![]() Chapter 10A Chapter by EmikoI hate Dimitri!
How can he act so calm and cool after kissing me? He acted like it never even happened! It didn't make any sense. I couldn't even look him in the face without remembering what he did. My lips still burned and I would catch myself blushing and staring at him. I had to remain calm otherwise he would question me and I didn't want that. I convinced him that we should do some running so that I don't fall behind and challenged him to a race. He declined the race but agreed to do some running. I kept my distance from him when we ran and tried to think of something trivial. It worked for a while and I was so grateful when we finished because we went back to the gym.
I stayed as far away from him as possible without it being to conspicuous. Unfortunately, that was only about ten feet away from him. He showed me a couple more offensive moves and when practice ended, he turned to leave when an idea popped into my head. Lowering into a crouch, I jumped at him. I never knew how fast Dimitri was. He moved with such inhuman speed he must've known it was coming. He spun around and caught me by the collar of my shirt and threw me to the floor with ease, then quickly pinned me there.
"No fair! I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't make a sound!" I whined. "You're predictable, Dialla. But other than that, nice job," Something in his voice made me think he thought it was funny so I pouted. "I am not. You don't even know me" "Dialla, I've known you since September, and if I've learned anything, it's that your predictable,"
It occurred to me then that it was November. I huffed and looked away, partially because I was affronted, partially because he was a little too close to me. He seemed to notice and got off quickly. Dimitri surprised me by extending my hand and helped me to my feet. It was the end of the day and Dimitri ended practice early for once. I was a little curious about why, but it was replaced with shock and embarrassment when he offered to walk me back. I agreed, quickly heading to the locker room to change and to avoid him seeing my red face.
"You've been acting strange today," Dimitri stated. "Everything okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," I said then suddenly stopped walking.
He stopped instantly and looked at me. His lips moved but I couldn't acknowledge any words. It took me a while to realize I was looking at his lips. I quickly looked into his eyes, preparing myself to ask him why he kissed me.
"Why--" "Master Dimitri!" Mineva's feminine voice interjected. We turned around and she strode towards us quickly, her short dark red hair cut short in a pixie-style haircut. "Something wrong?" Dimitri asked. "Master Gilbert has called a meeting for all teachers," she explained without elaborating. Part of me sighed with relief, but another part of me was upset that he was leaving. I silently ushered Dimitri to go ahead, even though he promised to walk me back, and quickly walked away. I walked past Cleao's room then stopped. After a moment of hesitation, I knocked on her door. There was a muffled reply and I stepped inside.
She was sprawled out on her bed reading a magazine. Her room was completely different from mine. Mine was bare and normal, the way it was when I got here. But it was obvious that Cleao had been here for years as I scanned the dozens of posters of models on her walls. I tore myself from the amazing abs and focused on Cleao. She was sitting cross-legged, the magazine face down next to her, a curious look on her face.
"What's up?" she questioned. My question slipped out before I could stop it. "What does a kiss on the lips mean?" I could tell that her mouth wanted to fall open as her lips twitched but her eyes did widen in shock. She recovered after staring at me for several heavy seconds. "Who kissed you?" I shook my head. "I can't tell you." "Why not?" "I just can't, okay? And don't change the subject."
She was silent as she contemplated this. "Well, I suppose it depends on who kissed you really. If it was a friend, say Lance, or someone else, it was probably a friendly kiss. Or, well, then it depends on how long the kiss lasted for. How long did it last for? Anyway, if it's just a few seconds, it was probably a friendly kiss. If it was longer and more passionate, then most likely the mystery person wants to be more than friends. Have you tried talking to him?"
"I'll try, I guess," She opened her mouth to speak but I beat her to it. "Well, I'm going to go study for a little while. See you later."
I hurriedly left her room and arrived at my room. I rummaged through my pocket looking for my key when I examined my door. It was unlocked, which was odd because I always locked my door and I was the only one with the key. I shivered involuntarily and slowly opened the door. The first thing I noticed was there was a body on the floor.
It was that upperclassman from last night.
A crimson liquid was all over to carpeted floor and the air smelled heavy with what I deduced as rusty iron or copper. My face drained of all color and I covered my mouth to suppress a scream. A whimper came out and the student coughed. I blinked, wondering if I had been hearing things, then he moaned. He was still alive. I hesitated, but went over to him. I crouched down next to him and saw that he had a huge wound on his stomach and chest. I managed not to bring up my lunch and took in a deep breath and tried the healing spell.
Either the wound was too big, or he had lost too much blood, but the spell wouldn't work and now my hands were covered with his blood. I started shaking and didn't even realize I was crying until my tears spilled onto his body and mixed with his blood.
"Who did this? Can you tell me?" I begged. "A....ku.....mu," he whispered before shutting his eyes.
I shook him a couple times before checking his pulse. He was dead and I snapped into reality when I sensed someone behind me. I flinched and whirled around. Roselia was standing in the doorway, her blue eyes widened in shock, then narrowed insolently and she skittered away. I ran to my door way and called out to her but she had disappeared around the corner. I cursed and frantically looked over at the dead student, then at my blood-stained hands. No doubt I was going to have to face another rumor. Maybe even worse.
I washed off my hands and heard footsteps approaching my room. I immediately shut the door and locked it. There was a heavy pounding and a voice telling me to let them in. It sounded like Master Dragon, but I wasn't sure.
"Get my brother! Get Master Tyler!" I shouted.
Whether the voice left or not, I wasn't sure. A few minutes passed and I heard Tyler's voice and calmed down slightly.
"Kiddo, what's going on? Let me in," I hesitated, thinking that it might be a teacher using a transformation spell, but shook away the paranormal thought and opened the door slowly.
His demeanor was concern and worry, but looking past him I saw Dimitri, my mother, and Master Gilbert. I frowned and Tyler took this chance and forced the door open. He used a little more force than necessary, momentarily trapping me between the door and the wall as they strode inside. I shoved the door shut and locked it and my mother gasped audibly. I followed their gazes to the bloody corpse, not caring that I was trembling.
"He... He said that some guy - Akumu, I think - did it to him. He was barely alive when I came in. I-I tried to s-save him but the wound was too d-deep and there was so much b-blood and I--" I didn't even realize I was on the verge of hysterical until Tyler embraced me comfortingly.
He stroked my hair gently and I sobbed into his chest. "R-Roselia saw...she thinks I k-killed him.... A rumor...."
"Ssh, it's okay. Don't worry, that won't happen," Tyler nodded to Dimitri, who left the room quickly.
After a half an hour, the body was gone and my room was cleaned up. Master Gilbert knew I didn't do it and tried to get some information out of me. I gave him as much as I knew, unsure of whether or not it would help. He left after whispering something to my mother and Tyler, who were comforting me.
"Dialla, sweetie? Want some hot cocoa?" my mother offered. "Tea," I mumbled. "Special Tea," Tyler insinuated.
My mom left seconds before Dimitri returned. I've never been so happy to see him and it was at that moment that I realized my 'crush' on him, was slowly but surely becoming more. And, I had a feeling that no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't go away. Dimitri said that he spoke to Roselia and explained that I didn't kill the student - whose name I learned was Jason Hines - and that she promised not to say anything. I decided not to ask Dimitri about the kiss and the mature thing for me to do was to forget it ever happened. It's not like it would happen anytime soon, nor did I want it to. My mom came back with the tea and I took a sip and nearly passed out.
"Wha--what is this stuff?" I slurred drowsily. "It's a sleeping medicine," explained Tyler, "It'll help you relax."
But I didn't want to relax. I wanted to stay awake and just have Diimitri comfort me. I'm not sure why, or how, but I always felt happier when I was with him, even if I refused to show it. My eyes started closing and before I could even sum up a protest, I was asleep. I awoke later to someone shaking me gently. I moaned and rolled onto my side.
"Five more minutes," I groused.
There was a soft chuckle as well as some whispering. Hands were tugging at the sheets and I couldn't react fast enough to avoid being flipped off the bed. I lay on the floor, dazed and disoriented, and looked up two laughing teachers. Well, Dimitri was chuckling, but that was better than nothing. I scrambled to my feet and punched Tyler repeatedely in the chest. He blocked every punch with his hands and continued laughing.
"You jerk! What are you laughing at?" "What? Am I supposed to pretend that wasn't funny?" "Yes! Or, maybe, you shouldn't do that in the first place!" "How else would we get you out of bed?" "Some other way, perhaps?" "Get dressed or you're going to miss breakfast." "Then get out of my room so I can get dressed, you perverts!"
He laughed when I slapped his chest but retreated. Dimitri quickly followed. As I roamed around my room, memories of last night appeared in a flash and I cringed, shaking me head. I changed into my cloak and quickly left for breakfast. Roselia hadn't started a rumor like I suspected, but instead, she told a lot of people what she saw. And by, a lot, I mean, almost the entire school. I realized this because as I was walking to my table, a cold, half-hysterical voice shrieked my name. I didn't even have time to turn around before I was tackled to the floor. My tray of food flew out of my hands, and God must have a sense of humor, because the tray landed right on top of Roselia's pretty head, splattering her with pancakes and syrup. I was to busy being strangled to laugh at her. I clawed at the girl's hands and face, desperately trying to loosen her grip. When that failed, I kneed her in the gut.
And accomplished nothing. Her grip tightened, my eyes were starting to close. Suddenly, the pressure disappeared. Thankfully, someone pulled her off. I started gulping in lungfuls of air and coughed several times.
"You did it! You killed him! I'll kill you!" the girl threatened, being held back by Lance and his roommate Steve. I regained my breathing and stared at her appalled. She started sobbing uncontrollably, sinking to her knees, and Lance and Steve hesitated before rushing to my aid, as did Asalie and Cleao and other students. Mistress Mineva and another teacher who I didn't know took her away, trying to sedate her. Her friends followed them. Lance helped me to my feet and I leaned into him, slightly lightheaded from lack of oxygen.
Once I regained my breath, I met thousands of eyes staring at me, each with different expressions on their faces. I ignored them and went back to my table with Lance and Steve, as if nothing ever happened. Slowly, everyone else did as well. I felt Tyler watching me and glanced over at his table. He was seated with Dimitri and other teachers his age. His eyes were unreadable but he winked twice with his right eye, then once with his left. We need to talk. I nodded in assessment and looked back at my friends.
"Well, that was an interesting way to start the morning," I said, smiling. That was enough to lighten the mood at my table as a few kids laughed. After that, the rest was easy. I fell into step with Tyler on our way to class.
"I assume that was Jason's girlfriend?" I said. He nodded. "It's only natural she would react that way. Once the teachers explain what happened, hopefully she'll calm down." "And if she doesn't?" "You better be alert in case she tries to attack you again." "Great,"
We were silent for the rest of the walk to the gym. I was able to beat Lance one time out of three matches, which was good for me. Unfortunately, he beat me pretty good in the other two matches and when we finished I was rubbing my thigh.
"I hate you," I said and he laughed. "Love you too," Lance helped me to my feet and threw me a lazy smile. "Hey, um, you know we never really got a chance to spend some quality time together, so, want to hang out this weekend? We could go into town and see a movie or something." "Yeah, sure. I mean, I'll have to ask Master Dimitri if he can give me a day off from training, but sure. That'd be nice." He smiled and waited patiently for me while I changed out of my training clothes. He walked me to my next class then left quickly to his next class. Cleao gave me a coy smile.
"What are you grinning at?" I asked. "Lance was the one that kissed you, wasn't he?" she whispered. Her grin increased when my face turned pink. "No, it wasn't him. You're still going on about that?" "Well, it's interesting. I don't see why you don't tell us. We won't tell anyone," "You don't understa--" Wait a second. "-Us? We? Who else did you tell?" A look of guilt appeared on her face. "Oh, uh, sorry, Asalie forced me to tell you." Asalie? She's usually not into gossip like this. Well, it wasn't gossip. Not yet, at least. I had to be careful about who I told about this. Cleao doesn't know it was Dimitri, but if they find out, he'll lose his job and I'll be screwed education wise. Plus, if it wasn't for him, I'd be dead a long, long time ago. The Tarantula thing, those three Extendeds, Auel and his buddies. He's always there for me and always helps me out, no matter how much of a pain I am. He understands me really well and he knows how to make me laugh and--
I shook my head and blinked, gazing into Cleao's confused light blue eyes. She was resting her chin on her hand as she stared at me, like she was studying me. Instinctively, I checked if I was blushing in a mirror. My cheeks were a slight pink, making me ivory face appear cute, but it quickly faded as I composed myself.
"It's not Lance. And I can't tell you, because he doesn't even feel the same way, so it doesn't matter," I lied. Well, sort of. I was pretty sure Dimitri didn't feel the same way. And, even if he did, we couldn't be together. He was ten years older than me. He was learning to write before I was even born. When I was learning to write, he was probably kissing girls. And having girlfriends. A lot of them, probably.
Cleao sighed in defeat. "I guess I can't change your mind, huh?" I shook my head. "Fine, I give up. Take the fun out of everything." I punched her arm. "Oh, shut up." She laughed and Master Dragon came in and we quieted down as he began the lesson. In away, Cleao was right. She did give up. Asalie, however, didn't. She caught me right before my practice with Dimitri and I needed to get rid of her quick, otherwise Dimitri would hunt me down.
"Asalie, I need to get to practice," I protested. "Don't worry, this will only take a second. That is, if you cooperate," she said. "Who kissed you?" "I already told Cleao, I can't tell you." "Why not? You trust us, don't you?" "Yes, but--" "Then why can't you tell us?" "Because he'll get in trouble!" I blurted without thinking. I quickly covered my mouth, knowing it was too late. "What do you mean? How would...." her voice trailed off as her eyes widened. "It was a teacher, wasn't it? Was it Di--"
I quickly covered her mouth and checked to see if anyone was closer enough to hear her. I didn't say anything, but the answer must've been written all over my face. I gave her a curt nod and her eyes practically bulged out of her head, but she quickly controlled herself and I removed my hand.
"Don't you dare tell anyone," I hissed. "Or I swear, I'll kick your little a*s." She wasn't the least bit frightened by my threat, and I didn't expect her to, but I could tell she was serious about keeping quiet about it. "You love him, don't you." It wasn't a question. "I.... I'm not sure. I'm mostly confused. I'm not really sure what love is anymore, after what happened with Ian." "Are you saying you love Ian?" "No! Well, I don't know. It might've been the stupid love spell.... Anyway, that's not the point! The point is I have a huge, HUGE crush on my twenty-five year old teacher who doesn't have the same feelings and probably thinks of me just as a petulant child, or Tyler's sister, or just his student or--!"
Now it was Asalie's turn to shut me up. "Enough. Stop talking like that or you're going to start hyperventilating. Calm down and take some deep breaths." I did as she said and I did a double take at a nearby clock. I was fifteen minutes late for practice.
"S**t! I've got to go. Dimitri's probably going to start hunting me down. We'll talk later, okay?" I said hastily and ran as fast as I could to the gym.
© 2010 Emiko |
Added on January 31, 2010 Last Updated on February 10, 2010 Tower of Swords
Chapter 10
By Emiko
Chapter 11
By Emiko
Chapter 12
By Emiko
Chapter 13
By Emiko
Chapter 14
By EmikoAuthor