![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by EmikoDimitri was walking towards his room after being relieved from his shift. It was one in the morning when a scream shattered the silence of the night. The scream was coming from Dialla's room. Dimitri teleported over to her room and opened her door. She was on her knees, her left hand clutching her neck as she screamed in pain.
"Dialla! What's wrong?" He tried to keep his voice calm, but her mark never hurt her during the night. Or this much before.
She screamed in pain again and he held her hand, trying to comfort her. She gripped it tightly, moaned one last time and fell into his chest. Dimitri got a glance at her mark when she did. It had changed from its usual ebony color to a firey color. Dimitri spat out a curse in Italian and lifted the unconscious girl into her arms. Her blond hair fell in front of her face and Dimitri stood up quickly.
"Master Dimitri!" A girl said.
He turned and saw her friend Asalie, dressed in her nightgown and rubbing her eyes. She blinked several times and saw that Dialla was unconscious.
"Is she alright?" the female rookie asked.
"Get Master Gilbert and tell him to meet me in the infirmary," Dimitri ordered and transported out of the room.
The nurses placed Dialla on the bed and gave her something to help with the pain. He sat in a chair next to her bed and waited for Master Gilbert. Dialla would occasionally twitch in her sleep but other than that, she slept. Master Gilbert appeared minutes later and her mentore explained what had happened.
"I see. I have been pondering over a theory, but I'm not so sure its a theory now." he said finally.
"What is it, sir?" Dimitri inquired.
"I think that her mark is a gift and a curse. I'm assuming it gives her both pain and power. Incredible power.
"So we have to make sure Extended don't obtain that power," Dimitri finished.
"Yes, that's about right. Anyway, we need to test it just to be sure."
"What are you planning, sir?"
"Bring her to the Simulation Room tomorrow but make sure she is unconscious," Gilbert stood up and turned to leave. "Also, make sure Asalie and Lance are there as well."
Dimitri watched him leave then turned back to Dialla. Her breathing was erratic and he placed his hand on her forehead. A slight fever. He moved his hand down to her cheek, then removed it. Although they had only know each other for a few months, Dimitri had gotten fond of his student. She was caring and loyal to her friends, sarcastic and childish at times and very determined. Not to mention how beautiful she--
Dimitri shook his head vigorously and stood up. He went to his room to get some sleep. Dialla was still unconscious when Dimitri visited her the next day. He lifted her up carefully and appeared in the Simulation room in a flash of light, her friends awaiting her. Her mentor placed her down and disappeared without a word. Asalie and Lance looked at each other, then at their dormant friend. Suddenly, they were engulfed in darkness. Minutes passed and the darkness slowly faded into light. They were now outside, in a forest to be precise and it was in the middle of the day.
Rays of light peeked through the pine trees and birds talked to each other. Dialla was still knocked out, asleep in a small den they used as shelter while Asalie and Lance stood in front of her. Unbeknownst to them, incredible power was radiating within her, just waiting to be released. Three Extended stood in front of them, a red-headed boy with freckles, a black haired boy and a light brown haired girl. Black aura swirled around them lethargically.
"Wake up Dialla for us. She's the one we want," The red-head said.
Instead, Asalie and Lance tensed protectively in front of her. The red-head sighed and shook his head.
"Have it your way, then," he said.
There was a slight breeze and the red-head was behind them both, a knife in his hand. Asalie spun and met his attack with her own knife. While the two grappled, the other boy rushed at Lance. Lance intercepted him by catching his fist and throwing his own. The boy caught his fist and he was stuck. The girl took her chance and dashed towards Dialla.
"Asalie!" Lance cried.
Asalie cursed. "Replication!"
A perfect replica of Asalie appeared in a cloud of smoke and attacked the girl. She blocked the attack and they began fighting. At first, Asalie and Lance were doing well, but the girl destroyed her replica with one punch and began to double-team Asalie. She managed to break away and gather some distance between her enemies. She was bruised and had various cuts along her body, as did Lance, who soon joined her. The Extendeds weren't even hurt, but they were tired.
Asalie knew the odds weren't good unless she used her ability. However, her ability was very risk and often times she would loose control of herself. Realizing she was in a bad situation, she closed her eyes. Lance understood what that meant and took a step away from her. Unbeknownst to the Extended, Asalie's ability allowed her to draw strength from her inner animal, a wolf. Slowly, her nails grew longer and sharper, as did her teeth.
Using her newly enhanced speed, she appeared in front of the red-head and slashed her claws, but he had incredible reflexes and just barley avoided her attack. She continued attacking. His teammates were too stunned to move or help him so Lance took this chance and threw knives at them. The girl dodged it but the boy wasn't so lucky. The blade pierced the left side of his chest and he crumpled to the ground. He wasn't dead, but he was seriously wounded. Lance battled the girl while Asalie attacked the boy.
Her fangs sank deep into his forearm and he punched her repeatedly in the head. After about fifteen hits, she was finally thrown off as her ability was starting to falter. Lance was starting to get beat by the girl and was eventually thrown into a tree, momentarily out of commission. Just as Asalie returned to her normal state, Dialla's eyes opened. A purple aura swirled around her and as she got to her feet, small rocks floated into the air. Her entire left side of her body was covered in marks that spread like fire. Once they settled in, they changed from their firey color to their original ebony color.
My body was being filled with power. Power that I've never felt before. It felt so....good. I saw Asalie in front of me and Lance was getting to his feet on my left. They were both pretty beat up, and my power flared. I glowered at the two Extended in front of me. A girl with brown hair was just about ready to faint, while a red-haired boy was smirking at me. I took him out first.
"Well, look who finally woke up," he said and raised both of his hands at all three of us.
A large force of air filled the vicinity in an explosion, engulfing us in debris. When the smoke and his attack cleared, we were no where in sight.
"Well, look at that. Blew 'em all away,"
"Not quite." I was behind him now, along with Asalie and Lance.
The back of my fist connected with his head. He did a flip in the air and bounced a few times, coughing loudly. His teammate helped him to his feet and I heard her say that they should leave. I wasn't going to let them. I took in a deep breath and blew, but instead of air, a large ball of fire flew out of my mouth. It engulfed them and their screams reached my ears and I laughed mentally. I remember Dimitri talking to me about how to kill Extended. They die the same way we can, stabbed through the heart, decapitation or anyone way you would kill someone, but because they are stronger it is difficult. A stab through the heart is the easiest way to kill someone, but burning worked too.
When the spell died out, the marks turned back to their firey color, but I felt no pain. Instead, they slowly receded back to my neck and I sank to my knees, panting. Asalie and Lance approached me and I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
"You okay?" asked Asalie.
"I.... I think so," I breathed.
I didn't even notice how hard I was trembling until Lance placed his hand on mine.
"It's okay," he soothed me. "It's over. We're safe."
My trembling slowly died down and I nodded. They helped me to my feet and I stumbled slightly. Lance wrapped his arm around my waist to steady me.
"Simulation complete," A computerized voice boomed and I jumped.
I blinked startled and the forest began to fade away in a flash and we were in some kind of chamber. There was a large window off to my right and I saw Dimitri and Gilbert. I looked back to Asalie and Lance and their injuries were gone. A door opened and Gilbert and Dimitri approached us. Dimitri handed me a bottle of water.
"Drink this. You'll feel better," he ordered.
I complied and took a few quick sips, then drank deeper, surprised by my own thirst.
"Now, if you don't mind, what the hell was that? What happened to the Extended? And how did I do that spell? And--" Master Gilbert held up his hand and silenced me.
"Calm down and allow me to explain." I nodded. "This is the Simulation Room where we bring students to practice handling situations before sending them out on missions. Other times we use it for students to find out what their ability is. However, you have to be a Level 2, in order for that to happen." I frowned at that. Dimitri never mentioned that. "You are here because I had a theory about your mark and I wanted to test it. And my theory was correct."
"And that theory is...?" I prodded.
"That your mark is both a gift and a curse. It is a curse because it causes you so much pain. That pain, however, I believe is making you stronger. Which is how you were able to perform that Level 2 Elemental spell." Gilbert explained.
"It also increases your speed and strength," Dimitri added.
Gilbert nodded. "Yes. However, because of your mark, there is a good chance that Extended will be after you."
"Oh, great," I grumbled.
He smirked slightly and the bell rang for class. I was starting to get the hang of the Elemental Magic and I hadn't burned myself in a while, but now I was struggling with the other elements. The rumor was still going on, and a lot of people believe it, but as long as my friends didn't and Ian didn't, I didn't care. Once my training with Dimitri ended, he increased the routine to make it a little more difficult, adding more suicides and pull-ups, I took a shower and met Ian in the garden.
He hugged my and I inhaled his intoxicating scent and sighed deeply. I snuggled into his chest and he stroked my hand. We sat on the garden bench and I rested my head on his shoulder while his arm draped my shoulders. We stayed like that for most of the night.
"Are you dressing up for the dance, Ian?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"I wasn't planning to. Are you?"
"Well, I had a cat costume," I paused, seeing the look on his face. "But I could wear something else, if you'd like."
"Such as?"
I contemplated this. "Um, I could borrow a dress from my friend."
He nodded. "Black would look good on you."
I blushed. "O-Okay. Black it is."
After dinner, I asked Cleao if I could borrow a dress. I've never seen so many clothes in a closet. As soon as she opened it, I thought they were going to crush us in an avalanche. After digging through her clothes, she pulled out a satin, tube-top-like dress. I could tell without even putting it on that it would show all my curves. She gave me a pair of shoes to match. I thanked her and hid it in my closet until the next night.
The dress fit perfectly, though the shoes were a little small and hurt my feet. I left my hair down with a few loose curls in it. Ian picked me up at nine and we strolled into the gym. Music blared and lights flashed all over the gym. As I scanned the dance floor, I noticed nobody was dressed in a costume. I was grateful that Ian told me not to wear the costume. Roselia managed to keep her mouth shut, but people were surprised we were together. I ignored them completely and only focused on Ian.
There were a few slow songs, which we danced to and whenever there wasn't a slow song playing, we were in a corner making out. After an hour, Ian asked if I wanted to come back to his room with him. I should've said no, but I was so dizzy from all the kissing and couldn't think straight so I said yes. We went back to his room and he shut the door behind us. He kissed me, gently at first, then deeper and hungrier. It consumed me and his hands roamed my body while my wrapped around his neck. His cold hands traveled down to the edge of my dress and I shuddered as he touched my skin. He lifted it up slowly, teasingly until it was off my body. He threw it on the floor then pushed me onto the bed.
I don't really remember what happened after that, but I suddenly found myself laying against his chest, our naked bodies pressed together. We were both breathing heavily and he planted kisses all along my body. He rolled over so he was on top. He moved down to my neck where my mark was ans he began to suck on it. I moaned softly and he smirked against my skin, nuzzling my neck. I giggled, then shrieked when the door flew open. Ian moved from my neck and stared lesiurely at the door. Seeing the intruder, he got off me and pulled on some pants. He blocked my view but my question was answered when he spoke.
"You're interrupting, Lance," he said quietly.
"Lance?!" I yelped and tried to cover my breasts.
Ian pulled the sheets over me and covered my body. His younger brother realized what happened and shot his brother a horrid look.
"Relax, I used protection," Ian said nonchalantly.
"You sick b*****d!" Lance shouted and rushed at Ian but a quick kick in the stomach sent him flying out into the hallway.
He slammed into the wall and just as he got to his feet, Ian appeared next to him and punched him hard in the face. He bounced on the floor twice and rolled a few yards. He got back to his feet, ignoring the blood on his chin. Several minutes passed while I untangled myself from the sheets, falling on the floor as I did, and all I could hear was Lance's moans and yelps of pain.
Then he was screaming.
Long screams of agony that made my heart ache. I got my dress on quickly and bolted out of the room. Ian had Lance pinned to the wall and I couldn't see what he was doing but I knew it was hurting him.
"Ian! Stop it!" I screeched. "Stop hurting him!"
Lance was unconscious and Ian was gone by the time I reached them at the end of the hall. There was blood on his lip but that was all I could perceive. I shook Lance, trying to wake up but to no prevail. I slung his limp arm over my shoulder and brought him to the infirmary. The nurses took him in immediately and I couldn't bear to stay with him so I went to the one person I could talk to.
I knocked hard on his door, waiting impatiently. The door opened and I must've caught him in the shower because he only had pants on, but his chest and - which I've never seen before - glistened from the water. His normally spiky brown hair clung to his face and drops of water hung from the ends. His emerald eyes were flooded with confusion. I ignored his well-built chest and looked directly at him, tears brimming my eyes.
"Dimitri..." I moaned, tears spilling down my cheeks.
All he could do, was open his mouth before I buried my face in his chest, sobbing hard. He stumbled back a little, his arms went around me, shocked. He pulled me inside and swiftly shut the door with his foot. I managed to explain to Dimitri what had happened even though I was sobbing. I had to stop for a few minutes when I was explaining that Ian had slept with me. I was too busy crying to notice the anger, shock and pain scarred Dimitri's face.
"Are you...pregnant?" he struggled with the word.
I shook my head, whimpering. "No, he used protection." I laughed harshly. "I can't believe how stupid I was. And naive, too. Lance got hurt because of me and I just got knocked up by a selfish, lying son of a b***h!" I looked directly at Dimitri, who was analyzing everything I said. "That's why you need to stop messing around and teach me how to fight! I already know how to run, I need to know how to fight so I can defend myself from stuff like this! And to protect people I care about!"
I burst into small sobs again, trying hard to control myself. Dimitri brought my head to his shoulder and I sobbed into it. His hands went to the small of my back and he just held me like that while I wept. I'm not sure how long I cried for, but I was exhausted when I was finished. Tears stained my cheeks and Dimitri told me to go to sleep. He looked like he was leaving and I didn't want him to. I couldn't be alone. Not now.
"Dimitri, I--" He stared at me. "Will you, uh.... will you stay here? With me?"
My voice was so soft I was amazed he heard it. He met my gaze and tucked some of my hair behind my ear.
"I'll be right here. I won't leave you, I promise."
A small smile appeared on my lips and I laid down on the bed. I watched him for a minute, wanting to know if he was serious. As if reading my mind, Dimitri grabbed his James Patterson book and sat down in a chair. Once I was certain he would stay, I shut my eyes and sleep found me. Familiar, hushed voices awoke me later. I recognized them as Dimitri and Tyler. I didn't open my eyes just yet. I wanted to hear what they were talking about.
"It looks like she was under an infatuation spell, but I think it's broken now." Dimitri noted.
"How does a love spell break?" my clueless brother asked.
I heard an exasperated sigh from my mentor before he spoke. "A love spell breaks when either the caster falls in love with someone else, the victim falls in love with someone else, or the caster willingly breaks the spell. I doubt that Dialla is in love with anyone, the same for Ian, so we'll have to assume that he was planning to have sex with Dialla, then kidnap her and betray the Tower. Fortunately for us, Lance intervened which screwed up Ian's plan."
"When I find him, I'm going to kick his little a*s!" Tyler hissed.
"You'll have to get in line. Besides, if anyone should do it, it should be Dialla. And keep your voice down. We don't want to wake her," Dimitri whispered.
I sat up in bed, surprised at how stiff I was, and rubbed my eyes. "Dimitri?"
They were both sitting in a chair and turned to look at me. Dimitri shot Tyler an irritated look before getting up and approaching me.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, concerned.
"Something....with Ian...." The memories hit me like a ton of bricks. "And Lance, too...." I cringed and shook my head.
"Lance is alright. He's safe," Dimitri assured me.
"Why did you tell Tyler?" I whispered.
"He has a right to know. He's your brother," Dimitri made no effort to soften his voice.
"And my mother?"
"She'll be notified as well."
"Anyway, Dialla, Dimitri says you want to learn how to fight. Is that correct?"
"Yes," I answered firmly. "I want to be able to defend myself and people I care about."
"The training will be tough and you'll be sore for a while. You won't have much time for anything else. Are you sure about this?"
"Yes," I repeated curtly.
Tyler considered this for a long moment, then nodded. "Go clean yourself up and meet us in the gym."
I complied and went back to my room. No one saw me and I was glad. I looked horrible. My auburn eyes were bloodshot and dry tears clung to my cheeks. After a hot shower, they were gone and I changed into my sparring clothes. When I emerged into the gym, Dimitri and Tyler were waiting for me. Tyler certaintly wasn't kidding when he said that the training would be rough. First they tested my reflexes. I had pretty good reflexes, but my moves were uncoordinated and clumsy. Dimitri analyzed every move I made and worked on moves and techniques to improve my reflexes, despite my clumsiness. Tyler started showing some moves and I began to understand why I was getting beat in class.
Tyler let me practice the moves on him, but every time I tried, I got smacked down onto the mat. I groaned in frustration.
"What am I doing wrong?!"
"Nothing, these moves are new to you, that's all," Tyler consoled me.
I sighed and got back to my feet and continued sparring. After practice I was sore and exhausted. Dimitri would now have training sessions before and after classes to help me catch up with my classmates. Tyler would help me out a much as he could when I had class with him and Dimitri would work on my reflexes as well as my fighting skills. In other words, I'm going to be hurting for a couple of weeks.
© 2010 Emiko |
Added on January 17, 2010 Last Updated on February 18, 2010 Tower of Swords
Chapter 10
By Emiko
Chapter 11
By Emiko
Chapter 12
By Emiko
Chapter 13
By Emiko
Chapter 14
By EmikoAuthor