![]() Chapter FourA Chapter by A.NoelChapter Four
The next day I got up later than I usually did and missed seeing Ana off
in the morning. I pulled together the things that I would need for my first day
of college classes and then drove to the campus. I wasn’t really sure what I
should expect when I got there. Jonas and I had previously planned to meet
early near where my first class of the day was, but after how things had gone
the other night I wasn’t sure if he’d be waiting there for me or not. Still,
when I arrived and saw that I had time before my class started anyway, I
decided to stop and see if he was waiting there. If not, we had arranged to
have lunch at the same time, so we should be able to find each other in the
crowded cafeteria later and I could talk to him then.
When I got to our designated meeting spot Jonas was waiting exactly
where he’d promised to be. As soon as he saw me coming, he smiled broadly and
reached out a welcoming hand.
“I knew that hot Irish temper of yours would cool off and you’d come
looking for me,” Jonas teased as I sat down next to him, my hand wrapped in
“My hot Irish temper? What’s your excuse then?” I demanded indignantly.
“I’m a stereotypical laid-back Aussie, what’re you talking about?” asked
Jonas, an innocent smile creeping onto his lips.
“Laid-back my eye,” I grumbled under my breath. Louder I said, “I’m
sorry I got angry at you yesterday. I trust you to tell me anything that’s
important and in your own time.” Jonas continued smiling, but gained a slight
look of discomfort.
“It’s fine,” he assured me readily. “So, are you ready for your first
big day of school?” he inquired teasingly. I groaned and rolled my eyes at him.
“If you’re just going to act like a mom sending her kid off to her first
day of preschool then I’m leaving,” I informed him, standing up to demonstrate
to him that I meant it. He laughed and pulled me back down beside himself.
“Alright, alright. But seriously now, no worries, fears, or regrets?”
“Did you remember to bring your lunch?” he asked, once again teasingly.
He stopped me as soon as I started to move to get up again. “Kidding Britt. I’m
buying lunch anyways.”
I pulled out my cell phone and looked at the time. “I need to go or I’m
going to be late,” I told him. “Oh, and remind me to start paying you for this
phone or, better yet, to get my own,” I added as a second thought. I’d been
meaning to start at least paying half of the bill, but he kept refusing my
money and saying he had it covered.
“I won’t,” Jonas promised me honestly. Not having any time to start a
debate about it now, I simply ignored him and headed for my class. “See you at
lunch!” Jonas called behind me.
My first couple of classes went along well enough, and I met Jonas for a
late lunch after I finished my second class. When I got there, I was surprised
to see Jonas and Brian talking together quietly. Seeing me, Jonas motioned for
me to join them. Hesitantly, I did.
“Hey Britney,” Brian greeted civilly.
“Hi,” I replied with a smile before I looked to Jonas for an explanation.
“We met in our last class,” Jonas explained. “Brian asked me to tell you
hi for him, and I suggested he come along and tell you yourself.”
“Well...I need to go, I promised to eat with some friends,” Brian
explained, obviously uncomfortable about being with us.
“Okay, it was nice seeing you again,” I told him gently. He nodded and
then hastily retreated to where his friends were waiting for him to join them.
“Poor Brian, did you have to bring him over just to say hi?” I
questioned Jonas, feeling sorry for the guy.
“Well, we had a quick chat I had been meaning to get out of the way
anyway, this just gave me a chance to have it with him,” Jonas admitted.
“A chat? About what?” I asked, curiously.
“Don’t worry about it. So, how were your first two classes?”
“They were fine. I met a couple girls I already knew, and everything
went smoothly. Although, I have to say that my history class is promising to be
just as boring as all my high school ones were,” I related to him as we got our
lunch and sat down together.
Jonas laughed. “Give it a chance at least Britt. I bet if you did, you
might just find yourself interested in it. After all, it is mankind’s past, and
it can help you make better choices for the future by learning the past
mistakes and successes of others,” he pointed out to me.
“You were the kid that always took the extra credit assignments in high
school history and made people like me look bad for not knowing who discovered
“Well as a matter of fact...” Jonas replied with a teasing grin. “No,
actually, my dad made sure I understood the importance of an education, but I
only did what I had to in order to get good grades and graduate. I sincerely
hope you’re kidding about the discovering
“Of course I know who discovered
“Ah, but what year did he discover it?” inquired Jonas, eyebrows raised
“In 1792,” I responded, sticking my tongue out at him.
We talked awhile longer, but soon had to head off in our separate ways
for our next classes. When I was finished for the day I went to the hospital.
As I approached Stacie’s desk I smiled and waved to her.
“Hey, how is everything going today?” I questioned her as I stopped to
speak with her briefly before moving on to my own desk.
“Pretty quiet actually. Not much going on besides a couple drop-ins,”
Stacie replied with a friendly smile of her own.
“Well I’m all for quiet days,” I commented. “We could use a few more of
those in my opinion.” Stacie laughed and nodded her head in agreement.
“We certainly could,” she agreed with me as I made my way towards my own
desk. The day continued it’s slow pace, for which I was grateful. As I was
pulling together my things to leave, I saw Ana for the first time that day.
“Hey!” she greeted me cheerfully as she approached my desk. “So, how did
your first day of classes go?”
“Not bad,” I answered, grabbing my backpack. “My professors all seem
nice enough, and I even know a couple of the girls in one class.”
“Well good.” Ana grabbed her own things from inside her office and
linked arms with me as we left together.
“So, I was thinking,” she said as we walked. “I’m flying to
“I think,” I began slowly, “that Jonas isn’t going to like the idea of
me going to
“You’re probably right about that,” she conceded. “But I don’t want
Jonas coming along to sway your vote, and we both know that he will, not that I
really blame him. I can’t explain it to you, but trust me; Jonas has valid
reasons for being as protective as he is. Still, I want you to come and truly
consider moving there with us.”
I nodded. “I’ll go with you to see, but I won’t promise anything else,
Ana. We all know that Jonas can’t leave LA for some time yet, and I don’t like
the idea of being so far apart for so long,” I told her as we got to our cars.
“That’s all I’m asking you to do. Being apart from Mac, I understand
what you’d have to go through. Only Jonas wouldn’t be able to visit you much,
since he couldn’t risk drawing attention to us,” Ana said, pulling apart from
me to get into her own car. “Do you want to tell Jonas, or would you rather I
“I should tell him,” I decided. “That way I can convince him that I want
to go and that you’re not just twisting my arm or anything.”
“Alright,” Ana agreed with a quick nod, getting into her car. “Then I’ll
leave that up to you.”
The next morning I woke up and groaned at a throbbing in my head.
“Just great,” I grumbled to Cinder, who was faithfully curled up nearby.
At least today was one of my off days. I had two days without any classes on
them, Tuesday and Friday. I still had to go into work unfortunately, but I
didn’t have to be there until 2p.m., so I had time to ditch my headache first.
I flopped back into my pillows and sighed, planning to sleep in until I
absolutely had to get up in order to
be ready to leave for work. However, about fifteen minutes later as I was just
beginning to doze off again, a knock sounded at my door, followed by Steve’s entrance a minute
“I can’t believe you’re still in bed!” he exclaimed upon seeing me.
“It’s already 11a.m. Britt!”
“Go away,” I mumbled through my pillow. I had hoped it would sound a
little more threatening, but it came out more like a whine then anything else.
“Come on Britney, time to get up. Don’t you remember? Jonas wanted me to
take you to practice today since he’s busy with classes all day today,” he
reminded me, pulling at my blankets. In vain, I tried to hold onto them, but he
soon had them flipped off to both mine, and Cinder’s distaste.
“My head hurts, I’m not practicing today,” I informed him, trying to grab
my blankets back once again while Cinder darted out of the room to find a
quieter place to resume her own nap.
Steve crossed his arms and looked down at me. “If you were supposed to
be working with Jonas, would you stay in bed, or take some pills, grab a hot
shower, and go? Now, answer me honestly.”
I groaned, knowing the answer. I would go because Jonas wouldn’t accept
a headache, at least not this one, since it was already starting to wear off.
“I‘d go,” I finally admitted. Steve smiled.
“That’s what I thought. But, I actually came here to tell you that I couldn’t work with you today. I hurt my
arm this past weekend, and need to give it a break,” explained Steve, plopping
on the end of my bed.
“What? How did you manage that, I thought you were just visiting Paige
“Well I was trying out for a job there actually, doing similar work to
Paige’s. While we were there Paige and I decided to use the equipment for
combat training, and there was this enormous
guy there. I mean, he was the biggest guy I’ve ever seen! And well...I managed
to inadvertently get myself challenged to a face off,” Steve related with
reluctance, smiling sheepishly.
“Are you telling me that my invincible body guard/hero got beaten up?” I questioned in a mocking
tone, laughing at the story.
“No way!” defended Steve hastily. “Actually, I hurt myself trying to
punch his rock hard gut. But I swear that I took him down in the end...almost.”
I shook my head as my laughter died off. “So, what’re we going to do
since we can’t practice today?”
Steve shrugged. “What would you like to do? We can have some good
quality Steve and Britney time.”
“That sounds great,” I said with a huge smile. “I miss all the time that
we used to spend together.”
“Alright then, we’ll go do something then,” stated Steve with determination,
getting up and heading for the door. “You get dressed, after that we’ll figure
out what to do.”
Roughly an hour later, Steve and I walked together through the rooms of
an old art museum Steve had thought to suggest we go to. My mind was only half
on the art before me however, and I decided to talk over my troubles with Steve
as I used to always do before everything had changed so drastically.
“Ana and I are going to visit Mac weekend after next,” I mentioned
quietly as we stood in front of an ancient-looking bust by an artist whose name
I didn’t recognize. “She wants me to go in order to get an idea of what it
would be like if I decided to move with her.”
Steve sighed, still staring intently at the bust as he asked, “Britney,
do you want my opinion of what I think you should do?”
“Yes,” I answered readily, in a voice only barely above a whisper.
“Britney, where do you want to
“Here, in LA, with Jonas,” I replied without hesitation. “But Ana and
Mac do have a point, it’s not safe for me here, and it’s only going to get even
more unsafe as time goes by.”
Steve gave a nod, indicating his agreement. “What I think would be best
is if you moved to
“I know. And, there’s something else too that I thought about last
night. With everyone leaving, what’ll happen if they do connect the dots and
realize what Jonas has done? There won’t be anyone here to help him. By the
time any of us figured out that something was wrong it could be too late,” I
explained with worry. I’d thought of the problem as I laid in bed last night,
going over the pros and cons of the different options available to me.
“I hadn’t thought of that,” commented Steve, rubbing his jaw
thoughtfully as we turned to gaze at some farm scene paintings along the wall
behind us. “You make a good point, Britney. However, I don’t know if it’d do
him much good to have you here. I don’t think there would be much of anything
that you could do to help him.”
“I could notify everyone if something went wrong, and I’m not completely
useless you know. I could help, if we were desperate enough,” I argued. Steve
was shaking his head before I had even finished the last part though.
“That would be the last thing Jonas would want, Britt, you know that.
He’s only taught you what he has so that you can protect yourself if necessary,
not so that you can go getting into trouble.”
“Well, still. We can’t just leave him here to fend for himself,” I declared.
“I agree. Let me think about it, ok? Maybe we can work something out.”
He wrapped an arm around me and gave my shoulder a brief squeeze before pulling
We walked together in a companionable silence for a while, and I tried
to pay attention to what I was looking at. Finally, seeing that it was becoming
late and that I’d soon need to be at the hospital, we went out to the parking
lot to find Steve’s Challenger.
“I learned something interesting on my trip this past weekend,” Steve
mentioned with a chuckle. “Did you know that Tanner plays the drums?”
“What? Are we talking about the same guy? Dr. Tanner Daniels, as in
Kate’s boyfriend?” I asked in disbelief.
“One in the same,” confirmed Steve as we got into his car. “Don’t let
that suit and sophisticated act fool you, I heard him. He even has a rocker
scream that would wake the dead,” he laughed, roaring the car’s engine to life.
“Paige and I got dragged along to one of his band’s performances by Kate. It
was...interesting. Apparently, he and a few of his other doctor friends got
together and formed a band.”
“Are you kidding?” I asked, laughing at the mere thought.
Steve grimaced. “Unfortunately, no. He’s the drummer, the rhythm
guitarist and singer is a brain surgeon, the keyboard guy is actually an oral
surgeon, the lead guitar player who does all the riffs and solos is a forensics
psychologist, and the base guitarist is just a regular doctor.” This time I
couldn’t control my laughter. When I had finally stopped, I turned to Steve again.
“So are they any good?”
“It’s a work in progress, but thankfully, I don’t think they’re going to
get past the coffee house gigs.”
“What’s their band name?”
“On Call, because they could be called away at any minute to take care
of an emergency,” He informed me. I groaned, put my hand to my forehead, and
closed my eyes while shaking my head.
“That’s awful, but I can totally see it,” I said.
“But wait, I haven’t finished painting the picture for you quite yet.
Skinny jeans and worn-out, scruffy shirts. One of them even has an earring he
wears especially for gigs. I got to meet them all afterwards, and it was quite
the experience to say the least.” Once again, I shook my head, but this time to
clear away the images that Steve had planted in it.
“I always wondered how he and Kate ever got together. I mean, they seem
like complete opposites. I guess this explains it though,” I commented.
“They make quite the pair those two,” he agreed.
“Speaking of pairs,” I hinted.
“Paige and I are doing fine.” He began, taking the hint and filling me
in on all that had been going on. By the time he was finished, we’d arrived at
the hospital.
“Thanks for the ride, Steve,” I thanked him as I got out of his car.
“No problem. Is Ana taking you home?”
“Yeah. She’s leaving at the same time I am anyway, so she’ll take me
back home,” I explained.
“See you around then,” Steve called before I closed the car door and
went inside the building. When I got to my desk, I was surprised to find that
Ana was actually in her office for once when she didn’t have an appointment. I
decided to stop and talk to her before getting to work, to see if she needed a
coffee or anything.
“Hey,” she greeted when I entered through her open door. “How was
practice with Steve?” she inquired, laying aside some papers she’d been looking
“Actually, we didn’t have practice because Steve hurt himself in
“Oh really? Jonas is going to be jealous,” Ana predicted.
“You don’t know?” asked Ana, obviously surprised. “Art is the only thing
that he really focused on and excelled at, besides dancing of course, that
wasn’t connected to the family work. I mean, it came in handy a couple times,
but he did art because he enjoyed it, not to help him in his work. I’d hoped
he’d study art in college, but he didn’t.”
“Jonas is an artist?” I questioned with disbelief in my voice. “I would
never have guessed. His apartment is so void of color and expression. I guess I
didn’t really see him as much of the creative type.”
“He hasn’t done anything in a long time as far as I know, but he’s
really good. You should try getting him to do some sketching or something
sometime. I think you’d be surprised.”
“Maybe I will,” I replied thoughtfully. I looked down at the papers Ana
had been looking at and, for the first time, I realized that she had been
looking at some information to plan her upcoming wedding.
“Looking into catering?” I asked her, scrutinizing the papers. She
“Yes, though I think I’ve decided to just do something myself. A buffet
type of thing. I have a few friends who’ve offered to take care of the tables
for me if I do that,” she filled me in, setting aside the first paper. “I’m
also looking into some bakeries that I can get a cake from. Oh, and just so
you’re aware, I talked to Jonas this afternoon on the phone, and he volunteered
both of your services in cake testing this weekend. Mac had wanted to be able
to help, but it just isn’t going to be possible. So when Jonas heard, he
offered to have both of you come with me.”
“Oh, how nice of him to volunteer me for things without talking to me
first,” I remarked a little sarcastically, though I really didn’t mind going to
help her.
Ana laughed. “Well I think it’s his payback for you volunteering him to
help with the invitations,” she pointed out. I grimaced and flexed my hand
“He was right about that one, I should’ve listened. I think my hand is
just now getting back to normal,” I joked.
Just then, the phone rang at my desk and I had to go answer it. After
that the rest of my day at work seemed to whirl by me in a hurry, obviously
making up for yesterday’s lull.
When it was time to go home, Jonas surprised me by walking up to my
“Jonas, what’re you doing here?” I asked when I saw him.
“Ana invited me to dinner and suggested I pick you up from work,” Jonas
informed me with his boyish smile. Out of the corner or my eye, I saw Ana
watching from the doorway of her office, a faint smile playing at her lips.
“Are you ready to leave now?” he inquired, seeing that I had my backpack
and appeared to be prepared to leave. I nodded, and he led me out to his car,
talking about how his classes of the day had gone. In turn, I filled him in on
Steve’s and my trip to the art museum. He asked which one we’d gone to, and
then nodded his head in approval of our choice.
“Ana mentioned that you used to do a lot with art and that you were very
good,” I mentioned casually, glancing sideways at him as we drove.
“She did, did she? Well I was good, I don’t know about very good. I think her opinion might be
just slightly biased,” he added, flashing a smirk.
“Why did you stop?” I queried curiously.
He shrugged and said, “I guess I just got busy and just stopped.”
“You should start again,” I told him in a somewhat coaxing tone, wanting
to see his talent for myself. An amused smile crossed Jonas’ face.
“Britney, are you trying to cajole me into doing something?” he asked
I blushed in embarrassment at having been so obvious to him. “Is it
“Maybe,” he hedged. “I’ll think about it,” he promised as he pulled into
the parking lot and stopped the car. “Just because you must really want me to
if you’re trying so hard,” he added before getting out of the car.
After dinner, I was cleaning up in the kitchen when Jonas wandered in
and watched me, looking completely at ease.
do you do that?” I demanded as Jonas leaned against the counter near me in his
habitually casual way. “Do what?” Jonas asked
me, looking completely confused as to what I meant. “This,” I replied,
gesturing to his obvious relaxed stance. “You’re so calm and casual all the
time, as if nothing were wrong at all. How do you do it?” I wondered once
again. “I mean, with everything that’s going on, I don’t understand how you can
always be so calm all of the time.” Jonas leaned his head
back and laughed, finally understanding. “Practice, I worked at
it for so long that I rarely have to try anymore. It’s often a great asset to
appear unaffected and at ease in the line of work my father trained me for,” Jonas
explained. “Sounds like something I
ought to try learning,” I muttered as I got a stack of plates down from the
cupboard. “Never,” declared Jonas.
“I love your rainbow of reactions to things. Ana even said you were starting to
rub off on me in that respect.” I blushed, embarrassed.
“Don’t worry, she’s always thought I was far too self-controlled in my
emotions. So she probably sees it as a change for the better and I don’t think
it’s a bad thing either,” Jonas assured me.
His comment reminded me of how he’d reacted to Ana and Mac’s idea of me
moving to
“Still, it would be nice to be able to look like nothing ever bothered
me sometimes,” I maintained.
“Well, it can come in handy at times,” he agreed as I finished cleaning
the counters.
“Jonas, I need to tell you something,” I said, deciding to take
advantage of his good mood to bring up my trip to
“Just the two of you?” he queried warily, catching onto the fact that he
hadn’t been mentioned in the invite.
“Just the two of us. You can’t really come with us anyway,” I reminded
him in a gentle tone, knowing I couldn’t tell him that he wouldn’t have been
invited even if he could have come. “We don’t know if they’re still watching
you or not, and you going to
He sighed in defeat. “Alright, but promise to be careful, Britney. Don’t
let them push you into staying there. Remember, it’s your life and your choice,
not theirs.”
A soft smile worked its way onto my lips. “I’ll be careful, I promise,
and I won’t let anyone talk me into anything.”
Hayden looked around the dark place, beyond aggravated that Ricky was
still off on some sort of mission or another. His eyes found a young man around
his own age sitting off in a far corner in the dark by himself, and Hayden
decided to join him, surprised to find himself curious about the stranger.
“Mind if I join you?” Hayden inquired, stopping a couple feet away from
the table before sitting down and asking permission first out of courtesy for
the man, seeing the expensive brand he was drinking. To Hayden, what he was
drinking signified that he was closer to his own status than those that
surrounded them.
The man swished his half-full glass as he stared into it before drinking
it. He lounged gracefully in the booth with a refined air, assuring Hayden even
more that he was out of place here among the filth.
“It’s a free country,” the man told Hayden with a wry smirk that he
could just barely make out in the dim lighting that was darkest in this corner,
a fact that he was sure was a deciding factor in the man’s decision to sit
here. Hayden seated himself across from the man and stretched out his hand to
“Hayden Terrence,” he introduced himself as he offered his hand.
“Jonas Matthews,” the other man answered, shaking hands after only the
briefest of hesitations.
“Really? Well, now this is an unexpected pleasure,” Hayden commented
with sincere interest in the man before him. “
“He had been,” Jonas agreed, taking another taste from his glass.
“I’ve recently come over from
“Nice place,
“I’ve worked hard to achieve a more American sound,” Hayden agreed. “I
gather from your own rather unique accent you aren’t from around here
originally either. Might I inquire where you call home?”
“No, I’m not. My family hails from
There was hardly any fear that the alcohol he’d been drinking would in
any way cause him to slip up. For starters, he had barely had any to drink.
Secondly, it didn’t affect him as swiftly as it did most people, even when he
did drink more, which he hadn’t done excepting one time in his entire life;
when he and Britney had gone their separate ways. He had attempted to drown his
misery that night, but it hadn’t done him any good and he’d resolved to only
come here for information and to order a bottle to take back to his corner only
to not appear suspicious just lurking around.
“Ahhh, I’ve never been there personally, but I hear it’s a rather
agreeable place,” Hayden responded with a nod.
“Would you care for some?” Jonas asked Hayden as he held up his bottle
slightly. McKenna always was sure to have Jonas’ own particular favorite on
hand for whenever he dropped by, and he was sure it was always of the finest
quality. Hayden nodded, and Jonas motioned for McKenna to come over.
“A glass for my friend please,” Jonas requested of the owner, who
quickly hurried off to fetch the requested item. When he returned Jonas first
filled the new glass for Hayden and then partly refilled his own again. Hayden
savored the refined flavor of the Chianti, one of
“I’m glad of my fortune in meeting you here tonight,” Hayden began.
“I’ve desired an opportunity to speak with you about the work you did for
“What about it is that interests you exactly?”
“I’m curious if you had ever considered that Britney may in fact still
be right here in LA. Did you ever think that perhaps a false trail had been set
up, quite elaborately I might add, to trick anyone who searched for her into
thinking that she had fled the country?” questioned Hayden.
“It did occur to me that it might be a possibility,” Jonas agreed. “She
obviously had help moving her funds to another account. Perhaps the same person
helped her set up the trail.”
“That’s the very thing I’ve been thinking,” Hayden confided. “More and
more it seems like the most likely explanation for it all. What do you think?”
Hayden took another drink as he awaited Jonas’ response.
“I think,” stated Jonas carefully, “that it really matters quite little
to me. I’ve moved on to another line of work you see.”
“Really? I was under the impression it was a family business. Why walk
away from that? I hear you had a rather nice arrangement with DeRuise.”
“I have other interests I wish to pursue,” Jonas answered indifferently.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must be going.”
“Of course by all means,” Hayden assured him.
“Here,” Jonas said as he stood and handed the remainder of the bottle of
Chianti to Hayden. “Please, accept this with my compliments.” As soon as Hayden
accepted the bottle, Jonas made his way towards the door and left without a
backwards glance.
Hayden stared after him for only a moment before turning away from the
door to puzzle over their short exchange. He hadn’t expected Matthews to be the
son of a gentleman, as he obviously was beyond any doubt. Of course, he
realized that he ought to have suspected it. For him to have made it into as
distinguished of a circle as would include such as DeRuise and Larkin within
Despite Lawrence Larkin’s obvious lack of faith in Matthews’
capabilities, after seeing Matthews tonight he held little doubt in the man’s
abilities, and he could understand DeRuise’s confidence in him. Even with what
little time that he had spent with him tonight, he could tell that Matthews
could be either a valuable ally or a worthy adversary. © 2011 A.Noel |
1 Review Added on March 14, 2011 Last Updated on March 14, 2011 AuthorA.NoelLinwood, MIAboutHey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..Writing