He wasn't an ordinary fella. He had long, dark raggedy hair. Had clothes that were midnight blue. Didn't say a word to anyone in the village below. Somehow he has a scar on his face. Nobody knows how it got there, nobody has ever seen it yet they have heard of it. They say a long time ago people would hurt certain people that seemed different. The village people aren't sure if it's true but it's why they have heard. The people from before had come across this man who wasnt like any other they decided to torture him until the scar had stayed forever. Not only had it stayed but everyone named it the Autumn Scar. Only because it comes back every autumn. But the secret is, how does it go away in order for it to come back each fall. Hmmm.... Something to think about. But for now let's hear about the dark mysterious mans life before all this happened to him and we will later hear about how the scar came upon him.