

A Poem by Fatin Aqilah Taha

This poem about a person's dilemma to help the innocence victims but some of her/him friends didn't know about this news and not to be her friend because it's related with politic.S/He want to explain

I watched on news,
I am very busy to help my relatives,
Who become the Zionism's victims,
They been tortured,
In cold blood

I really busy
To help,support and makes arts
To realise them,
About the truth,
That the enemies hide since 1967 until now

I really weird,
As when I wanted to show my humanity,
For Palestine with love,
Someone misunderstanding about me,
As this situation is related with politic

I wonder why
Why some of my friends,
Want to break this relationship,
Because I support the innocence?
Why they want to ruin Palestinians?
Why some people betrayal the innocence,
For their selfishness?

Between humanity and friendship,
Which these things,
I need to choose?

© 2015 Fatin Aqilah Taha

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Added on April 17, 2015
Last Updated on April 17, 2015
Tags: poem, conflict, politic, war, suffer, gaza, palestine


Fatin Aqilah Taha
Fatin Aqilah Taha

Mersing, Johore, Malaysia

I'm Fatin Aqilah Taha & I'm an amateur novelist. My mostly hobby is drawing.But since drawing the storyline is kind of tired,so my story changed into novel writing.Sometime I do poetry about my emoti.. more..
