A Book by Broken Angel
Random story about a vampire falling in love with a werewolf.
© 2010 Broken Angel
Author's Note
I started this IDEA when I was in 5th grade, and I'm only just starting to re-write it now, so I'm posting it. this was accualy inspired by Twilight, but it WILL NOT have that sparkling vampire shit in it. I accualy think tha tthe idea of twilight 'aint all that bad, but its the way she write it, and messed it all up. And how she wrote the cahracters, seriously. 2ed main character hating himself? Main character wants to be a vampire? I think the main char. is a MARY SUE. Anyways... like I said. This is sort of inspired by Twilight... but its nothing like it.
Broken AngelNY, NY
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