The Despair Warning

The Despair Warning

A Poem by Fatin Aqilah Taha

Synopsis: ----------- When Panda Mom saw her place condition,she wonder how the Palestinian citizens can survive in awful condition.When you take and feel the Palestinian place,what should you do?

It was rain at here,
I saw a couple were happily,
Under an umbella,
I wonder how,
Why this feeling not same,
As usual.

Your place were rain,
With radioactive bombs,
The raindrops were missels,
That ruined your place,
Toke all the victims life,
Without any mercy.

That cruel betrayals,
Gave the rainy warning sheets,
To force you,
Go away from your hometown.

The world is unfair for us,
The different ranks bully us,
No one cares about our suffer.

We still have God to safe us,
He'll give the disaster to that betrayal!

© 2015 Fatin Aqilah Taha

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Added on April 17, 2015
Last Updated on April 17, 2015
Tags: poem, conflict, politic, war, suffer, gaza, palestine


Fatin Aqilah Taha
Fatin Aqilah Taha

Mersing, Johore, Malaysia

I'm Fatin Aqilah Taha & I'm an amateur novelist. My mostly hobby is drawing.But since drawing the storyline is kind of tired,so my story changed into novel writing.Sometime I do poetry about my emoti.. more..
