Golden Lion Series: Part II

Golden Lion Series: Part II

A Story by Felix

The continuation of the Golden Lion Series. Hehe. Furries, Space, Futuristic technology..what's not to like?

Cain threw open the door of his house, stumbling over the boxes of chips left in the floor.
    “Finally.”  Hector said, swooping down from the rafters.  “Do you know how incredibly boring it is here without you?”  the Merlin asked.

    “I can only imagine.”  Cain said.  He walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator.  “Hmm... we have TV dinner....TV dinner, or... TV dinner.  Which sounds better?”

    “TV Dinner!”  Agi said.

    “Right.”  Cain unwrapped it and put it into the microwave, tapping his footpaw impatiently as it cooked.

    He scooped it onto a plate when it was done, carrying it upstairs.  He sat at his desk, putting a chip into the small hole made for the purpose.

    “Which do you think I should study?”  he asked.

    “I dunno...they both look so... old.”  Agi said.

    “What are they about?”  asked Hector.

    “One is about the existence of demons, and how to combat them.  The other is about the 'lost' cities of the inside ring of the satellite.”

    “You mean that huge forest like place no one is allowed to go?”  Agi asked
    Cain nodded.

    Hector hmmmed, tilting his head.  “Flip a coin!”

    Cain nodded.  “Good idea.  Let's see... heads Demons... Tails Annals.”

    He flipped the coin.

    “Heads.”  Hector said.

    Cain flipped it over with his paw so it showed tails.

    “I think your eyesight's going bad.”  Cain grinned.

    Hector shook his head.  “If you wanted to study the Annals, why didn't you say so in the first place?”
    “Because I didn't know I wanted to study them that bad.”  Cain replied.  He booted the computer up, waiting for it to acknowledge and begin reading the chip.  He read aloud.

    “Annals of Our Sattelite”


    Cain ran a comb through his headfur another time, wriggling his whiskers.  His hair still wouldn't stay down.  “Agi?”  he called out.

    The little blue ball whizzed out of the hallway, hovering near his shoulders. “Yes?”

    “Could you shut down for the night?  It'll be just Melete and I, and while I'm taking you with me, I really don't think you'd want to be active during our date.”  Cain asked.

    “Date.”  Agi snorted.  “Artificially Generated Intelligence, powering down!”  Agi said, dropping into his outstretched paw with a thud.  Cain put her in his pocket, rubbing his paw.  “Ow...”  he muttered.

    Cain walked down the stairs as he heard a knock on the door.  “Evening.”  he greeted Melete.

    She smiled.  “You clean up well.  Ready?”

    Cain nodded.  “Watch the house, Hector!”

    Hector mumbled a disinterested reply from the rafters.

    Cain jumped into the car.  “So where we goin'?”

    Melete grinned.  “You'll see.”

    They made small talk as she drove through the crowded city streets.

    “Did you see that complex their building downtown?”  Cain asked

    “Yeah, I don't really like it.  The only reason their building it is to take the overflow since Siege City down south is flooded, but come on, I mean.. why here?  Why not up in like, Orion City or something?”  Melete said.

    Cain shrugged.  “Well we are the closest city.  Besides, they should leave once the city is back to normal.”

    Melete snorted.  “Should.  Yeah.  You see how that works out.  Anyway, on to happier subjects.  We're here!”

    Cain peered through the windshield at the enormous building before him.  “E.D.L.T.”  it advertised in bright, glowing letters.

    “What's that stand for?”  Cain pointed.

    “Extreme Death Laser Tag.”  Melete explained.

    Cain paled.  He had never played laser tag in his life!

    Melete grinned, pulling him out of the car.  “Come on!”

    Cain grinned as well, wondering just what he had gotten himself into.


    Cain crouched down behind the bush, trying to adjust his curled up ears in the helmet buckled to his head.  The HUD popped up on the visor, warning him.  “Field change in Five Seconds.  Four.  Three.  Two.”
    Cain groaned.  “Not Again!”  What was it this time, Underwater?
    The field around him flickered out of existence, only to be replaced with another one.  Vast expanses of desert surrounded him, sand swirling down into a vortex in places scattered randomly.  Dunes blocked his view, and afforded him cover.
    Melete's image popped into his screen.  “Your going to have to pick up the pace, man.  I'll give you a hint, the next field change ball is on the ceiling.”  A shot kicked up sand near his footpaw.  “I would move, the next shot doesn't miss.”  she cackled.

    Cain ran across the sand, gun in paw.  “Where are you?”  he murmured, looking around.  Movement around the next dune caught his eye.  He took a shot, shaving sand off the dune.  “Found you!”  he yelled, running around the dune.  “Freck...”

    The large scorpion he had mistaken for Melete turned around, barbed tail held high.

    Cain ran, pursued by the beast.

    “Use your jet pack!”  Melete's voice crackled through his helmet, shots ringing out behind him.

    Cain pressed a button on his wrist, sending him shooting away from the loose sand.  He turned around, suspended in the air, firing on the scorpion as it dissapeared back beneath the sands.

    Cain flew towards the multicolored orb above him, cursing as his suit and visor flashed.

    “Let's see, that's... Melete: three  Cain:  One.”  she said, her voice echoing around his helmet.

    Cain touched the ball.

    Options flashed across his visor.  “Have you made your choice?”  a cool mechanical voice queried.

    Cain wriggled his whiskers.  “Hmm.. umm... Deep space, Meteor  field.  Zero gravity around the meteoroids.”

    The field changed again.

    Melete groaned.  “Hey, no fair!  I'm no good in no gravity environments!”

    Cain grinned.  “Exactly.”  He pushed himself  off the wall, taking aim with his gun.  He vaulted off of an meteoroid, seeing Melete looking around below him.  He fired off two shots, watching her suit flash.

    “Let's see, thats Cain: three, Melete: three.”  he snickered.

    “Not bad.”  She said.  “Try this.”

    Melete spun around,  firing off shots in an arc.  Cain vaulted back behind the meteoroid, grunting as the shots pushed them both back.  He pushed back out from the meteor, gun ready.

    “Hey, no fair, you moved!”  Cain said.

    “You snooze, you lose!”  She teased.

    Cain pushed himself through the empty space, enjoying for a time the simple ability to be weightless.

    “I think I win.”  Melete's voice echoed through his helmet.

    Cain's suit flashed twice, then stayed flashing.

    Cain laughed.  “Only because I've never played before.”

    Melete didn't bother concealing the purr in her voice.  “Rematch?”


    Cain squirmed uncomfortable, adjusting the thick napkin in his lap.

    Melete shook her head.  “Why so tense?  You're wriggling around like a cub that's had too much sugar!  We qualify as high society.  Eating here isn't going to kill you.”

    Cain twitched his whiskers.  “Yea, but..”

    “But what?”  Melete asked.  “Afraid of becoming a snob?”  she asked, holding her pinky out and tilting her head up.  “It's perfectly safe, deary.”

    They both broke down laughing.


    Cain and Melete sat on the balcony outside his bedroom window, staring up at the starry sky above.  She leaned against him her breathing slow and relaxed.

    Cain rested her head against hers, covering his muzzle to stifle a yawn.

    “It's been a fun night.”  Melete said.

    Cain nodded in agreement.

    Melete sighed.  “Do you ever wonder if we're the only original colony left?  Or where our original planet was?”

    “The only colony?  Yes.  And.. if I didn't wonder, would I have the job I have now?”  Cain asked, grinning.

    “Good point.” Melete said.

    Cain put his arm around her shoulders, hesitating.

    Melete smiled.   “I should probably be going.  It's getting late.”

    Cain sighed.  “Yeah.”

    Melete giggled.  “Another time, lover boy.”  She opened the door and walked down the stairs, her footsteps receding.

    Cain waved as she got into her car, watching it until it dissapeared from sight.  “Agi?”  he asked.

    Agi floated out of his pocket.  “Yes?”

    Cain smiled.  “Oh, nothing.”

© 2010 Felix

Author's Note

Yea, There were scads of small scenes in this one. Sorry! >< Also..I'm bad at thinking up book names. Oopseh. There might be some things lost, because when I do these things, I go from OpenOffice to this Online box. So..yeah.

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Added on January 19, 2010
Last Updated on January 19, 2010



Je m'appelle Felix. If you don't speak french, that says my name is Felix. I'm a is most of my writing. Despite being a babyfur..I've never really written anything baby-furry. No smut, eith.. more..
