

A Story by Starr

She felt her back press against the wall but kept trying to move back farther. He stood before her with a smile that made her need to run from him.

"Why are you scared?" He asked in a voice that nearly made her believe she was being absurd. "Don’t you trust me?"

She shook her head and he laughed, though a glint in his eye betrayed him. Slowly, he stepped towards her, knowing she had nowhere to go.

"Gravity is one of the weakest forces," He told her, taking her shaking, resistant hand. "And we have the strongest. Love will beat gravity, silly. Of course it will."

She wanted to pull her hand away, but his was like a vice and she didn't have the energy. Too much running had left her weary and exhausted. He took advantage of it, pulling her near to him, placing arms around her body. “It’s simple physics.”

He looked into her eyes one last time, his calm and confident, her’s nothing but terrified, and whispered to her. “Love always wins, dearest.”

He took one confident step forward, dragging her with him, an inch first, then down with him as he plummeted off of the building.

© 2014 Starr

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I wasn't sure where this was going and was surprised by the ending! Good job keeping the reader interested and wanting to know more. Keep up the good work :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

THis is a strange story. Good flash fiction.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 22, 2014
Last Updated on March 22, 2014
Tags: physics, crazy, death, stalker, abusive boyfriend, murder




My name's Starr, I'm 17 and I love reading, writing, and performance. I like to get too involved in other people's characters and torture my own. I write (mainly disturbing) very short stories, and fa.. more..

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