Adventures Of Mudkip: Episode 2

Adventures Of Mudkip: Episode 2

A Screenplay by Fanfic

Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard find themselves in another dimension where Nidorino's the good guy and they're the bad guys.


Mudkip and Dragonite are sitting, reading. Charizard staggers in and collapses on Dragonite. 

Mudkip: Not even 30 seconds in and we've already got porn! 

Charizard: So.... Hungry! 

Dragonite: He's needs food! 

Mudkip: Oh! That's a relief! I thought he was hungry for some action! 

Dragonite: He'll die of starvation if he doesn't eat something NOW! 

Mudkip: Actually, there are many things that can kill you before starvation! Dehydration, no sleep.... 

Dragonite picks Mudkip up and brings him close to her face. 

Dragonite: Just feed him! 

Mudkip: I know a place where you can eat lots of stuff! 

Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard arrive at Latias's cafe. Latias is sitting behind the counter. Charizard holds himself up on his feet by grabbing Latias.

Charizard: One of everything! 

Latias: What's wrong with him? 

Dragonite gets Charizard off Latias.

Dragonite: He's just a little bit peckish. 

Charizard picks up a plate on an empty table, tips the contents in his mouth and eats the plate. 

Latias: Did he just eat that plate of used tea bags? 

Dragonite: Yep! 

Latias: What he needs is my Super Meatball! 

Mudkip: What's that?

Latias drops an enormous meatball on Charizard. Charizard's head is stuffed with the meatball. 

Charizard: I'm not hungry anymore! 

Mudkip: OK....

Latias: Just using my powers to increase the size of normal meatballs! 

Mudkip: Can you make Nidorina's a*s bigger? Funny? No? Little bit? God, try making a Dragonite laugh! 

Dragonite: What else makes you so legendary? 

Latias: Allow me to demonstrate! 

Green energy forms around her hands and zaps them. Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard are in a cave and Latias is gone. 

Dragonite: Where are we? 

Charizard: Do you hear that? 

There is a sound coming from somewhere. Mudkip approaches a tunnel. 

Mudkip: It's coming from this one! 

Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard enter the tunnel. On the other side, there is a street. 

Dragonite: It's beautiful! 

Mudkip: I know this place! This is my home, Hoenn! 

Charizard: It's nice here! 

Mudkip is looking the other way. 

Mudkip: I finally got one! 

Dragonite: One what? 

Mudkip points. There is a statue of him. 

Mudkip: I'm loving this! But what's the bulge on my perfect body? 

The statue has a fat belly. A Jynx is walking and sees Mudkip and backs away with respect. 

Dragonite: What's wrong with her? And why do they have a statue of you? 

Charizard: Maybe the Pidgeys need a place to sit! 

Mudkip: I guess my coolness is too much! Maybe that's the reason! 

Dragonite and Charizard: No! 

Mudkip: Jealousy is not attractive! 

Dragonite: Oh my God! 

Charizard: What she said! 

There is a statue of Dragonite and Charizard. Charizard looks at Mudkip's statue. 

Charizard: Where's a Pidgey when you need one? 

Charizard notices an ice cream van passing. 

Charizard: Break time! 

Charizard rushes off. The ice cream van is parked when Charizard gets to it. 

Charizard: A cone with a scoop of everything! 

An Alolan Sandshrew is inside the van. 

Sandshrew: I am honoured, sire! Please eat all you want, free of charge! 

Charizard: All I want? Free of charge? I think I've found paradise! 

In a building behind Charizard, a shiny Nidorino and some Porygon2s are watching them. 

Nidorino: I can't believe our luck! All three of them without their guards! Tell Sandshrew to go! 

Mudkip and Dragonite arrive. 

Dragonite: How awful! Nothing but ruins! 

Mudkip: Yeah! Kinda looks like Kanto! 

Charizard: But the ice cream is free! 

A door opens on the the ice cream van and two Porygon2s step out. 

Mudkip: Porygon2s? 

Sandshrew steps out and zaps Mudkip's legs with a gun, forming energy around them, so he can't move. 

Sandshrew: Inside! Move! 

Mudkip: Legendarys! You've gotta love 'em! A little help here! 

Dragonite: Here's why everyone loves pseudo legendarys! 

Dragonite charges at the Porygon2s. They fire their lasers at her but miss. Dragonite rams into them. Charizard burns Sandshrew's hand holding the gun and Dragonite takes it. She uses it on the Porygon2s and Sandshrew. 

Mudkip: Nice one, guys! But... Ummm.... 

Mudkip points at his legs. Dragonite flicks a switch on the gun and shoots Mudkip's legs, freeing him. 

Charizard: Incoming! 

Loads more Porygon2s are flying towards them. Dragonite grabs them and flies away. 

Charizard: In there! 

Charizard points to the tunnel they came through. They run until the tunnel becomes pitch black. 

Dragonite: I think we lost them! 

The lights come on. They're surrounded by Porygon2s. 

Nidorino: Think again! 

Nidorino approaches them. Inside a building. 

Nidorino: Welcome, your majesties! Please make yourselves at home! 

Mudkip: Hey! Baldy got some hair and a new gender! 

Nidorino: Very amusing, sire! 

Mudkip: Sire? 

Nidorino: But what's even more amusing is that the fact that the revolution is over! 

Charizard: Weirdo! 

Nidorino points at Charizard. 

Nidorino: You took away our money! 

Nidorino points at Dragonite. 

Nidorino: You took away our freedom! 

Nidorino points at Mudkip. 

Nidorino: And you even took away our music! 

Mudkip points at himself, confused. 

Nidorino: But from this day forward, everyone will live free! 

Mudkip: Free? 

Dragonite: I've got it! Porygon2s, Alolan Sandshrew, Shiny Nidorino, statues of us, calling us Royalty! I think I know what's going on! 

Charizard: What? 

Dragonite: Wherever Latias put us is in a wierd dimension where Nidorino's the good guy and... 

Mudkip: We're the bad guys? 

Meanwhile, at a palace, A Porygonator is reading from a long piece of paper to the bad Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard, all in their shiny forms. 

Porygonator: Music heard in sector 3! Tax collector in sector 9! 

Bad Mudkip: Destroy sector 3! 

Bad Charizard: Double the taxes in sector 9! 

A robot with a camera is spying on them, unnoticed. 

Porygonator: Jeweller unable to deliver diamond necklace for Princess! 

Bad Dragonite: Throw him in the dungeon! And his family, too! 

Nidorino can see this through a screen. 

Mudkip: That's guy's so fat! Doesn't he have a mirror? 

Charizard: This Charizard is creepy! 

Dragonite: And her dress is SO last year! 

Nidorino: My spy camera is broadcasting live! How are you doing this? 

Dragonite: That's not us! And we can prove it! They hate music, right? 

Nidorino: So? 

Charizard: Let's do it! 

They sing a song. Nidorino frees them. 

Nidorino: Welcome to the revolution! 

Mudkip: What can we do for you? 

Outside the palace. 

Dragonite: OK. Don't forget to be mean and greedy! 

Mudkip: And don't you forget to be vain and bossy! 

They approach the front door, guarded by two Porygons. 

Mudkip: Yo, tin heads! Open the gate!


The Porygons don’t move.


Dragonite: Don’t just stand there, you idiots! Open the gate!


The Porygons open the door and they walk in.


Mudkip: Oh! And by the way, you’re all fired!


The Porygons look at each other and then walk away. In Bad Dragonite’s room, a Jynx has a needle and thread and is fixing her dress.


Bad Dragonite: OW!!! How dare you stab me with a needle! GAURDS!!!


Two Porygons enter.


Bad Dragonite: Throw her in the street!


Jynx: Have mercy! Please!


In another room, a Meowth is holding a small bag of money.


Meowth: This is all the money I have left! My family is starving!


Charizard snatches the money. A Porygon grabs the Moewth.


Bad Charizard: Put him in chains!


The Meowth is dragged away past a queue of people waiting to give their money to Bad Charizard.


Bad Charizard: Next!


In another room, Bad Mudkip is eating food.


Bad Mudkip: Those were the worst burgers I’ve ever tasted!


Bad Mudkip picks up a plate and throws it at the person who made them, a Combusken.


Bad Mudkip: Throw him in the dungeon!


The Porygons take him to the dungeon and come across the good Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard. The Porygons stop.


Combusken: Please, sire! I’m sorry about the burgers! Please don’t send me to the dungeon! Please!


Mudkip: Oh! Yeah! That! I changed my mind! Let him go!


The Porygons release him.


Combusken: Thank you, sire! Thank you!


Mudkip: Let’s split up! We can kick more a*s that way!


Dragonite: Meet back here in 30 minutes!


Mudkip: OK!


Mudkip runs past the Porygons. He runs back in front of them.


Mudkip: Oh! And by the way! You’re fired! And tell all the other guards they’re fired, too!


Mudkip runs off again. The two Porygons look at each other. All the Porygons walk away. Bad Mudkip is eating more food. Mudkip runs in and onto the table.#


Mudkip: Hey! What’s up? You gonna eat that?


Mudkip steps on the plate flicking the food up in the air and into his mouth.


Mudkip: Delicious!


Bad Mudkip: Who are you?


Mudkip: I’m what you should’ve been instead of what you are!


Bad Mudkip: Guards! GUARDS!!!


Mudkip: Oh, didn’t I tell you? I fired the guards! It’s just you and me! Tell you what! I’ll have a little race! End of the table and back!


Bad Mudkip pulls out a gun, similar to Nidorino’s, while Mudkip’s not looking. He jumps up on the table.


Bad Mudkip: You’re not faster than me!


Mudkip: Really! Well, then, I’ll go in reverse!


Bad Mudkip: Deal!


Mudkip: Tell you what! Just to make it fair, I’ll even give you a head start! Readysetgo!


Bad Mudkip runs. Mudkip catches up with him in reverse.


Mudkip: Bye-bye!


Mudkip overtakes him. Bad Mudkip takes out his gun and hits Mudkip.


Bad Mudkip: Guess you lose!


Bad Charizard is counting money when a giant hoover-like device comes in and sucks up the money.


Bad Charizard: Stop!


Bad Charizard tries to grab as much money as he can, but it is all sucked up.


Bad Charizard: Guards! Where are my guards!?


Charizard: I sent them home!


Bad Charizard: You!.... You look…. You….


Charizard: Just like you! Yeah, I may look like you, but I don’t steal from the poor!


Bad Charizard: I don’t steal! I tax!


Charizard: Not anymore!


Charizard sucks Bad Charizard into the nozzle of the device. In Bad Dragonite’s room.


Bad Dragonite: Bring me my mirror!


A Kadabra goes to get the mirror, but stops as she sees Dragonite bringing it in. She looks at Bad Dragonite and walks out quietly, freaked out. Dragonite moves the mirror into position, unnoticed. Bad Dragonite walks up to the mirror while Dragonite prentends to be her reflection. She looks at herself, then at her “reflection” suspiciously. Bad Dragonite sticks her tongue out at Dragonite.


Dragonite: BOO!!!


Bad Dragonite: Argh! Who are you?


Dragonite: I’m you, but WAY better!


Bad Dragonite: Get out of here! GUARDS!!!


Charizard enters the room in the hoover device with Bad Charizard still stuck. Bad Dragonite simply faints at the sight of both of them. Bad Mudkip still has Mudkip trapped.


Bad Mudkip: I don’t know who you are, but I know where you’re going!


Mudkip: Let’s race again! This time, I’ll go in reverse, eyes closed on one leg AND holding my breath!..... That should make it about even!


Bad Mudkip: It doesn’t matter! I’ve recalled my guards! They’ll be here any moment!


Three Porygon2s enter.


Bad Mudkip: Put him in chains!


Nidorino: That won’t be necessary!


Nidorino frees Mudkip.


Mudkip: Never thought I’d be saying this, but thanks Nidorino!


Bad Mudkip tries to run away. Nidorino aims his gun at him.


Mudkip: May I?


Nidorino: Be my guest!


Mudkip takes the gun and runs after Bad Mudkip.


Mudkip: For someone so slow, you are in a big hurry!


Bad Mudkip points his gun at Mudkip, but Mudkip fires first.


Mudkip: You’re out!


Bad Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard are sitting.


Dragonite: So, what do we do with these guys?


Dragonite: Too bad we can’t take them to Kanto and show them what it’s like to live with Nidorino!


Nidorino: You know, they’re so arrogant; they haven’t left the palace for years! They have no idea!


Mudkip: I think you’re on to something there, Nidorina!


Nidorino: What?


Mudkip: Sorry! Hard habit to stop! Anyway, why don’t we show them around? Show them what they’ve done to Hoenn!


Nidorino is driving a car, with everyone inside.


Nidorino: This street was once full of business! But years off your taxing put them out of business!


Bad Charizard: But we need….


Charizard: Open your eyes, not your mouth!


The car continues and stops beside a Ralts on a street. Dragonite almost cries at this sight. All three gave it money and other valuable items. After the tour, All three are talking to everyone.


Bad Mudkip: From now on, Hoenn will be a place of freedom, peace, music and food for everyone!


Mudkip, Dragonite and Charizard leave. Back in their own world.


Charizard: Hey, Dragonite! What makes you a pseudo legendary?

© 2016 Fanfic

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Added on December 8, 2016
Last Updated on December 21, 2016



Hi! I am a pokemon fan! I just got into writing after reading someone's story. I write fanfiction that I make into animations. If something is a screenplay is either is or is likely that it will be ma.. more..

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