Chapter TwoA Chapter by Wayward Soul
This was one of the few times April was apart from Grim, this was when she saw it, the black ring around his neck. Then, leaving all logic behind, April began to stalk him waiting for him to get to a spot where there battle couldn't be seen, this was her chance to impress her master was her only thought as she silently chased the soul into the depths of hell.
(Forsaken Facts: the black ring seen around a renegades neck is known as a reaper's ring it was called this due to the fact that it was where the reaper would come and remove the head of those who had escaped him, consequently the only thing that could kill these renegades was a reaper's shadowflame weapon, or death's scythe.) April never realized how lost she was without the shady forsaken beside her, but she truly was, His overbearing nature, the way he had always been there for her. She was dependent on him, on there strange symbiosis, on the strange guardian that followed her from the shadows. But there was no black knight protecting her this time, this was her job alone. She had it, the renegade was in her sights. "So you've found me have you reaper?" his almost sociopathicly calm voice rang through out the chapel "Not exactly" April jumped down for her perch in the rafters "ahh, so death has sent his lover to take my soul? I fear he has gravely underestimated me" "he doesn't exactly know...." "Oh?" The renegade finally turned to face her, "your alone my dear girl?" April's shadowflame sword sprang into hand "but I'm more than capable of taking on a single renegade." "Very well." The renegade replied as he reached into thin air, removing a metal staff from its depths "let's begin." Black sparks flew as the two clashed, April slashing wildly, the renegade blocking the strikes effortlessly. "Sloppy" the renegade muttered as he dodged to the side and swing in a counterattack, "Why did the reaper pick you? it certainly wasn't for martial prowess." The renegade laughed "maybe he was just trying to get in your skirt?" He taunted "SHUT UP!" April screamed as she thrust at the man's chest, he deflected the blow, this time sending her blade flying, "well" the renegade commented smugly "it appears I win" he said as he went to claim his prize. He was about to pick up the girl when a black dagger flew out of nowhere and struck the renegade in the shoulder "get your hands off my apprentice." a black figure charged forward and struck at the renegade, pushing him back, the soul was clearly outmatched in this fight, the black figure's coat flying around as his scythe struck quickly at the retreating soul, who was desperately trying to block his flurry of slashes, the black figure was effortlessly destroying the foe April couldn't scratch, this was the true power of Grim, no, this was not Grim or her Grim at least, this was his true form, Grimlock, the Grim Reaper. (Forsaken fact: most forsaken have two forms, a form witch they use to blend in with the humans and a forsaken form, when in forsaken form they can access vast amounts of power, as opposed to human form where they can only access a mere fraction of it. When in there forsaken form some have the ability to bring out a "true form" while in their true form, they take a different name, or "true name" but there are limits to how long a forsaken can stay in this "true form" as it depletes large amounts of power.) His dancing blade forced his foe back, black sparks erupting when the scythe struck against staff, until eventually there was no more room for him to run, he was backed up against the chapel wall. "Please wait!" He pleaded with the figure "S-spare me please! you can have the girl!" He gestured towards April, but the black figure only laughed "So you escaped me once, then you hide from me, then you do a member of my house harm, and you expect mercy?" April caught a savage glint in Lock's eye "please Lord Grim, I beg of you! I'm just a humble servant of Ba-al, he resurrected me! Please if I fail he'll-" "Ba-al eh?" Lock gave a morbid smile "die." He thrust the blade forward along the reaper's ring, and the spirit faded. It wasn't long before Suddenly Lock collapsed, the aura of fear that followed him dissipated slightly, and suddenly Grim stood there, a scowl adorned his face as he examined the now ruined chapel, eventually his eyes fell upon the black single-bladed sword that rested upon the scratched wooden floor, he then turned to April "you gave me a real scare you know, I haven't unleashed Lock since..." He paused for a moment "since that incident with the death row convict who survived two lethal injections, now, that, was a mess" April couldn't help laughing as she retrieved her blade, Grim had this way of disarming situations that could make anyone smile, something about a being of darkness making a wise crack was amusing. "But in all honesty, never do anything so stupid again, that was worse than yesterday's ceiling fiasco." "hey it wasn't my fault she tried to extort me!" April replied in protest "sure, like you have any money." "Well, I was expecting to get a little more mileage out of him than that" the demon disappointedly flicked a white pawn off a chess board sitting in front of him, "what happened to him anyway?" The sharp-dressed attendant looked down to a clipboard "were not sure sir, all we were able to gather is that it was an entity of unimaginable dark power, and he had a shadowflame weapon, so it was most likely a member of house reaper." "A reaper?, how curious, I thought they were all vanquished, can we persuade them to join our plight?" "Unlikely sir, past surveys show that the reapers are a closed and loyal group." "Loyal to whom?, perhaps we can reason with the ringleader." The attendant returned his stare to the clipboard "It appears that the leader hasn't been scene since the massacre of the reapers in the shadow war, he is known only by the name Grim." "Well then Azale, I want you to find this "Grim and see if we can reason with him." "Yes lord Ba-al" The attendant vanished through the door. "Well, my shadowy friend" the demon picked up the black king "your move." © 2016 Wayward Soul |
Added on September 28, 2016 Last Updated on October 23, 2016 AuthorWayward SoulThe land of do-as-you-pleaseAboutHello weary traveler, welcome to my realm, there will be chills and thrills and things that go bump in the night, there will be tales to amaze and tales to bring fright, i hope you enjoy my tireless p.. more..Writing