You take a rope and put it around your neck, ready to give in, then suddenly looking into your mothers eyes, as you see her cries you then realize that it isn't the end, you can start over again. You pull the rope off, but its not giving in, you start to realize that death is starting to kick in. Breathing slows down, your heart comes to a stop. Now, your head is down, this is when you realize you are no longer alive. Hearing the cries of others, while you're above your body looking down, why are there so many frowns? Do they honestly care? They will live life as if you were never there. The tears from your mother hurt the most, because she, was there when you tried to take off the rope, but instead of helping you saw in her eyes that she, was ready for you to die. Death isn't bad, you can get away, leave the aching pain of yesterday, start new. You leave this earth with many mistakes but no regrets, with pain but yet, you left this world with the vision of your mother. Looking at you wondering what she created, standing there with no regret. You honestly think she was glad you left. This, my friend, is why, you're glad you left this place, this place called the world, you're now floating away. To heaven or to hell you ask? Well, honestly, We both know your past.