2 - Guidance

2 - Guidance

A Chapter by Fave

Second chapter



The sun peered through the closed blinds in Marland Reed’s office. As the Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs at Brandon State, he believed in maintaining a relaxed and stress free atmosphere. He was a charmer with a caramel completion, chiseled muscles and curly black hair. His attire consisted of a wine colored button up shirt and dark grey slacks that tapered over his black, square-toed shoes. Marland was pushing thirty, but didn’t look a day older than twenty-one.

He usually kept his door cracked open and the lights dimmed. He was an aromatherapy freak. It was not uncommon for his office to be filled with the fragrance of lime or jasmine candles. The cedar walls were covered in his many accomplishments at Brandon State. The wall to the left of his desk showcased photos from his days as a BSU cornerback. The wall to the right held his bachelor’s degree in psychology and master’s degree in African-American studies �" both from Brandon State. The wall facing his desk held pictures of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Langston Hughes, John Coltrane and various other famous black figures.  Marland liked to look up from his desk and find inspiration in the famous faces.

He was reclined in his leather chair listening to A Tribe Called Quest and checking his MySpace page when a young female student knocked on his door. 

“Marland?” her voice was soft.

His eyes shifted towards the door, “Come in.” 

Her footsteps echoed as she slid into his office in her tight pink blouse and black Capris showing off her toned legs. “You got a minute?”

Marland sat up as she walked closer, her perfume battled with his candles for attention. “What’s going on, Lauren?” he sat up in his chair.

She boldly placed her palms on the edge of his desk, “I was on my way home and wanted to stop by and ask you something.”

“Ask away,” he replied.

“Do you have plans for later?”

“How much later?” he smirked. 

“Tonight,” the shine from Lauren’s lip gloss sparkled from the muted candlelight. “I figured you’d want some company after the homecoming party.”

“I have some things to do tonight, but I think I can carve out a little time after twelve. We are talking about plans that can be carried out after midnight, right?”

“Most definitely,” her face revealed the lust that burned for Marland’s strong touch. “You just make sure you don’t forget about me tonight.”

He paused for a moment, “How could I forget about you?” He stood up and walked around his desk to face her. “I’m still having flashbacks from the last time.” Her fragrance danced in his nostrils as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

She turned her head and kissed him �" relishing in the embrace. Marland and Lauren had shared a handful of late night excursions since she came to campus last August. They were two of eleven doctoral candidates for the African Diaspora Studies program and met during a study group session. From the first night they met, the two initiated sessions of their own. 

Due to Marland’s university position and her student status, he felt it was best that their hedonistic arrangement was kept a secret. Marland was excellent at keeping secrets. Their situation was purely sexual, although one of them anticipated much more. 

“Hit me on my cell phone when you’re ready for me,” she put her hands on top of his, “I should be around.”

“I’ll do that,” the bass in his voice rumbled against her ear, sending shivers through her body. Marland had that affect on all women, which is why Lauren was not his only extracurricular activity. “Just make sure your husband doesn’t answer.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” she giggled and sighed. “He doesn’t move away from his Playstation long enough to worry about who’s calling me.”

“I guess what they say is true,” Marland whispered. “If you don’t take care of your woman…”

“…Marland Reed will.” Lauren found satisfaction in completing his sentence.

The phone rang. Marland freed one of his hands in order to reach over and grab it. “Multicultural Affairs, this is Marland.”

“Marland Reed, this is Dr. Baptiste.” Her voice was sharp and articulate. 

“Hello, boss lady,” Marland grunted. “How’s the Caribbean tour?”

“Oh, you know…so many lost souls, so little time.” Her sigh was distorted by the reception. “But I’m doing what I can to help.”

“I’m sure you are,” he quipped.

Dr. Autumn Baptiste, Ph.D. was the Director of Multicultural Affairs and Marland’s supervisor. She was an arrogant control-freak, but took a special liking to Marland when he was in graduate school a few years ago.  They had a “love-hate” working relationship that was mired in unresolved sexual tension. Marland was a womanizer, but he never dreamed of crossing that line with his boss.

 “I was simply calling to check in.” She said. “Everything’s okay?”

“Everything is fine, Dr. Baptiste,” Marland was growing irritated with every word. By now, he had completely removed his grip from Lauren and was sitting on the edge of his desk. Lauren sat down in one of the nearby chairs. 

“I know things can get a little hectic during homecoming,” she continued.

“I got it under control.”

“Okay,” she replied. “Well, tell everyone in the office I said ‘hey’ and I will see you all on Monday.”

“Will do.”

“And Marland, please keep your personal business out of my office,” her tone instantly turned dark.

“What do you mean?” he played dumb.

“I can smell that b***h’s spirit on your tongue. I don’t know why you continue to toy with her. Finish her off already.”

Marland sighed, “Whatever.”

Dr. Baptiste cackled like a witch on Halloween. “You hate it when I’m right, don’t you? And since I always am, I’m sure it’s just agony.” 

He regained his smooth composure, “No ma’am. I’m good. It is what it is.”

“Yes, you are what I made you,” her voice returned to ice. “Don’t ever forget that.”

“How could I?” he looked around his lavish, collegiate office. “Is that all?”

“For now,” she blurted. “Enjoy the homecoming!” The phone clicked before Marland could respond.

“You okay?” concern poured over Lauren’s face.

“I’m good,” Marland bowed his head. “You know how it is when the boss is outta town. They gotta call in and act like they’re so concerned.”

Lauren stood up and put her arms around Marland’s shoulders. “Dr. Baptiste does seem to have a lil’ b***h in her.”

He chuckled, “You don’t know the half.” The phone rang again. “Ugh, now what?!” Marland growled answered with irritation in his voice. “Multicultural Affairs, this is Marland.” 

“This is Ellis,” replied the cheerful voice on the other end.

“El-Boogie!” Marland smiled, “You’re in town already?”

“I’m about fifteen minutes away from the yard. I figured you’d still be in.”

“Yeah, mayne. Where you want me to meet you?”

“Let’s link up over at our old spot,” excitement surged through Ellis’ voice.

“You mean Wingo’s ? Mayne, that spot closed down about three years ago!”

“Wow,” he sounded crushed.

“That’s what happens when you blow up on the music scene and don’t come back to visit the common folks,” Marland joked. “So check it out, we can meet up at Jaylah’s Jamaican spot. They’re still around and I’m sure you could use a beef patty.”

“That’s what’s up. I’ll see you in a little while, bruh.”

“Alright, peace.” He hung up and turned to Lauren, “That was my old roommate, coming down for homecoming.”

“El Boogie was your roommate?” she asked. “The gospel singer?”

“Yeah, me and El go way back. He’s being honored by the school choir tomorrow at the Gospel Explosion musical.” Marland smiled as he stood akimbo in front of his desk. “Me and El had some good times back in the day.”

Lauren stood up and returned to invade Marland’s personal space. “If you were best friends with a choir boy like El Boogie, how’d you end up such a bad boy?” She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

“El wasn’t a saint back then and I doubt if he is now. Gospel music is just his hustle; I can’t be mad at that.”

“How long has it been since you’ve seen each other?” she asked.

“At least five or six years,” Marland exhaled deeply. “He got signed and moved out West. But I’m looking forward to kickin’ with him this weekend.”

“We’re still on for tonight or are you gonna be too tired from hanging out and reminiscing with your boy?”

“You know I don’t sleep, baby.” He bends down to touch her lips with his. “I’m gonna finish what we started tonight.”

“Good, because I told that man that I was hanging out with my sorors and would get home when I get home.” It was obvious that she ran things in her household.

“You should have told him you weren’t coming back at all.”

Lauren giggled at his statement and hugged his neck. The devilish smirk on his face made it seem as if he wasn’t joking.

© 2011 Fave

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Added on June 20, 2011
Last Updated on June 20, 2011



1-Welcome to Atlanta 1-Welcome to Atlanta

A Chapter by Fave

3- The Yard 3- The Yard

A Chapter by Fave

Neo-Soul Neo-Soul

A Book by Fave