![]() Dragonite's DiaryA Screenplay by Fanfic![]() Dragonite writes about a day in her life.![]()
ragonite: My mum challenged me to write a diary. What a dumb, boring assignment! Why can't these challenges ever be who can eat the most chocolate or playing through a metroid game in under two hours? But no, I have to write about a day in my life. I already know how I spend my time! This is cruelty and I'm not writing a single word! So there! You can't make me! Who cares if mum takes away my Xbox and unplugs the TV and says no more ice cream..... Oh, alright! I'll write it, but never again!
8:00am The alarm goes off. I ignore it. I'm not getting up. 8:05am The alarm goes off again. I ignore it. 8:07am Charizard tells me to get up. I hide under the duvet. 8:10am Crystal tells me to get up. I pretend it's a bad dream. 8:12am Poly says I'll be late if I don't get up. I say I don't care. 8:14am Charizard pulls the duvet off and screams at me to get up. 8:15am I get up and go downstairs. Everyone is already eating breakfast. Crystal likes Shreddies. I like Coco Pops. 8:17am I tell Ryu off for not pulling himself closer to the table. 8:30am Ryu can't find his school bag! 8:35am I find Ryu's school bag. What was it doing under the sofa? 8:40am Uh oh! Ryu can't find his PE kit! 8:45am Ryu still can't find his PE kit. I tell him off for not finding it. 8:49am Ryu can't find his homework because he didn't do it. 8:50am We leave to go to school. Charizard asks Ryu if he's brushed his teeth. He says he has. 8:51am We come back to brush Ryu's teeth, then we go again. 8:53am Oh no! We forgot Crystal's lunch! We go back to get it. 8:57am We all rush to get to school, arriving just in time. 9:05am We go home. 9:20am I can now do whatever I want! So I play Call Of Duty Ghosts. 10:00am I'm fed up of dying at the same point, so I stop playing COD and play Donkey Kong on the Gameboy. 9-8 has the most awesome music to ever come out of it's speakers. Such a shame I don't have a Super Gameboy to play it in colour. :( 10:20am I vlog on YouTube. 10:40am I play chess with Poly. She wins again. She's never lost. Challengers are welcome. 11:00am Nidorina comes and asks if we want to play football. Charizard says yes before I can stop him. 11:01am I tell Nidorina I can't come because I'm brushing my hair. 11:02am I go to play football. Nidorina will be sorry when my hair falls out because she stopped me from cleaning it. 11:10am I kick the ball a bit too hard and it hits Nidorina in the face, making her nose bleed. Better not tell Kangaskhan.... 11:20am We wrap Nidorina's nose in bandages. That's going on my list of things I don't want to do again! 11:40am At home, Charizard asks what I want for lunch. I don't feel like eating after all that blood. 11:41-11:59am Charizard nags me to eat something. 12:00pm I eat a small piece of cheese. 12:20pm I get bored, so I battle Haxorus, while singing every word in the dictionary. He got distracted so much by this. I manage to beat him, but I give up singing by the time I get to the C's. 1:00pm Mum comes to check I'm writing the diary. I tell her I will do. 1:01pm Mum shouts at me for not writing the diary yet. 1:05pm Kangaskhan calls. Uh oh..... 1:06pm Kangaskhan asks why Nidorina's nose is covered in tissues. I tell her she was attacked by the bogeyman. 1:10-1:29pm I start writing the diary. 1:30pm I go to the fridge and eat some ice cream. 1:40pm-2:00pm I finish writing the diary. 2:01pm I'm fed up of writing this diary, so Charizard tries to cheer me up by singing a song about how no one can do generic things like me. It seems to work until he says that I ate 4 dozen eggs as a child and now I eat 5 dozen eggs. I'm not that fat! 2:15-2:30pm I chase Charizard and eventually catch him. I then get an egg box from the fridge and smash all the eggs in his face one by one. 2:31pm-2:45pm I try to calm down. Poly tries to help by giving me some nuts. And bolts. I hope she got them from Charizard's toolbox... 2:46pm I have to go pick up Ryu and Crystal from school. (groan) 3:00pm I arrive at school. Ryu has a note from his teacher which said: Dear Dragonite I am sorry to say that today Ryu got in trouble for poking Cubone, tripping Abra, shoving Spinda, constricting Slowbro, copying Ralts, making rude noises, chewing gum, not dong his homework and talking in class. Yours sincerely, Mawile Attached to this is how well Ryu's doing in his lessons. Everything is listed as "horrible" I could understand Geography if they used Yakko's World, but I doubt teachers are entertaining enough do that stuff anymore. 3:15pm I sit on the sofa and turn the TV on. The news said that a transmission tower had fallen over. I think I know who to blame. No one was hurt, thank God! 3:17pm Crystal says it's her turn to watch TV. It's not fair! 3:20pm Mudkip calls. We make plans for tomorrow. 3:30pm I send Ryu to his room for snatching the remote from Crystal and changing the channel. 3:31pm-4:10pm I make dinner. 4:11pm I call Ryu to come down and lay the table. 4:20pm Ryu comes down really slowly and is too late to lay the table. 4:25pm-5:00pm Dinner. Burritos. When Charizard's not looking, I snatch some of his chips. Mmm.... those chips taste great! I tell Ryu off for chewing with his mouth open. Charizard tells him off for not using his fork. I tell him off for spitting. Charizard tells him off for making a mess. I tell him off for calling Crystal an ugly worm and a smelly nappy. We both tell him off for kicking Crystal. But I'm happy because Charizard didn't notice I took his chips. >:D 5:01pm-5:59pm I argue with Ryu to have a bath. 6:00pm-6:02pm Ryu has a bath. 6:10pm I ask Ryu if he has any homework. He says he hasn't. This may not be true. But if he had homework, he probably didn't write down what it was and probably lost the worksheet Mawile may have handed out. So really, he doesn't have any homework. 6:25pm Ryu plays his music. He turns it up as loud as it can go. We shout at Ryu to make it quieter. He doesn't hear. How could he? His music was loud! We go into his room and turn his music off. 6:30pm-7:30pm I watch a brilliant YouTube video about this Dragonite who's in love with this Charizard and has two kids, one who's horrible and one who's nice and has a super strict mother. I can't remember the title, but I really recommend it! 8:00pm Crystal says Ryu took some of her toys. We tell him off and give them back. 8:01pm-9:00pm I argue with Ryu again to go to bed. 9:01pm Lights out. Time to get out my trusty torch to continue reading. 9:30pm Charizard confiscates my torch, too bad I have another one! 2:30am Yawn. Goodnight. © 2018 Fanfic |
1 Review Added on April 21, 2018 Last Updated on May 2, 2018 Author![]() FanficAboutHi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..Writing