![]() Chapter SevenA Chapter by A.NoelChapter Seven “Time for your next class,” Jonas announced
without looking up from his book as we studied together. I didn’t try to cover
up the groan that escaped my lips. “Why do I have to be a freshman when you’re a
senior? We don’t have any classes together,” I complained, gathering up my
things. “Because I’d be a bit old of a freshman, and
you couldn’t fool anyone into thinking you were old enough to be a senior,” he
paused when I stuck out my tongue at him be fore continuing. “Besides, if we
took the same classes we probably wouldn’t be focusing on what we should be, or
at least, I know I wouldn’t be,” said Jonas with a shameless grin. “So it’s for
the best I think. I have a hard enough time staying focused when we study
together. I can imagine how it would be very easy to become completely
oblivious to Dr. Henley’s droning about ancient civilizations if you were
sitting next to me.” “You’re right, as usual,” I conceded with a
grumble. “See you later I guess.” I took several steps away from the table
before I remembered something, and whirled back around to face him again. “Ana said you’d be coming to our place for
dinner tonight, are you?” I inquired, hoping he would say yes. Continuing to stare down at his history book
before him Jonas smiled ever so slightly. “Yup, I’ve got some things to take care of
first, but I should be there in time to have dinner with the two of you. I want
to have as much time as I can with both of you before my time runs out,” he
told me. “Jonas, Ana may be going away, but I haven’t
decided what I’m going to do yet,” I reminded him. Jonas sighed heavily. “Britt, you need to get
to class or you’re going to be late,” he said. “I’d walk you there, but I have
to finish reading this before my class begins.” “Alright,” I replied hesitantly, not liking
that Jonas seemed to have already decided I would be leaving LA. “I guess I’ll
see you tonight then?” “Yeah,” Jonas confirmed. I turned away from
him once again and began to hurry towards my Spanish class, not wanting to be
late. It was Wednesday, which meant that I had
exactly four days before I had to announce my choice about where I’d be living.
I still wasn’t much closer than I was before to knowing what I wanted to do. I
knew now that I didn’t want to go to With Hayden closing in on us, I could tell
that Jonas agreed with Steve and thought I should go to <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Jonas maneuvered his Maserati into the
parking place in front of his apartment. He did his routine glance around the
parking lot and immediately went on high alert. A few cars down and across the
street was a car that he didn’t recognize as belonging to any of the local
residents or any of their friends and relatives who usually visited.
He tucked his gun in behind his back slowly as he surveyed the area for
anything or anyone out of place. Seeing nothing out of the usual, he got out of
his car and began to walk cautiously in the direction of his apartment. With
his sunglasses-shielded eyes, he systematically checked over every inch of the
area for the intruder. Soon, his quarry stepped from the shadows a few yards
ahead of him and Jonas’ alert level rose.
“It’s Terrence, right?” Jonas asked with his signature casual air,
utilizing all of his training as he forced each of his muscles to relax and to
appear at ease when he was truly ready to draw his gun at any hint of trouble.
“That’s right,” Hayden confirmed with a resolute nod of his head. He
took another step from the shadows in which he had been waiting for Jonas in
and then stopped once again. “Surprised to see me here?”
Jonas forced a smile that looked as natural and carefree as whenever he
smiled for Britney. However, the expression didn’t reach his eyes.
“Of course I am. I didn’t know you knew where I lived and wasn’t exactly
expecting you.” Jonas took a step closer to Hayden as well, to show that he
wasn’t afraid of him. “I assume you must have inquired after my location from
Mr. Larkin since I don’t exactly advertise where I live. What can I do for
“I know,” Hayden stated
Jonas’ smile faded just a fraction, and only barely noticeably. “I’m
afraid you’ll have to be a bit less vague. What exactly is it you know?”
“I know,” began Hayden as he took a bold and threatening step closer to
Jonas, “that you have Britney Larkin.”
Jonas forced his smile to broaden with some difficulty. “Really? Well,
now that is interesting isn’t it? Might I ask from what highly reliable source
you heard this? Or perhaps you’ve searched my apartment and have found her
there?” Jonas replied with amusement plain on his face, gesturing towards the
direction of his apartment.
“I’m no fool,” scoffed Hayden, “I’ve been doing some research, and I
know what your family used to do for a living. You might have that place rigged
to blow. I’m not setting foot in that place, not without you right there next
to me that is.” Hayden swiftly withdrew his own gun as he finished and though
he kept it still mostly concealed, he aimed it directly at Jonas. Jonas raised
his eyebrows with feigned surprise.
“What is this exactly? I don’t know if this would be considered
acceptable in your country, but
people can’t just go around shooting other people and get away with it in this
country,” Jonas scolded.
“I have no intention of shooting you, for now. We’re going up to your
apartment and having a look around,” Hayden supplied and then motioned for
Jonas to lead the way. Without a word, Jonas led him to the apartment, unlocked
the door, and walked in with Hayden right behind him. Hayden closed the door
behind them with a resounding slam.
“Where is she?” demanded Hayden as he looked around for any sign of
“Look around if you like,” Jonas offered with a shrug as he walked
nonchalantly in the direction of his refrigerator. “Let me know if you find
anything,” he tacked on in an unconcealed mocking air.
Hayden forced Jonas to go around from room to room with him as he
checked every last part of the apartment for any proof that Britney had been or
was still there. When he found no evidence of her anywhere in the entire place,
he swiveled around to face off with Jonas in the hallway, only to be greeted by
the sight of Jonas’ gun pointed at his heart.
“Where is she Matthews?” Hayden demanded loudly, his anger apparent as
he ground his teeth and glared at Jonas with menace. Despite the fact that
Jonas now held a gun as well, he pointed his gun at Jonas’ chest.
This time instead of playing it casual and laughing, Jonas met his
fierce look head on with one of his own.
“She’s not here. I think you should verify your leads a bit before following up on them. Where I
come from people don’t take kindly to being ambushed, having a gun waved at
them, and being accused of kidnapping,” said Jonas in a deadly even tone. “I’m
half tempted to shoot you here and now for coming and threatening to blow my
cover in this place. I don’t like having to move.”
“You wouldn’t.”
Jonas laughed without a hint of emotion. “Oh I wouldn’t? You claim to
know about my family, are you sure I
wouldn’t?” Jonas cocked his gun and lifted it to aim it at Hayden’s head rather
than his chest. “I think,” Jonas said slowly, “that you should get out of my
home, now, and check your leads from now on before doing something this stupid
Hayden glared at Jonas, eyes filled with hate, but he began to make his
way towards the door, continuing to aim his gun at Jonas just in case. Once he
was gone, Jonas took a deep breath, which he promptly released. He wasn’t sure how he
knew, but Hayden knew. There was no denying it. At best today would momentarily
cause him to doubt his involvement with Britney’s disappearance, but the doubt
wouldn’t last long. Their time was up; their grace period expired. If Hayden
knew then he had little doubt that Larkin also knew and that if he didn’t
already know, DeRuise would soon be informed. In the back of his mind he worried
if Hayden really did know all he claimed to, but he knew that he didn’t have
time to be concerned with that right now. For now, he had to focus on getting
Britney out of here before things got even more dangerous.
<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> “Pack your things Britney, you’re leaving, now,” Jonas informed me as he burst
through the door of the loft. Ana and I froze with shock in the middle of
setting the table for dinner. It was Ana who first recollected herself after
the sudden and unexpected order. “Jonas, what’s going on? What happened?” she
asked him quickly as he closed the door and came over to us. “Hayden was waiting for me to get back to my
apartment. He was looking for Britney, Ana, he knows. After our face-off I
don’t think he’s quite so sure anymore that I have her, but I have no doubt
that he’ll soon be sure again soon and will come looking for her once again,”
Jonas explained, grabbing my upper arm and leading me towards the stairs. “We
have to get you out of here as soon as possible,” said Jonas to me as he
continued to lead me. I pulled up when we reached the stairs however, and
refused to go any farther. “Jonas! I can’t just leave! I have classes to
take and if I go then who’ll help Ana out at the hospital?” I argued. Jonas growled with frustration. “Britney, Gloria, Larkin,” he enunciated
slowly for me. “You are leaving.
There will be no discussing it. It’s not safe for you here anymore.” Once
again, he pulled me by the arm, this time more forcefully, and I jerked with
the unexpected force. “Wait, Jonas, we need to call Steve and all
sit down, talk about this, and form a rational plan,” Ana reasoned. “Fine, you call Steve, we’ll work on
packing,” Jonas called over his shoulder to her, having already managed to
practically drag me up the steps. We continued to my room where he let go of my
arm, marched over to my dresser, and proceeded to open drawers, remove my
clothes, and dump them onto the bed. “If it isn’t safe for me here anymore, than
it’s definitely not safe for you either,” I pointed out. “Are you coming with me?” I demanded, placing
my hands on my hips, awaiting his answer. “Please, don’t be difficult Britt. I can’t go
with you, they would follow me quite easily right to you. I have to stay here,”
Jonas explained to me, continuing to empty my dresser. “Then I’m not going anywhere either,” I
stated as firmly as I could manage, stomping my sandaled foot for added
emphasis. “Since they don’t know about Ana, I’ll be just as safe here as I would
be in Jonas paused and seemed to consider my words,
as if he hadn’t remembered that as far as my father, Hayden, DeRuise, and all
the rest of them that were concerned, Jonas was an only child. “But Paige would be in “You wouldn’t be able to visit me in “Jonas, Britt,” she called. “Steve’s here,”
she announced. Leaving our “packing” behind, Jonas lead the way downstairs
where we found that Ana had finished setting the table and preparing dinner.
Already, both she and Steve were seated at the table, ready to eat. “I thought that since none of us had eaten
yet, that we might eat while we discuss our options,” suggested Ana diplomatically.
Hesitating only slightly, Jonas nodded his approval of the plan, and pulled out
my chair and seated me before taking the spot at the head of the table, across
from Steve and to my right. “So Hayden actually showed up at your
apartment?” Steve questioned after an awkward momentary time of silence. “He was waiting in the shadows of the
building for me, yes,” Jonas confirmed. “What happened?” inquired Ana. “As I drove into the parking lot, I noticed a
car I didn’t recognize. I tucked my gun behind my back, being careful that no
one could see I was concealing a weapon through the windshield. Then, I got out
of the car and looked over the area for anything else out of place, and Hayden
stepped from the shadows after I had moved a ways away from my Quattroporté. He
informed me that he knew I had Britney, pulled a gun on me, and had me lead the
way into my apartment where he took me with him to every room to check for
Britney. When he was checking the last room, I pulled my own gun while his back
was turned, so I was ready for him. We exchanged a few words, I suggested he check
his leads before acting on them, and he left with his tail between his legs.”
Steve chuckled a little behind the fist that he raised to cover his mouth. “He won’t remain that way long though. He’s
going to realize that his lead, whoever the heck it was, was correct, and he’ll
be back, with reinforcements,” added Jonas, sobering Steve once again. “Do you have any idea who it was that tipped
him off?” I wondered, taking my turn in the questioning. “All I can figure is that it had to have been
someone who was at McKenna’s that night, one of your friends from your high
school "which I doubt is the case-, or Brian, which doesn’t make any sense
either since he told us about having talked to Hayden and not liking him.” “I doubt it was any of my friends from my
high school too. None of them are even in LA anymore,” I reminded them. “So
that leaves, Paige, Kate, Tanner, Mac, and Brian. No way was it Paige, Mac,
Kate, or even Tanner. And, yeah, you’re right; it wouldn’t have made sense for
Brian to say anything. I mean, from the sounds of it, Hayden was already
creeping him out before you told him
Hayden was stalking me.” “So that leaves the guys at McKenna’s,” Ana
surmised, “anyone who knew you particularly well or who would’ve noted you
being there especially that night?” Jonas was dead silent, and I knew beyond a
doubt that he was thinking the same thing that I was. “The men who were chasing me that you had a
stand-off with,” I finally said aloud in a low tone. “They were mad, and would
jump at the chance to get back at you for having interfered.” Jonas nodded solemnly. “Ricky knows how to
hold a grudge better than anyone I know,” he said. “It had to have been him.” “Who? One of the guys who were probably
planning to rape her?” asked Ana incredulously. “They’d have to be idiots to
admit that!” “Ricky’s greedy too. Didn’t Brian mention
that Terrence had hinted at a reward for any information he could offer?” asked
Jonas, turning to face me. I nodded. “Sooo,” Steve said, drawing out the word
slowly. “What are we going to do? Ana mentioned that you were set on sending
Britt away. Do I need to drive her to “Hold on a second,” I ordered quickly, before
they could decide everything for me. “This is still my choice Steve, Jonas,” I
reminded them, looking pointedly at each one in turn as I said their names. “She’s right guys,” agreed Ana. “We can offer
her counsel, but we all knew that it would come to this eventually, so we knew
when we agreed to allow her to choose for herself that there would be a
predicament similar to this. She still should be the one who makes the decision
ultimately.” I smiled my gratitude to her for backing me up. “Here’s the thing,” I began. “Things aren’t
ready for me to move to “I understand,” Ana readily assured me. “Thank-you. Now, I’m sure that Kate and Paige
would willingly accept me coming to live with them without notice at “If you stay here Britt, you won’t be able to
go out and do anything. You’ll have to spend all your time locked away here,”
Steve pointed out to me. “You may not even be able to continue going to college
anymore.” “But what would I go out and do in “So you’re bent on staying here then?” Jonas
asked with defeated eyes. I nodded. “I’m staying, at least for the time
being.” “Fine,” he conceded. “But if you’re going to
stay, then there’re going to have to be some conditions. First, you’ll be
keeping this with you,” he informed me, pulling his gun out from behind his
back and setting it on the table before me. I looked up at the sound of Ana’s
sharp intake of breath at the sight of the weapon. “Is that going to be ok with you, Ana?” I questioned
her, in order to be sure she was going to be fine having the gun in her home. “I’ll survive,” she murmured. “What else?” I asked, returning my attention
to Jonas. “You can continue going to classes, for now
at least, but you can only be at the college when you have classes, and you
have to drive back during long breaks between classes. Don’t go anywhere else without first talking to
either me or to Steve about it, and never
by yourself, understood?” he inquired of me, looking deep into my eyes to be
sure that I understood he was very serious about this. “I understand, Jonas. Is that everything?” “We won’t be able to spend time together
anymore Britney,” he whispered tenderly, his eyes now filled with unspoken
sorrow at the thought. “We’ll only be able to communicate through phone and the
internet. No more studying together or anything.” “Wait!” I exclaimed suddenly, realizing
something we’d all apparently forgotten in all of this. “What about Ana and
Mac’s wedding?” I cried. “We have
to be in the same place for that. What if they follow you?” “They can follow him, but that doesn’t mean
that they can come in,” Ana stated firmly. “You’ll come to the church with the
rest of us girls. Since we’ll be doing each other’s hair and everything at the
church, we won’t have to worry about you being seen out in town at all either.
We’ll go straight from here to the church and someone can bring you right
straight back here after it’s all over with.” “And,” Steve tossed in. “I’ll make sure that
no one sees you that shouldn’t.” “So,” Jonas said, signaling a returning of
focus to the conditions he had in order for me to stay in LA. “Do you
understand what it means if you stay here, and are you willing to follow my
terms?” I picked up the gun and weighed it in my hand
with a somber expression. “I’m staying,” I finally announced after an extremely
long two minutes of complete silence. © 2011 A.Noel |
1 Review Added on March 14, 2011 Last Updated on March 14, 2011 AuthorA.NoelLinwood, MIAboutHey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..Writing