![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by A.NoelChapter Two
“When you asked if I wanted to go shopping I didn’t realize he was coming with us,” Andrea whispered
as she and
“He insisted on coming, I didn’t have too much choice in the matter,” I
admitted, hoping they wouldn’t ask why he’d done so.
“Well I think it’s sweet that he’s even willing to go shopping with you.
I mean, Kurt would never agree to anything like this,”
“Neither would Josh. It’s just that it seems like we never see you
without seeing him too. Not that he’s hard on the eyes by any means.” said
Andrea as she glanced over her shoulder at Jonas who had stopped by a random
sales table to look at something. “It’s just weird since you never even talked
about guys all the time that I’ve known you, and then you suddenly have a
boyfriend who is always right there.”
“Andrea!” I whispered.
“What? I mean, Josh is great and I wouldn’t trade him for a million
guys, but it wouldn’t hurt if he had some of that tousled, wavy blond hair or a
pair of sparkling sea green eyes,” Andrea defended.
“Wouldn’t hurt if he had some muscles too,”
“Cut it out you two. Stop drooling over him already! Trust me, he’s got
his faults just like any guy,” I told them with aggravation. Just then, Jonas
looked over at us and smiled his usual charming half-smile that I adored. I
groaned inwardly, knowing that Andrea and Sandy would never believe he was
anything less than perfect when he had a smile like that. He left the table and
came over to join us.
“So, where is your first stop?” he inquired, looking from one of us to
the next.
“We’re hitting Hot Topic first,”
“We’re going into that place? Where all the scary-looking people are
coming out of?” he asked, leaning towards me a little and whispering the
question as he watched a couple with several facial piercings, tattoos, and
loads of make-up leave the store.
“Yes, we are,” I confirmed with a nod.
“I had no idea you went to places like this,” Jonas commented loudly
enough for me to hear over the loud music the store was playing but quietly
enough that no one else heard.
“Well, I generally don’t,” I admitted. “But
“Britney check out this skirt isn’t it great? You would look awesome in
it!” gage his reaction to it anyways.
“If you buy that I will burn it and throw the ashes into the ocean,”
Jonas promised me under his breath. I laughed a little, and then turned back to
“Not really my style,” I informed
“You wear that skirt with pants you know,” I told Jonas, beginning to
browse through the clothing racks myself.
“Then what exactly is the point of it?” he inquired.
“I don’t know, added flair I guess,” I replied with a shrug. Jonas
rolled his eyes and looked away without commenting. Soon,
“Alright, your choice next Andrea,” I announced casually as Jonas sidled
up next to me and claimed my hand before my friends could claim both of my
“Hmm, Claire’s?” she suggested.
“Sure, sounds great to me,”
“Hey Britney look! We could both get our ears pierced again like we
always talked about and get a deal on it,” she said excitedly. I looked over
the sign carefully.
“Buy two piercings and get another two free,” I read aloud. Andrea was
right. We had always talked about getting a second piercing in each ear
someday, but had never actually done it. I shrugged, why not? I asked myself.
“Sure,” I found myself agreeing. Andrea immediately went over to select
the earrings that she wanted to get. I began to follow but Jonas held me back.
“Britt, you sure?” he asked me seriously.
“Yes, I am. It’s either this or nose rings, you pick,” I told him with a
sparkle in my eye.
“We’ll go with this then,” Jonas replied quickly. I grinned up at him.
“Come on, help me pick,” I instructed him. He complied, and walked over
with me to pick a pair of earrings from the display.
“I found mine!” Andrea said excitedly. “I can’t believe that we’re
finally doing this. I’m going to get mine done first while you look,” she
decided, rushing off to get one of the girls working at the store. I took
Andrea’s place in front of the case and began examining my options.
“What about those?” Jonas asked, pointing out a simply yet nice pair of
flower shaped settings with small diamond-like crystals in them.
“Perfect,” I said decidedly. “These will go right over my first ones so
I can wear these and then wear hoops in the holes underneath them,” I
explained. Soon Andrea finished and it was my turn. I got on the seat and
waited for her to mark and pierce my ears. Jonas oversaw the entire thing and I
watched as he flinched when the girl put in the earrings. When she was finished
she refreshed me on the proper care of the fresh holes and Jonas came over.
“Are you getting a piercing too?” the girl asked Jonas.
“What?” Jonas asked, startled by the unexpected question. “No, no thanks,”
he quickly answered her before she restated her question. She led us over to
the cash register where Andrea was waiting for me in order to pay. Once we had
settled the bill we waited for
“Ok, your turn Britney. Where do you want to go?”
“Nowhere in particular,” I answered, content enough to go wherever they
wanted to go.
“You have to pick somewhere,” Andrea pressed. “We both have, now it’s
your turn.” I glanced up at Jonas who had once again claimed my hand.
“Where would you want to go?” I asked him.
“I’m not really here, remember?” he reminded me with a wink. “You can’t
ask me.” At that moment, his stomach grumbled and Andrea, Sandy, and I all
“Sounds like you have your answer Britney,”
I nodded. “Alright, we’ll feed Mr. Non-Existent,” I agreed with another
light laugh. We headed for the food court, bought what we wanted, and then all
sat together to eat.
“So, Mr. Non-Existent,” Andrea began, using the name for him I had
earlier. “Where do you go to college?” Jonas cleared his throat of the bite of
food he had in his mouth and then answered her.
“California State College of LA,” he told her.
“Isn’t that the place you said you would be starting at next week?”
Andrea questioned, turning to me with a suspicious expression on her face.
“Yes,” I replied with a nod of confirmation. “What about you two? Neither
of you have told me yet where you’re going.”
“We’re off to a school in northern CA soon,”
“I had no idea you guys were going so far away!” I exclaimed.
“Well you haven’t been around much in the past several months, and even
less since we graduated,” Andrea reminded me. “We decided a bit last minute
I sighed, knowing she was right, I hadn’t spent half as much time with
my friends as I used to since I left home and since graduation I had only seen
them a handful of times.
“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry about that,” I apologized.
“It’s alright Britney,”
“Well, now everyone except you has chosen somewhere to go, even me,”
Jonas stated, trying to change the subject for me. “So you have to pick our next stop now,” he insisted. I thought for a few
minutes and then finally made a choice.
“How about we go over to
“Hey that’s a great idea! I haven’t been there in forever, and I still
need a few more things before we go,” Andrea said, obviously excited at the
prospects of going to her favorite store.
“Alright why don’t we take our own cars though so we won’t have to come
back here again?” Jonas suggested. Sandy and Andrea agreed and we all headed out
to our cars. I followed behind Jonas somewhat sheepishly, sensing that although
he didn’t openly object in front of the others to going to Denison’s, he knew
where it was and wasn’t happy that I had suggested going there. He opened my
door for me as always, but closed it a bit more hastily and loudly than usual.
Once he was in behind the wheel and we were on our way I decided to apologize
to him.
“I’m sorry Jonas,” I told him quietly.
“Sorry for what?” he inquired, gripping the steering wheel tightly but
keeping his tone even and almost emotionless.
“For suggesting we go to
Jonas sighed audibly and relaxed his grip on the steering wheel. “I just
don’t understand why you continually insist on endangering yourself like you
do. You’d be much safer if you stayed at the mall.”
“I know,” I agreed with him. “I’m sorry for making your job more
“Well, we have a separate car at least. At the slightest hint of trouble
we’ll leave, so be ready,” he instructed me.
We arrived at the store without incident around the same time Andrea and
Sandy got there and we all went inside together. Immediately, we began browsing
through the racks of various clearance items, and even Jonas joined in.
“You would look amazing in this,” Jonas informed me, showing me a
sapphire blue, semi-formal, calf-length dress.
“I don’t wear dresses much, I’d never wear it,” I told him dismissively,
turning away and continuing to look through some blouses.
“I know, that’s why I think you should get it,” Jonas told me as he
handed it to me. “Go try it on.” I sighed, rolled my eyes, and went to do as he
asked, not planning to even consider buying it. After I had it on though, I
realized that I really did like it on myself, and went out to show it to Andrea
and Sandy. They weren’t alone however. Slouching on a padded bench, arms across
chest, sat Jonas with a couple other things he apparently thought I should try
“It looks great!” Andrea informed me. “Here, we found a couple more
dresses for you,” she said, handing me the clothes sitting next to Jonas.
“Jonas has agreed to tell us what he thinks of everything we try on,” she said
in explanation for why he was sitting there.
“Very nice,” Jonas commented on my dress in way of demonstrating his
job. I grabbed the clothes Andrea offered, and went back into the changing
stall. I grudgingly admitted to liking the other two dresses and decided I
would get them, thinking that I might wear them on dates with Jonas sometime.
When I was finished I went back out and sneaked over to look at the guy’s
clearance rack while Jonas waited to give a reaction to whatever Andrea and
Sandy were putting on. Finding a couple things I thought would be perfect for
Jonas, I grabbed them and went back over to the changing area. With a
mischievous smile, I dumped the clothes in Jonas’ lap and pointed towards an
empty changing stall.
“What’s this?” he questioned with amusement, looking through the clothes
I had given him.
“If you’re going to gang up on me with my friends and make me buy
dresses, than you, sir, are going to try those on,” I instructed him as I
mimicked the crossed-arms stance that he so frequently used. He laughed and got
up, walking towards where I had pointed.
“As you wish, but I won’t get them,” Jonas informed me. “Oh yes you will,” I countered, “or else those dresses stay here
too,” I shot right back at him. He laughed again, and went to change. When he
came back out again he was wearing the close fitting black t-shirt and tan
cargo pants that I had given him. He was casually holding the grey fleece
pullover jacket with a zip-up neck by two of his fingers and had it flipped
over his shoulder, taking a mock model-like stance. To top off the look he had
pulled his sunglasses out of his jeans pocket and had put them on. When he saw
that Sandy and Andrea had been waiting for him with me he got a rather
embarrassed look
that only worsened when they clapped as they always did when us girls were
trying things on with each other.
“Very nice,” I told him, using the same words he had used to describe
how I looked in all the dresses they had made me try on. “I like it, it’s a
good look for you,” I added with a touch of admiration at how the shirt showed
of his well-toned torso.
“Jeans work,” Jonas replied with a shrug. “Britney’s right though, this is a
great look for you,” Andrea agreed. Jonas just shrugged again in a
non-committal way and went to change back into his clothes.
“Wow Britt, wow, that’s all I can say,” Andrea whispered to me so that
Jonas couldn’t hear as he closed the door.
I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, you act like you’ve never seen a guy
before, much less have a great boyfriend,” I said.
“Uh, Hun, Josh is fantastico,
but Jonas is él caliente,” Andrea
went on. I rolled my eyes.
“You’re incredible! And, you’ve been spending too much time in Spanish
class,” I mumbled.
“What? Don’t tell me you looked at him and all you thought was ‘very
nice,’” Andrea challenged me. I blushed and looked away, thinking about what I
had thought when I saw him. “See?” Andrea announced triumphantly. “Excuse me
for just saying aloud what you were thinking.” Just then Jonas came back out
and joined us, once again wearing his worn-out jeans and t-shirt.
“Are we finished here?” he asked us, observing that none of us were
shopping any longer. I looked at the others who both nodded and then returned
my eyes to Jonas.
“Yes,” I said as I stood up from the bench. We each took our turns going
through the check out. Jonas tried to get out of buying the clothes, but I once
again threatened to leave the dresses behind if he did, and he grudgingly
agreed to buy the outfit. When everyone had finally finished making their
purchases we went back out to the cars, talking about what we ought to do next.
“Movie, just like always,”
“Well he’s Mr. Non-Existent so it doesn’t matter,” I reminded
“And él Senor Caliente,”
Andrea added. I firmly planted my elbow into her ribs and she yelped loudly.
“Shut up Andrea!” I hissed. Jonas tried unsuccessfully to hide his
smirking smile behind his hand and I groaned. “Thanks Andrea, thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she whispered loudly in my ear.
“Alright, we’ll meet you at the theater. Britt, you can tell Jonas how
to get to the one we usually go to,”
“Do I want to know what Andrea was talking about back there?” he
questioned me with a hint of teasing. I groaned and shook my head.
“No, you don’t,” I assured him. “The theater we’re looking for is next
to the On the Border restaurant. Do you know where that is?”
“Yes,” he told me with a nod as we pulled into traffic. We all met up at
the theater and, after purchasing tickets to the movie
The movie was a romantic comedy, and
“Good movie,” he commented casually. I looked over at him with surprise.
“You liked that?” I asked him.
“Of course, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but I didn’t really take it for your type of movie,” I explained,
still surprised he’d actually liked the film.
“I like lots of different movies, but those are some of the best,” he
said. “I suppose I’m a romantic at heart,” he admitted with an overly dramatic
air and a hopeless sigh.
I rolled my eyes at his overdone dramatics. “Well the comedy part I
get,” I commented.
“Must I prove the romantic part?” he asked with a grin as he stepped
closer to where I was standing and waiting for Andrea and Sandy to refill their
pops before we left.
“No,” I quickly assured him, holding up my hands towards him. “I believe
you. Don’t you dare do anything with all of these people around,” I warned him,
wondering once again why he was acting the way he was today.
He looked at me, faking disappointment. “Not even one little heartfelt
“Not a syllable.”
“Oh alright,” he gave in. “Not in front of all of them at least,” he
added. “I can wait.” Sandy and Andrea came back over to join us then and we
headed out to the cars.
“Well, I think that this is the end for us,”
“Umm actually, I moved out, I’m sharing a place with a friend right
now,” I explained hesitantly, not sure if I should be telling them.
“Oh really?” Andrea said, casting a quick glance towards Jonas. I
immediately caught onto her train of thoughts and frowned.
“I’m staying with my friend Ana,” I elaborated.
“Oh,” Andrea commented with a touch of disappointment that exasperated
me. “Well, we’ll call you before we leave and then
you can tell us how to get there so we can say good-bye,”
“Well, that was interesting,” commented Jonas as they drove away.
“No, it wasn’t interesting, it was embarrassing,” I disagreed, watching
their car until it was out of sight. I turned back and looked up at Jonas who
grinned down at my upturned face. “I might be wrong, but Andrea seemed a bit
disappointed that you were sharing a place with Ana,” he observed.
“Well, Andrea was born in the wrong country. She’s really French at
heart. She loves romance and everything a little too much.”
“I got that,” Jonas said. “Well, shall we go?” I nodded and Jonas
quickly lowered his head, intending to kiss me yet again today, but I saw his
intentions, and swiftly moved away and got into my seat in the car. He looked
at me with surprise as I reached to slam my door closed, but then smiled.
“You win this time Britt,” he said before I closed my door. I saw that
he said something after my door had closed, but I couldn’t make out what it was.
A few moments later we were on our way back to the loft. © 2011 A.Noel |
1 Review Added on March 14, 2011 Last Updated on March 14, 2011 AuthorA.NoelLinwood, MIAboutHey, I'm a complex perfectionist, and i think it shows in my writing. I recently had to take a break for awhile (as much as a compulsive writer can at least) but I'm back again! I now have my first .. more..Writing