Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-One

A Chapter by A.Noel

Chapter Twenty-One

  “Hello,” answered a voice I recognized on the other end of the call.

  “I’d like to ask a favor,” I informed the man, getting right to the point and doing my best to sound confident.

  “Ah, of course. What can I do for you, Britney?” asked DeRuise, sounding rather pleased that I’d actually taken him up on his offer and called him.

  “I was wondering if it would be possible for you to take Jonas and me to my father’s funeral,” I said, closing my eyes in anticipation of his answer.

  “Why of course. I’ll come around to get you both,” he agreed readily. “I suppose I can understand why you’d want that.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I replied awkwardly, not knowing if or what I should say now. Despite the fact that he was one of my father’s closest friends, and I had seen him before, even recalled going to his home, I didn’t really know the man at all.

  “You know, Britney, you’re causing a good deal of trouble,” he chuckled, “I wonder if you don’t think that you ought to simply allow Jonas to resolve this by joining me. We really can’t allow this to continue. We must put a stop to it before anyone else is harmed. You understand that don’t you? That it’s needless to allow these fine young men to continue on like this?”

  “I agree,” I told him. “So why don’t you do something to stop all of it? You’re more than capable of ending this without any more trouble on either side. You don’t need Jonas in order to stop this. All you’re doing is trying to work all of what’s going on to your own advantage, so you can gain something by it all.” I could hear the note of reproach in my voice, but I didn’t care. I was tired of all the little games being played. It surprised me when he simply laughed at my words.

  “True,” he revealed. “I am working this to my advantage, but is that really such a crime?” He paused briefly, and it sounded as if he were talking to someone else. Finally, he informed me, “I’ll be there to pick you up that afternoon. Until then, goodbye.” He hung up without another word.

  Deciding to go downstairs and inform Jonas and Alaric that DeRuise would pick us up, I headed off to do so. When I got down to the living room, Jonas was showing Alaric the picture he’d been working on drawing. I came up behind them, wrapped my arms around Jonas’ waist, and buried my face into his back. He laughed as he turned around slightly to wrap an arm around me and pull me in front of him.

  “What do you think?” he quizzed me, directing my attention towards his drawing as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head. I carefully examined the beautiful picture of the two of us that he’d drawn.

  “It’s perfect,” I announced. He kissed the top of my head lovingly and gave me a brief squeeze.

  “Thanks, love,” he whispered into my hair. I heard Alaric groan.

  “The two of you are getting horrible,” he complained. “I can’t wait ‘til we get to Washington and I can give you some pay back. I’ll make a point of making-out with Kara whenever you’re around,” he promised us. “And I mean full blown, French-kissing right in your faces.”

  “Are we really that bad?” questioned Jonas in an innocent voice.

  “If you mean are you constantly kissing, hugging, and everything else…than yes, as a matter of fact, you are.”

  “My bad,” Jonas lazily replied as I snuggled up closer to him and closed my eyes. “Did you talk to DeRuise?” he asked me.

  “Yes. He’ll come around and pick us up,” I informed Jonas. “Can you believe he actually admitted to using this entire thing to his own advantage?” I opened my eyes to see Alaric nodding his head, looking grim.

  “Welcome to life, Britt. That’s how it works,” explained Alaric. “People use other people to their own advantage to get what they want.”

  “Still, it just seems so…”

  “Harsh? Manipulative?” Alaric suggested.

  “Yes, both.”
  “That’s because it is,” he answered. “It’s unfair, but that’s just how it is.”

 “We should pack and get everything ready to get out of here the moment DeRuise drops us off and is out of sight,” suggested Jonas, changing the topic of our discussion. “We’ll have to wait a bit for him to be farther gone, but I think we should leave as soon as we can after the funeral.”

  “I agree with you there,” Alaric remarked, “And we definitely should wait a while before we leave. I don’t trust this DeRuise guy to not try to stop us from leaving the city. Best to sneak out and let them find out afterwards that we’ve left.”

  “It probably won’t be that hard for them to figure out where we went to though,” I mentioned. “They’ll probably figure that we went to where there was family.”

  “Well, I’m still more than willing to act on our other plan,” Jonas reminded me, “I still think it’s a good plan.”

  “The last thing we need is for the two of you to just run off to God-knows-where,” snapped Alaric, apparently guessing Jonas’ thoughts. He calmed himself a bit before he said, “I’d rather know where you are and have you nearby so I can help protect you.”

 “Don’t worry, I’ve told him no already,” I informed him.

  “Good. Look, I need to go get my stuff packed up. You two stay out of trouble, alright?” Alaric said, looking from one of us to the other, but mainly focusing on Jonas.

  “We’ll be fine,” Jonas convinced him. Although I couldn’t see his face, I had no doubt that an eye-roll had accompanied his words. Alaric left us to go get his things together, and Jonas and I watched until he was out of sight up the stairs. I turned around in Jonas arms and looked up at him, our gazes locking.

  “Coffee run?” asked Jonas with a quiet excitement, his eyes dancing in anticipation. I stifled a laugh.

  “I thought I was supposed to be the rebellious one who was always stretching the rules,” I reminded him. “You’re the cautious one that keeps me in line, remember?”

  He shrugged. “I’m tired of being cooped up in here all day and night,” he responded. “Are you coming or not?” he inquired, pulling away from me and moving backwards towards the door.

  “Oh I’m coming. I just wanted to point out that you were shirking your duties as the overly, and unnecessarily, worried one.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll leave a note for Alaric to let him know we’ll be right back,” he promised, beginning to write the note. When he was finished, we snuck out and closed the door quietly behind us. Just as we were settling into the car, Jonas’ cell phone rang. He answered it.

  “Yeah?” A short pause. “Alright, we can do that,” he agreed before hanging up.

  “Who was it?” I asked him.

  “Alaric. He wanted to ask us to pick him up his usual,” he filled me in.

  “You mean he already went downstairs and found the note?” I asked incredulously.

  “No,” replied Jonas, starting the car and pulling out onto the street. “He heard us somehow, and guessed where we’d be going.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand how you Matthews’ always just know these things,” I decided.


    Three days after DeRuise had come to the loft, his car returned once again, this time to take Jonas and me to my father’s funeral. He pulled up to where Jonas and I stood waiting. Without a word, Jonas opened the back door of the limousine and I smoothed the short skirt of my rather plain black dress as I got in. He climbed in behind me, and we found ourselves sitting across from DeRuise as the car took off.

  “Good morning,” DeRuise greeted a bit too brightly, given the somber nature of our destination. Jonas’ only reply was a curt nod. I looked up into his darkened sea green eyes, and then looked at his immaculate black suite and tie. He looked perfect, excepting the slight scowl on his handsome face. His blond hair made curls and waves despite his attempts to straighten and tame it for the occasion. He had almost cut it short again like when we’d first met, but I refused to let him, loving the untamed locks.

  We drove the rest of the way in complete silence. I was more than a little relieved when we finally made it to the cemetery.

  When we arrived, Jonas got out first, looked around to be sure that there were no immediate threats, and then reached in a hand to help me out. I took his hand and allowed him to gently pull me out of the car. Looking around, as I came out, I took in our surroundings. I thought it was only fitting that the day was grey, gloomy, and constantly on the verge of storming. It fit my mood today only too well.

  Across the road, where I assumed that the ceremony was to take place, awaited a small group of figures. Among them, I saw one that I knew by instinct was Hayden. Impulsively, I moved closer to Jonas as we walked towards the gathering partially behind DeRuise.

  As we neared, I could see DeRuise give Hayden a look of warning, making it clear that he did not want to have any trouble from him. Hayden turned his attention to us, and gave Jonas a murderous glare. In turn, Jonas glowered right back at him.

  When we were close enough to hear, Hayden told us in a low, menacing voice, “This truce won’t last forever, and then you’ll do well to watch your back, Mathews.”

  “I suggest you worry about watching your own,” Jonas countered fiercely. “You really never know when the hunter might in fact become the hunted,” he threatened. Hayden glared at us a moment longer, than moved off, away from us to wait for the ceremony to start.

  I only barely listened as the pastor spoke. Mostly, I thought about all the time that my dad and I had wasted when we could have been getting to know each other better. Wondering what might’ve happened if my dad had actually taken the time to be apart of my life as I’d grown up. As the pastor finished, I sighed regretfully.

  I felt some flowers slipped into my hand inconspicuously, and looked up to see that DeRuise had given them to me. I mumbled quiet thanks, and then moved forward to toss then onto my dad’s coffin. We watched for several minutes as they began the process of burying my father, until Jonas eventually pulled me close and led me in the direction of DeRuise’s car.

  Our trip back to the loft was just as quiet as our trip out had been. When we got back, DeRuise cleared his throat and detained us before we got out of his car.

  “What happened with your father was extremely unfortunate, Britney,” he started off, “I’d greatly prefer we prevent anything else like this happening, don’t you?” he asked me. Jonas didn’t even give me a chance to answer.

  Go to hell,” he growled, quickly getting out of the car and pulling me out behind him.

  “You’re going to regret ignoring my offers of help Jonas, and soon,” DeRuise called after us. “How long do you honestly expect to hold out with just the three of you, especially in your condition?”

  Jonas stiffened. “I’m in perfect condition,” he shot back through gritted teeth.

  “I’m sure you are,” DeRuise answered in a soothing but condescending tone. “You’re still a bit busted up I’m afraid. I believe that Lawrence’s men were a bit harsher than I’d allowed for them to be in that area. And as for your brother, last I heard, he’d wound up getting shot on that little escapade of yours. The only one of you that’s still in top form is Britney,” he motioned to me, “and you’ll forgive me for not seeing her as much of an asset to you. More of a liability really.”

  Not even deeming DeRuise’s words worthy of a reply, Jonas slammed the car door closed, and the sound resounded loudly throughout the area. We turned our backs on the car, and made our way up the loft’s stairs. As we ascended the steps, we heard the limousine race away.

  “So, did you run into any trouble?” Alaric inquired us as we walked through the door. “I’m all packed and ready to take off as soon as we’re sure it’s safe to go. I’ve even got the cars packed up with everything.”

  “No real trouble. Some threats from Hayden, and DeRuise tried scaring us, that’s all,” Jonas replied, closing the door. “I’d say we can leave in about fifteen minutes or so.”

  “Alright then. I suggest that the two of you look around and gather up any last-minute things you want to bring. Oh, and change your clothes to something a bit less attention-drawing and more comfortable too,” instructed Alaric. “I’m just packing up a couple quick coolers of food, one for each car. I’m hoping we can keep going without worrying about stopping for food too often. Strictly gas stops for the first twenty-four hours at least. Think you can handle it?”
  “I’ll be fine,” Jonas assured his brother. “If I have any trouble Britney can take over for me for a short time.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  “I’m asking you to end this stupid truce early and just let me get this over with!” Hayden demanded from DeRuise angrily. “They’re not fools. They’ll take this time and use it to the best of their advantage. This may be our last real chance.”

  “Well then, I’m afraid that it’ll be your last chance,” stated DeRuise simply, refusing to give in to the young man. “Don’t worry. If they leave, we’ll find them and bring them back. All I ask is that you honor the truce. After that I’ll take care of things.”

  “Fine,” Hayden snapped, turning on his heel and leaving DeRuise alone in his private study. Once DeRuise was sure that Hayden wouldn’t overhear, he dialed his phone.

  “Jenkins, report,” he ordered.

  “They’re definitely planning to skip town, sir,” conveyed Jenkins, replying promptly to the question. “They’ve got their cars packed and appear to be leaving at any moment.”

  “So then they’re taking both cars?”

  “It looks like it.”

  “Good. I want you and your team to stick to Jonas’ car. In any event that they split up, I’d much rather have you follow him than his brother. Alaric will come soon enough on his own, as long as we have Jonas. Stick to the shadows and remain unseen until I give the command to close in on them,” explained DeRuise. “If you think they even begin to suspect that they’re being followed, inform me immediately. Am I clear?”

  “Yes sir, I understand.”

  “Excellent. Keep me up to date.”


  “Ana?” Kara said when the phone was picked up on the other end.


  “It’s Kara. I just heard from Alaric. They’re on their way now. He says their plan is to drive straight for the first twenty-four hours, but it’ll depend upon how Jonas is doing. He’s worried that the driving will be too much for him. They’re planning to do a lot of skipping around in order to throw anyone that might be following them off their trail. It’ll take them quite a bit longer, but hopefully it’ll be safer in the long run. Anyways, he promised to keep me posted on how things go, and I’ll keep you and Mac posted too.”

  “Alright,” said Ana. “Where are they heading for, you or Mac and me?”

 “Alaric told me they were coming over to his and my place. He figures that since they know about you and Mac, they’ll probably check your place first.”

  “He’s probably right,” sighed Ana. “Ok, just keep us posted on what’s going on then, and let us know if there’s anything that we can do to help out.”

  “We will,” Kara promised reassuringly. “I’m sure that they’ll be fine though. Alaric will take care of all of them, don’t worry.”

  “I can’t help but worry. I’ll feel much better when they’re safely back in hiding again,” Ana admitted.

  “You and me both,” revealed Kara. “You and me both.”

  After that, they hung up, and Ana went and told Mac what was going on.

  “I don’t like this,” Mac declared after Ana had explained the situation. “I know that the last thing Jonas and Alaric probably want is to get the authorities involved in any of this mess, but it might be for the best. I’m sure that we can work something out. Maybe if we can offer names and proof…” Mac stopped when Ana began shaking her head.

  “With Jonas we could’ve probably worked something out, but Alaric’s a different matter altogether. He’s a murderer. Whether it was innocent people or not won’t make a difference in the long run. After all, he’s done to help us I can’t just turn him in and hope for the best. We’ll just have to hope that they’re able to handle this.”

  “What if they can’t though?” questioned Mac. Ana was silent for several minutes before she answered.

  “Then we’ve got a problem,” she confessed, “and we’ll all have some hard choices to make.”




© 2011 A.Noel

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1 Review
Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 14, 2011



Linwood, MI

Hey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..

I, You, We. I, You, We.

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