![]() Chapter five: A ConfessionA Chapter by Caitlynn Cusick![]() warning: accidental smut, not too much, but youve been warned!![]() Chapter Five: A Confession
The world around Rosie spins. The moment that crown hit her head she felt amazed and dizzy and sick all at the same time. She wanted to be sick, but the words uttered by Camilo stopped her dead. Her heart flew, then crashed around her in an inexplicable way. He loved her. She wanted to scream and shout and laugh all at once, but the crowd around her went silent as they saw her reaction to the crown. Yeah, it was the crown that caused her to collapse on the floor in front of the whole communion. Camilo knew otherwise because he felt it too, deep in his chest. He dropped to his knees, and the last thing he saw was Lucifer, towering over him, his large wings blotting out anything except for the blinding pain. They woke up in their room, Rosie’s crown still on her head, and a sharp pain in her chest. She turns and whines loudly as she feels an IV pull from her arm, and hears Camilo beside her gasp in pain. She sees Lucifer jump up and reattach the IV’s to the two lovers arms, quieting them both before speaking softly to them. “Camilo, your Old Gods told me this would happen. When you told my niece you loved her, it... Released a curse of sorts... If I wouldn’t have known about this, you would have both died. You now cannot live without one another, and it is why you two must mix blood. This is a bond unlike any I’ve ever seen. You will both be OK now, i promise,” he smiles down at the two of them and brushes aside their fever soaked hair. He looks to the window and nods as a large bird somehow signals him, and he removes the IV’s connecting them, sealing the wounds with a single touch, and walks out of the room, leaving them in silence. With a groan, they turn towards each other, and Camilo gently takes her hand in his. She went to speak, but he silenced her with a kiss, knowing it can say more than words. She lets a groan escape her lips, and pulls him closer to her. He grins against her lips and grips the base of her wings, his nails gently digging in to the soft skin to be found there. She pauses for a second, looking at him with wide eyes and some unfathomable concern, and he smiles, kissing her forehead gently and gets up, removing the intricate gold crown from her hair. He holds up a finger telling her to wait, and he sets down the crown in its box, closing it with a snick before checking on the kids, who were sound asleep in their crib. “The children are fine my precious Rose. You can relax. We are safe here,” he says softly as he climbs beside her in bed, gently petting her soft skin and fluffy wings. She smiles and lets herself relax into his touch. “I know we are safe,” she mumbles against his chest, “ I just worry. Where will this take us? I just don’t know how this will end. I’m afraid this will end like the last time.” He cringes, and kisses the top of her head softly. “Rosalyn. I promise. I will never hurt you. I couldn’t. It would kill me. I love you.” She smiles up at him, and its like a cloud moving away from the sun, and Camilo sighs happily before kissing her deeply, a happy laugh the only sound made by either of them except for the desperate gasps for air. He pulls her hair loose from the thick braid and feels her hair surround him like a blanket, and he drowns in her scent, eliciting a soft whine from deep within his chest. Slowly his hands work around her back, clawing at the soft skin between her wings before pulling at the laces of the corseted dress. She giggles and turns carefully, so he can work the intricate knots loose easier. As he releases the last thread from the loops, she stands up and puts the dress back on the wooden form, a slip the only thing keeping her modest. Camilo groans and gets up, his breathing ragged and fast. He takes off the tight tunic he wore to the ceremony, and stretches his shoulders back. Shaking his head free of the cloudiness he feels, he looks to a Rose, who is perched on a chair and combing out her hair. She gets up, lifting the babes out from the crib and to her chest, where they begin to feed as she sings softly, and Camilo pulls his hair and walks out to the balcony for fresh air, frustration following him like a cloud. As he watches the sun set in the sky, he thinks about the implications of his feelings, and how it can affect the girl he loves. She pads up behind him, and wraps her arms around his neck and her wings around them both, and he growls, leaning in to her and quickly turns, picking her up and setting her on the balcony for him to behold. He runs his fingertips along every inch of visible skin, his eyes closed in desperate need, and catches himself from slipping beyond the cloth border signifying everything he wants. Each little touch causes her to shiver and gasp, and when he looks into her eyes he knows that he’s not the only one wanting what they cannot have. Her eyes are pleading, and she nods gently. With that he picks her up carefully and carries her to the bed and nestles her into the fluffy mountain of blankets, and gently sits beside her, kissing her lips gently. She growls and pulls him roughly beside her. He looks at her and urges patience, and she sighs and relents. He gently turns her over and straddles her legs, massaging her wing beds and back through the thin cotton of the slip. She whines pathetically and he kisses her neck, causing a surge of energy to flood through him. He kisses down her neck and gently turns her back over, trailing the kisses to the edge of the slip, and looks at her for permission. She nods breathlessly and he begins to untie the laces of her slip, but stops. She arches under his touch and he smiles, sighing softly , brushes a hand through her hair, and kissing her forehead. She looks at him with a sad expression, and sighs as he sits beside her, pulling her close into his arms. They dont say a word, but instead sit in quiet repose, enjoying the time spent in each others arms. After a peaceful eternity she falls asleep in his arms, and he kisses her once more before closing his eyes and sinking into a deep sleep amongst the cloud of pillows and love that surrounds him. He was barely asleep for more than a few minutes, when he hears a knock on the door, and he gets up regretfully, careful to not wake the sleeping girl beside him. When he opens the door, three chambermaids come waltzing in with gowns and shoes and stacks of pants and shirts, and he is pushed aside like he is not there. He grunts and stops them, looking annoyed at the noise, pointing to the bed forcefully and telling them to shut up. “We are sorry to bother you and your companion, but Lucifer requests your presence at dinner. Everyone is waiting for you two. We have brought several outfits for the both of you, so you can choose what you like best,” one maid whispers quietly, pointing to the dress forms covered in silk, “hurry up now, Lucifer is impatient.” He groans and pushes them out the door and rubs his forehead in agitation. He looks over the delicate dresses left behind, admiring the silky grey fabric of a knee length dress, smiling as he imagines his love in the fragile fabric. He smiles at the thought, and looks over the others, a floor length, blood red taffeta dress with a black leather bodice, and he shivers happily, and hides the other two dresses from her and wakes up the sleeping girl. He hops on the bed and pins her wings down, kissing her deeply with a deep laugh. She wakes with a start, smiling against his lips as she comes to the world she truely belongs in. He pulls her to her feet and spins her around in his arms before setting her on the table by the dress, covering her eyes. With a quick kiss, he uncovers her eyes and she gasps at the dress, squealing happily at the fluffy red mess. She jumps to the form, pulling the dress to her and grins. “come on pretty girl, we have a dinner to go to! Put on that dress and I can do your hair for you!” Camilo laughs and puts on a red cotton shirt under his training vest and puts on the black pants left for him. He shakes his head at how Lucifer planned this out. When he turns and brushes back his hair, his breath catches in his throat at the sight of the small girl in the red dress. Rosie giggles and kicks up a leg and shows him the satin slippers on her tiny feet. “I want to leave my hair down! Come on, lets go,” she bounces over to the door and does a double take, quickly grabbing the crown from the box beside the door and swoops out of the room, wings trailing behind her in a flurry of feathers. Camilo laughs and races after her, and they slip and dash down the hall to the large room at the center of the palace. As they reach the large doors, she throws her wings out, acting as a parachute to stop the flight down the hallway and laughs. She curtsys to the guard outside the door, and waltzes in, taking a seat beside her brother at the table, and Camilo bows low to Lucifer before sitting to her right. “Finally the two lovebirds show up!,” Lucifer booms with mirth, clapping Camilo across the back and kissing Rosie on the cheek, “its about time, too! We thought you had lost yourselves in that pile of sheets while you were all tangled up together!” He winks and nudges Camilo’s arm approvingly. “I think it is time for a toast, don’t you think? To family, our health, and the royal blood! May you two rule long after we all get tired of you! And may you, my dear Rose, raise those children right, and bring many more into this world with that cutie you have there! Never let him go darling.” Rosie blushes at this, and Lucifer smiles warmly at her. Camilo looks down and takes the girls hand under the table squeezing it gently in support. They raise their glasses in a toast, and take a deep drink from the cups. Rosie grimaces at the bitter wine in her glass and pours it in Camilo’s cup. Lucifer chuckles at this and snaps his fingers, filling her cup again with a delicate, sweet liquid. He then turns to Alaric, who is contently eating the large hunk of meat on his plate. “So, Alaric, do you have any new prospects? Any suitors or interests? Or are you just following around your little sister? I’m sure your parents would appreciate you watching out for her, but surely they would want you to take time for yourself?,” he asks, looking genuinely concerned. “I have not had time to, uncle,” Alaric states calmly, “we have only been on this plane for four days. Surely you knew that. Besides, do you expect me to leave my little sister in the middle of nowhere, unprotected, with two young babes? That would have been downright cruel!” “Did she not have Camilo here? Was he not enough to keep her safe?” The room goes silent as he smiles, knowing he has caught Alaric in a trap he was not prepared to work out of. Instead of speaking, he calmly sets down is silverware and leaves the table. Rosie looks around to the other table guests, unsure of what to do. “So,” Camilo interjects, breaking up the silence, “how have things been down here since our last check in? Its been quite a few years since the Old Gods came to visit, hasnt it?” “Ah, yes it has my boy! Its been quite some time since your kind has graced these halls. Tell me, how did you two find each other, and how did you have enough time to create those adorable little bundles of yours?” This time, Rosie speaks up, embarrassed by the question. “Luce, those children aren’t his. Alaric and I came across Camilo on our travel here. “Ah. Sorry for the misunderstanding love, they do look a lot like him.” Lucifer chuckles with happiness and mischief. “So, show me the runes kids. I wanna see if its true.” Camilo and Rosie look to each other nervously, and pull down their tops to show the runes hidden just behind the fabric. Once again it shocked them to see the fresh runes there, a sign of the love they didnt know they had. Lucifer clapped and laughed when he saw them, and begged for the two to touch so he could see them glow. Suddenly, Rosie hopped up and ran out of the room, a sense of panic lighting up her eyes as she went. Camilo quickly stood up to rush after her, but Lucifer stopped him, and went out instead to see what was wrong with the young princess of Hell. © 2014 Caitlynn Cusick |
1 Review Added on December 1, 2014 Last Updated on December 1, 2014 AuthorCaitlynn CusickChapel Hill, TNAboutGwendolyn Nightshade is a pen name for an author in Tennessee. She is supported by family and friends, and planning on writing another collection. glitter-graphics.com [Glitterfy.co.. more..Writing