![]() Bathroom SceneA Story by Farlene![]() I have no clue where this piece would take me, but the scene came into my head and i just wrote it down. Hope it develops into something of substance and hope you guys like it! Entertainment purposes!![]()
Bathroom Scene
The party was booming. I only knew a small fraction of people here. I said 'hi' and smiled and laughed at a couple jokes with my new found friends, but no one conversation lasted for more than a minute as there was always a familiar face to go meet next. So, as the last two girls lost interest in the shallowest conversation i've ever had in my life, and thoughts that could only be insulting if said out loud were brewing in our minds, followed the rest of the dancing gazells, i found myself leaned up against the kitchen counter alone, sipping a beer that was not to my liking. I scanned the group of people coralled in the living space, drinking and talking in muted tones as the bass of the music was so loud, it rattled my earbell and it was all i heard. I took another sip of the sewer liquid, and as i forced it down, my face twisted in disgust and i threw the remaining contents down the kitchen sink. "Hey," i heard a familiar voice say, as i rested the bottle on the counter. Warm fingers massaged my shoulder. I turned around and my arms immediately went around his neck and i pulled him in for a hug. "Whoa, nice to see you too!" he said. "But you're kinda' choking me." "Sorry. I'm just so happy you came!" i said as i released the death grip around his neck and gave a broad smile. Ian kissed my cheek and returned a crooked smile. "So, fill me in on what i missed. Did spin the bottle start yet or are they just wrapping up seven minutes in heaven." I rolled my eyes at Ian's snarky comment pin pointing the age difference between us. "Oh no, that's way out of our juresdiction," i shouted over the loud music. "We just fought on the ground for all the candy after Jason beat the pinata to death, and now we're going to set up for pin the tail on the donkey." i looked at him as he laughed, revealing straight white teeth hidden behind perfect subtle lips. "Not much of the shuffle boarding and checkers you usually have at your awesome parties," i finished, looking up into his baby blues. "Hm. Excuse me while i brush off the sarcasm you just threw on me," I hate it when Ian pulls the age thing and he knows it. It's fortuneate that i always have my amunition of snide remarks ready to return fire. As if the five years in age difference WAS much of a difference. Ian was smart and funny and we got along right away. Meeting him was one of the best things that happened since i moved into this building. But just one of, as the other was meeting HIM. I didn't see his beautiful face yet and the anxiety was making me antsy. Ian was already drawing in some eyes of the female persuasion, and he was liking it too. The dark hair, bad boy, greek god features were plastered as the image of Ian. He always wore that brooding expression that made the girls turn into balls of fire. He basically was sex on a stick and i was being envied right now for just standing next to him. "Come let's dance," he said taking my hand and pulling me in the direction of the few people that were dancing in the living room. Before i knew it we were in an embrace, Ian's arms locked tight around my waist and mine resting gently on his shoulders. We were moving too slow to the music that was currently streaming through the speakers, but i didn't care, i felt too exhausted to do anymore but sway. "You look gorgeous by the way, if you didn't already know," he said in an almost smug tone as he spun me, then pulled me back into him. I looked at him, trying to understand why he always does this. His face was hard and pensive. His ocean eyes bore deep into my brown corneas with utter frustration. "Ian," i breathed. "Why do you-" "So where's your knight in shining Armani?" he said in a frigid voice, cutting me off. I dropped my hands from his and let out a sigh. I don't know what it was that made Ian hate Adam so much, but i wasn't going to allow him to release his demon, not here; not in Adam's house. "Don't do this now," i whispered as the music came to a sudden stop and a ballad began. "Do what? I just asked a harmless question." his voice was calm. It was like a switch being turned on and off; off being crazy demonic Ian. He took my hand in his again and his face softened as he pulled me closer to him. "Why do you hate him so much? You barely know him." i could feel his body tensing as my tongue released words that angered him. He didn't answer. I pressed my lips together restraining my tongue before i could say anything more careless that would provoke his demon. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as we gently swayed to the slow rhythm. I could feel his fingers playing with the strands of my hair. Then i heard him take a whiff and he pulled me in tighter. "Ian," i choked, lifting my head. His grip around my waist was starting to hurt. "Shh," he gently pressed his fingertips to my head pushing it back to his shoulder. And now i was the one who was tense. I felt like he was pulling on invisible strings attached to me and as much as my mind wanted to break free, my body wouldn't let it. His hand moved down to the small of my back causing tiny sensations to tickle where he touched. I don't know how he did it, but i was immediately calm. I felt relaxed. Like i could stay here, in his arms forever. And i started to imagine my life with Ian, travelling to Paris, Milan, Italy. Taking long walks on the beaches in Greece. "Mmm," i moaned and i opened my eyes and there HE was across the room standing like (insert greek god name here) himself. It hit me like a ton of bricks and i became tense, frozen in my best friend's arms. I struggled to no avail, as Ian's death grip was tighter than ever. I stared at him in utter confusion. "What, what were you doing Ian!" i managed to breathe out. He loosened and i pushed myself from him. "Come with me and we'll talk," he said softly brushing the stray hairs from my face. What was going on here? My mind was slowly clearing up the fog. I wanted to hit him, slap him right across the face in front of everyone. How dare he touch me like that! I wasn't his. I'll NEVER be his. I looked over at Adam again wanting to go over and hold him, to embrace him till all this goes away. Then i looked at Ian again and his face was laced with fury. I shook my head not understanding how he could be so sweet and calm one minute, then the other, ready to rip someone's throat out;And that throat was Adam's. Besides all my anger and underneath all his, we were still best friends and something must be really troubling Ian for him to act this way. I lifted my hands to his face and lightly touched his cheekbones with the tips of my thumbs. I stared into those icy blue eyes and they stared into mine. Ian held both my hands at the wrist, gently caressing them. He calmed down instantly. "You don't know him like i do," i said. Poor choice of words as his face turned hard again and his hands tightened around my wrists and pulled my hands off his face. "I know enough!" he spat. His eyes turned livid, almost navy. It scared me. I swallowed hard. "What?! What does that mean?" "Forget it!" He walked past me so fast, i couldn't grab his hand to pull him back. "Ian! Ian, wait!" i followed him through the crowd, but he was gone. I didn't even see the door open. I felt sick to my stomach and confused and alone, again. I came here to have fun and Ian of all people just ruined that for me. Maybe i should just go look for him, get some answers to the gibberish that just came out his mouth. I headed for the door, but HE was there standing in front of it; a magnetism pulled at my irises and i saw nothing else. I stared at him from across the room. The dim lights casted a shadow over his face and made his skin colour grey. Oh, how i wanted his arms wrapped around me. Never have i felt the yearning as strong as this. It was becoming unbearable not being able to walk over to him; like an itch that wouldn't stop itching. A tall, blond guy who looked like he could bench a four by four was talking to him. The conversation seemed monotonous though, as Adam looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, instead he was nodding along to whatever blondie was saying while slamming a fist into his chest a couple times. Probably something along the lines of, "Me Tarzan! Me could lift two gorillas with me pinky." I snikered at my inner thoughts. But Adam looked so bored. I could tell he was looking for a way out as he surveyed the room. He took a swig of his beer and without warning he turned his head in my direction and our eyes met. The slow rhythmic beats of my heart quickened and pumped wildly against my chest causing goosebumps to appear on the surface of my skin. He smiled and I bit my bottom lip as i tried to decipher what he was thinking, but my brain was fogged up with nothing more than his luminous face. The seconds ticked by and his eyes never left mine and for the first time, i kept my eyes buried in his. In another realm, i would have walked over, with no hesitation and kissed him, but in this frequency, fear planted me to the ground. What was he thinking? I tried to set wind to the fog, but it was futile. He licked his lips and with that small motion, i couldn't tell the difference between my heartbeat and the bass of the music. It was torture standing here, not holding the courage that would take me the twelve feet across the room and into his arms. Would he even take me into his arms, here in front of everyone? The fog seemed to be decipating because I think i was bordering reality with fantasy. Although there were a few touches that lit my skin on fire, he never once showed any interest in me, not in that way at least. And before tonight, i would not have wanted it any other way, but something washed over me in the past couple of minutes, i don't know if it's the horrible beer but all that built up infatuation, and longing, and fantasies surfaced from the depths of my stomach and shoved against the wall of my heart, breaking through, causing a tidal wave of emotions to crash over me. Tears bubbled behind my eyes, ready to burst its bank. I was in love with him, with someone that i was sure would never return that love; and whatever was going on here tonight between us, whether it was real or his idea of teasing, it was making the feelings of unrequitted love cut at my wounds. Why does he affect me so? Playing with my heart that was not ready for another war of emotions. My throat burned and i could taste the bitterness of the beer rising from my stomach. I ripped my eyes away from his and placed my hand over my mouth holding in the gag as i sprinted toward the bathroom, shoving a few shoulders on the way. From the hallway i could see The door to the bathroom stood open; A hot tear touched my cheek as i walked in and pushed it shut. I rushed to the toilet, knelt down and tilted my head over the porcelain bowl gagging, waiting for the acid to flow, but nothing came out. I got up and walked over to the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, "Stop it!" i hissed at the person staring back at me. I cupped my hands under the faucet and let the cool water full, then i splashed it on my face. The sensation was reviving. I filled up my hands again and this time swallowed the cool liquid. Tiny drops dripped down my chin, to my neck soothing the heat that escaped my throat. Then, the bathroom door opened and Adele's 'Set fire to the rain' streamed in and along with the melody, was Him; my body turned to stone. I stared at his reflection in the mirror as he closed the door, locking it behind him and it was quiet again. My heart began to flutter frantically. I could see the chest heaving in the statue that was my reflection. But him, his face was tense, his eyes, soft; he advanced slowly and stood behind me. I could feel his chest brush against my back making my temperature soar. We stared at each other in the mirror and then his hands were on my hips. He turned me around and i forgot how to breathe. His face was an inch from mine and i could feel his breath on my skin. He reached behind me for something; a paper towel, then, softly, he wiped the drops of water from my face. My eyes found the mole on his throat and i focused hard on it because looking into those hazel eyes was too much to bear. His fingertips brushed my left arm, leaving a trail of tingling sensations on my skin. My mouth went dry and hot air escaped my lips. He lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger and again my eyes burned into his. I don't know what came over me, but my right hand had a mind of it own and my fingers were now combing through his hair. His irises rolled back and he closed his eyes. I lifted my left hand wanting to touch every inch of him and i started by tracing the shape of his right eyebrow, then curved at his temple, to his cheekbone and to his nose. I gently grazed my fingertip on this feature from the bridge to the tip. He didn't move or flinch, he just slowly breathed in and out as my fingertips brushed his skin. I suddenly became aware that his hips were pressed to mine and my stability broke. Short breaths escaped my lips and i felt giddy to the point where my knees buckled under me making me drop my hand from his beautiful face to press my palm on the counter for support. I released my fingers from his velvet black hair and added more support to my weakening body as i looked down at the ceramic floor, trying to find my fallen composure. I felt his arm move around my back as he held me closer and steadied me. He then held my fingers with his other hand and my eyes followed as he brought it back up to his face. I knew i was blushing because my cheeks were starting to hurt. He closed his eyes as i continued studying his face. My index finger softly traced the wide M outline of his top lip, then made a sharp curve to his full, pale, pink bottom lip. I touched every line, every crease, longing to feel them pressed to mine. I sighed and i felt his fingertips tighten around my hips. Then with a firm, quick motion he lifted me to sit on the counter. His hands moved up to cup my face causing a wave of electricity to jolt my senses awake. I felt like i was on a jet plane, destination...ecstasy. Our eyes were in a deep, secret coversation that i never wanted to end, but as my heart rate accelerated, my nerves got the better of me and i looked away. Adam gently swept the chocolate brown hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear, comforting me, wordlessly. My cheeks felt hot as his fingers now lightly swept across my cheekbone, which i'm sure was tomato red, then traced the contours of my lips, enhancing the rhythm of my fluttering heart, then stopping it altogether as he leaned in. The hot breath escaped his mouth and brushed against the petal of mine. I closed my eyes cutting my view of him as his lips gently grazed mine. My nerves felt as though it just got a dose of crack and was jumping all around my insides. His warmth flowed into me like sunlight after a snowstorm and my lips quivered as it followed in motion with his. He deepened the kiss and my body caught flame. If i thought touching him was heaven, kissing him was an outer body experience. Every inch of me was submerged in his taste. I couldn't get enough of it. His hand moved slowly down to the small of my back, then up again to my hair. He weaved his fingers through the brown strands, gently pulling at the roots and i tilted my head back a little. He released his lips from mine and i let out a sigh of delight as i felt them on my neck. Tiny explosions erupted from every kiss on my collar bone, then the small of my neck, then his tongue was hot on my salty skin, licking a line back to my mouth. I had never felt an emotion like this in all my life. If i could capture and preserve this moment in time, i will. © 2013 Farlene |
Added on January 27, 2013 Last Updated on January 27, 2013 Author |