![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by EmikoAfter watching his older brother and friend make out, Lance was furious. He was mainly furious at his brother, for trying to steal yet another girl he was infatuated with. He had to warn Dialla, but the question was: Would she believe him? Would she believe that Ian was only using her for his own purposes? He doubted that. He decided to confront his brother.
"I told you to stay away from my friends, Ian," Lance growled.
"Hey, I'm sorry you have such attractive friends. Though, Dialla is something else. She interests me." Ian flashed his brother a sly smile.
"Stay away from her," Lance repeated.
"I can, but the real question is can she? I've already cast me spell and you should know by now that nobody can break my spell except me," Ian stated.
"If you hurt her, I swear to God I'm going to kill you myself!" the younger brother threatened.
Ian chuckled, amused. "Good luck. You can't even touch me. How do you plan to kill me?"
Lance glared and remained silent. Ian smirked triumphantly.
"See you later, little bro," he turned and stalked into the darkness.
Ever since Ian kissed me, he and I have been meeting every night after dinner. Sometimes, I would even sneak out after curfew in order to see him. Surprisingly, I've never gotten caught. However, because of the all the late nights, I've been slipping up in class. In just a few weeks, I was now back where I started at the beginning of the year. Behind everyone else. But it wasn't because I didn't know the stuff, I did, I just couldn't focus. My face would still burn every time I thought of his kiss.
I was really getting killed in sparring and Tyler started to notice. When he asked me about it, I just made up an excuse. It was one afternoon at lunch while I was fantasied about Ian when Cleao abruptly ran over to my table. I hadn't seen him all day and I felt weird. I felt like I had just woken up from a coma.
"Dialla! Is it true?!" she gasped, out of breath.
"Is what true?" I interrogated, puzzled.
"The rumor!"
"What rumor?"
"The rumor about you having a secret alliance with some Extended," Asalie said, coming up behind Cleao.
"What?! Who the hell--" My voice trailed off as a smug blonde walked by. I recalled what she had said.
You don't want to mess with me and if you do, you'll regret it. I won't show any mercy.
"Roselia," I growled and stood up from my table.
I strode over to where Roselia sat, ignoring my friends' protests. She smirked conceitedly and I grabbed her forearm and pulled her out of her seat. She was light as a feather and stumbled a few feet before catching herself on another table. Her eyes glistened with anger, but her face was calm.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" I snapped.
"I think, I'm Dimitri's sister and I think I told you to stop flirting with him. You didn't listen so now you pay for it. And don't even try to start a fight or you'll lose."
Unfortunately, she was right. It was bad enough I was falling behind in class, but she knew what her ability was. And, even if I had one, I didn't know what it was or how to use it. My hands curled into fists and I felt a hand touch mine. The hand was warm, so at first I assumed it was Ian, but to my surprise, it was Lance. I hadn't really talked to him in the past couple of days, mostly because I was daydreaming, so I was surprised at what he did next. He stood in front of me and leaned close to Roselia. He whispered something lowly to her and her eyes widened in shock, then narrowed at him.
"You wouldn't dare," she whispered.
"Try me," he quipped.
Roselia glared at Lance and gave me one last chilling look before leaving the cafeteria. I stared at Lance in silence, completely shocked.
"What," I asked when I found my voice. "did you do?"
"She's not the only one who can spread bad rumors about people. I know some things about her that she doesn't want people to know about," Lance said simply.
That caught my interest. "Such as?"
"That's irrelevant. For right now, at least,"
I frowned and playfully punched his arm and then hugged him. "Thanks, Lance."
He stiffened and I could tell I caught him off guard but he soon relaxed and his arms closed around my waist. I released him after a moment and I could see a faint pink across his cheeks.
"Yeah, well, that's what friends are for. Even if you are dating my brother, you're still my friend. And that's what matters the most."
"Woah, wait. You mean...you know?" I hadn't told anyone about Ian.
"I, uh, saw you and him in the garden," I felt a blush creep on my cheeks as the scene of our kiss flashed in my mind.
"Oh, ah, um, sorry," I mumbled.
"Don't worry about it," he replied, embarrassed.
"Anyway, how far has the rumor spread?" I asked.
"About the entire school knows including some teachers."
"What about Master Gilbert and Tyler?"
"Tyler probably knows and I doubt Master Gilbert knows, but at this rate, it won't take long before he finds out."
"Great," I sighed and ran a hand through my blonde tresses.
The rest of the day was terrible. Since I declined the fight, Roselia and her friends, were smug and cocky. Whispers were heard and people stared. It was making it really hard to concentrate. At one point, I punched a wall in frustration. My knuckles started to bleed badly but I didn't bother to go to the infirmary. Instead, I just went to the gym to see Dimitri. He was reading a James Patterson book and he looked up when I came in.
"Can we please, please do something with hitting? I'm in a really bad mood," I grumbled.
"Did you try punching a wall?" Same sardonic Dimitri.
"Yeah," I raised my bloody hand.
He sat up fluidly and got to his feet. "What--Dialla I was kidding!"
He appeared in front of me in a second and pulled me over to the benches while he got a first-aid kit. He wet a cloth and he started cleaning my hand.
"I presume you know about the rumor," I stated.
"Yes," he replied. "Any idea who started it?"
"You mean you haven't figured it out? It was Roselia, obviously."
"Roselia? She would never--"
"I hate to burst your bubble, but she's not exactly a perfect angel. She a self-righteous, egotistical little bi-- Ouch!" Dimitri put some ointment on my hand and it stung.
"I already knew that. I meant, she wouldn't do that without a good reason. What happened between you two? And don't try to lie because you're terrible at it."
I was tempted to make a face at that, but composed myself.
"She accused me of flirting with yo-- someone and she threatened me. I ignored her and she started the rumor,"
Dimitri's eyes narrowed as he analyzed this, then he sighed.
"She has a huge crush on me. Or, well, obsession, rather. It started when we first met, which was two years ago. Her parents suggested that I become her guardian in the event that something were to happen to them. Now she gets jealous whenever I spend time with another student - distinctly a female - but rather than scold me, she picks a fight with the girl. So, in a way, it's my fault."
I was touched that he was taking this upon his own hands, but I didn't want him to protect me from a stupid rumor that we both know was fake.
"Don't apologize. It's just a rumor. Nothing I can't handle,"
He finished cleaning my hand and was now bandaging it.
"Although, why are you her guardian? Shouldn't your parents be her guardian?" I asked.
As soon as those words left my lips, I regretted them instantly. Dimitri still bandaged my hand but his face was grim.
"My mother is a very kind woman, but she doesn't like Roselia's mother. Supposedly, they have a rivalry and it affected both our families. Now, her mother only trusts me or my sisters."
"And your father?"
He was silent for a few minutes and I had a feeling he didn't want to talk about it.
"Uh, nevermind. You don't have to talk about it--"
"Actually, it's not that bad."
He nodded. "My father was an alcoholic and he would beat up my mother. Even my sisters," Dimitri finished with my hand but he didn't release them. I didn't want him to.
"Oh man," My hand tightened and he gave me a gently squeeze. "That's terrible! And she just... she just let him? She didn't do anything?"
"No, she didn't. Neither did my sisters. Although, they were too young to comprehend why he was doing it."
"Do you have any brothers?"
"Yes, one older one. But he was away at the time, so I did it for him."
I beamed and stared at him eagerly. "You beat the crap out of him, didn't you? Please say yes, or I'll have to smack you!"
He looked like he wanted to smile. "Yes, I did," He paused for a moment, contemplating something. "When I was... ten. No, eleven, I think."
I gaped at him. "Eleven? When I was eleven I just learned how to punch someone! But you... you beat up your dad! Wow... that's just...." I couldn't think of any words to describe it.
"It wasn't that difficult. I was stronger than him, even if he was taller. I wouldn't allow anyone to harm my family. Or anybody I care about," Dimitri squeezed my hand again and my cheeks burned slightly. I looked away, embarrassed and he released me hand.
"Speaking of fighting, do you think you could teach me a few moves?" I asked, changing the subject.
"No. Now come on, it's time for some running," Dimitri got up abruptly.
I copied him. "Can I at least find out what my ability is? If I even have one, that is."
"No, that is too dangerous for you. Now stop stalling and run," he ordered.
I groaned inwardly but obeyed.
After dinner I expected to see Ian, but there was no sign of him. I frowned at that, wondering where he was. My mind told me to search for him and I agreed. I roamed around the Tower, searching everywhere I could to find him. A door opened ahead of me and Ian stepped out. He saw me and he had a surprised look on his face as I leapt into his arms.
"Ian! I haven't seen you all day," I said. "The rumors I swear their not true!"
He recovered and he leaned away so he could look at me. "I know that. You would never do something like that, would you, Dialla." he stroked my cheek as he spoke.
I smiled and nodded. He draped his arm around my shoulder and at that moment, it was as if I was asleep again. Helpless, but happy. As long as I was with him, I could do anything. We went into the garden again and I revoked what Lance had said about how he saw us and stopped abruptly. Ian stopped as well, since our hands were linked together.
"Something wrong, love?" he had started calling me that about a week ago.
"I just remembered that Lance saw us when we were here the first time," I said softly.
"Is that right? I'll have to talk to him about that,"
I tensed and looked at him, fear in my eyes. "Don't hurt him."
He looked slightly surprised, but it vanished in a second. "I'm just going to talk to him. I want to find out if anyone else knows about us."
A new voice appeared. "Yes, that would be bad, wouldn't it." Roselia. That b***h.
I turned around and she had a complacent smirk on her face that I so badly wanted to smack off. I started to get up from the bench we were sitting on, but Ian placed his hand on mine comfortingly. He patted it a few times, before standing up.
"Roselia Everlasting, I presume?" Ian said. "So, you're the one who started that rumor about Dialla. Well, you better end it. Now." As Ian spoke, he moved closer to her; She stepped back instinctvely.
"I will not allow anyone to harm her, whether it be physically, emotionally, or verbally. And I am not a person to mess with. You can go ahead and ask Issac Joule about what I did to him in the ninth grade if you want proof. Stop the rumors." his voice was cold and threatening, a side of Ian I've never seen before. It was scary and it must've scared her too, because Roselia's face had drained of all color and she hurried away.
Ian smirked and returned to me on the bench and placed his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and my head fit perfectly into his neck.
"What did you do to Issac Joule?" I asked after minutes passed.
A chuckle rumbled in his chest and it vibrated my body. "I broke his arm by shoving him into a wall."
"I caught him staring at my girlfriend."
"An over-protective boyfriend, huh? I'd like that... sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Confusion was evident in his voice.
"Yeah, I mean if we were together, we would have to have some ground rules, right? Like I would be able to hang out with Lance and some other guys."
He smirked. "If I allowed it."
I stared at him, amused. "You think you can tell me what to do?"
"Of course. As your boyfriend, I would be the only boy you would give attention to you."
"Well, that goes for you, as well. If I saw you flirting with other girls, I would beat you to a bloody pulp. If we were together, that is."
"Are you saying we're not together?"
"Are you saying we are?"
"That depends on what you think of this," he kissed me passionately and I immediately kissed back, sliding my hands along his muscular chest. The kiss didn't last long, though as he broke the kiss abruptly.
"Yeah, I guess we're together," I giggled when he ruffled my hair.
"I guess so. What's say we head back to my room, huh? We'll less likely get caught."
"I-I'm not doing it, Ian," I stammered, red-faced.
"Of course not. I wouldn't do that to you. Never." His eyes were sincere and I believed him instantly. "However, it's getting late. You should head back to your room."
I pouted, but complied and he escorted me back to my room. After giving my a long kiss goodbye, I slipped inside and changed into my nightgown. Sleep found me quickly but I was interrupted around one in the morning when my mark palpitated painfully and awoke me from my dream. My eyes shot open and my hand flew to my neck. It was the most intense amount of pain the mark has even given me and I screamed in pain. I actually rolled off my bed and onto the floor, writhing in pain.
The faint sound of my door opening and footsteps approaching me quickly reached my ears.
"Dialla! What's wrong?" Dimitri's frantic voice spoke. My answer was a scream of pain.
His warm hand found mine and I gripped it for dear life as I let out one final yowl of pain before I blacked out and sank into his chest. © 2010 EmikoAuthor's Note
Added on January 8, 2010 Last Updated on January 17, 2010 Tower of Swords
Chapter 10
By Emiko
Chapter 11
By Emiko
Chapter 12
By Emiko
Chapter 13
By Emiko
Chapter 14
By EmikoAuthor