

A Poem by Frank

A poem of assent on the nature of the being of God



The nature of the trinity is the core

doctrine of the Christian faith

So much so that even Roman Catholics

have it fixed like the cross in their theology


Hear O Israel The Lord out God is one

‘e had  Yah weh  e lo he nu  Yah weh  yis ra el  se ma [Deut 6:4] Interlinear Bible

The word ‘Trinity’ is not found in scripture

The nearest we find is in Col. 2:9

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the deity

Hoti en auto katoikei pan to pleroma tes Theotetos [interlinear Bible "]

Not content to let us sit on this one verse

Scripture provides one more, in parallel

God was pleased that in Him all the fullness should dwell Col. 1:19

The explanation of why this is found in John 1:14

The Word was made flesh

Kai ho Logos sarx egento kai eskenosen en hemin

And the Word flesh became and dwelt among us [literal]


Logos is The Word " a person " literally: the speaking

In the beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God

And the Word was God

He was with God in the beginning

Through Him nothing was made that has not been made

In Him was light, and that light was the light of all mankind

This New Testament is rejected by all faiths other than the Christian faith

The Jews will not accept Him as Lord

Neither will the Moslems, although they venerate him as holy

They gib at calling Him Lord, not Divine

To their credit they will not allow any to blaspheme His name: Esa


There are Christian sects and cults that

Will not honour Him as divine

Stopping short, the call Him : a god

Reminding us he lowered Himself lower than the angels

They forget He rose from the grave and ascended up on high

Some Christian sects like the Mormons are confused in their doctrine

The Quakers are confused about the person of the Holy Spirit

and call him a force, a mere force from God

The Greek Orthodox Church also confusing

the Holy Spirit, not able to say Lord

The Great Schism, they are moving towards the truth now


He made the world before He was born

He existed before time

There was never a time He did not exist in the Father’s womb

We cannot understand eternity

He was not made, He has always existed with the Father

He is the second person yet not lesser than

The Holy Spirit proceeds from both he Father rand the Son

Neither is He lesser or greater than either

In case there is confusion

Gen. 1;1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

And the spirit of God…  - moving over the surface of the waters

Verse 3 Then God said: let there be light…

So there are the three

Father - v. 1

Holy Spirit - v2

Logos - v. 3


Again, a parallel verse: Gen. 1:26

Let us make man in our own image

The plurality in God

Speaking not to angels or to man

But within that Trinity of persons

In the One God

Plm. 2:12

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,  and ye perish from the way

Blessed all they that put their trust in Him

What do the Jews make of that?

 That God consist in three persons

In absolute complete unity

Not separate as we are separate

Yet, distinct in their persons

Not acting on their own, but as one

God (head) is not separate

God (head) is One


Jesus said:

I and the Father are one - John. 10:30

He who has seen me has seen the Father " John 14:9


I could go on for hours and days even years

Augustine wrote 15 volumes on this one doctrine

Athanasius spent his whole life forming his creed

consisting of only the definition of the trinity


This tiny poem the barest bones

on a theology that is divine

To study theology is the highest

form of worship available to man


Lord if they are blind then they cannot see

until you lift the scales from their eyes

They cannot praise you

unless you remove the shackles from the tongues

They cannot hear your words

unless you allow them to hear


They will sit in darkness

in the dungeons set by you

Until you call them

by your great light

The light of the world


31 August 2015

© 2015 Frank

Author's Note

This is a poem dedicated to the Glory of God, if you hate it think on, if it upsets you think on. We have but this one life, then eternity.

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Featured Review

interesting point of view my friend. I recall they accused William Blake of being reverent of the
bible but hostile to the church in the 19th century. But isn't "church" in 2015 represented by the many religions
of the world since religion and church are both inseparable yet interdependent of each other?
And is this a poem of assent on the nature and being of God, or just biblical scriptures
that support the Christian notion of the "one God" needing worship? I love that you pull no
punches in both your demonstration and denunciation. I also love your passion and resolve
(call it bravery if you want to) to offer this as poetry on a site that features many non-Christian
Yet it was beautifully written my friend and well conceived.....dana

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Believers are the invisible church, known only to God. The world organisation is often corrupt, Jesu.. read more


Frank, I am coming back to this when my mind is more 'settled' Right now I shall look up one of your shorter ones!

Posted 9 Years Ago

interesting point of view my friend. I recall they accused William Blake of being reverent of the
bible but hostile to the church in the 19th century. But isn't "church" in 2015 represented by the many religions
of the world since religion and church are both inseparable yet interdependent of each other?
And is this a poem of assent on the nature and being of God, or just biblical scriptures
that support the Christian notion of the "one God" needing worship? I love that you pull no
punches in both your demonstration and denunciation. I also love your passion and resolve
(call it bravery if you want to) to offer this as poetry on a site that features many non-Christian
Yet it was beautifully written my friend and well conceived.....dana

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Believers are the invisible church, known only to God. The world organisation is often corrupt, Jesu.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on August 31, 2015
Last Updated on August 31, 2015



Born in Wales-retired engineer-married with sons and grand sons-writing is a release-poetry a joy-so little time to do all the thing I wish to do. I have worked in places around the world and Europe a.. more..

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