will seem as if she is dead for twenty-four hours.  No matter what you are not to interfere with this, the planet must see her die and come back to life.  This will be a natural process and expected for one of her home planets, especially one she has yet to set foot on.  Remember she will not be able to tell you herself.  Never to interfere with her death and new life she must be tested in this manner.  If you try to interfere, she will die for good.  Do you understand?” Ellie’s voice stayed serious and even.
“Yes, perfectly I will not interfere with this no matter what.  Hopefully, you might be able to tell me when this might occur.” He reaffirmed, then asked “Is it because of the mix between the two mother planets that she will be tested so harshly?”
“Yes, all planets test Elvan blood, but with her blood being pure from two mothers the other mother must confirm that she truly has both sets of genetics firmly within her.  Kaya will be tested in the first twelve hours after she touches the ground.” Ellie told him.
“Now wait a minute, how do you know where Caleb lives, Ellie?” asked George.
“Let me guess you were the one who wrote about me in the cave?” Caleb took a stab at his theory.
“Yes.” Ellie replied.
“Now hold on what is going on here?” George was forced to ask.
“He has seen and been explained the Cave of History.” Ellie explained.
“Oh alright, now I understand.  I will be right back with all of Kaya’s things.”  George then left into the house he was only gone for two minutes tops because they had already packed her belongings and a few extra gifts and notes.  He was right in thinking that Caleb would come for her sooner rather than later.  However, in those couple minutes Ellie left saying goodbye but as she walked right by Caleb, she shot a glance sending out a warning that he understood fully. To not screw up Kaya’s testing no matter what so Ellie’s friend could live.  When George handed over the bag Caleb said so long and left.  Finding Kaya would be the easy part of this whole thing; however, getting her away from Mr. Narkra without killing anyone would be the real trick but probably would not happen.  He put the bag away as soon as he was back on the ship, and immediately took off after paying his dues.  Setting his course for the station colony he just left, maybe this time he would not get more bad news along with this trip.
As soon as he landed getting off his ship, he locked up walking right back to Mr. Narkra’s main mansion in the central station.  He entered and was greeted by several servants who asked what he was doing back so quickly.  Caleb answered none of them and just entered the house to the richly decorated room unannounced.  Mr. Narkra was not at all surprised and Kaya was there at the side of his chair with John standing right behind her with a hand on her shoulder.  Her hands were tied behind her, and although her legs were free, she was in a forced kneeling position with her mouth gagged.  Despite that, Caleb was glad to see that the hand John had on her was a protective one if nothing else.  She was safe for now, or at least while John was still able to watch over her.  Caleb looked for any signs of any other harm, but nothing outwardly showed so that was a small relief.
“How long has she been here, John?” Caleb asked the anger starting to creep into his voice; after all he had no idea what other kind of harm could have befallen her.  Especially since this was Narkra they were dealing with.
“You should be asking me, Caleb.” Said Mr. Narkra
“No, I am asking the one who kidnapped her.  Now then, tell me what I want to know John.” Caleb demanded.
“Since last night, even though you were here too, you just never did seem to find her.  Now you will pay for everything you took away from me and you will never have my fiancée ever again.”  Was all John could gloat about because then he was knocked out cold by a hit behind his head as soon as he took a breath.  His unconscious body fell to the ground and there went the only protection Kaya had.  Though Caleb did wonder for a second why he never heard her breathing, granted Narkra’s mansion was inside an actual space station that had ships coming and going all the time, not to mention the thousands of people who lived there, along with the fact he wasn’t expecting her here that he never even tried to listen for her.
“So, what happens now Heft?” Caleb ventured he could hear gasps all over the place.  He was tired of this game and was done with what Heft Narkra was trying to do with him now.  Caleb new it was dangerous to call this guy by his first name; it was kept more of a secret than any other GDF official.  But this really was no time for any nice guy act, as dangerous as Narkra was Caleb knew what the real score was and just who was more deadly to have around.
“Well, aren’t we courageous?  You forget I have control over your whole life, we play by my rules and my rules say that you will leave knowing I have everything.” Mr. Narkra told him with a smug look on his face.
“You should remember that I was the one who helped you get most of those cards.  I think we start playing by my rules again like when we first met when I placed you under arrest.” Caleb informed him.
“If you insist, we play that way then you will die.” Narkra replied smoothly.
“What if I kill you first?” Caleb mused a little a smirk on his lips.
“If you can kill me first then I suppose my followers will have to obey you then but of course they do always follow me and will give their life to do so.  So, what will you do?” That was Narkra’s last words.
Caleb never gave a response because the next thing anyone knew, Caleb and Kaya were both running toward the ship.  Everyone had heard a gunshot, but no one could understand what had happened except for Caleb.  The cards were in fact always in Caleb’s hands, he shot Narkra in the heart, grabbed Kaya by the arm and he was so glad that she trusted him so much now that she just got up and ran when prompted.  Caleb was able to cut the bind on her hands as he pulled her up, as they ran Kaya removed the gag that was on her mouth.  Once onboard the ship, the two took their seats and Caleb left the station and entered hyperspace setting his course, he turned to face Kaya.
“Sorry about that, at least you reacted quickly.  The only way I was going to get you out was by cutting off the head of the snake.  Don’t worry now that there is no head your boyfriend will easily get a ride back to Elvan somehow.  Hopefully, that will be the last of all of this and your boyfriend will get a clue.”  Caleb tried putting in a little sarcasm, but John’s words bugged him for Kaya never talked about her past relationships; she only ever mentioned friends.  Why did it bug him though?  He couldn’t explain this feeling of some other guy acknowledging Kaya as being important to him; Caleb wanted her to feel that he was the most important person in her life not someone else.
“What are you talking about?  I did not leave any boyfriend behind, we left John behind which is fine by me, but he is NOT my boyfriend I thought you knew that.”  Kaya was a little ticked besides, before Caleb she never really got that close to any guy before.  Not that they were dating, as far as she could tell.  Even though she had kissed him, to Caleb she was just a partner nothing romantic was truly going on between them. Still, she did not appreciate his teasing.
“Yeah, I knew that I was teasing a little, gosh you are being so tense.”  Caleb realized that before tonight he never did think of her as having a boyfriend before.  That could have been because she never talked about it, but it was more likely that it was John bringing Kaya’s relationship status to the forefront of his mind.  It bothered him, Caleb wanted to ask more, then he remembered the two kisses she had left him with.  Maybe that was part of it too, he wanted that kiss on the lips and his cheek to mean something more could happen between them.
“Shouldn’t we be back at the house by now?”  Kaya asked after a minute of silence but still a little irate.
“No, we are going someplace else.”
“Why what happened?” 
“The house has been destroyed, all the maids are safe and will eventually start their new lives over after fulfilling their final duties that they were asked to perform in case of such an event.” Caleb admitted he was hoping to not have to tell her right away about the house.  That was the karma he got for thinking of other things.
“Well at least they are safe, so where are we going then?” Kaya asked again.
“Just relax and trust me, will you?” 
“You are being no better than John was when he kidnapped me.  The only difference is that I have control over myself.  Will you just tell me where we are going?”
“I want it to be a surprise, besides, I think you will like it.  What do you mean I’m acting like John?  What happened to you exactly?”
“He used chloroform to knock me out; I was so busy in thought that I did not notice him coming out from the shadows.  Then there was this constant sweet sent that kept me loopy as he bound my hands and gagged me while in his ship.  Then I have vague memories of walking off a ship and to a building, the only real thing I can remember clearly is kneeling beside Mr. Narkra’s chair.  He would stroke my hair, tell me I was a rare beauty, twice before you came in, Mr. Narkra attempted to look into my eyes but I always shut them or looked away.  Every time he touched me it made my skin crawl.” Kaya shivered in remembrance she didn't like Mr. Narkra when they first met and now, he just creeped her out at their second meeting if you could even call it that.
“Are you sure that was all that happened?  John or Narkra did not do anything else?” Caleb wanted to make sure.
“Well, if Narkra had then you already killed him, if John had done anything more to hurt me then as soon as he reaches Elvan he too will be dealt with.  Elvan does not take it lightly should one of its children is harmed, John should know this, but he has no other place to go.  I will call Sam later and ask to make sure if you are truly that concerned.”  Kaya told him.
“I am.  Maybe you should see a doctor once we are settled.” Caleb was starting to understand why he felt so protective of Kaya with each passing day that feeling seemed to always be growing from the first time they met.  Perhaps since he first saw her picture.  Perhaps more so because of that growing feeling, he was anxious about what may have happened to her while drugged.
"I am fine I assure you." Kaya told him a little soothingly to calm him. “Coming out of hyperspace, look out the window.  If you still don’t know the planet, I will tell you but it should be in your blood.” Caleb hinted with a smile, this surprise and her soothing voice had done the trick to ease his temper.
She looked out the window and saw for the first time the planet that her father’s ancestors came from.  Easily she could tell how much more water this planet had; the land masses had changed only slightly from the history books she had read of what it once looked like.  Not to mention the pictures she had recently seen from different new books she had been reading.  Still, she felt oddly nervous and at home all at once this had never happened before.  They landed in a desert area saying nothing to each other; Caleb knew she had figured out the identity of the planet.

© 2023 Kitty M

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Added on June 9, 2023
Last Updated on June 9, 2023


Kitty M
Kitty M

Shelton, WA

I have been told often growing up that I have a good imagination, in High School I was given a task of writing a story with my vocabulary words. That story continued to develop, I started to write oth.. more..
