![]() Chapter EightA Chapter by A.NoelChapter Eight
The rest of the week had gone by so slowly and was one of the loneliest
I’d ever had. I couldn’t hang around on the college campus with the few friends
I had there, I had to stay away from Jonas, and Ana was busy with work and last
minute wedding details. When Sunday morning finally rolled around, things
weren’t promising to be any brighter either.
I sighed disparagingly as I got out of bed, then showered and dressed
for the day. I went downstairs in search of Ana and breakfast, and promptly
found both when I reached the kitchen.
“Hey, morning Britt,” Ana sang out cheerfully to me. I groaned
reflexively, remembering the reason behind her brightness. Today, Mac was
coming back to LA to help out with the last week of arrangements. He’d still be
staying with Jonas, but instead of the four of them working together on the
final details, it would just be the three of them, Jonas not wanting anyone
watching him to realize his connection to Ana.
I was happy for Ana and Mac, since they’d be together again. However, I
couldn’t help but feel sorry for myself, knowing that Mac would get to see
Jonas every day, but I hadn’t seen or heard from him since I’d decided to stay
in LA. Not to mention, this all reminded me that Ana would be leaving soon and
I’d be even lonelier a week from now without her. I was already beginning to
think I’d made a dumb choice to stay.
“When are you picking Mac up from the airport?” I inquired, trying to be
happy for my friend.
Ana brushed her short, silky black hair out of her face and smiled
beautifully at me from over the waffle maker.
“In just a couple hours from now,” she announced. “Oh, Britney, I’m so
excited about the wedding!” she laughed, opening the waffle maker and withdrawing
the perfectly cooked waffle within it. “If you had told me a year ago that Mac
and I would be getting married in just a week from now, I would’ve laughed in
your face, but look at me now!”
I laughed too, remembering her less than hospitable treatment of Mac at
first. “You really were mean to him,” I recalled. “I wondered if you’d ever even
acknowledge his existence again.”
“Well, I’m glad I did,” she commented, pushing a plate bearing a fresh
waffle towards me along with a container of syrup. “Have you heard from Jonas
yet?” she asked as she got herself a waffle and sat at the table, motioning for
me to join her, which I promptly did as I shook my head glumly.
“No,” I answered, “I guess it doesn’t really surprise me, I just didn’t
realize how lonely this was going to be,” I admitted. Ana reached out a hand to
cover one of my own.
“If you ever change your mind about
“Thanks Ana. I know he would, but still, I just feel like I need to stay
here,” I replied as she pulled her hand away and began eating.
“Well, maybe he’ll call this weekend,” she suggested optimistically.
“Maybe,” I agreed, not wanting to darken her mood by expressing my
doubts that he would. She was going to be married in a week, and her fiancé was
arriving back in town today. She had every right to be very happy, and I
wouldn’t for the world rain on her day anymore than I already had.
“So, what’re you going to do today?” she wondered. “Well, since Jonas didn’t have a problem with
me going to the hospital to work a few times a week still, I think I’ll head
over there and see if there’s anything that I can do there. If not, then I’ll
probably just hang out there and work on my homework.” I didn’t relish the idea
of spending my weekend haunting the hospital, but at least I wouldn’t be wholly
“Alright,” she nodded, clearing her things from the table. “But before
you go, could I possibly persuade you to help me work on some more packing?
There’s still so much left to get packed up, and I’m going to be even busier
this week.”
“Of course,” I readily agreed.
The man watched as the young couple embraced and kissed right in front
of the crowd at the airport. It was hard to believe they’d only been separated
a couple weeks from the way they were acting. Still, it was sweet the way they
laughed and talked excitedly now, and from his position nearby, he could just
barely make out their conversation about the upcoming wedding next weekend.
Obviously, he’d arrived just in time.
“Come on Alaric, we need to grab our bags,” his partner reminded him,
tugging at his arm. He glanced at the bronzed figure and her soon-to-be husband
once more before turning away.
“Jonas, call Britney, now,” Ana ordered as soon as she and Mac stepped
through the door he opened for them, and into his apartment. He raised his
eyebrows in surprise.
“You heard me, call her, Jonas,” she restated while he closed the door.
“Britt hasn’t heard from you at all since she last saw you, and she misses you.
She stayed behind because of you; the least you could do is call her now and
then or send her a quick email.”
“I planned to,” he defended, “I’ve just been busy, and it just isn’t the
same not seeing her while I talk to her.”
“Well, you could sneak over to the hospital,” Ana suggested slowly, with
a twinkle in her eye. At Jonas’ look of confusion, she explained. “She went
over there to work and study. I don’t think anyone would think you were meeting
her at a hospital. So it should be safe enough unless you start to make it a
regular habit. Go on,” she added, giving him a nudge towards the door. With a
half-smile that warmed Ana’s heart, he mumbled a hurried goodbye and took off.
I'd gone to the hospital when Ana had left to go pick up Mac. Now, about
an hour later, I rested my head on my hands and closed my eyes in frustration.
Having found nothing for me to do at the hospital, I had pulled out my Spanish
book, and it was going less than well.
Suddenly, I heard a sound and saw a stunning, single red rosebud resting
before me. I looked up and saw Jonas’ face with his charmingly boyish grin,
waiting expectantly for my reaction to his unexpected materialization before
“Jonas!” I shrieked quietly, jumping up, going around the desk, and
hugging him.
“Britney,” he laughed, wrapping his arms around me. “It’s only been a
few days,” he reminded me. I laughed too, knowing he was right, but still
extremely happy to see him.
“Well it’s been a very long few days,” I responded. “I’ve only had Ana
to talk to outside of class, and I’m used to being with you almost every day. What are you doing here
though? I thought that we couldn’t see each other anymore?”
“Well, Ana told me you were here, and we decided that provided I didn’t
make it a regular habit, it’d be alright for me to drop in and see you,” he
explained, pulling away from our embrace. “So, though I’m afraid this won’t
happen again for awhile, and that we’re limited to right here, I came to see
“Well I’m glad you did,” I assured him quickly. “And I don’t mind if we
have to stay right here either.”
“Good,” he responded as we sat down in a couple chairs next to each
other in Ana’s small, empty waiting area. “So, I thought we might take
advantage of this opportunity to talk about our gift to Mac and Ana,” brought
up Jonas.
“You mean you didn’t have any plans yet?” I asked in disbelief.
“I hadn’t been really thinking about it much,” he admitted with an
embarrassed smile. “I was hoping you had some idea of something we could give
I thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. “I’d been planning on
going to a little Amish shop on the other side of the downtown area before
everything happened. I was going to buy them a quilt for their bed there,” I
explained to him. “Except now I can’t go there to get it anymore. But, I could
give you directions to get to the place. You could pick one out, and we could
split the cost,” I suggested. “I have
a better idea,” he replied, a mischievous smile forming on his lips. “I’ll go,
and take pictures of the quilts and send them to your phone, and we can pick
one together.”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at the idea of Jonas going around
the store and taking pictures of the quilts there, but I nodded anyway, liking
the idea.
“Alright, you take pictures of all the ones you like, and then send them
to me and I’ll tell you which ones I like,” I agreed.
We spent the next hour or two talking and laughing together before Jonas
got up, saying he had to leave in case someone had followed him and became
suspicious of his long visit. I sighed, hating the idea of him leaving, but
knowing he didn’t have any choice. We embraced again and Jonas held me to him
tightly, then kissed me and left, promising to call me soon.
The next day while I was sitting on my bed playing with Cinder, my phone
went off, and I found a picture of a quilt on it. With a smile, I hurried to
send him a quick response. beautiful, but a bit bright I think. anything more subtle? -b
I waited another couple minutes, and then got another picture. It was
darker than the other, but the pattern didn’t really seem right. what about this one? dont think I should take too many more pics.
they dont seem to like it… -j
I laughed, shaking my head as I imagined Jonas walking around with his
cell phone taking pictures of quilts while old Amish women shook their heads at
most amish dont approve of pics. pattern of
the last one isn’t quite right…any others u like? -b explains alot…picky much? kk, here’s
another. my fav -j I looked at the next picture that showed up
and smiled. It was perfect. I recognized the double wedding ring quilt pattern,
and thought the colors were perfect for Ana and Mac. perfect -b kk, getting it. -j
“Hey, you girls need to get moving in there,” called Jonas through the
door. “You don’t have much more time.” Britney responded by opening the door,
but only enough to poke her head out and reply.
“We still have plenty of time, stop bothering us Jonas Matthews,” she
admonished before re-shutting the door. Shaking his head, Jonas turned away
from the closed door and made his way back out to where Mac was waiting in the
reception area.
“Are they ready yet?” wondered Mac anxiously when he saw Jonas returning.
Jonas gave him a quick shake of his head when he reached him.
“Not yet. We should probably go back to finish getting ready ourselves.
We only have about twenty-five minutes before everything starts up, and you
have to be up front, so you can’t be late.” With that, Jonas began to steer Mac
in the direction they needed to go, but stopped mid-step at the sight of a few
late arrivals.
“Did you invite DeRuise here?” Jonas demanded from Mac under his breath
urgently. “Cause I swear to you, if you did I’ll-“
“Of course I didn’t! I know we can’t risk having him see Britney. Why
would you ever think I invited him?” inquired Mac with surprise. Careful to
appear casual about it, Jonas cocked his head towards where DeRuise and a few
other men stood near the door. Mac failed to hide his shock at seeing them
there, but quickly collected himself enough to go greet them. Cautiously, Jonas
remained at his side.
“Mr. DeRuise. Uh, what are you doing here?” Mac asked lamely. Jonas
inwardly cringed at the words. Obviously, Mac had never managed to learn the
fine art of tact. He supposed that at least Ana would never have to worry about
him hiding his feeling about how she looked in a dress or anything.
“I came to congratulate you on your wedding. I must admit though, I was
hurt to not have received an invitation, but word gets around quickly enough
and I heard about it anyway,” DeRuise commented, smiling to show there were no
hard feeling about it. “However, despite the fact that I was somehow overlooked
when the invitations were sent out, I thought I might stop by and offer my
congratulations as well as a small gift regardless. I hope you don’t mind?” he inquired
with raised brows.
“Uh, no, of course not. I’m sorry you weren’t invited. I figured that
you’d be too busy to be interested in coming. Will you be staying for the
ceremony?” he asked anxiously.
“Not interested? Why of course I’m interested,” DeRuise laughed.
“However, I do have a previous engagement with Mr. Larkin, so I’m afraid I
can’t stay.” He turned to Jonas. “Oh, and I hear that your sister is to be the
bride, so I suppose congratulations are in order for you as well. You’ll give
my regards to your sister?”
Jonas shifted uncomfortably. “Of course.”
“Good. I wasn’t aware that you even had a sister before the other day.
Although, given all that happened before your father came to work for me, I
suppose I can understand his wanting to keep it quiet. Is she older or younger
than you?”
“She’s my older sister.”
DeRuise nodded and motioned for one of his men to come forward. He
joined them, and then handed DeRuise an envelope, which he in turn passed on to
“It isn’t much, but I saw it as only fitting I give you a gift despite
the fact you no longer work for me,” described DeRuise as Mac looked down at
the envelope.
At that moment, Britney came around a corner behind DeRuise’s back and
started heading straight for Jonas. At first, Jonas was so stunned by how
beautiful she looked in her soft, light-rose colored dress and the few loose
curls that had escaped the fancy style on top of her head; that he momentarily
forgot the danger she was walking unsuspectingly into.
“I suppose this is why you quit. You were planning on settling down into
married life and all that,” DeRuise was commenting to Mac, completely oblivious
to Britney’s presence only mere yards away from where he stood.
Catching Britney’s eye, Jonas raised his eyebrows and used his eyes to
direct her attention towards DeRuise. She appeared puzzled at first, but when
she recognized DeRuise her own bright blue eyes went wide, and she began backing
into the direction she’d come. She turned around and, as quickly as she could,
without drawing DeRuise’s attention to herself, she went back around the corner,
disappearing from sight. Meanwhile, Jonas looked to each of DeRuise’s
men, searching their faces for clues that any of them had recognized her. It
was apparent that all of them had noticed her because their eyes all looked
towards where she had disappeared from their view. However, the only thing that
Jonas had seen on their faces was acknowledgement of her existence from the two
older men and open admiration from the two younger ones. None of them seemed to
have realized who she was.
“Well Jonas?” demanded DeRuise good-naturedly, having apparently been
speaking to Jonas without him knowing it.
“Excuse me?” Jonas asked, returning his attention to DeRuise now that he
was sure Britney was safe.
“Ah, see? I must be right!” declared DeRuise with a triumphant
expression. “I asked you if you were planning on marrying soon yourself since
you also quit working for me. No doubt your mind was on your own lovely young
Jonas’ pulse doubled. Perhaps DeRuise had seen Britney after all, though
he’d been sure he hadn’t.
“That is one young lady I will have to meet. The girl who could tame a
Matthews man and convince him to leave the high life behind to settle down.
You’ll have to introduce me to her someday,” said DeRuise expectantly.
Jonas cleared his throat and forced himself to speak. “Well she is
something,” he agreed rather stiffly. “But there aren’t any wedding plans as of
yet, I assure you.”
“Well, be sure I receive an invitation when you finally decide to tie
the knot,” DeRuise instructed with mock-sternness. A smile soon stole across
his face. With a quick wave, he turned from them and departed.
Jonas released the breath he had been holding since DeRuise had asked
him about his “lovely young lady.”
“Whoa! Ok Jo, I have to say it. That was way too close for my comfort. I mean, she was right there!” Mac
exclaimed, practically hyperventilating at the thought. “Thankfully those guys
were too busy checking her out or wishing they weren’t there to really think
about anything else.”
“I’d hardly call that a
blessing,” Jonas commented dryly. “Come on,” he ordered. “You’re marrying my
sister in just ten minutes and you’re still missing your bowtie.”
As Britney walked down the aisle alone, Caleb frowned. Hadn’t she
mentioned that she was currently dating Ana’s brother? He would have thought
she’d have been walking arm in arm with him. Yet there she was, walking alone.
She was lovely though, regardless of the fact she was alone. Her hair had been
styled up onto the top of her head with stray rebel curls around her face and on
the back of her neck. The bodice fit her slight frame perfectly, showing off
her lovely figure attractively, but still modestly.
Soon, the long awaited bride was next, and as they all stood for her
entrance, Caleb fixed his eyes expectantly on the door leading into the
sanctuary. The doors opened slowly, and out stepped Ana, looking so stunning,
the sight stole Caleb’s breath momentarily while he took in her sweeping dress,
loose flowing dark ringlets, and excited green eyes easily seen through her
veil. However, what caused him to take a sharp intake, was the young man who
was escorting her down the aisle.
The young man’s golden hair fell in soft wavy curls down a bit past his
ears, though it was obvious he’d attempted to straighten it out for the
occasion. His sparkling sea green eyes, and skin that, though it might appear
bronzed from the sun, he knew was actually naturally a very light bronz-ish
color, just as his sister’s was. He was tall, but still shorter than Caleb, and
his build was slighter too, though he didn’t underestimate the strength
contained in him. He walked with an experienced and careful air, but Caleb knew
from Britney that he was at most twenty-two.
The pair continued down the aisle together until they reached the alter,
where Jonas kissed her briefly on the cheek, and went to stand next to Mac and
his other groomsmen.
“Do you, Mackenzie William Hanover, take this woman to be you lawfully
wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in
health, ‘til death do you part?” asked the pastor.
“I do,” answered Mac as he faced Ana and held both of her hands in his. “And do you, Ariana Marie Matthews, take this
man, to have and to hold, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health,
‘til death do you part?”
“I do,” she replied solemnly, ignoring the look of surprise that flashed
across Mac’s face when he heard her full first name for the first time.
“Do you have the rings?” Steve, Mac’s best man, withdrew a ring and
handed it to Mac while Paige gave Ana a ring as well. They exchanged rings and vows,
and soon the pastor pronounced them man and wife and they were kissing. When
they parted, the pastor introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie William
Hanover for the first time, which was promptly followed by thunderous applause.
We each took our turns going down the aisle and out of the sanctuary and
when it was Jonas’ and my turn; I slipped my hand through his arm and let him
lead me out.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.
“Thanks,” I whispered back, blushing.
“You’re blushing really looks nice with the color of your dress too,” he
observed with his old mischievous grin. “Though, I like it when you blush any
time,” he added. I carefully jabbed him with my elbow as we walked out of the
sanctuary so that no one would see.
“Ouch,” he complained, rubbing his side. “That’s not very nice, Britt. I
was just giving you a complement.”
“Stop being a pain or I’ll go stand with Steve and Paige instead,” I
“Fine,” he agreed. “Though I’m almost considering taking advantage of
having everyone here already and the pastor,” he hinted, glancing at me out of
the corner of my eye.
I opened my mouth to respond, but saw Ana and Mac coming towards us, and
quickly closed it.
“Congratulations!” I congratulated them as they reached us and I hugged
Ana tightly and kissed her on the cheek. Mac and Jonas embraced, Jonas offering
his own congratulations before they parted. Then Mac hugged me and Ana hugged
her brother. Mac and I watched as they continued to hug a bit longer than we
did. We could hear them whispering about their parents, and I saw tears
threatening to spill from Ana’s eyes. I placed a hand on her arm.
“Ana, don’t forget, you still have to keep your make-up nice for the
pictures,” I reminded her gently, wishing I didn’t have to, but knowing it
would take at least an hour if we had to fix her makeup and reapply it. She nodded, pulled away
from Jonas, and wiped at her eyes carefully to prevent smudging.
For the next fifteen minutes, all the guests went through the reception
line, congratulating Mac and Ana on their wedding. After that the guests headed
to the reception in the church’s gym while the wedding party went back into the
sanctuary and spent the next half an hour smiling for all the pictures to be
taken, and after we were done inside, the photographer decided to slip outside
for a few in the gardens as well.
“Great, we’re going to freeze!” Kate complained. We’d forgotten to find
some sort of wrap for the dresses, so all of us were wearing sleeveless
dresses, with low-cut backs and fronts.
“Stop complaining,” Paige told her. “It’s wonderful out.”
“It was raining earlier, and the weather channel said that the temp was
going to drop,” Kate informed her. As soon we stepped outside, we discovered
Kate was right, it was considerably colder than normal for the time of year.
“Told you so,” she mumbled as everyone exclaimed at the chill. We were
soon done however, and everyone began to hurry back into the church. Jonas held
me back briefly though, and asked the photographer to take a picture of just
the two of us, explaining that he would pay for it himself.
We stood together under the huge tree all the photos had been taken in
front of, and Jonas wrapped his arm around my waist, hugging me close while I
rested my head on Jonas’ shoulder at the photographer’s urging. Soon the photo
was shot and we went in to join the others.
Hayden marched into McKenna’s, scanned the place for his target, and
spotting him, went to him, grabbed him by his shirt, and pushed him up against
the wall.
“Hey what do you think you’re doing?” cried Ricky with surprise.
Hayden answered, “You lied, she isn’t with him you idiot.”
“What? No, she is, I swear she is,” Ricky replied desperately.
“Well she wasn’t at his place, so then where is she?” Hayden demanded,
pushing the man against the wall even harder.
Ricky groaned in pain. “I don’t know, but I give you my word, he’s got
her somewhere, or else, he knows who does.” Hayden released the man with one
final shove. Ricky grunted and looked back at Hayden, rubbing the spot on his
chest where Hayden had pushed him.
“If you’re lying to me Ladino, I promise, I will kill you,” pledged Hayden.
“I swear I’m telling you the truth,” Ricky told him with as much
confidence as he could manage.
“We’ll see.” With that, Hayden strode back out of the place and into the
night. He got into his car and slammed his fists against the steering wheel. He
was sure if Ladino had been lying, he would have admitted it. Which meant that
Matthews did have her and was hiding
her somewhere, the question was, where?
He decided to go back to the local state college. That guy, Brian, had
acted off, as if he were trying to hide something. He wasn’t completely
convinced Britney wasn’t in their files. He knew that likely as not, if Britney
had continued high school, she had probably found a college to attend as well
since her father had said that she had been very interested in going before.
Brian took the stairs up to his apartment two at a time, eager to crash
in bed. It was already after
Once he reached the landing, he unlocked the door and went in, closing
it behind him. Upon turning on the lights and tossing his backpack to the floor
by the door however, he realized that he wasn’t alone.
“What the hell?!” Brian exclaimed in shock when he turned on the lights
and saw the man who had been asking about Britney leaning against the wall
across the room from him, smoking a cigarette. “How’d you get in here?” He
demanded in a loud voice, beginning to reach for his backpack to grab his cell
phone so he could call the police.
Hayden dumped his cigarette on the hardwood floor and rubbed it into the
floor with his shoe. Then, he walked up to Brian with a deadly straight face.
“Brian,” Hayden said in an emotionless greeting. “The strangest thing
happened today. You see, I went in to see you at work, only you weren’t there.
That wasn’t what was strange however. You see, I decided to have the girl
working there take a look for Britney Larkin, the same girl I asked you to look
for, in the files, and there she was, right there in the files, clearly listed
as an attending freshman. Now I wondered to myself, how could Brian have missed
her? Then I realized that Brian didn’t, that
he lied to me.”
Brian swallowed the lump rising in his throat as he tried to control his
fear at Hayden’s threatening presence. This wasn’t good, not good at all. One
thing was very clear, this wasn’t the kind of guy you crossed and got away with
it. Still, he didn’t regret not admitting to having seen Britney’s file. At
least she and Jonas had been warned that this guy was looking for her at the
school and would be on their guard against him. He was grateful for that at any
“You shouldn’t have lied to me Brian. You see, there are penalties when
a person crosses me, and I’m afraid you’re going to have to face the
consequences of your actions,” Hayden told him with fake sympathy. “Of course,
I could perhaps spare you, if you tell me everything that you know that is. Why
did you cover for her, and where is she? I checked the address on her
paperwork, and it’s more than useless.”
Thank heaven Britney hadn’t put her real address on her paperwork, Brian
thought. He lifted his chin defiantly and glared at Hayden with resolve. “I’m
not going to tell you anything,” he stated firmly, though inside he was
terrified. Still, if this guy was going to beat the life out of him, he wasn’t
about to go down a sniveling coward bartering for mercy. “I don’t betray a
friend to spare myself.”
Hayden shook his head slowly and looked at Brian as if he were dealing
with a naughty child. “Brian, Brian, Brian. Don’t be a fool. I’m not going to
hurt Britney, there’s no need for you to be needlessly harmed,” he chided.
“Now, I’m going to give you another chance. Where is she?”
“Go to hell,” Brian spat out rebelliously.
“I’m afraid I must insist on your going first,” Hayden commented,
speedily withdrawing his gun. “Do you know what this is Brian? It’s a 460XVR
revolver,” he informed a horrified Brian, who was staring in panic at the
terrifying weapon. Brian had been expecting to get a possible black eye and a
bruised rib or two, but obviously, this guy had other plans. He was more of a
psycho than either Britney or even Jonas
“And, I can guarantee that this, this is going to hurt quite a bit,”
said Hayden without a hint of compassion. © 2011 A.Noel |
1 Review Added on March 14, 2011 Last Updated on March 14, 2011 AuthorA.NoelLinwood, MIAboutHey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..Writing