![]() Into The Ground (or "What Is Happening In CT?"A Story by Matt B
Here in southwestern CT, it has not been a good week, politically speaking.
First, Democrats in the town of Fairfield won a special election for a vacant seat on the town's Board of Selectmen. Never mind that (according to the town charter) this election wasn't needed, or that voters gave the GOP a majority on the BOS during the last election. Through legal maneuvering and outright deception, Democrats now have a 2-1 majority on that body. The realization of this makes me quite upset. Unfortunately, it seems that town democrats no longer care about "the will of the people"....it's now all about "what's in it for us?" Second, legislators in Hartford have passed a bill allowing for a third casino to be built in Connecticut. Among other things, this bill also grants a no-bid contract to build such casino to the Mashantucket Pequot tribe, who are the owners of Foxwoods Casino. The vote on this measure in the House was something like 151 ayes to 36 nays. First of all, Connecticut doesn't need another casino. Instead of providing good jobs and bringing in revenue, a third casino will drive small businesses away, killing off the lifeblood of the state's economy. Don't supporters of this effort remember what happened when casinos first came to this state, around 1992? Simply put, the jai-alai frontons in Bridgeport and Milford both closed due to inability to compete. The former Bridgeport Jai-Alai is now the "Shoreline Star" simulcast center, but nobody ever goes there, at least nobody that I know. The other sub-issue here is that legislators have apparently approved a "sweetheart deal" as part of the casino package. Simulcast centers in various cities, including Bridgeport, will now be allowed to offer slots and bingo as part of their gaming options. Note to officials in Hartford; slot machines in betting parlors ARE NOT going to get this state out of the economic mess that it's in. As previously stated, it's not like those simulcast centers are packed to the rafters anyway, so "expanded options" will do no good. If there's no market for a product or service, then that product will not succeed. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Finally, politicians in Hartford appear to be close to the approval of tolls on Connecticut interstates. The state has had tolls on these roads before, but they were a colossal failure, both financially and safety-wise. Any money that was brought in (and it wasn't much) wasn't saved for a "rainy day"; instead, it went down the drain like so many other state expenditures. Hey Democrats....drivers don't want to pay extra money to a cash-strapped state just to get through the area! This bill should be voted DOWN!! All these political shenanigans are making me start to consider whether it's worth it to stay in Connecticut much longer. The state is in an economic tailspin; Connecticut has the worst economy of any US state. The only area worse off is Puerto Rico, which is not a state. Company after company has left Connecticut; that is due to the state's astronomically high taxes. Don't just take my word for it; listen to former employees of GE or Aetna Insurance (Aetna recently announced that after 150-something years in CT, they are leaving). Now, you would think that Democrats would want to get this situation under control, but they continue to propose new and higher taxes. This doesn't make sense to me at all. If new taxes are approved, the exodus of longtime state residents will continue into the foreseeable future. The attitude of the state Democratic Party is one not just of ignorance, but of stupidity, bordering on insanity. That said, by all means, keep voting Democrats into office, my fellow Connecticut voters. You're just helping to make this state unlivable. Now that I've gotten all that off my chest, did anyone see where I put my Texas home rental book? :: disappointed :: © 2017 Matt B |
Added on June 8, 2017 Last Updated on June 8, 2017 Author