The Junk Man and his Consistent Kingdom
A Chapter by Fictari
A short drama peice that I really really like.I don't want to give away anymore than that. 
The junk man sat on his throne of junk and stared off into the yellow sky at the corpses of the once grand buildings.A tower in the center of the raveged metropolis exploded into a rain of twisted metal being raped by the fires that raveged it.Helicopters combed the city like fierce eagles ready to kill.Bullets and explosions sung their sickening mealodies at random intervals.Back in the beginning the mealodies had been infinite,but now they were just punctuation.seperating the silent prose of life."The politicians are at it again",thought the junk man serenely to himself,"Making love with their weapons and agendas." The junk man didn't know what was going on,nor did he really care.He was not a man of politics;he found them all rather silly.Squabble was all politics amounted to.The failing of people,the failings of society,had driven him from the city,to his junkyard home.He was the vagabond king of the unwanted inorganic excretement of society,and he had never been happier.No confusing people,no lying politicians,no bullies,druggies,rapists,papparazzi.All alone with his trash,who would never reject his hearts songs,call him names,lie to him,use him,abuse him.The best thing about trash was that it wasn't people.In this inorganic forest of junk,he was alone with the only person he understood:himself.That was years ago.Now the politicians ravaged his old home with flames and bullets for some unfathomably pathetic reason.Perhaps no reason at all.It didn't matter to the junk man.They could destroy his former habitat,his cage,for all he cared.All he wanted was the scent of the sea air and to be alone in his consistent kingdom.As long as he had that he didn't give a damn what they did
© 2012 Fictari
FictariSublimity, OR
I am a science fiction and fantasy writer attempting to make his mark on the world.I'm weird,life is weird,thus my writing is often times weird,darkly humorous,and philisophical.I write comic books,po.. more..