Chaper One

Chaper One

A Chapter by Veronica


I always hated carrying loose change around. Quarters, pennies, nickels, dimes. You name it. I hated it mostly because you could always drop it, and while picking it back up, you might rip your skirt or some other accident, and besides I spent my whole life avoiding accidents. Sadly, though, I’m an accident prone, and people don’t like to be around me, so, if I signed up for an Online Dating System, my “Accident Syndrome” would definitely not be a desirable trait.



  But, of course, I had no idea what to do with all the dreaded change I was carrying, so I tipped. No, not a cow. A waiter. He was friendly, alert, and filling orders left and right. My mother knew right then to stop the dream of me becoming a lawyer.



  This might sound silly; I mean my love of waitressing starting from coins. But, nevertheless, as my Auntie Carmen says. “The strange things in life happen when ya least expect it” But she only said that after about two days worth of pills taken in about an hour.

  But I guess you could say that’s how my life begun.

  But, rewind. Before I even got into waitressing, I made some wrong turns in my life. Like, for example, meeting Rainey and Isis. They had it all. The tattoos, the attitude, the over-dosed make-up, the works. Anything, anything at all to draw attention, they were all over it like hyena’s attacking a corpse.

  But I admired them because they shined- okay, maybe that’s a tad to drastic. They glowed, just barely, but it was there. Plain as day. I wanted to glow. Or maybe they didn’t glow at all; maybe they were just so different that they stood out to boring old me. So, I took the chance of being their friends and flew with it, I knew my mother would kill me if I got a tattoo, so I wore corsets, and put on loads of make-up. And, in time, I became the “rose” of the group. Rainey thought of that. Since a rose is a beautiful flower, and im the prettiest out of all three of us, they dubbed me that. Or, as ive come to realize the “rose” really means the “bait”

 One day, like snow in the Sahara, I decided I didn’t want that life, correction: I wanted A life. I felt dead around them, as if they really were the hyenas. And I was the corpse. As dead as could be. So with a turn of my heel, I walked out on them. So long, robbing every bank in the world. Ciao, cussing til’ I barf, Sayonara, partying until I cry.

 And then, I figured out that I wanted to move to Brooklyn. Lucky for me, their was an application available at this diner, so I took the quickest flight straight to Brooklyn, New York. “Allie Does Waitressing” my Mother said over the phone once I arrived. I took in a deep, refreshing breath.

Maybe my Auntie Carmen was right.


© 2008 Veronica

Author's Note

(Whoa! Let's see if I can get this the third time around!) This story is from another writing site that I write on (what else would I do on a writing site?) and is under a different penname. I wrote this story in 2006. Enjoy!

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I like it. Of course, I've already read this, but you know. Write more, I can't wait to see what happens.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 13, 2008



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