Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by The Rift

Chapter Two

Her existance was a celebration to some but also thought to be an abomination by most. This small child, born from a woman that wasn't his wife. Aki'za took his wife's personal maid in a fit of frustration at his own impotence. The only cultural problem with this act was that the maid was of the Ellkav, the race which inhabited the land before the powerful Avkar. Because of this child the country was thrown into disarray, for Aki'za was already doubted as a leader. Most of the people spoke against him and his ways, saying that he wasn't mature enough to be the new leader of the great warrior tribe. The wise elder Mira'vi supported his son, saying that his son unknowingly rescued his people.

"Long ago, when we took this land, the king casted a spell on us all. I did not realise exactly what it did until this event. But what I think the Ellkavian king didn't count on was that our two races could still procreate. My son has shown us all a way to continue our existence," Mira'vi announced to the great mass of people that had gathered outside. A cheer erupted from the crowd, but Mira'vi wasn't sure if it was sincere or not. "I have said what I can. It's your turn to lead them," Mira'vi said to his son as he exited back into the palace. Aki'za nodded to his elder but hesitated for a moment before stepping out onto the outdoor platform. "My people!" Aki'za started, "I have wronged you... But in my wrong I have found our salvation!"

The people cheered again.

The warrior gained some security and confidence in the uproar. "A law will be established. As of now all Ellkavian slaves will be granted the right to earn citizenship in Avkaria. Any master abusing this law will be punished," Aki'za said. The crowd seemed less enthusiastic about the second announcement.

"This is for the good of us all. We must do this to ensure the survival of our race," Aki'za said. Some of the crowd engaged in conversation as the left the courtyard, most of which was expressing their disagreements. 

"Don't worry. They will understand when they become as frustrated as you were," The queen and Aki'za's wife, Lyndis said. Aki'za looked at his wife with sorrow filled eyes, showing that he knew his actions were wrong and he was sorry he let his emotions get the better of him. "I have already forgiven you. Even I know the country's fate if the king has no heir," Lyndis said, expression betraying her words. Aki'za read her well enough to know how much truth was really behind the statement. "But you need to promise me you will never, ever do it again. Ever," Lyndis said, taking steps toward the much larger man. He nodded and unconciously gulped as she neared him, knowing full well what she was capable of. Lyndis seemed to note his reaction to her movement and stopped at her arm's reach. "Good. Now come see to your daughter," Lyndis said, motioning one arm toward the door. A tiny smile crept across Aki'za's face at the mention of his child. "What are we going to name her?" Aki'za asked simply as he started toward the door. Lyndis nodded her head to the side slightly as if confused. "I hadn't thought about it. I figured the child's mother would be given that opportunity," Lyndis said, walking behind the king as they both started for the nursery. "How about Azhtayla?" Aki'za asked bluntly. Lyndis laughed aloud, "Azhtayla? Are you mad? How much responsibility are you expecting to put on this child?"

"As much as any other. She will lead one day," Aki'za stated flatly. "You cannot just name your child after the greatest woman in our history. Not without the people expecting much from her," Lyndis argued. "She is the reason for the union of two races. I believe she is destined for greatness," Aki'za said, stopping at the nursery doorway. "Then do well to train her in our people's ways. I have yet to decide if I will treat her as my own," Lyndis said, disengaging the conversation by walking into the room. Aki'za sighed at the last remark, he wanted the impossible he realised. He wanted this child to bring them together much like she brought the Avkar and the Ellkav together. Instead it seemed to tear open a hole much deeper then he realised. "I am the man who can do no right in anyone's eyes. What am I to do?" Aki'za muttered to himself as he entered the nursery. 

* * *

"My lord! There has been a disturbance in the mortal world's flow of magic!" A dark figure said as he rushed into a large flaming room. In the exact center of this perfectly circular room was a large fiery throne. On the throne sat a very powerful, large red humanoid, with a succubus sitting contently on his knee. "I felt it as well. Why do you feel the need to tell me about things I am already aware of?" The large demon asked. "It was you who ordered me to watch for anomalies like this so long ago. This is the first time my wards have been activated," The robed mage said with arrogant confidence. The larger demon rolled his eyes and then whispered something to the succubus on his knee, who smiled and hopped off his knee. She walked past the mage slowly and turned to blow the demon a kiss when they were side by side.

 The robed mage waited patiently as the seductress out of the room before throwing off his cowl, revealing his fleshless exterior. "What exactly is it that disturbed the mortal's sorry excuse of a magic flow.?" The demon asked when the succubus was out of the room. The mage's black flaming orbs of eyes darted back and forth as he tried to exact his speech. "The instruments say simply that it was the birth of a puny human. Nothing more," The mage stated. "Seems the prophecy might come true. Even after all you have done to prevent it," A young voice said as the main doors opened. "Ire, so good of you to join us. Don't forget this involves you as well," The demon said. The young incubus Irekishan was known among the hell dimention as one of the more gifted incubi dispite his age. "Ah yes. I am supposed to aid in bringing peace to the mortals. How treacherous," Ire said, faking suprise. "Very sorry milord, but of what prophecy do you speak of?" The skeleton mage interrupted. "One that the likes of you need never know," Ire said coldly. "Don't talk to me like that you scum! Do you even know who I am?" The mage bellowed, arrogance making Ire smile to himself. 

"Begone Veroxus. This one is called Ire for a reason," The larger demon said, a similar smile drawing itself on his features. Veroxus grumbled as he turned and headed toward the exit, small orbs doing their best to display a scowl. "Such defiance in your ranks. Would you like me to personally extinguish their wills?" Ire asked, only half sarcastic. "Fun for another time boy. No, for now you need to monitor any and all being that enter and exit this realm. I want to know about everything," The demon commanded. Ire sighed and turned to leave, "As you wish. Father."

© 2010 The Rift

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Added on November 28, 2010
Last Updated on November 28, 2010


The Rift
The Rift

Hey all, Rift here. I'm fairly new at writing and I thought I'd post my latest affliction in a place that might appreciate it. Constructive critisism is appreciated. Thanks. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by The Rift