![]() Believe...A Story by Kaitlyn :)![]() Sky's uncle has been telling her these stories since she could remember. She screams at her uncle and then goes to sleep. When she awakes everything is gone, and sky quickly finds herself in one of her uncles' Fairytales. FIRST CHAPTER!![]()
-FIRST CHAPTER- The Sun Peeked through the trees surrounding me like a giant with a larger then life flashlight beaming its god-like rays at me and me only. I listened to the birds’ chirping, and the sound of the serene lake behind me. I could hear the chipmunks scamper around the bush somewhere near me, but I was too mesmerized with the endless blue sky to look at them. My eyes slowly drifted shut as I took in the beautiful sounds surrounding me and I pictured myself running through a beautiful field of flowers and grass. I was at one with the world and I could see and smell everything around me. “Where is my uncle!? Where is my tent?! Where is my stuff?! Where are the woods?! WHO ARE YOU?!” The woman hovering over me as I freak out stared at me like I was a freak. She didn’t answer me but she seemed to make a quiet sigh. She grinned at me and then slowly walked away. I sensed she wanted me to follow, so I did. As I followed her I examined her. She was very, different. She was tallish, and weighed not much more then me, it seemed. She was maybe a few years older then me, I guessed. Her hair was black and it hung right over her shoulders. She wore bright red lipstick, but not to bright. Her eyes were a deep blue; like an ocean. There was barely any movement on her face, except for the blinking of her eyes. It seems like she’d be a normal person, until you looked at her outfit. She wore a short dress, with nylons that had one to many holes in them. I stopped examining her because I felt like a stalker. I looked around me and all that was surrounding me was sand. I had to be dreaming. About ten minutes had past and he slowly approached a large door with a strange symbol on it. [[Insert description here]] The women took something out of her pocket and put it in a small hole that was on the side of the very large door. I peered at her from the corner of my eye, but again, there seemed to be no movement in her face. She took the object out of the hole to the side of the door and backed up. The first actual acknowledgment she had towards me since we started walking was her gesturing to me. I followed her gesture and backed up. The lady kept her eyes forward as the door slowly creaked open. As it was opening I watched a, what seemed like a bird, flutter by inside. The door came to a complete halt. Before the lady began to walk, a purple glittery type substance exploded in the doorway ahead of us. I chose not to ask questions for there would have been way to many and I knew they’d be pouring out sooner or later. “Welcome to the Forever Forest,” the lady said slowly, “Don’t be alarmed by anything you see, it’s normal here. Don’t distract any of the workers, they have a wee bit of a anger issue.” The lady kept walking forward and I stared at her in disbelief. This wasn’t the forest I was camping in. Where was I? “Excuse me, miss? May I ask you a question?” I asked, afraid of the answer. “shoot.” “What is your name? I guess I should start with that question first.” The lady grinned and then began to speak. “My name is Stephanie, but everyone calls me Stephy. You see, while in this forest you are going to meet some very strange things, and that is just the beginning of it, you haven’t even gotten to the kingdom yet but I’m sure you will soon----“ the woman broke off as she saw me make a weird face; I sneezed. I could hear Stephy scream but as I opened my eyes, she was nowhere in sight. I turned in circles trying to find her but I couldn’t. Then out of nowhere I heard a voice, very similar to Stephy’s. “Why do you think they call me Stephy? It rhymes with Fairy.” I then began to freak out. Who was speaking to me? I closed my eyes and opened them back up. When they opened Stephy was standing right in front of me, as she was before I sneezed. I blinked about a million times to make sure she wouldn’t disappear again. I looked at her in shock and she shook her head and began to walk away again. Still very confused but afraid to ask questions I started following again. I could see the clearing in the trees coming up. The sun beamed through it like someone just turned on a light after I just woke up. As we came up to the opening in the trees a sign sat snug on the side of the path. It read, “. 2 miles to [[Insert name of town here]] “ I started to walk forward but Stephy stopped me in my tracks. The town had another door that resembled the first one we had past. But standing in front of it were two very tall, large men. “What are they doing here…” Stephy asked with a furious tone in her voice. I looked at her with all the questions that were just wanted to flow right out of my mouth. She nodded her head and began to speak again. “I know you don’t understand, I will explain it to you when and, if,” she emphasized on the ‘if’, “we make it inside.” Stephy walked up to the two lard men and spoke quietly. The only thing I could make out was, “she’s the one, isn’t she?” which the second large man on the right asked. The first large man didn’t speak as much as the second one, but he seemed to stare at me a lot. But it was more then a stare; it was more of a glare; a glare of hate. The two men then nodded their heads. I could have sworn they just disappeared, but I must have missed them walk away. Stephy waved at me and I walked to her side. She smiled a happy smile and opened the door. She put her hand out and welcomed me. “Welcome to [[Insert name of town here]], Skylar Marie Hamilton.” She knew my name, but how? I went to open my mouth and ask her the questions that were just building up inside of me but she held up a finger. “No need for the questions now, Sky. Once we get you to your room, and settled in, we will explain everything.” We? Who’s “we”? What room? Where are “we” making me live?! I finally had enough guts to open my mouth after the long silence. “What the hell is going on?! Who are you, and where are you taking me?! How do you know my name? Why did you take me here? Why, why, why, why?! WHAT”S GOING ON?!” Stephy opened her mouth and started laughing. “Darling, Wait. I already told you that we would tell you what’s going on when we get you to the place you will be staying.” “Who is ‘We’?” I asked with gazed eyes. “Haha, well Kinsey of course. “ I went to ask her who Kinsey was, but I decided to be a good little girl and wait. We walked up to a beautiful castle looking house, and then turned. Stephy stopped in front of a smallish house with a sharp looking roof. A very weird dog looking creature walked out of the house. The strange thing is he was walking on two legs. Stephy spoke to the dog. Was she crazy or something? She had to be. She pulled a key out of the mailbox and walked back to the castle. In front of us stood a huge gold gate with lion statues sitting right next to it. Stephy patted one of them on the head and walked through the gate. Something WAS wrong with her. Talking to animals is one thing, but petting objects that aren’t real…something had to be wrong with her. I ignored it, though, and walked with her. After about ten minutes, we finally made it to the front door. “That was the longest walkway I’ve ever walked…” I said to myself. Stephy giggled. Stephy opened the large golden doors before us. Despite all the walking I had done today, as soon as I saw the corridor of this house my jaw dropped and all I could do was run through the halls. Then remembering Stephy I turned around and gave her an innocent look. She smiled and nodded, “go ahead, hunny. Run, run. This is your home now. A smile spread across my face and I began to run.
© 2008 Kaitlyn :)Author's Note
1 Review Added on July 29, 2008 Last Updated on July 30, 2008 Author![]() Kaitlyn :)you need to know that why, exactly?, ILAboutHello, My name is Kaitlyn. (: I am probally one of the nicest people you will ever meet on this horrible clown infested earth. Yeah, sorry, Terrible fear of clowns :) and being raped, AND BEING RAPED .. more..Writing