![]() Cant We All Just Get Along?A Chapter by FiereblackittenI walk
up to the house. The first person I run into is Marcie. I can’t stand that
girl. She always tries to make me look bad ever chance she gets. Not this time,
though. “Oh,
look who showed up.” Marcie says. Let
her say another word and I’m going to wipe the floor with her obnoxious butt. “Can
you move?” I say with a vicious tone that I hardly recognize as my own. “Where’s
your limo, you actually walked somewhere?” “I’m so proud of you.” She claps sarcastically. “Look,
move.” I nearly growl. “Wait
your parents don’t even know you’re here, do they little Ms-I’m-so-rich?” “Look,
skank, you, your cheap bag, knock-offs, and that fake hair need to get out of
my way.” “What
did you just say to me” She asks as if she didn’t hear already. “You
heard me.” I grin. Before I can even blink she grabs me, slams me to the ground
and starts pulling my hair. I let a
long piercing shriek, bounce up quickly off the ground, grab her hands from
around my hair, and start to stump and kick her. She unsuccessfully tries to
pull me down to the floor with her. A crowd starts to form around us now. I
hear cheers from all over. She gives me a kick to the face which knocks me off
my feet. As, I fall my shirt flies up, but right now I could care less, and I quickly
regain footing long enough to lunge at her. Then, we roll through the open
door, into the house; all while still fighting; we end up in the middle of the
floor kicking, rolling into a nearby table knocking down a vase. I ignore all
the shouts screams, whooping and hollering. I continue to stomp and kick Marcie
for all she’s worth. This is for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. I went
temporarily insane, and I loved it! The next thing I know a hand grabs me and
pulls me back. As I’m being dragged away I see Marcie on the ground with blood
streaming from her nose. I grin to myself that will teach her about messing
with me. I look up to see who’s dragged me outside. It’s Aidan aka the owner of
this house party, oops! “Wow,
did she steal something?” Aidan says. “I
don’t think so.” I say as I sit down beside him, push down my shirt, and
attempt to straighten my hair. “Wow
you’re a mess.” He says. “Thanks.”
I say sarcastically. “You weren’t looking so hot when you used Darius’s head as
a punching bag a month ago either and how was community service by the way? “Well,
I didn’t mean it like that but you have a point, and community service was
great thanks for asking.” He says as if he didn’t know that the little
community service thing was a joke. Wow these popular’s are so stuck up. He’s
not even the least bit of embarrassed that he just relegated my hair even if it
wasn’t on purpose. “Yea
I’m sure, but why are you out here wasting time talking to someone who just
made your girlfriend’s nose bleed?” “Well,
we all know she’s had that coming for awhile, I’ve seen how she treats you at
school.” Yea, you saw and so did the whole freaking school. But, of course no
one did anything to stop it. That’s ok though. I don’t need them or no,
freaking, body else either. It’s just me, my very few friends, and the lord
above, that’s all it’s ever going to be. “Exactly,
and you care, why?” “I think I clearly remember you and the rest of the popular
crowd standing around and watching her do what she does.” “Look, it’s
not like that….we don’t tell her…..” He starts. “Well,
what’s it like, Aidan?” “What do you think it’s like for US, getting pushed
around all the time, how do you think we feel about that, about being nothing,
not being important to anyone but close friends, teachers, and family?” I
interrupt. “Well I
can imagine it isn’t a walk in the park.” He says quietly. Oh, he does have a
heart. He’s not as cruel, stuck up and vicious as he appears to be. “Exactly”
I say as I sit back on the bench. I laugh to myself case closed, I’ve won. “What’s
funny?” “Weren’t you just upset with me and
the popular crowd?” He asks confused. “I was,
still am, but I’ve gotten you to see my point.” I say and grin. “Wow,
has anyone ever told you you’re a real piece of work Jayla Durham?” He asks. “No,
but I can imagine what they must think.” I say. And of course if they are
thinking that, I still couldn’t care less because the home I go to at night is
bigger and more enhanced than most of the kids in my school put together. Look,
I’m not trying to show off. I’m just merely being truthful. “Well,
how about I give you an invitation to B.M.I?” He says. I think about this real
long and hard. I really don’t want to be in the popular crowd, I mean they’re
so stuck up, conceited, vain, arrogant and full of them selves it’s sickening.
Then, again, maybe I could do something to fix them anyways….I’m a lot like
them, I mean I’m sure you’ve noticed how uppity I am but difference is I don’t
broadcast it to the whole world….yet. Also, I just got through with a whole
long speech about them, but turn around and join them. I think not! That
defeats the purpose. “Why,
what brought this on?” I ask because I’m truly curious and because I’m stalling
for time until I can come up with my answer. “Well,
after talking to you awhile, I think the least I could do is make up for
Marcie’s disturbing behavior, plus….it would be cool to have someone like you
around” He says. Oh I’m so touched; it warms my heart, really, that I’m so
hostile, delightful, and marvelously brilliant I got an invitation to the
popular crowd. “Or
maybe it’s because you need someone to Marcie in line.” I joke. “How
did you know?” He says and laughs. “Oh, I
see I’m just a safeguard for the rest of you?” I ask. “No,
she’s beginning to be a problem and we want her off her pedestal” He says. “Oh, is
that right?” I ask. “That’s
right” He says. It’s so interesting to have a conversation with a popular. I’m
beginning to realize they actually are real people with real feelings and not
aliens from outer space, “I
think I’ll pass” I say. “What,
why most people would never pass up an offer like this?” He asks looking
disappointed and more than a little confused that I would let something like
this go. “Well,
I’m not “most” people.” I stand up to leave. “You’re
coming back to the party, right?” He asks. “Heck, yea I am, Marcie can go trip and fall in a well” I say. He laughs
and we walk in together. I sit down on one of Aidan’s couches and briefly
wonder what he sees in Marcie. I see Landon from across the room by the
cocktail. He drinks? That’s Interesting. I walk over by the punch bowl. © 2013 Fiereblackitten |
Added on January 8, 2013 Last Updated on January 8, 2013 Author