Graypepper High
A Book by Fairytale
Robyn Ferris is the new kid at Graypepper Highschool. Robyn Ferris is the new kid at Graypepper Highschool. 
© 2012 Fairytale
Author's Note
If you read this, please leave a review and tell me your experience. Constructive cristicism is always welcome. Thank you to anyone who reads my work and those who leave feedback. Please give as honest feedback as possible so that I may grow as a writer.
Added on May 25, 2011
Last Updated on March 7, 2012
FairytaleSydney, city, Australia
I have a wide array of interests including writing, broadway music, food, dance, and anything fun. I love to write stories. I have recently started writing again after years of not doing anything. .. more..