![]() Do Something CrazyA Chapter by FiereblackittenI wake
up and look on the floor. Aidan is still there. That’s a surprise. I thought he
would’ve left way earlier. I tip-toe around him and I go to the kitchen. I see
my mom’s purse on the counter. I get a tremendous idea. I grab her purse and
take a credit card out. I could just text her later and tell her I have it. I
slip it into my pajama shorts and walk back up to my room. I grab all my school
clothes and go to the bathroom. I take a nice long shower with my mango and
papaya bath gel. I step out and dry off.
I sit on the tub and get dressed. Then, I go to the mirror and do my hair and
makeup. I step out of the bathroom looking all beautified. The dance is
tonight, so I go and look for a dress. I find the perfect light, green dress. I
turn around and walk over to where Aidan is sleeping on top on one my big
fluffy blankets and wrapped up in another one. I reach down and thump him on
the head. He slowly gets up. “Hey, I’m about to go.” I say. “I need
a ride to my house.” He says sleepily. “You
walked over here, walk back.” I say. “I’m so
tired, though.” He says looking pitiful. “How
about I just take you home, you get ready, and I take you to school.” I say. “That
will work.” He says getting up and stomping off to the bathroom. “I’ll
be outside and if you’re not out there in 3 minutes you’re getting left.” I say. “Whatever”
He yells back. I walk outside and hop in my beautiful dark, marble purple jaguar
that I hardly ever drive, but today’s different. I look at the clock its
getting so late. I slowly start to drive off my beautiful circular driveway and
what do you know? Aidan comes running up in some really cute looking jeans and
a red shirt. Oh, yeah, he had it on last night, I don’t remember that. I stop
and let him get in. First thing he says is cool car. I just smile. “Yea,
I’ve had it forever, but I hardly ever use it.” “I usually get driven.” I say. “That’s
just you,but I definitely would drive this!” He says. I don’t even bother to
mention the reason he probably isn’t driving is because he doesn’t have a car,
not to mention we’re not old enough, or that if I was I could only drive during
day light hours sense you can’t at night. I just let him continue to soak up
the cars smell. Yea, it still has the smell. We drive a few minutes and soon
make it to his house. He doesn’t say anything just hops out. I start thinking
about how today’s going to turn out. It’s going to be so awesome. The dance is
going to be beyond amazing if I can help it. I pick up my phone and start to
dial the twins. I only briefly explained to them what I’m going to do. Now,
I’ve decided I want help, so it’s time to tell it all. Laya picks up the 2nd
ring. “It’s Laya.” “Hey,
look, I’ve got this extremely ridiculous plan, are you listening?” I say. “Yea,
I’m listening and I’ve only got a few minutes so talk fast; where are you?” She
says. “I’m
waiting for Aidan, with his slow self, but I’m coming; that’s still not the
point!” I yell. “I have mom’s card so here’s what we’re going to do, you see,
after the dance tonight we’re leaving.” “I’m going to California and I want
ya’ll to come, plus I want us to have official status of B.M.I. I want it
known, and we’ll make it happen at the dance, Laya, we’re going on stage.” “I’m going to text mom and let her know I have
the card and not some criminal, but she is not to know where we are and neither
should any of your parents.” I say talking quickly, loudly, and clearly. I want
to make sure she hears me. This is not to be messed up its critical. “Yea,
ok, I hear ya.” “I’ll go.” She says. “Great,
ok, there’s something else to.” “I need you to tell the rest of them, that’s
Lana, Zane, and Kane; I’ll tell Aidan on the way to school.” “Tell them I’m
hiring a limo driver to get us to Georgia’s airport; meet me at Hampton Inn and
we’ll ride in the limo from there plus I’m booking a flight to San Diego California.”
I say quickly. She’s said she has it all under control, which I mildly doubt,
but oh well; we hang up. Aidan comes out looking super cute. He has on green
shirt, black pants, and black shoes, with a green hat that’s turned to the
side. I must say he does look darn good. He comes over to the car and gets in.
I tell him all about the plan and he said he was fine with it and didn’t mind
going. Well, that’s fine with me. We
drive awhile and we reach the school. It’s like 10:10. I park crookedly and hop
out. I press the remote and lock the car. I look back and Aidan’s still far
behind. I don’t stop, I continue walking. I make it to class, like, right
before the bell rings. I sit down and start work. First period goes by fast and
so does 2nd, and 3rd. It’s 4th period now. I
hurry to lunch. I need a break! I walk down the hall and I see the twins. We
decide to walk to lunch together and we talk the whole way about my little
plan. When, we get to the table, it’s nothing pretty. Zane and Kane are sitting
in their usual spots just staring at all the action and Aidan is standing up
getting chewed out by Marcie, and Marcie’s friends are just standing there too. “I just
want us back together!” Marcie says. Wow, I thought she had let all this go. “No,
we’re through, can’t you get that?” Aidan says. “It’s
that lowlife nobody that started all this, isn’t it, you leave all this for all
of nothing?!” She doesn’t notice I’m standing right behind her. The twins grab
my arms because I sure was about to get her. Aidan looks around; see’s me and
gives me an apologetic nod. Marcie turns around to see who he’s looking at and
swiftly smacks him across the face. Aidan looks awfully mad now. “This is the last time you do that, ever, Marcie, we’re over,
that’s just it so go away.” He says looking madder than I’ve ever seen him. He looks at
the necklace on her neck, snatches it off and throws it across the room. “You
were a mistake and giving you that stupid necklace was a bigger mistake, so
leave and don’t come back.” He says looking like he’s about to hit something. She
tells him that the necklace was fake, that it meant nothing to her anyway, then
he gives her a shove and she stomps off, shoving past me on the way out. We all
stare after until she is out of sight. Then we sit down and no one says
anything for a long time. We all keep giving Aidan nervous glances. “You
want your fries?” Kane asks me breaking the silence. “Uh,
yea, ask Laya.” I say. He turns to ask Laya and of course she says no. Of
course Marcie had to ruin another day, so we all sit at the table not saying
much. It doesn’t matter anyways; all I can think about is our trip. The bell
rings and we all get up. I go to sixth period and when the bell rings I decide
to skip 7th. I quietly walk outside and text Aidan. Me: you’re going 2 have 2 skip 7th period, if u want
2 get home; I’m goin’ home to get packed Aidan: R u insane? , but yeah I’m all 4 it though, where r u? Me: yea I am, don’t u kno tht by now? , I’m outside by my car;
hurry up be4 security comes, also tell Zane and Kane to go get packed 2, I’ve
got L & L Aidan: Yea, ok I
stand by my car and text Laya and Lana. Me: skip 7th period, we’re going 2 go pack clothes, I’ll give u
a ride 2 Ur house Forwarded to Lana Laya: Ok! I’m coming Lana: ok © 2013 Fiereblackitten |
Added on January 9, 2013 Last Updated on January 9, 2013 Author