Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by The Rift

Chapter One


Before time was acknowledged, four lesser Gods claimed a world in the mortal dimension known as Gaia. These four lesser Gods: Maya, Zurial, Kirin and Lyrian all raced to claim a portion of the world for themself. Maya obtained the largest of the continents; Zurial the next largest and Kirin was left with the final and smallest of landmasses. Lyrian however was left with nothing but the oceans to call his own. This angered him but still he took his bounty and started to inhabit the waters that surrounded all land. Whenever the four lesser Gods had finally settled down, the major God of life came to grant them all temporary power over creation. Each lesser was able to birth two races of beings, both would be given land on their respective continent.


Maya, the only female God in the group created the powerful yet small Dwarves and the ethereal Elementals. Of the earth she created the Dwarves and under the earth she intended them to reside. To only the Elementals the Dwarves were friendly, as they mimiced their creator's cautious nature. The Elementals took from the world around the earth and with the Dwarves permission, the earth as well. They took comfort in hiding in whichever element felt most at home to them. But they would not back down if any being would seek to steal their home.


Zurial valued raw power over much, earning him the label of being brutish by many of the other Gods. With his brief power he created the Trolls and the Orcs, both beings that housed incredible physical strengths. In different ways they mirrored their creator. The Orcs' bodies were made for maximum physical strength, sacrificing intelligence and wisdom for more power. Trolls were created more slender and taller, but still physically empowered. Dispite the strength they wielded, they used their higher mental capacity to better themselves in both battle and general civilization.


Kirin prided himself on his considerable magical influence, and so he imbued this magical power into his creations. His first race was the Elves, who took residence in the jungle and forests. They drew their magical energies from the trees more then the natural magic flow from the world. The Elves were tall and agile, and dispite their heavy magical advantages the land gave them they seemed to prefer to exercise their physical bodies more then their magical prowess. The second race Kirin created was the humans, a simple humanoid race that was given an intense magical power. The humans' will was powerful, making them a race that didn't stay peaceful with themselves or anyone else.

The Major God took a small interest in Lyrian's seemingly unfortunate position. Instead of giving him a small amount of power, Lyrian was tasked to create and manage the wildlife on all of the lands and in the waters in any way he pleased. Lyrian took advantage of the this power and created a great number of creatures, modeling the animals after some he had seen the Major Gods put on other worlds.


When the God of Life saw that the lessers had done well, he left them to return to his home, leaving them to do their bidding. As time went on, the races grew and grew. Eventually some of them became tired of their homeland and saught a new land. Some of the Elves tried to traverse the waters to find new forests, Dwarves tried to find new mountains, Orcs and Trolls banded together to try and find new lands to conquer. Some failed, but others simply weren't bold enough to venture out of their controlled enviroments. Or in the human's case, were too busy with internal struggles to explore outside their continent.


* * *


In a land destined to be forever shrouded in chaos, a kingdom rose above all others. This kingdom, once a poor, desolate one, was effectively stripped of life and rebuilt under the command of the western desert tribe. Most of the population was destroyed, the survivors were herded to be used as servants and slaves. Eventually these two people combined wills and strengths to create the thriving country of Avkaria. The ruler of this new world power was a very strong yet simple minded. He led his people, the Avkar, out of the fruitless Kirin desert and into the comparitively beautiful land called Ellkavia. This land seemed to be there for whoever was strong enough to take it; the peasants were weak and died quickly and the laborers died in a similar fashion. The well trained, dark-skinned warriors swept through the land, pillaging and destroying everything in a murderous trail of destruction. The huge force made it's way to the palace, absolutely nothing able to stop them. When the warrior-king broke down the large gem encrusted throne room door he was both amazed and disgusted. The enemy king and his court were feasting! The arrogance of the enemy king's actions made the warrior furious. "How can you feast when death is at your doorstep?" The warrior said. The Ellkavian king grinned evilly raised a golden goblet in his enemy's direction, "Good evening Mira'vi. Why don't you sit for a meal?"


"I do no sit with cowards and mad men," Mira'vi stated, frown apparent. "Mad? You are callingme mad?" The king laughed, coughing on his wine. Mira'vi simply frowned at the king. "Fine! Your description of me shall be accurate enough!" The king shouted as he threw his golden goblet into the air, in the direction of Mira'vi. Wine splashed down on all of the noblemen in the room but the cup did not follow. Instead it hung in the air, suspended by some unseen force.


"Don't fret little warrior, this land will be yours. But keep in mind this. Me and mine will be back. We will come back the instant you are weak!" The king said, wiggling his fingers back and forth to mimic the floating cup's movements. With what sound much like a pop, the goblet suddenly exploded in a flash of light, temporarily blinding everyone in the room. When Mira'vi's vision returned the Ellkavian king laid slumped in his throne and all of his subordinates looked the desert invaders with an unatural bloodlust.


"Destroy them all. Burn their remains. I don't want any of their bloodline to reemerge. Ever," Mira'vi said, swatting one of the zombie-like noblemen away with his large battleaxe.


Eventually, the land was cleansed of all the enemies of the Avkar. The only ones Mira'vi allowed to live was the easternmost peasant towns; whom he forced to destroy and rebuild their own capital city and palace.


* * *


Thirty years later, Mira'vi's son Aki'za took power. Him and his people were faced with impending doom, not one of the Avkar had been able to reproduce since the day they invaded Ellkavia. When they realised this, they found dispite their apparent impotence they could mate with their lighter-skinned slaves.


At that time, Aki'za took his wife's chambermaid and unknowingly created a successor. At the birth of Aki'za's child, people from the far corners of the country came to give gifts. Among them was a pair of travelling mages who bestowed upon the baby girl the gifts of eternal youth and beauty. After that, those particular mages were never seen or heard from again.


And so the world's time of chaos begins to draw to a close. For the long awaited Mediator has been born.

© 2010 The Rift

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Added on November 28, 2010
Last Updated on November 28, 2010


The Rift
The Rift

Hey all, Rift here. I'm fairly new at writing and I thought I'd post my latest affliction in a place that might appreciate it. Constructive critisism is appreciated. Thanks. more..

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by The Rift