![]() Sanity Chp 2 HomeA Story by Taylor
Chapter 2: Home When I woke up my head was pounding. I could barely think, let alone move, so I sat there awhile longer. I left my eyes unopened, afraid to look around. I knew I was somewhere strange and unfamiliar. I could feel it. All I could think about was Devyn, and how he was reacting to all this. He must’ve panicked when he got back to the apartment. He left in a rage, but it wouldn’t last long. His temper was always put out as fast as it started. I stayed inside myself awhile longer before I decided to sit up. My head spun but I managed to hold myself up. As my eyes adjusted to the harsh, dim lighting, things began to come into focus. The walls were bare but not blank. They were painted a rich, deep brown color. There were a few pieces of furniture scattered in places, a few cherry wood tables, and a mirror that looked to be from a totally different century, an antique rocker, and a vintage dresser. There was a window next to the dresser, and over it were thick honey-colored curtains that gave the room an amber glow. The bed itself was a four posted queen sized bed, covered in extravagant linens. The sheets and pillowcases were Egyptian cotton, which must’ve cost a fortune. Next to the bed there was a small nightstand with a lamp. There was a note attached to the bottom of the lamp that read: Welcome home, my love. Sincerely, Tristen Who was Tristen and what the hell was he talking about? The note sent chills down my spine, and I was starting to get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew I couldn’t stay here, I knew I had to escape. I threw down the note, and hauled myself onto the floor. The moment I did, my knees gave out and I collapsed. The room was spinning from where I was laying and I couldn’t move an inch. I heard the lock on the door click and saw boots on the other side of the bed. I couldn’t make out his face, but I knew it was the man who kidnapped me. I tried to talk but he hushed me the moment I even thought it. “I think it would be best if we kept conversation to a minimal until you get better.” I felt myself being held, and placed back into the bed. “What do you mean get better? What did you do to me?” I demanded. He laughed. His laughter was warm, much like that of my brother. “I did nothing dear, now sleep you’re exhausted are you not?” he asked in a soothing tone. I yawned and he ran his fingers through my hair, smiling. “I’m so glad you came home.” I moved from his hand, “What do you mean, “You’re glad I’m home?”” He chuckled and put his fingers to my lips. “Some things are better left unsaid. Now sleep.” I muttered something incomprehensible, and drifted into unconsciousness. I woke with a start. I had a feeling my dreams were soon going to get much worse than the one I just experienced. It was of Devyn. He was in a ballroom covered in blood, and when he turned to me, his eyes were sunken in and his skin was severely pale. His legs were so badly injured I wondered how he was still standing. His clothes were torn to shreds. I screamed and asked him what was wrong. Then he lunged at me. A wave of nausea passed over me so I pushed the covers to the end of the bed, and tried to make a run to the bathroom. Big mistake. The room started spinning immediately. I held onto the posts of the bed for support without success and once again landed on the floor. The hardwood floor was freezing cold. The only clothes I had on was a thin t-shirt, which barely sufficed. My arms and legs were beginning to ache from the cold. My head was pounding, sending pains down my body. I sank against the door, my hands to my ears. It was so loud I could barely hear myself think. After a few moments, I stood up slowly groping for a light switch. I couldn’t find one anywhere, so I once again sank to my knees, looking for the counter. A few minutes of shuffling around in the dark paid off, and I found my counter and light switch. I had to blink a few times to focus my eyes. The bathroom was almost as big as my apartment. The counter tops, floors, shower, everything was completely marble. The walls were a honey color to match the warm colored marble. Sitting beside the sink and hand soap were elegant little jars of assorted bath essentials. There were little Persian carpets placed by the shower, tub, and toilet. I knew nothing about rugs but these looked expensive as hell. I ran my hand along the cool counter top, my mouth slightly agape. I didn’t even hear him approach until he spoke, “I knew you’d like it.” I spun around, face to face with my kidnapper. “Are you saying you made this for me?”. He smiled, and looked down, his face twisting with worry. He finally spoke after a few moments of silence, “ You’re not just some random girl, Julia. You’re special.” I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. “Look this is really nice and all, but I’m telling you I’ve never met you before in my life.” His gaze met mine, and for a second there was some sort of flicker of electricity between us. “You really don’t remember do you?” It wasn’t a question. I shook my head anyway. “Well then allow me to remind you.” © 2009 Taylor |
Added on January 28, 2009 Author