A Pessimistic Human Rant

A Pessimistic Human Rant

A Story by Asmus Green

A rant of modern life's (first world) problems.

Another dreadful day of social media gawking. People get crazy ideas when they are anonymous and can write their insane brain farts out on their smart-a*s screen. Yet I find more crazy on Facebook, Twitter and whatever disaster the internet cooked up. They can show their support to a group by "liking" a picture or "sharing" an article from a pathetic "news" site. 

What freak-show can we find today? "The gay-war is far from won". Well that surely says little to nothing. When is it then? When the old farts are gone? When North Korea is biting the dust? Far from won. I'll take the bite and say that gay people's rights are as close to anyone else in the western society at this point. Was that not what you wanted? Do you expect Russia, China, North Korea to blindly follow because the USA made their contribution to the gay sociey and moved them a step closer to getting half of their marriages divorced like the rest of the western world? I dare say that if modern individuality fits any person in the world, who wishes to gain acceptance through difference by saying they are different but want to be treated the same. I dare say that the war will never be won. The same goes for religion, any sexual orientation and whatever buzzword there is. I remember when I thought the war was won. When I witnessed my mother's female cousin get married to a girl. I was 13 at the time. Seven years and the war is not over. Not that I have any offensive opinion shaped about that cousin. I simply wonder why you wish to married by completing what is a "religious" ritual. What is wrong with registered partnership? It means the same, you're just not bound by God. The pope claims he doesn't care anyway. So what are they gaining from it? Equality? Sure. Right.  

Maybe I should read the article just to get closure. Maybe it is well written. Bah! The second title reads: blah blah blah. A picture, small text: "Two men kissing is still not accepted by everyone, writes a debater". Excuse me? What did you expect? Homosexuality has been around forever, it is growing to become a more usual sight in modern society. Yet I choose to relate to people who might not enjoy watching two men kiss in public, not that it should bother me. It bothers me the same way two couples of ANY gender decides to show their boundless love right in front of all the other folk. Who is at fault? me apparently, because I judge people in love. Well s**t, ain't I the big a-hole now. Kissing couples is as annoying to me as a person randomly singing in the bus, a beggar pulling my jeans for attention or when the car won't start. I can't do much about it except for moving on with my day. 
I am the one who needs to be silenced, because I refuse to bow down to every man who thinks his ego needs to be as ordinary and accepted as any common man's problem. So much for democracy and free-speech or as I prefer to call it: Limited speech. I have a voice, I can use it. Be it on paper, on online writing services or social media. I prefer to stay quiet. I have nothing to say in the end. I can rant. I am a common man with nothing to make me special. I am probably not interesting enough to have an opinion. Mainly because it does not support the new ideas that appear. 

I still enjoy the daily bullshit, the anger makes me feel alive. Like pain, but to the mind and not the body. It may not be healthy but neither is base-jumping or drinking too much coffee. It gives energy and something to think about. A burst of energy and fresh life to the brain. Choosing the right words. Writing a story, fiction, non-fiction. Writerscafe might want to hear a young man's hate for the loved ideas. Though I'll expect the worst. In that case I will always be pleasantly surprised, maybe. 

© 2015 Asmus Green

Author's Note

Asmus Green
It is freewriting to a degree. Nothing but random, angry thoughts. I am uncertain about the genre and type. Stream of consciousness perhaps? Imagine this being an angry dialogue with yourself.

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Added on August 17, 2015
Last Updated on August 18, 2015
Tags: Rant, pessimistic, humorous, freewriting


Asmus Green
Asmus Green

Horsens, ----------- None -----------, Denmark

I'm 20 years old, live in Denmark and I wish to improve my writing. I have done some free time writing (poetry, shortstories, novels) for about three years and I have a dream of one day making it more.. more..
