unbelievable truths

unbelievable truths

A Chapter by Fiction

“Will one of you weirdoes tell me what the hell is going on?” she shouted. As she said it she looked directly at Kyle, he seemed to be the one in charge of this group. “By having James use his gift on you we caused both your gift and your memory to re surface, well at least we thought we had, apparently your memory is still not completely back.” He said. She couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say so she simply asked her next question. “What are your gifts exactly?” she asked. “Well as you very well know Jessie’s gift is telekinesis, James possesses the ability to bring back and erase memories and powers, Tony has the gift of pyrokenesis and myself, well let’s just say I know exactly what you’re thinking right now and that is not the case at all, you can leave whenever you like but you should know that without our help your gifts will overpower you, if you use them and are seen the council will find you and it won’t be pleasant” said Kyle.

Lucy was about to ask her final question when out of nowhere she got a searing pain in her head causing her to scream, realizing that there was something wrong with her Jessie, Tony, James and Kyle came to her aid. “Lucy what’s wrong?” asked Jessie, “there’s something wrong, my head….”Lucy said. Before she could finish her sentence the pain in her head became unbearable and as she clung on to consciousness she heard James’ voice “Charlie’s back” he said. Before she could ask who the hell Charlie was, she felt a tingling sensation in her left wrist and as she looked she noticed a small black mark there. It was as she was watching the mark grow and form a shape that the pain in her head became too much and she passed out.

At this point in time Lucy was getting sick and tired of being knocked out. As soon as Jessie walked through the door she grabbed her by the throat. “What the hell made my head hurt like that?!” she said. “That was Charlie” said Jessie assuming Lucy would know who he was. “Wow that explains a whole lot of nothing, who is Charlie?” she said. “Charlie is one of us,  we don’t see him around much, but we always know when he’s around since he’s fond of doing what he did to you, to make his presence known, he’s a psychic and kind of a jerk.” said Jessie. Lucy remembered she had her hand around Jessie’s throat, she let go and began pacing around the room.


The thought of being in the same room as a psychic freaked Lucy out, and as the guy who was presumably Charlie walked into the room, she used her gift and threw him against the far wall. “Hurts doesn’t it, jackass.” She said. As she said it she looked over to Jessie who had a slight grin on her face, apparently she liked Charlie being taken down a peg or two. Kyle, James and Tony on the other hand were not impressed.

“You need to stop using your gifts against us, the council strictly prohibits it.” He said. “You are forgetting Kyle I don’t follow council rules, I’m not a member of your stupid cult. And for the record what do you call Charlie’s stunt earlier, was that not also a prohibited act.” she said the last part with a sarcastic tone to her voice. “Indeed it was and Charlie knows not to do it again, you on the other hand refuse to acknowledge that around here I am leader and it is my rules you will follow, if not you know where the door is” said  Kyle.

Without saying another word she got up form was she was sitting and headed for the door. Before walking out the door she turned to Jessie. “You know you’re more than welcome to come; you can’t seriously want to stay with these hypocritical pricks.” She said. “They’re all I’ve got, I can’t just walk out on them even if they are kind of jerks sometimes, and they are the only family I’ve ever known.” She said with a sad look in her eye. Without looking at the others she turned and walked out of the room, she could hear that they were arguing already and realized it was not her problem, she kept walking  until she saw the exit sign, taking one last look toward the room she had just come out of she pushed the bar on  the door and walked away. Not realizing that before she knew it she would be racing right back in there to save them.

© 2014 Fiction

My Review

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A very good story. I will return and finish in a few days. I'm off to work tonight. Need quiet time to read good story. I like the character. You make the conversations worthwhile and entertaining. Thank you for sharing the excellent chapter.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 5, 2014
Last Updated on September 5, 2014



hull, east yorkshire, United Kingdom

part one part one

A Chapter by Fiction

Part Two Part Two

A Chapter by Fiction

Part Three Part Three

A Chapter by Fiction