Chapter oneA Chapter by Wayward Soul![]() This is just the beginning![]()
"What was that?" Grim's voice was filled with rage "you had one basic task, you were not to use your powers, and what did you do?" April recoiled "I'm sorry sir, I- I lost control, my emotions just... overwhelmed me, I- just" Grim silenced her "you almost blew our cover, a shadow construct is a very hard thing to cover up, especially in a crowded school corridor!"
"But-" "No buts!, it's already hard enough to explain our physical differences!" He gestured towards his grey skin. "And now I have to explain away a student stuck to the ceiling by shadows!, and there were people who saw you do it!" His words stung, she loved him, and she hated to see him mad. "I'm Sorry Lord Grim, It wont happen again!" Grim sighed and massaged his temple "for our kind- a shadow pact is more sacred than marriage is to humans, and when a human loses it, it kind of... just..." He sighed "just be more careful next time." He embraced her, resting his chin on her neatly combed black hair "I can't lose you you know, I suppose even Forsaken long for companionship." April's cheeks flushed a deep red, a stark contrast to her own grey skin "sir.." She whispered "yes April?" "People are staring." He released her and turned on his heels, red eyes probing the small crowd, his cold stair giving the students chills. "Scamper away now little rodents, you've done enough for one day." the students scurried towards there classes. Grim picked up April's books and papers, and then hoisted up his own. "we best be headed off now, we can't be late for history, I love showing off", a twisted smile spread across his face "I can list all the people who died in the battle of Gettysburg." April smiled, and the two began to sprint towards class, desperately trying to outrun the bell. "And as death finally took hold of him, he stole a glance upon the slowly darkening sky, and one last breath passed through his lips. Here lay the man who had once had it all, now nothing, but food for the vultures." The class was in aw of Grim's story, even the overly-stern English teacher was impressed. "Thank you Ban, that was a lovely story, thank you for sharing, class is dismissed for the day." "Bah" Grim spat as he walked into the hall "I hate being in front of people." this was one of the few classes where he was separated from his apprentice, and he was starting to worry, this was her first mission, and this renegade soul was much more powerful then he had previously predicted, it had shown suppressing cunning, even for a renegade, but it had already cheated Grim once, and he wasn't about to let it escape him again. Then there was that bloody occult club, they were a mild nuisance, always sticking their noses where they didn't belong, of all the cults and occult rings, this one had to be the one that actually knew what they where doing, they had almost correctly summoned him twice now, and if they managed to pull it off with out giving him time to change form, his cover would be blown. He sigh deep cover was not his specialty, quiet the opposite in fact, he hated it, he was a force of nature, not something to be hidden, that still didn't stop him from despising crowds, they always reminded him of the years he had spent moping up victims of the bubonic plague, fun times, he though sarcastically, fun times. Yet another prelude She was beautiful Grim thought, as an ornate gown of shadows twirled round April's waist. Grim's blood-red shirt shown under a black trench-coat, flying as he moved to the beat of the morbid symphony. There feet traced an elaborate pattern over the corpse-strewn crimson floor, disregarding the deep monotone chime of the great grandfather clock placed carefully against the back wall of the blood-soaked ballroom. This was the black ballroom in witch they danced this dark waltz, this grim fandango, this dance of death, moving in time to the ballad of wayward souls. © 2016 Wayward SoulAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 11, 2016 Last Updated on October 23, 2016 AuthorWayward SoulThe land of do-as-you-pleaseAboutHello weary traveler, welcome to my realm, there will be chills and thrills and things that go bump in the night, there will be tales to amaze and tales to bring fright, i hope you enjoy my tireless p.. more..Writing