Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Four

A Chapter by A.Noel

Chapter Twenty-Four

  Standing in front of some glass that I could check my reflection in, I straightened my long, midnight blue, sparkling dress. Kara had gone out to pick up dresses for each of us to wear tonight. Although she had bought them for beauty, she had also been careful to find ones that would allow us to maneuver easily in as well as conceal weapons on our persons.

  I exhaled slowly, checking my fancily curled and knotted hair, compliments of Kara.

  “You ready?” Kara asked.

  I nodded. “Ready.”

  “Alright then, let’s go,” said Kara, leading me out to Jonas’ familiar black Maserati.

  “I hope they don’t recognize Jonas’ car,” I commented, climbing into the passenger’s side. “This is the car he used the most frequently for driving around to places here in LA.”

  “Well we’re going to have to hope they aren’t paying too much attention then,” remarked Kara as she got the car moving. “A cab just isn’t practical for our plan, and this is the only car we have at our disposal. What I wouldn’t give for Alaric’s car right about now!”

  “So,” I began slowly, “how exactly are we going to pull this off?”

  “When we get there, I’m going to go in first. You’ll have to give me say ten minutes inside before following,” instructed Kara. “Once inside, get a feel for the place and try to get a look around. You goal is to look like you’ve come alone to try to help Jonas and Alaric.”

  “What are you going to do?” I asked her.

  “My job is to blend, observe, follow, and distract,” she replied. “I’ll wait until they have you, and then plant the C4 where no one will be harmed by it going off, but where it’ll make them come running. Then I’ll follow to wherever they take you, blow the explosives, and figure the rest out from there.”

  I nodded thoughtfully as I considered her words. “Sounds good enough, all things considered,” I consented. In a few minutes, we were parking and Kara was on her way inside. After she’d disappeared from view, I started my ten minute wait.


    Having already placed the C4 as planned, Kara walked purposefully through the doorway to the main gathering room. The other guests were all very formally dressed, and Kara was relieved that she and Britney would have no trouble blending in well in that respect. What she hadn’t anticipated, though she now realized she should have, was the fact that the vast majority of the people present were men.

  Immediately, Kara took on her usual undercover role. She sashéd her way over to the bar and offered a demurring smile to the first semi-attractive man that met her eyes. In no time, she had managed to map out the entire enormous room, noting every hallway and entrance to other rooms. She’d also learned from her companion what the plans intended for the evening were.

    From across the room, Kara noticed a familiar tousled head in the crowd. Confused, she excused herself from the man she had stopped listening to about two minutes ago, and began moving towards Jonas as she tried to make sense of why he was walking around freely with the guests.  Halfway to him she realized that she should keep her distance. She desperately wanted to know what was going on and why he was out here, but she knew it was imperative she keep her distance.

  Either Jonas had finally agreed to DeRuise’s terms and was simply waiting for Britney to show up in order to claim her, or he was bait to help lure Britney in once she arrived and throw her off her guard. Regardless of which it was, two things were certain: first, he was being watched carefully, and second, she had to get Britt and tell her somehow, so they could regroup and decide what to do. She couldn’t afford taking a chance by talking to him and risk compromising their entire rescue plan. The question was, whether or not a rescue was even necessary anymore.

  Meanwhile, Jonas was searching the crowd anxiously, which Kara knew was a bad sign. It confirmed her suspicion that this had been an elaborate trap set up to catch Britney. They were just waiting for her to show up to the party. That much was clear. What she didn’t know was whether or not she was expected. Jonas knew if Britney showed, she’d be with her, and he’d likely inform DeRuise of that fact if he had traded sides on them.

  Just as Kara was starting to carefully edge around Jonas’ location in order to get out and warn Britney about his unexpected presence in the gathering, Jonas caught sight of her and straightened up from his position leaning his side against the wall. Without even the briefest moment of hesitation, he closed the distance between them, seeming desperate to tell her something.

  “Kara, tell me Britt’s not here,” he practically pleaded.

  Kara gave him a look that said she couldn’t do as he asked. “We came to get you guys out of here. Where’s Alaric?” Kara looked around the room, wondering if she’d somehow allowed her boyfriend to go unnoticed.

  “Listen to me, you have to get her out of here �" get both of you out of here �" now, before it’s to late,” ordered Jonas with desperation evident in his voice now. “It’s a trap. There’s no way either Alaric or I will step foot outside of this place tonight. I was allowed down here purely to draw Britney in when she arrived. After she gets in here, and she’s spotted, they’ll grab her and then there’ll be no leaving.  You have to stop her before-“

  At that moment, Jonas’ eyes latched onto something across the room in the doorway. At the sight of the tortured expression that filled his eyes, Kara turned to see what had frozen him in place.


  He was right there. I stood in the doorway, eyes locked with Jonas’ as we stood almost an entire room apart.  I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, I was taken so completely off guard. However, it wasn’t just Jonas’ unexpected presence that caused me to react this way. Several elements combined together had caused me to become rooted to where I stood.

  Right at Jonas’ side stood Kara, unknowingly giving herself away to Hayden, who stood several yards behind the pair speaking in hushed tones to a man dressed in a dark suite, who looked suspiciously like an incognito security guard.

  Kara turned to look at me, and immediately hurried over towards me. Grabbing my hand, she dragged me along with her as she continued walking while whispering, “Jonas wants us to get out of here now, before it’s too late. They’re more prepared for us than I realized they’d be. We don’t stand a chance.”

  “Kara, it’s already too late, Hayden’s already seen us,” I informed her, my voice miserable as I allowed her to pull me along with her. Kara sent a furtive glance backwards and I watched Jonas following her stolen gaze as well. Seeing Hayden, he spun back around and came running after us as Kara and I began running as fast as our dresses allowed us to. Jonas soon overtook us and gripped my elbow to propel me forwards even faster, causing him and Kara to be practically dragging me with them.

  We made it to the door only to come to a skidding stop, our way being blocked off by a few beefy guards. Swirling around to get away from them, we came face to face with Hayden, DeRuise, and another older man that appeared vaguely familiar to me, though I couldn’t quite place him.

  “Well, now that was easier than I’d expected it would be,” chuckled DeRuise. “I see you brought a friend too,” he added, looking Kara over with a hint of interest before signaling one of his men, giving him a whispered order, and having us escorted down a side corridor by the men who’d blocked our escape through the door.

  We were led up a flight of steps and then to the left, where we entered what appeared to be a private office with a decided library feel to it, given the shelves upon shelves of books present. I knew though, that this wasn’t the actual library, since the few times my father had brought me here, I’d been put in a library several times this size while they went off to talk privately.

  All the while, Jonas had his arm wrapped securely and resolutely around my waist, holding me to his side. Every time I caught a glimpse of Hayden’s or the other man’s face, I could see them inwardly seething at Jonas. However, neither dared to say a word about it or tried separate us, though it was apparent that they wanted very much to do so.

  We all stood in silence staring at one another in the middle of the main open area for a full two minutes before I heard the door open behind us. Still holding me firmly to himself, Jonas turned his torso enough to view the doorway. Cautiously, I peeked around him and saw that Alaric had been escorted in by a couple of men.

  Alaric strode confidently over to us, snagging and squeezing Kara’s hand tightly for a brief moment when he joined us, promptly releasing it before he drew attention to their closeness.

  “Now that we’re finally all together, why don’t we all just sit down and settle all of this,” suggested DeRuise in a tone that demanded to be obeyed and not contested.

  Jonas guided me over to a large sofa. He and Alaric sat on either end and positioned Kara and I in the middle between them. Hayden and the other man settled in separate chairs beside each other and across from us. Once the guards went outside, leaving us alone, DeRuise seated himself behind the enormous cherry desk.

  DeRuise cleared his throat. “Britney, I’m not sure if you remember, but this is Hayden’s father, Kline Terrence,” he motioned to the graying man. I glanced wearily at his steely grey eyes; eyes that Hayden’s were exact replicas of. He had the same dark features as his son. On his face was a scowl that made me shiver involuntarily. “Kline, these young men are Alaric and Jonas Matthews, my nephews.”

  Reflexively, I spun around to face Jonas, but he said nothing, his expression becoming hard and unreadable. I looked to Alaric, hoping to find an answer to my unasked question there, but he was like a mirror to Jonas. After Kara and I shared a quick glance that no one else appeared to notice, I was relieved to see I wasn’t the only one confused by the introduction.

  “Who are you?” questioned Hayden of Kara, earning himself a sharp look of reproof from DeRuise. Apparently, he’d crossed a line, and DeRuise wanted to be sure that Hayden knew he had. Following the withering glare of warning directed at Hayden, DeRuise focused on Kara, giving her a look that said he was awaiting an answer, regardless of who had originally asked the question.

  “I’m a friend of Alaric’s,” was her curt reply, making it clear she did not intend to divulge anything more to him.

  “I see,” was DeRuise’s annoyed response. He returned his attention to Kline. “As you may have already noticed, my nephew is particularly fond of Britney, your son’s betrothed.” At the title, I shrank further into Jonas’ side.

  “I have noticed,” Mr. Terrence remarked, his voice humorless.

  “I don’t see why it should make any difference,” countered Hayden, despite his previous correction. “We had a deal with her father, that’s all that matters. She’s mine.”

 “Your nephews or not Vincent, justice must be received for Lawrence’s death as well,” declared Kline in a firm tone. “I won’t stand for his murderer to go unpunished for killing him in cold blood.”

  “It was hardly cold blood. Larkin had a gun to my brother’s head. He would have killed Jonas in cold blood,” Alaric defended, voice fierce and resolute.

  “Alaric’s actions can hardly be blamed,” DeRuise added calmly. “Lawrence was well aware of the game at which he played and whom he played against. It was his decision to continue.”

  Kline gave DeRuise an appalled look of complete disbelief. “They invaded his home! How can you possibly defend them?!”

  “We were only trying to get in to talk with him. We would’ve gone in peaceably if we thought he’d have listened to a word we said if we did. We figured the only way he’d listen to us was if we made him listen. All we wanted to do was resolve this whole mess,” voiced Jonas calmly.

  “I should have known you were related to them somehow,” Hayden spat out, clearly disgusted. “You continually sided with those Australians. You never intended to help me in any way.”

  “I’m siding with none here,” defended DeRuise with slightly raised hands. “I’m merely interested in brokering a deal with you for Britney.”

  Hayden growled. “I’ll take no deal.” In his anger, her rose from his seat, appearing to be about to continue when his father lifted a hand to silence him. Once Hayden was again seated, he addressed DeRuise.

  “What exactly did you have in mind?” inquired Mr. Terrence, obviously not opposed to the idea.

  “Money, naturally,” explained DeRuise in a peaceful voice, smiling. “We can decide upon the exact amount privately, but I assure you, you will not be disappointed.”

  “Money can hardly make amends for the murder of Lawrence Larkin, or the insults these men have directed towards me and my family,” argued Hayden defiantly, not as willing to be bought off as his father was.

  “And what of those you’ve murdered?” I demanded, surprising everyone, including myself. “Shouldn’t you have to take responsibility for the life you took as well? What justification can you possibly offer for killing Brian, an unarmed man?”

  “He deceived me.”

  “Then there’s justification for my father’s death as well,” I declared firmly. “My father deceived me for nearly eighteen full years. All Brian did was protect a friend.”

  Silence reigned in the room for what felt like an eternity. No one, not even Hayden appeared to have an answer for that. Although I couldn’t be sure I’d seen right, it looked like DeRuise had nodded with approval at me. It was too quick, however, for me to be positive.  DeRuise beckoned to Mr. Terrence, to come closer to his desk. He readily complied, situating himself across the large desk from the man. Upset by the unexpected change of event, Hayden angrily rose and stormed from the room.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kara fiddling with some type of small remote-like object under the cover of her skirt. It was then I remembered that no one had bothered to search either of us.

  I cast a furtive glance at the two men, deep in discussion. So as not to draw any attention to myself, I casually took Jonas’ hand and slowly ran it over where my gun was still strapped to my leg. Jonas’ eyes went wide for a split second and then quickly darted over to glance at Alaric and Kara.

  Within moments, a small explosion rocked the room slightly from somewhere downstairs. While our captors looked around in bewilderment, Hayden crashed back into the room. Alaric took advantage of the moment, moving as fast as lightning to lunge at Hayden, wrapping his forearm around his throat and aiming Kara’s gun at his temple. In a flash, Jonas had my gun and was on his feet, pointing it directly at DeRuise.

  “We’re leaving,” Alaric informed them. “I personally, would rather highly recommend you leave us alone and not try to follow us this time, but if you do decide to, know that I’ll leave no survivors.” Still gripping a cursing Hayden tightly, Alaric began shuffling out the door.

  Jonas motioned with his head for Kara and me to go ahead of him out the door while he continued to watch the two older men and prevent them from trying to stop our departure.  Once we were safely through the doorway, he followed us out.

  I focused up ahead to where Alaric was slowly but steadily making his way out. A couple guards began to try to halt his escape, but soon stood down when they realized what was happening. He had made it halfway down the staircase when I began my own descent.

  As I watched as if in slow motion, Hayden managed to slam into Alaric, forcing Alaric to release him in his sudden shock of pain. I was vaguely aware that DeRuise and Terrence had followed us out before I’d even glanced back to check. A gun rang out from somewhere, and my head swiveled around to see who’d been hurt only to find no one seeming to be at all injured, but Jonas appearing to have just fired his gun for some reason. My mind just barely registered when I heard him yelling at me to run, which I immediately began to do.

  Everything was happening so fast as I raced down the step. I heard another explosion go off. This one was louder than the first and followed by another unexpected gunshot. Startled, I spun around and my foot slipped off the edge of the step I was on and I lost my footing. I suddenly found myself hurtling down the stairs painfully. In a flash, my world went black and the last thing I heard was Jonas calling out my name, panic lacing his voice as I felt myself come to a stop.


  Darkness. That’s all I could see. I didn’t hear anyone else in the room, so I decided to slowly open my eyes wider in order to figure out where I was. Had we managed to get out after everything had gone all wrong and I’d fallen while trying to escape?

  I opened my eyes as wide as I could, fear beginning to grip me as everything remained dark. Panicking, I sat upright in what I assumed was a bed and attempted to get up. It has to just be dark in the room. It has to just be dark in the room. I repeated the words over and over in my head, hoping and praying they were true as I stumbled recklessly around, trying to find some light I could turn on to pierce the darkness of my world. In an instant however, strong hands were gripping me, bringing my quest to an abrupt end. I realized as I felt a wet trail streaked down my cheek that I was crying in my distress.

  “Calm down Britney,” a soothing and unfamiliar voice ordered with complete gentleness. “You had a nasty fall and hit your head rather badly I’m afraid. It appears that it has left you temporarily blind,” the voice explained. “Do you remember waking up before now or any of the tests I put you through?”

  I shook my head, trying but failing to remember this person, much less any supposed tests I’d undergone.

  “I suppose that doesn’t surprise me. I’ve had you on quite a few painkillers of late. You woke up a few days ago and I put you through some rather basic tests of your memory and such. You were a little fuzzy at first, but with minimal help, you managed to remember everything correctly. It appears the only real damage you’ve suffered is forgetting what happened about a half hour before your accident and the loss of your sight.”

  I gulped hard. “I remember what happened right up until I fell,” I informed the man. “Is this…is this permanent?” I asked, afraid of what his answer might be.

  “Honestly? I’m not sure yet. It’s not at all unusual for a patient to have a temporary loss of vision after a fall like yours. I can’t be sure yet if the damage is permanent or not,” he responded truthfully.

  “How long will it be until you know for sure one way or the other?”

  I listened intently as he heaved a rather weighty sigh. “To tell you the truth Britney, you could have your sight return five seconds from now or five years from now. As far as I can tell, there’s nothing that should be keeping you from seeing at this point, so there’s nothing more I can do to help you. We just have to wait and see what happens.”

   He led me back over to my bed slowly, and I remembered another question that I had to ask, though I was beginning to guess the answer to it. Still, I asked him anyway.

  “Where am I?”

  “In the home of Mr. Vincent DeRuise,” answered the doctor. “I already told you that before when you woke up, but you must not have remembered I suppose.”

  I didn’t answer as I sat down on the edge of the bed, literally staring into nothingness. Was this how it was going to be for the rest of my life, total darkness all because of one stupid misstep?

  “I think we might be able to lower your dosing now that you appear to be doing much better. It should allow you to be awake more often and maybe have a visitor or two. I’ve heard that there are some people who are anxious to see you,” he informed me cheerily, vainly attempting to bolster my spirits. I could hear the encouraging smile in his voice, but that didn’t help me at all. No amount of encouraging and well-meant words could.

   I heard him slowly walk away from me and hesitate briefly in the doorway before leaving me alone, closing the door behind himself. There was no sound of a lock in the door. Or course, then again, I reminded myself bitterly, why bother to lock the door of a recently blinded girl? I couldn’t even find the door just a few moments ago. There’s certainly no reason to worry that I might break out of this place and slip past security.

  Only one thing seemed to really register in my mind. No, wait �" two things. First, our rescue of Jonas and Alaric had failed because of me. Second, I was ruined, possibly for forever.  There was no telling when or if I’d ever see Jonas’ beautiful half-smile again. Not to mention that now if we tried to escape again, I’d only slow everyone else down and lessen their chances of succeeding. The only foreseeable plus was that now that I was blind, I doubted Hayden would want anything to do with me anymore. I’d likely be too much of a bother to him.

  The question was, what would Jonas’ reaction to all this be, or did he already know? Was that why he hadn’t been here with me when I’d woken up? Could he not stand the fact that I might never be able to look into his eyes ever again?



© 2011 A.Noel

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Did Jonas already know, the question stands in my mind...

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 14, 2011



Linwood, MI

Hey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..

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