Pokemon Painters

Pokemon Painters

A Screenplay by Fanfic

Nidorina and Kanga paint the inside of Kangaskhan's house. However, if they get even a drop of paint on anything but the wall, Kangaskhan willcut their heads off andmount them over the fireplace.

Narrator: A slow day at Latias's cafe.
Nidorina: Two ordinary rolls, but when threw with skill, they become....
Nidorina throws them and Kanga jumps on them and slides across the floor with them.
Kanga: A one way ticket to pain!
Kanga crashes into a wall. Outside, Kangaskhan notices them. She comes in while Kanga slides and crashes again. The place is wrecked.
Kangaskhan: What are you doing?! Time is money! And if you're wasting time, THEN YOU'RE WASTING MONEY!!! And that's just stupid!
Nidorina: We're performing a ritual to attract more costumers!
Kanga: And the only way for the ritual to work is to hurt ourselves badly!
Kangaskhan: What idiot told you that?
Miltank nervously laughs and hides her face behind a magazine.
Kangaskhan: Listen, instead of killing yourselves, I have a real important job for you!
Outside Kangaskhan's house.
Kangaskhan: Are you ready for your job? You two are to paint the inside of my house!
Nidorina and Kanga get excited. Kangaskhan stops them.
Kangaskhan: But let me get one thing clear! This here is permanent paint! It will never come off! So if you get even a drop of paint on anything but the wall... I'LL HAVE YOUR HEADS CUT OFF AND MOUNTED OVER MY FIREPLACE!!! So have fun with the job!
Kangaskhan closes the door on them.
Nidorina: Kanga?
Kanga: Yeah?
Nidorina: Mum sure has a lot of expensive stuff! Do you think we should take everything down!
Kanga: Are you crazy?! We're not paid to move stuff!
Nidorina: Kanga, we're not paid at all!
Kanga: That what I meant!
Nidorina: OK, so we won't move stuff! We'll just paint around it!
Kanga: Good, just don't pay me!
Nidorina: OK, let's cover the floor!
Nidorina and Kanga lay down a sheet of paper over the floor, but is revealed to be tiny.
Nidorina: I think we're going to need more coverage!
More paper is on the floor, scattered, and not covering the whole floor.
Nidorina: That's better! Well, I guess we should open these cans of permanent paint....
Kanga: That will never come off....
Nidorina: And if we get it on anything, Mum will cut our heads off....
Kanga: And mount them on the fireplace!
Nidorina gets her knife and tries to flip the lid off.
Kanga: Careful, Nidorina! Careful, Nidorina! Nidorina, careful! Careful, Nidorina! CAREFUL NIDORINA!!!
Nidorina: Kanga, the lid's already off!
Kanga: Oh! Now it's my turn!
Kanga gets out a huge axe and whacks the top of the can with it. Nidorina takes the can.
Nidorina: I'm thinking I should do this one too!
Ndorina takes the lid off and a drop of paint jumps out. Nidorina and Kanga scream. The drop bounces on all the pieces of paper on the floor and jumps back into the can.
Kanga: Well, that was a rip off!
Nidorina: Let's get our brushes out!
Nidorina gets a large brush.
Nidorina: Maybe we should start with a smaller brush!
Nidorina gets a brush and takes a single nose hair from her nose. Kanga does the same, but rips all his hair out. Lots of it. Nidorina dips the brush in and approaches the wall
Nidorina: I'm ready to paint this wall! Here we go!
Narrator: 1 hour later.
Nidorina: Just another moment of preparation and I'll be painting this wall!
Narrator: 2 hours later.
Nidorina: I'm so ready to do this!
Narrator: 3 hours later.
Kanga is holding a card with those words on.
Kanga: Can you hurry up? I'm all out of time cards!
Nidorina: No problem! Here we go!
Nidorina makes one small line. It stays. Nidorina smiles. The paint starts dripping towards a painting. Nidorina blows the paint around various objects. She uses a hair dryer to blow it away. There s a giant bubble of paint floating.
Nidorina: S**t! What could be worse than a giant paint bubble?!
Kanga: I know!
Kanga blows a bubble with the paint.
Kanga: Two giant paint bubbles!
The two bubbles merge into one.
Nidorina: Kanga! I don't think this bubble can get any bigger!
Kanga: Rubbish!
Kanga has a bike pump and inflates the bubble bigger. The bubble pops and the entire wall is covered in paint. Nothing else has paint on it.
Nidorina: We did it! We painted the entire house! And we didn't get paint on anythi..... HOLY S**T!!! WHAT'S THAT??!!
There is a tiny drop of paint on a £10 note. Nidorina faints.
Nidorina: We're dead, Kanga! Do you know what that is?
Kanga: A £10! I win!
Nidorina: That's not just a £10! That's Mum's first £10! It's one of her most valuable possessions! And we got paint on it!
Kanga: You worry too much, Nidorina! I don't see any paint!
Nidorina: This is OK. Maybe I could just wipe it off!
Nidorina wipes the £10 with her hand. The paint spreads and becomes more noticeable. The £10 is covered.
Kanga: Oh! Now I see it!
Nidorina: This is not good, Kanga! When Mum sees what we did to her £10.....
Nidorina imagines their heads mounted over the fireplace while Kangaskhan enjoys some tea. Nidorina and Kanga scream.
Nidorina: I don't to lose me head!
Kanga: Don't worry! All we have to do is....
Nidorina: But Mum said....
Kanga: Forget what your mum said! Every stain comes off with something!
Nidorina puts the £10 in a washing machine.
Nidorina: Did it work?
Kanga: No!
Nidorina is using sand paper on the £10.
Nidorina: Did it work?
Kanga's hands are gone.
Kanga: No!
Nidorina throws acid on the £10.
Nidorina: Did it work?
Kanga's belly is gone except for the parts blocked by his hands.
Kanga: No!
A pile of various things are shown, which apparently didn't work. Nidorina is beating the £10. Kanga is shown to have beaten too.
Kanga: Wait! I have an idea!
Kanga picks up Nidorina and starts smashing her against the £10.
Nidorina: It didn't work!
Kanga: This is all your mum's fault! If she hadn't hung that £10 on the wall, we wouldn't have got paint on it! Who does that!? It looks no different from a regular £10! You might as well reach into my wallet, pull out a £10 and put it on the wall! No-one would ever know the difference!
Nidorina: Quick, Kanga! Get your wallet out!
Kanga gets it out.
Kanga: I don't know where you're going with this.... Hey, look! A £10!
Nidorina: Our heads are safe, Kanga! Now all we need to do is.... Kanga! What are you doing?!
Kanga is putting the £10 in a vending machine.
Nidorina: No! Kanga! Don't put it in the....
The £10 goes in.
Nidorina: No! Kanga! Why did you....
The £10 comes back out.
Nidorina: Grab it! Grab it, Kanga! Quick....
Kanga puts it back in.
Nidorina: No!....
The £10 comes back out.
Nidorina: Grab it! Hurry! Grab it! Grab it!
Kanga shoves it in. It doesn't come back.
Nidorina: No!
Kanga has a bar of chocolate. Nidorina appears annoyed.
Kanga: Want a bite?
Nidorina goes over to a mirror.
Nidorina: This is OK. I am brave and fearless! I will overcome this!
Kangaskhan can be heard returning home.
Nidorina's Reflection: You're on your own!
Nidorina's Reflection leaves.
Nidorina: Quick, Kanga! Put the £10 back on the wall! I got an idea!
Kangaskhan walks in and the lights are off.
Nidorina: We finished painting! It looks great!
Kanga: You don't need to look around! We already did that for you!
Kangaskhan turns the lights on. Nidorina and Kanga look nervous.
Kangaskhan: You two look as though you've got a little secret! Just joking! Let's see how you did! Ooh, not bad!
Nidorina: Well, we'll be going!
Kangaskhan: WHAT THE HELL?!
Nidorina and Kanga: We're sorry! We didn't mean to!
Kangaskhan: You dusted the shelves! That was really nice! HOLY CRAP!!!
Nidorina and Kanga: We're sorry! It was an accident!
Kangaskhan: Then I guess the ceiling painted itself then! That has a lot of skill! OH MY GOD!!! YOU MESSED IT UP!!! My plush collection!
A Dragonite plush is not upright. Kangaskhan adjusts it.
Kangaskhan: And you thought I wouldn't notice! OK. You're free to go!
Kangaskhan walks into a pile of painting stacked on top of each other on the wall.
Kangaskhan: Wierd! I don't remember all these paintings where my £10 used to be! In fact I don't remember this one at all!
Kangaskhan takes a picture off the wall.
Kangaskhan: Or this one! Or this one! Or this one! Or this one!
Kangaskhan takes various paintings off the wall including the Mona Lisa and the pirate painting from Spongebob. Nidorina is hanging on the wall behind all the pictures.

Kangaskhan: What are you doing there?

Nidorina: Oh, you know, just hanging around!

Kanga: Boo!

Kangaskhan: Get down on the floor!

Nidorina stretches her body to touch the floor.

Kangaskhan: OK. Now you're just being gay! Get off the wall!

Kangaskhan moves Nidorina and looks at the £10. She looks back at Kanga and Nidorina.

Kangaskhan: Did you get paint all over my £10?

Nidorina and Kanga: We're sorry!

Kangaskhan looks back at the £10, then back at them.

Kangaskhan: And then did you draw on it with crayon?!

The £10 has a smiley face and a £ sign drawn on it. Kanga holds a crayon.

Kanga: I thought, you know, maybe she'd buy it!

Kangaskhan: You ruined maybe £10! You know what I'm gonna have to do now, don't you?!

Kangaskhan takes the £10 off the wall and licks it. The paint (and crayon) comes off.

Kangaskhan: That's better!

Nidorina and Kanga: But.... but....

Kangaskhan: That paint isn't really permanent! It comes off with saliva!

Nidorina: Oh! I get it! You told us that the paint was permanent, so me and Kanga were careful that we didn't get paint on anything!

Kangaskhan: Nah! I just like to mess with you!

Kangaskhan laughs. Nidorina and Kanga leave, annoyed. Lots of saliva comes out of Kangaskhan's mouth as she laughs. This causes the paint to come off the walls.

Kangaskhan: Ah, s**t!

© 2017 Fanfic

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Added on January 13, 2017
Last Updated on January 28, 2017



Hi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..

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