![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by EmikoOnce Gilbert left, Tyler tossed me a small bottle, which I was able to catch with my left hand despite the fact that I was right-handed.
"Just take one. You should be fine," he said, and moved behind me.
I did so and he said that he was going to relocate my shoulder. I nodded, bracing myself. I found out later I didn't need to. My entire right arm was completely numb. In a matter of minutes, and after a small amount of pain, my shoulder popped into place. I grunted and made a face when Tyler said it had to stay in the sling for a few days.
He smiled. "Anyway," he turned to Dimitri. "Dima, I'm going out for a while to get some things for her. While I'm gone, can you just give her a little heads up? Tell her anything she thinks she should know, answer her questions, stuff like that."
Dimitri nodded and Tyler gave me a short wave, before also disappearing in a flash of light. Dimitri turned to me and his emerald eyes narrowed. My hand was over my mouth as I snickered at his nickname. When I met his gaze, I immediately stopped laughing and tried to play it off as a cough.
"Ah, sorry," I mumbled. "Let's go upstairs," he said, and walked up the wooden stairs. I followed him until we got into the living room.
"So, Dima," I giggled. "What are we--" My voice trailed off as I looked at him.
His gaze was indurate and I looked away. A tingling feeling spread throughout my body each time I looked at him and I couldn't understand why.
"You can sense my aura, can't you?" Dimitri asked. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "Your aura?"
He nodded, then sat down on a leather couch in my living room. I hesitated for a moment, but copied the movement.
"Your aura is your magical energy that allows you to perform spells. You can tell how strong or weak an opponent is based on how strong their aura is," Dimitri explained. "I can feel yours and you can feel mine, correct?" I nodded. "Yeah, it's....powerful." He gave a curt nod in agreement then continued. "There are two types of magic: Elemental Magic and Non-Elemental Magic. Non-Elemental Magic are spells that have nothing to do with the elements. There are some spells that we use our voice for, and some we don't. For example," His voice trailed of as he raised his hand at me. I flinched when he said the next words. "I command you, Levitate!"
Slowly, my body was being lifted from the comfortable chair and I was freaking out. I struggled to move my body but it was frozen. Sensing my discomfort, he lowered me back to the couch. I clung to it for dear life, not wanting to do that again.
"There are other spells like that that you will learn later when you arrive at the Tower. Also, there are some Non-Elemental spells that don't require you to say anything. It just responds with your emotions. Moving on. Elemental Magic. Elemental Magic, as the name states, are spells using the four elements: air, water, earth and fire. We don't need to use our voices for these spells, but it takes a lot of concentration to perform them. Technically, every sorcerer or sorceress can use all elements, but they are usually assigned to one element. My main element is air, but I've trained with all the other elements as well."
As he spoke, the atmosphere around us got colder by at least ten degrees or more. Outside, it was autumn but inside it was like winter. I shivered.
"Okay, I get it," I said. The air returned to its normal room temperature and I sighed with relief. "Each type of magic uses your aura, however Elemental Magic uses more aura than Non-Elemental Magic so you need to be careful. If you use too much of your aura you can die," Dimtri added.
I quelled a shudder that endeavored to take control of my body.
"How do you know if you use too much aura?" Dimitri paused as he contemplated this. "Well, you sort of know when your running low. You feel exhausted and it becomes difficult to perform spells."
I nodded and he moved on.
"Next, the school has a system called Levels, which determine how powerful you are. Levels don't correspond to your age or year with the exception of first years. You could be a fifth year student and still be a Level 2 and vise versa. All first years students start of at Level 1. In order for you to move up a Level, you have to complete an exam but each exam is harder than the one before. The highest Level is 6. Once you reach that Level, and depending on your age, you technically graduate and can either teach at the current Tower you are at, or be transfered to a differnt Tower. There are thousands of Towers all over the world.
"Missions are also marked with Levels however there are only five of them. You start missions when you are a Level 2, but you may only receive Level 1 and maybe Level 2 missions, depending on how strong you are. Sometimes you may have to do missions on your own, other times you may be with two extra people, depending on the missions Level. If the mission is a Level 4 or Level 5, you will always be accompanied with a teacher, however, until we are confident you will be fine on your own, and because you are new to this, you personally will be accompanined with either myself, Tyler or any other avaliable teacher."
"Okay, next." "Another thing you should know, is that every sorcerer or sorceress has a mark, but not all of them spread across their body like yours. Also, certain sorcerers have a special ability." "What do you mean?" "Some people may be able to see into the future, some may be able to read minds, some can control emotions and other stuff like that. It all varies." "I see, is that your mark?" I gestured to the green flame on his arm. "Yes. All marks vary in shape and size and they can appear on any part of your body. "Do you have a special ability?" He nodded. "What is it?"
Whether or not he was going to tell me, I'll never know because the grandfather clock began chiming. It chimed eleven times and I waited for him to tell me what his ability was. He didn't. Instead, he got up from the couch and announced that I get to bed. I declined and begged for him to teach me a spell. He declined and we argued for a couple of minutes.
"At least show me a spell! But don't you dare levitate me again!" I warned. He closed his eyes for a moment. "Yes, very well." I beamed. "Really? Awesome! What spell are you going to do?"
He appeared in front of me and I was so shocked with his speed I didn't have time to react when his hand was in front of my face. "A sleeping spell," he whispered.
Within seconds, his hypnotic spell had taken control of my body and my eyes fully closed as I fell forward into his chest.
Dimitri placed Dialla's dormant body gently on her bed and she actually groused in her sleep. He assumed it was from being removed from warmth so suddenly. He scanned the room and covered her with an afghan. She took note of the blanket, and swathed herself within it like a cocoon. Her blonde hair had fallen in front of her pale face. There was a tug at his lips, like he wanted to smile, but he composed himself and returned to his normal callous appearance.
He needed something to pass the time until Tyler returned and watching someone sleep wasn't his idea of entertaining. He made due with a book he chose arbitrarily. A half hour passed as he scanned the pages. He crossed the room abruptly and ended at the window. He leaned against it casually, making sure to have Dialla in his view, and glanced out the window.
He cursed in Italian as three figures were seen approximately fifty feet away. He couldn't see there faces, but he didn't need to see their faces. A dark aura radiating around them was all he needed to identify them. Extended. He had to get Dialla out of here.
"Dimitri?" he whirled around, surprised to find the girl awake. Or well, slightly awake.
She was rubbing her eyes which were drooping. He looked back at the window and the figures were gone, but he could still sense there presence. They were retreating. But why? It didn't make sense.
"Dimitri? What's the matter?" Dialla's voice reached his ears and he turned around. "How are you awake? That spell was supposed to have kept you under for several hours," he interrogated her, ignoring her own question. She shrugged. "Did you mess up? And that was a mean trick, Dima." She smirked.
He mentally damned Tyler to the pits of hell for uttering the nickname he loathed. He sensed his presence downstairs and turned to leave.
"Go back to bed," he ordered and shut the door.
"You sure took your sweet time," Dimitri noted.
Tyler rolled his eyes, his hands full of boxes and bags. "Oh, give me a break. The crowds were huge. Anyway, what did I miss?" "Three Extended were just outside. There's a good chance they were after her, but they retreated moments ago," Tyler nodded, realizing the situation. "Right. In that case, wake Dia... No, nevermind, let her sleep. Can you carry her?" Dimitri nodded. "She is partially awake."
"Go get her. We need to leave now,"
Dimitri appeared in Dialla's room in an instant thanks to his speed. He gripped her shoulders tightly, shaking her. "Dialla," his velvet voice muttered. "Wake up. Now." Her eyes opened immediately and she blinked several times. "Now what?"
Ignoring her sardonic comment, he picked her swiftly, one hand supporting her legs and lower back, his other hand supporting her neck and upper back. She gasped inaudibly and they appeared in the living room in seconds. Tyler had taken care of Dialla's bags and was waiting for them.
"Dia, think you can run?" questioned Tyler.
Dimitri placed the exhausted girl on her feet but kept one hand on her waist in case she fell. He doubted she could keep up with them if they ran but didn't say anything.
"I think so," I slurred. "What's going on?" "There's no time to explain," my brother said and he scooped me up into his arms with ease.
After waiting for a moment, he sprinted out the door with a speed I've never seen before. Dimitri was slightly behind us. Just by how tense they were, I knew the situation was serious. I was tempted to ask questions, but I kept my mouth shut. I tried to look around, to try and find out where we were, but everything was a blur. Flashes of lights and colors caught my eye and I assumed we were on the highway. Or, at least the woods of it.
Suddenly a cloaked figure appeared in front of us, his hand raised at us. I flinched and Tyler yelled his comrade's name and threw me. For some reason, Dimitri was looking behind us, but hearing both his name and me screaming caused him to turn around. He caught my and stumbled a little bit but regained his tempo of speed. Tyler gave him a curt nod, and Dimitri leaped into the air. At that moment, a slight wind blew several leaves that floated in the air and we disapeared among them.
"Put me down!" I shrieked and thrashed as hard as I could.
Dimitri had me now over his shoulder in a vice grip. Dimitri ignored me and continued running through the woods until we were in a city, which I later realized was Boston, and soon an airport. When we reached the airport, he slowed his speed down to a normal speed. My head spun and ached and I rubbed my temple. He placed my on my feet, keeping one hand on my wrist and he forced me to move quickly with him.
"We have to get back! Tyler's in trouble!" "Be quiet," his voice was harsh and firm but it only made me squirm more. "No! How could you abandon him like that? Bring me back there now or I'll--"
Whatever threat I was attempting to make was diminished when I was now up against the wall, my feet dangling. His hands locked mine and pinned them above my head. People around us stopped and stared but at the moment I didn't care. I was terrified at his fierceness. I was at eye-level with him and green orbs burned with anger.
"Listen to me! Those men were after you! They were trying to kill you! If you don't be quiet and keep up with me, they'll catch up with us and kill you!" He kept his voice low, but was scary and cold.
Tears stung in my eyes and I blinked hard several times and bit my lip hard. Then I nodded and he released me and we made our way to a desk. A woman was dressed in a white shirt and had her ID clipped to her shirt. I compared the picture in her ID with her face now and assumed she has been here for at least ten years. She had brown hair which was tied in a bun and equally colored eyes. They were filled with kindness and warmth, as was her smile.
"How may I--" She began but Dimitri reached into his shirt and pulled out a necklace. It was a sword with a dragon wrapped around it.
"I need you to get me a jet and two pilots immediately," He commanded firmly.
She hesitated but looked at the pendant, then nodded and grabbed a phone. She spoke into it rapidly then hung up.
"You're all set. Go to Gate A12," she said. "Have a nice trip." "You have my gratitude," Dimitri kissed her cheek quickly then pulled me away.
The jet took off as soon as we settled in and it felt like I was in a hotel. White comfortable chairs were positioned everywhere on the plane with a bar near the back of the plane and a few television sets towards the front. I took a window seat while Dimitri talked to the pilots. Drops of liquid fell from the sky. They increased in amount and horrible winds aided the rain to soak the earth. Dimitri took his seat next to me and I heard him say that we were heading to Washington but that was it.
My mind blocked the rest out. Right now, my mind was like a theatre, just playing memories of my brother - good ones and bad ones. I'm not sure how long it went on for, but it was interrupted by a voice.
"Here," my brown haired acquaintance said.
I looked over at him and he was on his feet, a bottle of water and snacks were extended towards me. When I didn't move, he placed them on the floor and sat down.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled. For a second, I thought I was hearing things until he continued. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. You were bewildered and frightened and I just made it worse. And for that, I apologize."
I nearly gaped at him. He was looking directly at me and his eyes were now compassionate and genuine. Tears threatened to come back but I shook my head and they disapeared.
"Is....Is Tyler going to be alright?" My voice trembled as I spoke. "I can't be sure. Extendeds are...well, they are a different type or sorcerers. Extendeds can conduct spells like we can, however they can only perform Elemental Magic. Although that is a disadvantage for them, their physical abilities are superior to ours. They are faster and stronger than we are. Basically, we rely on spells to kill them while they rely on brute force. Right now, we are at war with the Extendeds because they believe they are the future of humanity and that Naturals - normal humans - should be killed. We protect the Naturals although there are some that despise us and think that we are deceiving them. There are also some Naturals that help the Extendeds." "Why?" "Extended aren't immortal, but they live longer most humans. Naturals want that power." "So, how do they become an Extended?" "There are two main ways. One, is by force. If an Extended cuts you and then heal you. The other way is by choice. But, if you go by choice, you have to prove you are commited and kill someone precious to you. It works on us, too." "How can Extended heal someone if they can only use Elemental spells?" "It's a special ability they all have. Their hands glow a green aura and all they have to do is press their hands against the wound for a few minutes. Any wound will work as well, even a small cut." "Have you seen anyone turned into an Extended?" Dimitri fell silent and I bit my lip, wishing I hadn't said that. "Yeah. A close friend of mine was turned into one a few years ago. I hunted him down and killed him." There was pain in his voice when he said killed. "Why?" I asked lamely. "He would've wanted me to and was grateful of me." "Grateful that you killed him?" "If you were forced to become something you didn't want to be, what would you want?" I considered that for a long moment. "I... I would want someone to kill me." "Same goes for me," he said quietly.
Now my mind played tricks on me. It showed Tyler killing me, or Mom, or his friends and suddenly he transformed into an Extended. It showed me as an Extended, killing people and then being killed by Tyler or Dimitri. Or Tyler becoming an Extended and me having to kill him when I stopped suddenly.
"What do Extended look like?" "Exactly normal. Like you and me. Very few Naturals can tell the difference, but we can fairly easily." "How?" "We can see there aura. As I mentioned earlier, they can perform spells, ergo, they have an aura. Usually, it will swirl around them either rapidly or leisurely, depending on how strong they are." "The Extended that chased us. Were they strong?"
He didn't answer and I took that as a yes and looked down. He placed his hand on mine, rubbing it comfortingly. Then removed it after a moment and searched for something to read.
"What was that pendant that you showed that woman before? How did it get us on this plane?" I asked, after a period of silence.
He reached into his shirt and revealed the necklace again. "This is proof that I graduated the Tower of Swords. When you graduate, this gives you certain privileges, such as a private jet and other things."
I nodded and shifted my gaze out to the window. My mark throbbed every now and then, and for once I was grateful because it stopped the insane visions I was having. The pain was starting to get stronger, but I remained quiet. Around three-thirty I began to doze off but managed to catch myself. I was surprised that Dimitri didn't look the least bit fatigued. He just sat in his chair, reading a magazine. I was starting to wonder if he ever slept.
"You should get some sleep," he said. "When we get to the Tower you'll be starting school so you'll need all the rest you can get." I opened my mouth to protest but he continued. "And don't say you're not tired because I see you trying not to fall asleep. We have at least five hours. I suggest you sleep." I frowned at him and tried to argue. "I never sleep on a plane; these seats are terrible." Without lifting his eyes from a page - a girl in a bikini, of course - Dimitri pushed a button on the arm rest. My chair instantly reclined and the amusement was evident in his voice. "You want a pillow? Or maybe a blanket?" This time his eyes flickered to me so he could see my childish reaction. I scowled and turned away from him. And I don't even remember falling asleep.
© 2010 Emiko |
Added on December 31, 2009 Last Updated on February 18, 2010 Tower of Swords
Chapter 10
By Emiko
Chapter 11
By Emiko
Chapter 12
By Emiko
Chapter 13
By Emiko
Chapter 14
By EmikoAuthor