![]() You AgainA Chapter by FiereblackittenSomething
is shaking me. Get away! Move! It won’t move. It’s irritating me. I hear
someone talking to me. It’s disturbing my sleep and I couldn’t be any more
upset. J’, Jayla! It’s whispering in a hushed voice. That voice sounds so
familiar, so familiar that I can’t stop myself from answering. “Leave me alone.” I mumble. “How
did you find me?” I ask. Ok, that wasn’t the first question that was supposed
to pop out of my mouth but, hey, it’s obviously one I wanted to know. “Well,
it was to hard sense we eventually decided to follow the direction you took off
in, but sense you ran off so fast we had to do a lot of guessing, the limo
driver is exhausted, we’re going to have to switch soon and don’t get me
started on how much he’s probably going to charge me, I heard him mumble
something about never picking up deranged teenagers again…… ” He says. “Ok, do
me a favor and use the opposite direction of the way you came in and get out of
here, I could care less about how much your limo drives going to cost you.” I
say. “You’re
mad at me, still, after at least two hours has gone past?” He asks staring at
me with a hurt, dazed like expression. “Of
course I am, especially about what you had the nerve to say to me and you
expect, what, a kiss and a hug, me to be overly excited to see you after you
were the reason I LEFT?” I ask enlightened. “No, I
didn’t expect any of that J’, but I thought maybe you would’ve gotten over the
things I said by now.” He said looking disappointed and weary. “Well,
I didn’t.” I say my expression tight. I would’ve walked off right then but
Aidan has both of my arms gripped tightly in his hands and he has his legs blocking
mine as if he knew I might try to escape. I let out a long sigh. “Jayla,
I’m sorry, really, I shouldn’t have said it.” He says sincerely. “Do you
really believe I don’t deserve the crown, that I’m jealous of Marcie?” I
whisper scared to really know the answer. “No, it
seemed like it at the moment but I thought about it and I know you’re not like
that, so I’m very sorry about hurting your feelings.” He says and gives me a
hesitant smile. I tug my arms away from him and throw my arms around his neck
and wrap him in a tight hug, which cause my feet to move. I push my lips
together in a tight line to keep from screaming and wrap my hands around my
feet which made it worse. “Let me
see them, how could you take off, without shoes, not the best move, Ms.
Durham.” He says watching my blistery red feet. “I was
mad.” I say handing him my right foot. “Yes, I
know, I’m sorry for that.” He says taking it in his hands, poking and prodding
at it, and then he lets it go and lets it fall on his lap. “Its
fine, I guess.” I say. “Have
you been crying?” He asks examining my face closely in the street light,
looking at the dried tears. “Maybe.”
I say quickly trying to rub away the tears and not caring enough to give him a
straight answer. “I
guess I’ve been making a lot of girls do that lately.” He says. “I
guess.” I tell him. “When,
are you going to stop giving me these short responses?” He asks. “I
don’t know.” Another short response. He just sighs and picks me up and swings
me over his shoulder and takes me to a limo that I just now noticed was here.
No one says much of anything. We just take Aidan’s limo to the airport, Aidan
pays him and we walk in to find a seat. Laya and Kane sit together and Lana and
Zane sit together. Aidan walks over and plops down in a seat and pats his lap
for me to come over. I stare at him a moment and eventually walk over and sit
on his lap. He takes my hair in his hands and pushes his fingers in and out of
it. “You
look terrible.” He comments not bothering to spare my feelings. “Oh,
thanks.” I say. “Maybe
you should take one of your many suit cases to the bathroom and clean up,
people are starting to think I snatched you.” He says grinning. “You
did.” I say laughing. “Only
thing I snatched was your heart and you can’t have that back.” He says. “Yeah,
yeah.” I say hopping off Aidan’s lap and limping to the bathroom. It looks like
any plain old bathroom. It has dark red, blood colored walls, white-tiled
floor, white sink, and a gray toilet. It’s pretty spacious though. Perfect for
me to move around in. I turn the water on and while it warms up I hastily
snatch a towel out of my bag and throw it on the floor. Then, I slowly take off
my ruined dress, underwear, and bras. I take out my favorite soap and a wash
cloth and wash everything including the glass off the bottom of my feet. I’m
glad no piece got to far deep in my feet because we don’t have another night to
waste here going to the hospital; we have to be leaving now. Everything is so
sore. Marcie got in some pretty good licks but I don’t care what anyone says I
still whooped her butt. I finish washing and use a towel out my bag to dry off.
This night was so long and I’m so tired. While I look at the mirror and stare
at my tear stained face I don’t know what came over me but I just started
crying all over again uncontrollably. I quickly pull myself together long
enough to wipe my face, put on a light
blue shirt, gray skinny jeans and blue high top converse that come only a
little past my ankle I stand in the mirror, shaking and crying while I do my
hair. I don’t know what’s going on but I haven’t cried this hard in years. I
put on deodorant, perfume, lip-gloss, and eye shadow. I clean my face with a
damp towel and glance at the mirror again. I look like myself now. I throw away
all the towels I used because I don’t want them anymore. Then, I slowly walk
out of the bathroom. I look around and find Aidan right where I left him. He
smiles at me and I smile back and walk over to resume my position on his lap. “I
thought I was going to have to come after you.” He pulls back my hair and
mumbles in my ear. “I was
sitting in there wondering how long it would take you to catch me if I did the
dip and hopped out the window.” I say. “Didn’t
you hear me come to the door and call your name?” He asks deciding to, I guess,
ignore my last comment. “No.” I
say. We’re silent for a moment each lost in our own thoughts. I really hope
this trip isn’t a disaster, actually, I don’t even want to go anymore, I just
want to go home and sleep. This fight with Marcie, and Aidan, and me trying to
figure out to get us out of town has left me beyond exhausted. “So, we’re ok?” Aidan asks. “Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” I say. “I mean are we still together.” He says. “Yeah, of course, I want to at least see how long this lasts.” I
say grinning. “You
like me, why won’t you just tell me that and, actually mean it; I know you’re
not just with me just to be with me, so stop fronting.” He says. He’s right, so
very right. I mean, after he said those things earlier and I ran off, I was
hurt, I realized that I do like him…..maybe even love him, I don’t know yet,
but all I know is I can’t stand to be without him and of course I can’t tell him
all this. I just…can’t, but maybe I will…someday. I turn
around to look at him. “I do like you and I’m glad to be with you.” I say
because that’s all I can manage. “I like
you to.” He says with a wide grin. “Yeah,
which is why you had to force me to say it?” I say. “Well,
I just want to hear you say the actual words but seriously you had this strange
look on your face like you were fighting with something.” He says laughing. “I
didn’t think you needed to know all of that yet.” I say. “Why,
is it because you love me, too, and you don’t want to admit it?” He says. I’ve
been around him to long. He is reading through me like I’m an open book. “I
don’t know.” That’s all I say because he’s really starting to worry my nerves.
I’m not saying all of this tonight. I’m not Marcie and I’m definitely not
telling him that until I’m sure that he’s able to handle it and stop making a
joke out of it. He’s not going to have control over me. I don’t know how
serious he is about us and I can’t trust him, completely, yet. I’m not going to
be left behind like he did Marcie and Tory, and who knows how many other girls,
because he made them think they love him. I know, this makes him sound mean and
evil but it’s not that. He’s lost and there’s something he’s missing. “You
do.” He says and it wasn’t a question, smiling like he’s just won some kind of
prize. I mentally sigh. “This
conversation is over, Aidan.” I say hopping up and getting in the line for
plane flights before he can even speak. The line goes by surprisingly fast and
the receptionist asks how she could help me.
I asked her about our flight. She said that it should be here now and
sense its 8 of us and sense we’re flying first class that would be 3,472
thousand dollars. That’s 384 hundred dollars for each of our tickets plus the
four hundred for first class. She also said it’s leaving in 20 minutes and without
tickets we’re not going to be able to get on that we should catch a later
flight. I quickly told her that I had already bought the tickets and dashed off.
I walked back over to where Aidan was sitting, grabbed my bags and started to
walk toward the doors where they lead you to the plane before Aidan could say
anything. Of course Aidan and the twins are right behind just as I suspected
they would be. I walk onto the plane and the flight attendant shows each of us
to a seat. This is a bad day for me to have arranged for Aidan to sit with me.
I could kick myself………or him. “J, I
want to finish our conversation.” Aidan says after everybody has sat down and
the flight attendant’s have went to the back. “I
don’t.” I say putting my bags and his above us because he’s so wrapped up in
finishing our conversation he didn’t think to do it. I sit back down near the
window and press myself into the seat hoping he will either shut up or change
the subject. “Why
are you scared you might, actually, let me see something that you feel I’m not
meant to?” He asks. At this point I wish he could’ve left me on the street and
instead of driving the limo around to find me drove his own self home. “Aidan,
you want to finish the conversation, well, let’s finish it!” I say with my
voice rising above an appropriate tone. The two people in front of us turn
around and give us an I-think-you’re-being-a-nuisance-look. “Ok, then, but could you keep it down?” He says looking pleased. “Sure, Aidan but instead of talking about me pledging my undying
love for you, let’s talk about you.” I say “Why?” He says. “How many girlfriends have you had?” I ask. “Eighteen all together and six each year in the past three
years.” He says. “How long would it take you to get rid of one?” I ask. “Not long.” He says. “How many of them said that they love you?” I ask amused. “A few.” He says looking annoyed. “Do you see what I’m getting at?” I ask. “No, what are we playing 20 questions?” He asks meanwhile the
pilot is on the intercom telling us to take our seats, buckle up, and we are
now taking off, so enjoy the flight. “You want random girls to love you because you aren’t getting
enough of it at home, you think someone,
some girl, loving you will make things
better for you but it won’t look what happened to your last two girlfriends
their literally wrecked over you because you made them think that they loved
you and you them, but the actual sad truth is that if your not getting enough
of it at home your not going to be able give or receive it, you barely know,
exactly, what it is, and I’m not getting to attached to you if your not going
to do the same, I refuse to end up like them.” I say and take a deep breathe,
that was a lot. I turn around for a brief second to catch the shock and hurt on
Aidan’s face. I start to say something else but he cuts me off. “Just stop talking, Jayla, and don’t say anything else.” He says
looking like he wants to slap me into another seat, but, hey, the truth hurts. “You wanted to talk, Aidan.” I say quietly, sensing his boiled
up anger. “Well, now I don’t, so, shut up!” He says in a tone so angry and
loud that the couple turns around and stares again. “Will you kids, please, keep it down?” The lady says giving us a
look. “Excuse me, but my friends and I are very rich and our suitcases
probably cost more than your whole closet so there’s no need to give us that
look.” I say giving her my best fake smile. She doesn’t say anything just turns around. I look over at Aidan
and he puts ear buds in his ears and makes a big show of turning up the volume.
I don’t let him get to me. I turn around and look out the window. Before I got
on I promised I myself I wouldn’t look out the window because who knows how
that might affect me, but since Aidan’s being a big baby I might as well. I
press my face against the window and stare down. There’s nothing but trees,
trees and more trees. I also see little puddles of water. My phone vibrates in
my pocket. I look at it and see its Laya. Of course, she and Kane are sitting
right behind us, so let’s see how this turns out. Laya: what is all that yelling u and Aidan r
doing up there? Me: nothing,
just he got mad at something I said Laya: wow,
what did you do? Me: I
told him the truth about exactly how I felt and of course it wasn’t anything
nice Laya: are you insane? Me: he
deserved the truth Laya Laya: maybe
but look talk to ya later After texting Laya I decide to take a nap. It takes a while
before I get sleep but I finally drift off. I only sleep for like maybe and
hour and then I slowly wake up. Aidan’s head is on my shoulder and his arm is
draped across my stomach, I slowly moved his arm away and at that exact moment
my favorite song comes on through the plane radio called Glamorous by Fergie
and I look at Laya and I silently mouth ‘sing with me’ to her and we start
singing. I go first. G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, g-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, I spell-sing then Laya
sings, “we flying first class up in the sky, popping champagne living the life
in the fast lane, but I wont change for the glamorous oooooooooooh the flossy,
flossy, not the glamorous oooooooh the flossy, flooosyy.” We get quiet after that and let the rest of the song play. The
flight attendant comes by and asks if I want anything. I tell her I would like
hamburger, fries, and a sprite. “Well, what about the young man beside you?” She asks. “Oh, just get him some steak, fries and lemonade.” I tell her. “Oh, ok, that’s all?” She asks. “Yes’ I tell her.” She walks off and to get the food. I sit and
stare at Aidan a moment. He has his head laid on my shoulder and his arms in
his lap. He looks just so relaxed this way almost as if his dreams are the only
place he doesn’t have to pretend. I wonder what he’s dreaming about. I almost
feel bad about talking him so rudely earlier. I take his ear phones out of his
ears, turn them off and stick them in his bag up top. The lady comes back with
the food; I pull the table out from the seat in front of me, and put my plate
on the table. She hands me Aidan’s plate, and I put his on his table. I pick off
my burger take a bite and slowly chew. I’m savoring every single deliciously
seasoned bite. Everything is all in the right place just where I want it. The
patty is perfectly adjusted between the buns and the lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup
and mustard all fit perfect together. Its like they were meant to be and,
oooooooh, it tastes so good. I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks. I
thoughtfully pick up a fry and stare out the window while I chew it. I bet mom
is beyond upset that I didn’t tell her where I was going but I knew if I had
she would’ve came looking for me and how embarrassing is that to get picked up
by your mom in front of your whole clique, very. Maybe I should call and tell I
have that card too. Because I haven’t done that yet. I put my food down and
pull my phone out my pocket and dial mom. She picks up on the first ring and
immediately tells me off about sneaking away. She says she doesn’t appreciate
her 15 year old daughter running off to only god-knows-where. I told her that I
had the card. She said that she had the card turned off but sense she knows I’m
the one who has it she turns it back on. She also said I should never, ever do
anything like this again but have fun. There was a faint smile in her voice
when she hung up. After I got of the phone I picked up my drink and slowly
sipped it until it was gone. Then I finished off my fries. I eventually just
lean my head against the window and daydream about any and everything. I start
thinking about Aidan and I. I’m wondering if we’ll have kids and big fancy cars
or maybe a pool and he’ll come home from work and give me a loving kiss on the
lips and wrap his arms around me and the kids. Then, ill ask him how his day
went and maybe fix his food or something just like the American family shows. I
come out of my wonderful daydream to see Aidan staring at me. I start to say
something but he holds up a hand and quickly turns away. “Why won’t you talk to me?” I ask. “Because, I don’t have to Jayla.” He says not looking at me. “But, I want you to.” I say. “Well, everything doesn’t always have to go the way you want it
to.” He says. “And, you don’t have to act like a toddler every time I say
something you don’t like.” I say. “I can do whatever I want, which includes ignoring you.” He
says. “You don’t like ignoring
me; you’re just doing it to punish me for something totally ridiculous, it’s
not going to work.” I say. “How do you figure that?” He asks. “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you get that upset and freeze me
out the whole ride.” I say choosing to apologize instead of carrying this on
any further. “You were right, though,
about everything.” He says. “I was?” I say. “Yes, I think you may have a point.” He mumbles more to himself
than me. “So, are you going to eat that because, you know, it’s paid
for?” I say pointing at his food trying to change the subject. “Yes, I am.” He says looking at the plate like he’s just now
noticed it for the first time. “What were you just thinking about?” He says in between chews
and smiling. “Nothing.” I say. The pilot announces we’ll be landing in 2
minutes. Aidan quickly finishes the steak and the two minutes go by and we
land. I reach up to get my bag but I’m stopped when a brown-skinned hand pulls
me back. I look up at Aidan and he says he’ll get them, so I walk off the plane
with Laya and Lana right on my back. Actually I really didn’t plan this part of
the trip very thoroughly, so I lead the twins and Aidan out of the airport, to
a bistro and stop at a nearby table. The tables only seat two. Laya and Kane
grab the first one, Aidan and I get the second one, and Lana and Zane get the third
one. “I forgot to plan this part of a trip” I tell Aidan. “Of course you did” says Aidan throwing his hands in the air in
exasperatedly, “who forgets plans part of a trip, J?” He says
sarcastically. “Someone who decides to take one with you.” I snap at him. “Meaning you got distracted by my good looks?” Aidan tells me. “Maybe I did” I say moving forward to lightly kiss him on the
lips. I’m Jayla Ann Durham and
I will figure this out, so I grab his wrist and pull him toward a hotel while
our friends follow. I stop outside and look at it. You can’t see much in the
dark but enough to tell it’s very pretty; it has dark red-like bricks and white
flowers hovering around the entrance. Also some scary looking statues. I go
inside and stand in front of the counter were there’s a very cute boy a little
older than we are but not cuter than Aiden of course. He looks about 20 or 21.
His name tag says Eric. “Hi,
Eric” I put both my hands on the counter and clasp them together causing my
low-cut shirt to come down. I’m not the least bit embarrassed. “Hey, how can I be of service to you today?” He says steering
his eyes away from my slightly gaping shirt. “Well, me and my friends here would like two rooms, please?” I
say fluttering my eyelashes at him and twirling my hair. “It surely looks like there’s an awfully lot more than two of
you” He says. “Yea, just make sure both rooms have three beds, and yes, before
you ask I can pay for it.” I say. “How old are you?” He says. “I’m 18.” I say smiling innocently. “Right and I own this hotel.” He says sarcastically. “Oh, do you, you’re the cutest hotel owner I’ve ever seen.”I say
jokingly. “Just get your parents here and you can have the rooms.” He says
ignoring my comment. “Oh, but kind sir, mother’s awfully busy and would very much
like us to sign in.” I say trying a new tactic, giving him my best 100 watt
smile. © 2013 Fiereblackitten |
Added on January 9, 2013 Last Updated on January 9, 2013 Author