![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Novelist101My eyes fluttered open and I cringed as I stared up into a huge bright light above me. I tried to stand but my feet were too weak. I looked around. A big TV set, white leather couches, two sets of chandeliers, a long spiraling staircase and a grand piano. Where the hell am i? I thought. Why am I here and who's place is this? I had all these questions and more but no intention to find out the answers as the memory that I was abducted came up. This must be his place, the house of my abductor that is. And what do abductors do with little 16 year olds at their house? I sure as in hell wasn't planning to stay to find out. I need to get the hell out of here. But my feet were still too weak so I hoped my hands would do me justice. I placed my palms on the floor and pushed myself up, then I held to the seat of the couch nearest to me and tried to pull myself up. My first thought was to call the police but being that I didn't have my phone on me suppressed that idea. So I went to plan B. Find a way out myself. And as soon as i got my feet working that's precisely what I got to doing. I ran to the front door first but it was locked. No keyhold or lock on my side except a knob which defiantly indicated it was locked from the outside. And there was no glass or anything else on it to try break through. I headed for the back on next; if there was any. I ran around a corner, down a corridor and into a room. A kitchen. With a door. Yes there it is. I tired it. Locked from the outside too. I sighed heavily as panic grew. Windows. That's what popped into my head next. I looked around. No windows. I headed back to the living area where I was. Still none. Ugh what kind of place is this. Tears streamed down my cheeks; my pulse rising as the panic grew even more. Where the hell am I? Will I ever get out of here? Will whoever took me kill me? I held my stomach put a hand over my mouth to try stop my sobs. Suddenly I stopped. What if am not here alone? What if my abductor was upstairs?What if he was lay-waiting me with a chainsaw?Oh no no no no no. This can't be happening. I'm so not ready to die yet. And in that exact instant my heart dropped to the soles or my feet and goosebumps covered my skin as music filled the air. Soft melodious notes. Oh my God. He is here. He's right behind me. Playing the piano. Adrenalin kicked in and my panic went into overdrive; and without even so much as to think it through, I dashed for the stairs. I climbed them two by two, my heels hurting. I couldn't hear footsteps to indicate he was following but I just couldn't stop neither did I took the chance of looking back. I just climbed and climbed until I reached the top. Then I dashed into the nearest room, shutting the door and leaning against it to catch my breath. I breathed, closing my eyes tight shut. I put my ear against the door and listened. The music stopped. "I see someone isn't a fan of classic music," a deep masculine voice said behind me and I froze. Oh no. God no. This is. Time to face my death. Shock took hold of me so much that I couldn't even scream. I just took a deep breath and slowly turned. Turned to meet my would-be murderer. I don't know if it was possible at that point but my shock and confusion grew even more at the scenery before me. The room was incredibly huge. All white walls, no windows either and nothing in it except another door, an overhead light, a bed and a chair in the furthest corner...with someone in it. He wore a gray suit, slick and ever so neat, to match his gray tie and compliment his white undershirt. I took liberty of slowly studying him from foot all the way up to his...face? Although it wasn't a face. It was a mask. A thick white mask that covered all the top half of his face. Covered all except his lips. Suddenly they curved up. "You didn't answer my question," he said calmly. I drew my brows together. He didn't look or seem all that dangerous. Exhale. Some of the panic reduced. "What do you want with me?" "You can't answer one question with another question." It didn't sound like him. I mean I don't know him to know what his voice should sound like but there's no way a voice that deep could come from someone that small in body. But why would he need mask plus something to disguise his voice. It just didn't make sense. Unless...unless he was someone I knew. His body structure looked young too, and - I took a peek over the mask- so did his luscious brown hair. OK. I get it. This is some stupid joke right. Maybe its just one of my friends who thought this to be the ultimate prank. Yeah right. Real funny. "OK ok, you got me," I said hysterically, throwing my hands into the air. "C'mon you guys this isn't funny. You can take the mask off dude, I've got a party I need to get to" "You think this is some sort of prank?" His voice seemed to went deeper and courser. Is that anger? "I know it is. Listen Blaine, Brandon, James, whoever you are just please stop now okay. I get it. Ha ha real funny. I need to get back to the-" Suddenly a heavy breeze swooshed past my cheek before I could finish. I looked sideways and there's a pocket knife stuck in the door not an inch good from my face. My breath gushed out and I spun back around to see him standing now. "Would one of your friends do that?" He asked. He took a step closer, then another and another, each matching the steady increase of my heart. It was as if it was reflex but I was literally glued to the door then. My hands and feet real still and my eyes wide with horror. He was directly before me now. He stood staring - well at least I thought he was - down at me for a bit. And at that moment I couldn't help but study him. Call me crazy but he has got to be the hottest kidnapper not the entire planet. And those lips. Jeez. In that same instance, he raised a finger and used it to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Then he raised his hand again but this time to retrieve the knife. As he pull it from the wall he placed it gently on my cheek and ever so slowly drew it across my jaw. I flinched as the cold blade sent shivers down my spine and immediately the thought of him being so completely hot was replaced by the fact that he was indeed my abductor and that he was holding a knife to my face; me being completely defenseless. "You're so naive," he said softly, "to think this is a prank." I didn't want to believe it but he just confirmed the truth. "S-so you're really a total stranger?" "That's right" he replied and I held my breath. So this is really happening. Its really real. Christ. "This is the real world Kay-lee, and not because you're filthy rich and constantly surrounded by material things or that you have a high status does it make it impossible for you to get kidnapped." I thought that through for a bit. What was he really getting at? Sigh. Oh brother. "OK so what's it gonna be? What's the price? Just name the ransom and I will get it okay, just please let me go" He placed the knife in his back pocket and tucked one hand in his front one. "Another wake up call, not everything's about money." He headed towards the door. "So what am I here for then?" "I guess you have no other choice but to just wait and see" he replied. And with that said he was out the door, bolting it and heading down the stairs before I could stop him or protest. No windows, just an empty room in a house located God knows where with a complete stranger and nothing at all to do but exactly what he said. To sit and actually wait and see... © 2014 Novelist101 |
Added on December 3, 2014 Last Updated on December 3, 2014 Author![]() Novelist101kingston, JamaicaAboutI am a fun loving gal from the west. I have a big, Indian background, I love action, poetry, suspense and romance novels. Although I've been writing from I was 14 I still think i'm a novice. So read m.. more..Writing